Commonwealth Coat of Arms

LIN 23/016

Migration (Granting of contributory parent visas, parent visas and other family visas in financial year 2022/2023) Instrument (LIN 23/016) 2023

I, Andrew Giles, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, make this instrument under paragraph 85(1)(b) of the Migration Act 1958.

Dated 24 May 2023


Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs




1 Name

2 Commencement

3 Definitions

4 Maximum number of visas – Contributory Parent visas

5 Maximum number of visas – Parent visas

6 Maximum number of visas – Other Family visas

7 Repeal

8 Self-repeal

1 Name

  This instrument is the Migration (Granting of contributory parent visas, parent visas and other family visas in financial year 2022/2023) Instrument (LIN 23/016) 2023.

2 Commencement

  This instrument commences on the day after registration.

3 Definitions

 (1) In this instrument:

Contributory Parent visa means a visa in one of the following classes within the meaning given by Schedule 1 to the Regulations:

(a)   Contributory Parent (Migrant) (Class CA) visa;

(b)   Contributory Aged Parent (Residence) (Class DG) visa;

(c)   Contributory Parent (Temporary) (Class UT) visa;

(d)   Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) (Class UU) visa.

Other Family visa means a visa in one of the following classes within the meaning given by Schedule 1 to the Regulations:

(a)   Other Family (Migrant) (Class BO) visa;

(b)   Other Family (Residence) (Class BU) visa.

Parent visa means a visa in one of the following classes within the meaning given by Schedule 1 to the Regulations:

(a)   Parent (Migrant) (Class AX) visa;

(b)   Aged Parent (Residence) (Class BP) visa.

Regulations means the Migration Regulations 1994.

4 Maximum number of visas – Contributory Parent visas

(1)         A maximum of 6,800 Contributory Parent visas may be granted in the 2022- 2023 financial year between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023.

(2)         Of the maximum number of Contributory Parent visas determined in subsection (1), a maximum of 112 visas may be granted to applicants for the Contributory Parent (Migrant) (Class CA) visa who are seeking to satisfy either:

(a)   the primary criteria set out in clause 143.214 of Schedule 2 to the Regulations; or

(b)   the secondary criteria set out in clause 143.313 of Schedule 2 to the Regulations.


5 Maximum number of visas – Parent visas

(1)         A maximum of 1,700 Parent visas may be granted in the 2022- 2023 financial year between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023.

(2)         Of the maximum number of Parent visas determined in subsection (1), a maximum of 13 visas may be granted to applicants for the Parent (Migrant) (Class AX) visa who are seeking to satisfy either:

(c)   the primary criteria set out in clause 143.214 of Schedule 2 to the Regulations; or

(d)   the secondary criteria set out in clause 143.313 of Schedule 2 to the Regulations.

6 Maximum number of visas – Other Family visas

  A maximum of 500 Other Family visas may be granted in the 2022-2023 financial year between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023.  

7 Repeal

Migration (Granting of contributory parent visas, parent visas and other family visas in the 2021/2022 financial year) Instrument (LIN 22/006) 2022 is repealed on commencement of this instrument.

 8 Self-repeal

  This instrument is repealed on 1 July 2023.