Title: Coat of Arms - Description: Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia


Remuneration Tribunal (Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Parttime Public Office) Determination (No. 1) 2023

We, the members of the Remuneration Tribunal, make the following determination.

Dated 8 June 2023





John Conde AO

Heather Zampatti

Stephen Conry AM










Part 1—Preliminary

1 Name

2 Commencement

3 When this instrument takes effect

4 Authority

5 Determination supersedes previous determination

6 Schedules

7 Simplified outline of this instrument

8 Definitions

Part 2—General provisions

9 Fees are gross fees

10 Remuneration packaging

11 Employer shortfall exemption certificate

12 Other holders of parttime public office

Part 3—Annual fees

13 Simplified outline of this Part

14 Application of this Part

15 Payment of annual fees

16 Annual fees

17 Special provisions for certain offices

Part 4—Daily fees

18 Simplified outline of this Part

19 Application of this Part

20 Payment of daily fees

21 Calculation of daily fees

22 Daily fees

23 Special provisions for certain offices

24 Specified professional committees

Part 5—Annual meeting fees and additional daily fees

25 Simplified outline of this Part

26 Application of this Part

27 Payment of annual meeting fees

28 Payment of additional daily fees

29 Authority business—exclusion

30 Calculation of additional daily fees

31 Annual meeting fees and additional daily fees

32 Special provisions for certain offices

Part 6—Base fees and meeting fees

33 Simplified outline of this Part

34 Application of this Part

35 Payment of base fees

36 Payment of meeting fees

37 Base fees and meeting fees

38 Special provisions for certain offices

Part 7—Aboriginal Land Councils fees

39 Simplified outline of this Part

40 Application of this Part

41 Payment of daily fees

42 Calculation of daily fees

43 Travel tier

44 Daily fees

Schedule 1—Repeals

Remuneration Tribunal (Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Parttime Public Office) Determination 2022

Part 1Preliminary


1  Name

  This instrument is the Remuneration Tribunal (Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Parttime Public Office) Determination (No. 1) 2023.

2  Commencement

 (1) Each provision of this instrument specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




1.  The whole of this instrument

The day after this instrument is registered.


Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this instrument as originally made. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this instrument.

 (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this instrument. Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in any published version of this instrument.

3  When this instrument takes effect

 (1) Subject to subsection (2), this instrument takes effect when it commences.

 (2) The item of Table 3A that deals with the Chair of the Tax Practitioners Board takes effect on 29 May 2023.

4  Authority

  This instrument is made under subsections 7(3) and (4) of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973.

5  Determination supersedes previous determination

  This instrument supersedes the Remuneration Tribunal (Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Parttime Public Office) Determination 2022.

6  Schedules

  Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.

7  Simplified outline of this instrument

This instrument is structured so that Part 2 contains general provisions, and each of Parts 3 to 7 contains the provisions for a specific remuneration model, as follows:

 Part 3 applies to office holders remunerated by annual fees;

 Part 4 applies to office holders remunerated by daily fees;

 Part 5 applies to office holders who are remunerated under an annual meeting fee and additional daily fee model;

 Part 6 applies to office holders who are remunerated under a base (annual) fee and (daily) meeting fee model;

 Part 7 applies to offices of the Aboriginal Land Councils.

8  Definitions

Note: A number of expressions used in this instrument are defined in the Act, including office and public office.

  In this instrument:

ADF Super member has the same meaning as in the Australian Defence Force Superannuation Act 2015.

agency, of an office holder, means:

 (a) the agency to which the office holder is attached; or

 (b) if the office holder is not attached to an agency—the portfolio Department.

authority is the body or office to which an office holder is appointed.

authority business means any authority business conducted by an office holder with the authority’s approval, but does not include the following:

 (a) attendance at a formal meeting;

 (b) official travel time on a meeting day;

 (c) normal preparation time for a formal meeting (although time spent by the office holder preparing for a formal meeting may be treated as authority business if the Chair considers the time excessive to normal preparation time).

CSS (short for Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme) has the same meaning as in the Superannuation Act 1976.

DFRDB (short for Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits) means the scheme established by the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Act 1973.

employing authority, in relation to an office holder, means an entity exercising a power or performing a function in relation to the office holder’s employment or remuneration.

fringe benefits tax means fringe benefits tax (within the meaning of the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 as it applies of its own force or because of the Fringe Benefits Tax (Application to the Commonwealth) Act 1986).

MSBS (short for Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme) has the same meaning as Scheme has in the Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991.

normal preparation time means the time that a member of an authority (including the Chair or a Deputy Chair) ordinarily requires to prepare for a meeting of the authority. It can occur on either a day of a meeting or on another day.

office holder means the holder of a parttime public office.

official travel determination means the Remuneration Tribunal (Official Travel) Determination 2022 (or any determination that supersedes that determination).

official travel time is the reasonable period, certified by a Chair, that an office holder spends travelling on official business away from the town or city in which the office holder’s principal place of residence is located. The Chair may consider agency travel guidelines (if any) when determining the reasonable period.

PSS (short for Public Sector Superannuation Scheme) has the same meaning as Public Sector Superannuation Scheme has in the Superannuation Act 1990.

PSSAP (short for Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan) has the same meaning as in the Superannuation Act 2005.

specified professional committee means a professional committee specified in Table 4C.

Table 2A means the table of daily fees in subsection 12(1).

Table 3A means the table of annual fees in section 16.

Table 3B means the table of special provisions for certain offices in section 17.

Table 4A means the table of daily fees in section 22.

Table 4B means the table of special provisions for certain offices in section 23.

Table 4C means the table of specified professional committees in section 24.

Table 5A means the table of annual meeting fees and additional daily fees in section 31.

Table 5B means the table of special provisions for certain offices in section 32.

Table 6A means the table of base fees and meeting fees in section 37.

Table 6B means the table of special provisions for certain offices in section 38.

Table 7B means the table of daily fees for holders of public offices in Aboriginal Land Councils in section 44.

Part 2General provisions


9  Fees are gross fees

  Fees set out in this instrument are gross fees, and no additional amount is payable by the employing authority to meet any taxation obligations.

10  Remuneration packaging

 (1) An employing authority may provide access to remuneration packaging to office holders.

 (2) An office holder may elect to take the fees and allowances payable under this instrument either as a cash payment, or a combination of a cash payment and other benefits.

 (3) An election made in accordance with subsection (2) must be consistent with:

 (a) applicable agency policies and procedures on remuneration packaging; and

 (b) relevant taxation laws, rulings and guidelines issued by the Australian Taxation Office.

 (4) Remuneration packaging must be administered without additional cost to the employing authority and any fringe benefits tax associated with a benefit must be included in the remuneration package.

11  Employer shortfall exemption certificate

 (1) This section applies to an office holder if:

 (a) the office holder is not a member of the CSS, DFRDB, MSBS, PSS or PSSAP, or an ADF Super member; and

 (b) an employer shortfall exemption certificate has been issued under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 to the office holder in relation to:

 (i) the office holder’s employer; and

 (ii) a quarter in a financial year.

 (2) Any remuneration payable to the office holder in accordance with this instrument in respect of the quarter is to be increased by the amount of the minimum contribution that would (if the certificate had not been issued), under section 23 of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992, reduce the charge percentage for the office holder to nil.

12  Other holders of parttime public office

 (1) The following daily fees apply to offices that are not specified in Part 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.


Table 2A—Other office holders

Column 1

Kind of office

Column 2

Daily fee






 (2) Fees set out in subsection (1) are to be paid in accordance with Part 4.

 (3) For the purposes of the official travel determination, travel tier 2 applies to an office holder whose fees are set out in subsection (1).

Note: This instrument applies only to offices that are public offices (see the definition of public office in subsection 3(4) of the Act).

Part 3Annual fees


13  Simplified outline of this Part

This Part applies to office holders who receive an annual fee. It sets out the way fees are paid and the activities covered by the fee. Table 3A sets out the following:

 the individual public offices remunerated by annual fees;

 the fees payable to Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Members (where applicable);

 any additional provisions or conditions that apply to the office;

 the travel tier for the office.

14  Application of this Part

  This Part applies to office holders whose annual fees are set out in Table 3A.

15  Payment of annual fees

 (1) The annual fees set out in Table 3A are payable on a periodic basis throughout each year. Part years are paid on a proportionate basis. The annual fee covers all activities undertaken by the office holder in performing the duties of their office.

Reduction for lengthy absence

 (2) The annual fee is proportionally reduced where an office holder is unavailable to perform the duties of their office for a period of more than 3 months, except to the extent that a reduction would be inconsistent with the terms of the office holder’s appointment.

16  Annual fees

  The following table (Table 3A) sets out, for each office holder or authority in column 1:

 (a) if column 1 specifies an office holder—the annual fee for the office holder; and

 (b) if column 1 specifies an authority—the annual fee for one or more of the following office holders in relation to the authority:

 (i) the Chair;

 (ii) a Deputy Chair;

 (iii) a member other than the Chair or a Deputy Chair; and

 (c) the special provisions (if any) of this instrument that apply to the office holder or office holders; and

 (d) the travel tier that applies to the office holder or office holders for the purposes of the official travel determination.

Note: Some authorities specified in column 1 have office holders who receive daily fees under Part 4, who are not covered by this instrument because they hold office on a fulltime basis, or who do not receive fees.


Table 3A—Annual fees

Column 1

Office or authority

Column 2


Column 3

Deputy Chair

Column 4


Column 5

Special provisions

Column 6

Travel tier

Medical Services Advisory Committee






NBN Co Limited






Snowy Hydro Limited




Table 3B, item 1


Future Fund






Commonwealth Grants Commission






Australia Post




Table 3B, items 1, 6 and 7


Australian Broadcasting Corporation






Airservices Australia






ASC Pty Ltd




Table 3B, items 2 and 8


Australian Rail Track Corporation




Table 3B, items 2 and 21


Independent National Security Legislation Monitor






WSA Co Limited




Table 3B, item 2


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation




Table 3B, items 2 and 18


Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation




Table 3B, items 2 and 4

See Table 3B, item 4

Financial Regulator Assessment Authority






National Disability Insurance Agency




Table 3B, items 2, 9, 10 and 11


Tax Practitioners Board



Daily fee



National Reconstruction Fund Corporation






Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility




Table 3B, item 2


Australian Digital Health Agency Board




Table 3B, item 12


Australian Maritime Safety Authority




Table 3B, item 2


Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd




Table 3B, item 2


Board of Taxation






Civil Aviation Safety Authority Board




Table 3B, item 2


Defence Housing Australia




Table 3B, item 2


Export Finance and Insurance Corporation




Table 3B, item 2


High Speed Rail Authority Board






Infrastructure Australia






Murray‑Darling Basin Authority






National Intermodal Corporation Limited






Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority



Daily fee

Table 3B, item 5

See Table 3B, item 5

Clean Energy Finance Corporation






Foreign Investment Review Board






National Health and Medical Research Council




Table 3B, item 4

See Table 3B, item 4

National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation




Table 3B, item 2


Northern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation






Special Broadcasting Service






Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Ltd



Daily fee

Table 3B, item 5

See Table 3B, item 5

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Board




Table 3B, item 2


Financial Reporting Council



Daily fee



Innovation and Science Australia Board




Table 3B, items 4 and 13

See Table 3B, item 4

Tourism Australia




Table 3B, item 2


Australian Renewable Energy Agency




Table 3B, item 3


Australian Sports Commission




Table 3B, item 2


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority






Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission






Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority Board






Food Standards Australia New Zealand




Table 3B, item 3


Independent Hospital Pricing Authority






International Air Services Commission






National Health and Medical Research Council—Research Committee






Prostheses List Advisory Committee






Regional Investment Corporation Board




Table 3B, item 2


Aboriginal Hostels Limited




Table 3B, item 20


Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care






Australian Electoral Commission






Australian Fisheries Management Authority Commission






Australian Hearing Services




Table 3B, item 2


Australian Heritage Council






Australian Heritage Council—Associate Member






Australian Institute of Health and Welfare






Grains Research and Development Corporation




Table 3B, item 2


Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority






Indigenous Business Australia




Table 3B, items 2 and 14


Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation




Table 3B, item 2


National School Resourcing Board






Outback Stores Pty Ltd






Prime Minister’s Indigenous Advisory Council



Daily fee



Referendum Council, Co‑Chair



Daily fee



Wine Australia






Australian Medical Research Advisory Board






Cancer Australia Advisory Council




Table 3B, item 15


National Health and Medical Research Council—Australian Health Ethics Committee






National Health and Medical Research Council—All other Principal Committees






National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority Board






Army and Air Force Canteen Service (AAFCANS)




Table 3B, item 2


Australia Council




Table 3B, items 3, 22 and 23


Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee






Climate Change Authority






Fisheries Research and Development Corporation






National Capital Authority






National Rural Advisory Council






Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation




Table 3B, item 3


Safe Work Australia






Screen Australia




Table 3B, item 3


Australian Film Television and Radio School—Council




Table 3B, items 2 and 16


Australian Institute of Marine Science Council




Table 3B, item 3


Australian War Memorial Council




Table 3B, item 19


Cotton Research and Development Corporation






National Gallery of Australia Council






Radiation Health and Safety Advisory Council






Sydney Harbour Federation Trust




Table 3B, item 2


Australian National Maritime Museum Council






National Film and Sound Archive






National Library of Australia Council






National Museum of Australia Council






National Portrait Gallery of Australia






Old Parliament House Board






Australian Institute of Health and Welfare—Ethics Committee






Australian Statistics Advisory Council




Table 3B, item 4

See Table 3B, item 4

Classification Review Board


Daily fee

Daily fee



Creative Partnerships Australia






Defence Strategic Reform Advisory Board






Public Lending Right Committee






Asbestos Safety and Eradication Council



Daily fee



Northern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation Grants Committee






Northern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation Investment Committee






Innovation and Science Australia Committee




Table 3B, item 13


Northern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation Audit and Risk Committee






Reserve Bank of Australia




Table 3B, item 1


Australian Transport Safety Bureau Commission, Commissioner






Payments System Board






Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee




Table 3B, item 17


Clean Energy Regulator







17  Special provisions for certain offices

  The provisions in column 2 of the following table (Table 3B) apply for the purposes of paragraph 16(c).


Table 3B—Special provisions for certain offices


Column 1


Column 2

Special provision


Audit fees

A member (other than the Chair or Deputy Chair) who is also appointed to an Audit Committee (however named) is entitled to additional fees as follows:

(a) for the Chair of the Audit Committee—$23,050 per year;

(b) for a member of the Audit Committee—$11,530 per year.


Audit fees

A member (other than the Chair or Deputy Chair) who is also appointed to an Audit Committee (however named) is entitled to additional fees as follows:

(a) for the Chair of the Audit Committee—$16,770 per year;

(b) for a member of the Audit Committee—$8,390 per year.


Audit fees

A member (other than the Chair or Deputy Chair) who is also appointed to an Audit Committee (however named) is entitled to additional fees as follows:

(a) for the Chair of the Audit Committee—$10,160 per year;

(b) for a member of the Audit Committee—$5,080 per year.


Travel tier

The Chair is entitled to tier 1 travel arrangements. Other members or directors are entitled to tier 2 travel arrangements.


Travel tier

The Chair and Deputy Chair are entitled to tier 1 travel arrangements. Other members or directors are entitled to tier 2 travel arrangements.


Australia Post

A member (other than the Chair or Deputy Chair) who is also appointed to the People and Sustainability Committee is entitled to additional fees as follows:

(a) for the Chair of the People and Sustainability Committee—$19,640 per year;

(b) for a member of the People and Sustainability Committee—$9,830 per year.


Australia Post—Deputy Chair

The Deputy Chair is entitled to additional fees as follows:

(a) if the Deputy Chair is also appointed as Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee—$23,050 per year;

(b) if the Deputy Chair is also appointed as a member of the Audit and Risk Committee—$11,530 per year.


ASC Pty Ltd

A member (other than the Chair or Deputy Chair) who is also appointed to the Business Assurance and Security Committee (the BAS Committee) is entitled to additional fees as follows:

(a) for the Chair of the BAS Committee—$16,110 per year;

(b) for a member of the BAS Committee—$8,060 per year.


National Disability Insurance Agency

A member (other than the Chair) who is also appointed to the Sustainability Committee is entitled to additional fees as follows:

(a) for the Chair of the Sustainability Committee—$12,550 per year;

(b) for a member of the Sustainability Committee (other than Dr Peta Seaton)—$6,280 per year;

(c) for Dr Peta Seaton, while she is a member of the Sustainability Committee—$3,140 per year.


National Disability Insurance Agency

Dr Peta Seaton is to receive, while she occupies the office of member, an annual fee of $53,349 instead of the amount in column 4 of Table 3A.


National Disability Insurance Agency

Dr Denis Napthine is to receive, while he occupies the office of member, an annual fee of $53,349 instead of the amount in column 4 of Table 3A.


Australian Digital Health Agency Board

A member (other than the Chair) who is also appointed to chair a Standing Advisory Committee is entitled to an additional fee of $10,920 per year.


Innovation and Science Australia Board

The Chair and Members of the Innovation and Science Australia Board are to receive remuneration for only one committee.


Indigenous Business Australia

A member (other than the Chair or Deputy Chair) who is also appointed to the Finance, Investment and Products Committee is entitled to additional fees as follows:

(a) for the Chair of the Finance, Investment and Products Committee—$12,550 per year;

(b) for a member of the Finance, Investment and Products Committee—$6,280 per year.


Cancer Australia Advisory Council

The Hon Jillian Skinner is to receive an annual member fee of $34,980 instead of the amount in column 4 of Table 3A.


Australian Film Television and Radio School—Council

A member (other than the Chair) who is also appointed Chair of the Academic Board is entitled to an additional fee of $12,550 per year.


Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC)

A member (other than the Chair or Deputy Chair) who is a PBAC Executive subcommittee member is entitled to an additional fee of $11,040 per year.


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation—committees

A member (other than the Chair) who chairs either of the following committees is entitled to an additional fee of $12,000 per year:

(a) the People and Safety Committee;

(b) the Science Excellence Committee.


Australian War Memorial Council

During the period beginning on 21 October 2019 and ending on 30 June 2028:

(a) the Chair of the Australian War Memorial Council is entitled to an additional fee of $30,000 per year; and

(b) other members of the Australian War Memorial Council are entitled to an additional fee of $15,000 per year.


Aboriginal Hostels Limited

A member (other than the Chair) who is also appointed to the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee or the Asset Management Committee is entitled to additional fees as follows:

(a) for the Chair of the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee—$16,770 per year;

(b) for a member of the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee—$8,390 per year;

(c) for the Chair of the Asset Management Committee—$8,390 per year;

(d) for a member of the Asset Management Committee—$4,200 per year.

A member who is covered by more than one of the above paragraphs receives only the highest additional fee for any of the paragraphs that applies to the member.


Australian Rail Track Corporation

While the Hon Katrina Hodgkinson occupies the office of Member she is to receive an annual fee of $59,900 instead of the amount in column 4 of Table 3A.


Australia Council

The Hon Don Harwin is to receive, while he occupies the office of member, an annual fee of $34,406 instead of the amount in column 4 of Table 3A.


Australia Council

Despite item 3 of this table, the Hon Don Harwin is to receive, while he is a member of the Audit Committee (however named) of the Australia Council, a fee of $2,543 per year.


Part 4Daily fees


18  Simplified outline of this Part

This Part applies to office holders who receive a daily fee. It sets out the conditions that must be met for payment of fees, including certification of hours and minimum claim and maximum payment arrangements. Table 4A identifies the following:

 the individual public offices remunerated by daily fees;

 the fees payable to Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Members (where applicable);

 any additional provisions or conditions that apply to the office;

 the travel tier for the office.

This Part also applies to office holders whose daily fees are set out in Table 2A.

19  Application of this Part

  This Part applies to:

 (a) office holders whose daily fees are set out in Table 2A; and

 (b) office holders whose daily fees are set out in Table 4A.

20  Payment of daily fees

 (1) The daily fees set out in Tables 2A and 4A are payable in accordance with this Part.

Note 1: If a person undertakes activities for which the person receives an annual fee under this instrument, the person is not entitled to a daily fee for those activities.

Note 2: If a person undertakes activities for which the person does not receive an annual fee under this instrument, the person is entitled to only one daily fee under this instrument for those activities.

Certification of time

 (2) For an office holder other than the Chair, daily fees may only be paid after the Chair certifies the total time claimed by the office holder, including any official travel time.

 (3) However, if the Chair is absent from a meeting, the office holder’s daily fees which relate to that meeting may only be paid after the nominated presiding officer for the meeting certifies the total time claimed by the office holder for the day or days to which those fees relate.

 (4) For the Chair, daily fees may only be paid after the total time claimed by the Chair is certified in accordance with the terms set out in the Chair’s appointment or under governance arrangements approved by the responsible portfolio minister or employing authority.

Maximum payment

 (5) The maximum payable for any one day is one daily fee.

Minimum claim

 (6) Unless the employing authority determines otherwise, the minimum amount that may be claimed for payment at any one time is one daily fee.

21  Calculation of daily fees

Meeting days

 (1) The amount of a daily fee paid to an office holder for a meeting day is:

 (a) if the office holder’s qualifying meeting day time is less than 2 hours—40% of the daily fee; or

 (b) if the office holder’s qualifying meeting day time is at least 2 hours and less than 3 hours—60% of the daily fee; or

 (c) otherwise—100% of the daily fee.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), qualifying meeting day time is time that an office holder spends on a meeting day:

 (a) attending a formal meeting; or

 (b) on authority business; or

 (c) on official travel time.

Nonmeeting days

 (3) The amount of a daily fee paid to an office holder for a nonmeeting day is 20% of the daily fee set out in Table 4A for each hour, to a maximum of 5 hours per day, that the office holder spends:

 (a) on authority business; or

 (b) on official travel time.

Note: Normal preparation time must not be taken into account in working out fees under this section (see paragraph (c) of the definition of authority business in section 8).

22  Daily fees

  The following table (Table 4A) sets out, for each office or authority in column 1:

 (a) if column 1 specifies an office—the daily fee for the office holder; and

 (b) if column 1 specifies an authority—the daily fee for each of the following office holders in relation to the authority:

 (i) the Chair;

 (ii) a Deputy Chair;

 (iii) a member other than the Chair or a Deputy Chair; and

 (c) the special provisions (if any) of this instrument that apply to the office holder or office holders; and

 (d) the travel tier that applies to the office holder or office holders for the purposes of the official travel determination.

Note: Some offices or authorities specified in column 1 have office holders who receive annual fees under Part 3 or annual meeting fees under Part 5, who are not covered by this instrument because they hold office on a fulltime basis, or who do not receive fees.


Table 4A—Daily fees

Column 1

Office or authority

Column 2


Column 3

Deputy Chair

Column 4


Column 5

Special provisions

Column 6

Travel tier

Inspector of the National AntiCorruption Commission






Companies Auditors Disciplinary Board






Independent Reviewer appointed under the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct






Professional Services Review—Committees






Professional Services Review—Determining Authority

See Part 6



Table 4B, item 1


Financial Services and Credit Panel






Australian Medical Research Advisory Board






InspectorGeneral of Biosecurity




Table 4B, item 2


InspectorGeneral of Live Animal Exports




Table 4B, item 18


Specialist Medical Review Council—Convenor or Councillor




Table 4B, item 3


Administrative Review Council






Advisory Committee on the Environmental Management of Industrial Chemicals






Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)






Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority—Vigilance and Surveillance Expert Advisory Committee






Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal






Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee






Family Law Council






Gene Technology Ethics and Community Consultative Committee




Table 4B, item 4


Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee




Table 4B, item 4


Innovation and Science Australia Committee—NonBoard Member






National Disability Insurance Agency—Advisory Council






National Mental Health Commission (Chair or Commissioner)






National Transport Commission






Repatriation Medical Authority




Table 4B, item 5


Scientific Advisory Group (Biosecurity)






Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority






Specified professional committees (see Table 4C)






Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency—Chief Commissioner and Commissioners






Threatened Species Scientific Committee






TransTasman IP Attorneys Board






TransTasman IP Attorneys Disciplinary Tribunal






Tuition Protection Service Advisory Board






Aged Care Quality and Safety Advisory Council






Ambassador for Women and Girls






Australia Council, Sector Strategy Panels






Australian Community Pharmacy Authority






Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority Advisory Board






Commission for International Agricultural Research






Disability Standards Review Panel






Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Selection Committees






Fuel Standards Consultative Committee






Indigenous Advisory Committee established by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999






Land Sector Carbon and Biodiversity Board






Ministerial Council on Asylum Seekers and Detention






National Blood Authority






National Data Advisory Council






National Faster Rail Agency—Expert Panel






National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Advisory Council






National Soils Advocate




Table 4B, item 19


Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee






Selection Committees for Research and Development Corporations




Table 4B, item 6


Special Envoy for Human Rights






Sport Integrity Australia Advisory Council






Wine Australia Selection Committee






Veterans’ Review Board (Senior Member or Member)






Australian Strategic Policy Institute






Future Drought Fund Consultative Committee






Geographical Indications Committee






Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Veterans’ Mental Health



No Fee



ABC Advisory Council






Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation






Committees of Research and Development Corporations




Table 4B, item 7


Editorial Advisory Board




Table 4B, item 8


Higher Education Standards Panel






Management Advisory Committees, Australian Fisheries Management Authority






National Archives of Australia Advisory Council






National Customs Brokers Licensing Advisory Committee






Religious Advisory Committee to the Services






Statutory Fishing Rights Allocation Review Panel






APS Reconsideration Committee






Booderee Board of Management






CSIRO Advisory Committees






Defence Force Case Assessment Panel






Kakadu Board of Management






Land Sector Carbon and Biodiversity Board—Committees






Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme Reconsideration Committee






National Health and Medical Research Council—Commissioner of Complaints






UluruKata Tjuta Board of Management






Defence Families of Australia—Defence Family Advocate






Defence Families of Australia—National Communications Officer






Defence Families of Australia—National Delegates






Defence Families of Australia—National Policy Officer






Ministerial Advisory Committee on Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections




Table 4B, item 9


Examiner, Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission




Table 4B, item 10


Australian Energy Regulator






Registration and Disciplinary Committees (Bankruptcy Practitioners)






Registration and Disciplinary Committees (Corporate Insolvency Practitioners)






Australian Communications and Media Authority—Associate Member






Australian Competition and Consumer Commission—Associate Member




Table 4B, item 11


Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority

Annual fee

Annual fee




Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Ltd

Annual fee

Annual fee




Fair Work Commission Expert Panel Member




Table 4B, item 12


National Science and Technology Council






Tax Practitioners Board—Member






Auditing and Assurance Standards Board






Australian Accounting Standards Board






Financial Reporting Council

Annual fee





Classification Review Board

Annual fee



Table 4B, item 13


Defence Force Advocate




Table 4B, items 14 and 15


Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal






Pharmaceutical Benefits Remuneration Tribunal






Productivity Commission Associate Commissioner






Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee—Review Members






Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation

Annual meeting fee





Climate Change Authority Associate Member






Australian Digital Health Agency—Standing Advisory Committees

Annual fee





Australian National Maritime Museum—Committee (nonBoard member)






Tax Practitioners Board—Committee Member

Annual fee





National School Resourcing Board

Annual fee

Annual fee




Prime Minister’s Indigenous Advisory Council

Annual fee





Referendum Council

Annual fee





Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Ethics Committee

Annual fee





Australia Council, Peer Assessment Panel Members






National Rural Advisory Council—Specialist Committees






Asbestos Safety and Eradication Council

Annual fee





Torres Strait Regional Authority




Table 4B, item 16


Torres Strait Regional Authority Member Advisory Committees






Australian Bravery Decorations Council

No fee


No fee



Council for the Order of Australia

No fee


No fee



Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission

No fee


No fee

Table 4B, item 17


National Emergency Medal Committee

No fee


No fee




23  Special provisions for certain offices

  The provisions in column 2 of the following table (Table 4B) apply for the purposes of paragraph 22(c).


Table 4B—Special provisions for certain offices


Column 1


Column 2

Special provision


Professional Services Review—Determining Authority

The following are to be paid in accordance with Part 6 instead of this Part:

(a) the Chair;

(b) the nonpractitioner member mentioned in paragraph 106ZPA(1)(b) of the Health Insurance Act 1973;

(c) the member appointed, as mentioned in paragraph 106ZPA(1)(c) of that Act, as a medical practitioner (within the meaning of that Act). To avoid doubt, this does not include a member who is a medical practitioner but whose appointment relates to another kind of practitioner (within the meaning of Part VAA of that Act).


InspectorGeneral of Biosecurity

The daily fee is capped at 175 days per year.


Specialist Medical Review Council

In addition to the relevant daily fee, the Convenor is to receive a retainer of $30,320 per year. A councillor who is appointed as a presiding councillor under subsection 196ZK(3) of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 is to receive a retainer of $20,460 per year in addition to the relevant daily fee.


Gene Technology Committees

An Expert Advisor appointed to either the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee or the Gene Technology Ethics and Community Consultative Committee is to receive $901 per day and is entitled to Tier 1 Travel.


Repatriation Medical Authority

In addition to the relevant daily fee, retainers of $60,540 per year for the Chair and $40,370 per year for Members are payable.


Selection Committees for Research and Development Corporations

This entry refers to Selection Committees established under Part 4 of the Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989.


Committees of Research and Development Corporations

This entry refers to committees established under Part 2 of the Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989.


Editorial Advisory Board

Subject to a minimum payment of $3,518 per year.


Ministerial Advisory Committee on Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections (MACBBVSTI)

Members appointed as organisational representatives, such as Federal Parliamentarians and State or Territory officials, do not receive the travel allowance determined for MACBBVSTI Members if they have an entitlement to travel allowance from a different source.


Examiner, Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission

The maximum amount an Examiner who is paid by way of daily fees can be paid in one year is $254,140.


Australian Competition and Consumer Commission—Associate Member (Agriculture)

The office holder is to receive an annual fee of $274,370 while working the equivalent of 3 days per week, in accordance with Part 3, instead of the amount in column 4 of Table 4A.


Fair Work Commission—Expert Panel Member

Fees for all official business are to be calculated in accordance with subsection 21(3). Subsection 21(1) does not apply.


Classification Review Board

When the Deputy Convenor acts as Convenor, the Deputy Convenor is entitled to the remuneration and other conditions determined for the Convenor.


Defence Force Advocate

The daily fee specified in Table 4A is payable when the Advocate undertakes tasks that do not require the advocacy and legal advice skills of a Senior Counsel. Fees payable for advocacy and legal advice that the Department certifies as within the Advocate’s functions under section 58T of the Defence Act 1903, and requiring the skills of a Senior Counsel or a King’s Counsel, is to be at the rate of $3,500 per day.


Defence Force Advocate

Section 21 does not apply. Daily fees (including daily fees affected by item 14 of this table) are to be calculated pro rata on the basis of a 6hour working day.


Torres Strait Regional Authority

Section 21 does not apply. Office holders are to be paid in accordance with the following conditions:

(a) for formal meetings or authority business aggregating 6 hours or more on any one day—100% of the daily fee;

(b) for formal meetings or authority business aggregating 3 hours or more but less than 6 hours on any one day—60% of the daily fee;

(c) for formal meetings or authority business aggregating less than 3 hours on any one day—40% of the daily fee.

When working out an aggregate mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) for a day that falls within the 12month period beginning when the Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Determination (No. 2) 2023 commences, official travel that occurs on that day is to be included in the aggregate (even if no formal meetings or authority business take place on that day).


Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission

Where a member has an entitlement to Tier 1 travel by virtue of a fulltime appointment, that entitlement also applies to this office.


InspectorGeneral of Live Animal Exports

The daily fee is capped at 120 days per year.


National Soils Advocate

The daily fee is capped at 100 days per year.


24  Specified professional committees

  The following table (Table 4C) sets out the specified professional committees.


Table 4C—Specified professional committees


Professional committee


Advisory Committee on Biologicals


Advisory Committee on Chemicals Scheduling


Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicines


Advisory Committee on Medical Devices


Advisory Committee on Medicines


Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling


Advisory Committee on Vaccines


Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care—Expert Committees


Independent Hospital Pricing Authority Clinical Advisory Committee


Medicare Participation Review Committees


National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council


Pharmaceutical Services Federal Committee of Inquiry


Part 5Annual meeting fees and additional daily fees


25  Simplified outline of this Part

This Part applies to office holders who receive an annual meeting fee and additional daily fee. The annual meeting fee compensates for formal meetings of the authority with the additional daily fee payable for authority business unrelated to the formal meetings.

This Part sets out the conditions that must be met for payment of both the annual meeting fee and the additional daily fee, including certification of hours and minimum claim and maximum payment arrangements. Table 5A identifies the following:

 the individual public offices remunerated by annual meeting and additional daily fees;

 the fees payable to Chairs and Members (where applicable);

 any additional provisions or conditions that apply to the office, including any caps that apply to the additional daily fee;

 the travel tier for the office.

26  Application of this Part

  This Part applies to office holders whose annual meeting fees and additional daily fees are set out in Table 5A.

27  Payment of annual meeting fees

 (1) The annual meeting fees set out in Table 5A are payable on a periodic basis throughout each year. Part years are paid on a proportionate basis. The annual meeting fee covers the following:

 (a) attendance at all formal meetings of the authority (regardless of their duration);

 (b) any preparation time for the formal meetings;

 (c) any official travel time associated with the formal meetings.

Reduction for lengthy absence

 (2) The annual meeting fee is proportionally reduced where an office holder is unavailable to attend meetings of the authority for a period of more than 3 months, except to the extent that a reduction would be inconsistent with the terms of the office holder’s appointment.

28  Payment of additional daily fees

 (1) The additional daily fees set out in Table 5A are payable for time spent on authority business in accordance with this Part and as calculated under section 30.

Note 1: If a person undertakes activities for which the person receives an annual fee under this instrument, the person is not entitled to a daily fee for those activities.

Note 2: If a person undertakes activities for which the person does not receive an annual fee under this instrument, the person is entitled to only one daily fee under this instrument for those activities.

Certification of time

 (2) For an office holder other than the Chair, additional daily fees may only be paid after the Chair certifies the total time claimed by the office holder, including any official travel time that is not associated with a formal meeting.

 (3) For the Chair, additional daily fees may only be paid after the total time claimed by the Chair is certified in accordance with the terms set out in the Chair’s appointment or under governance arrangements approved by the responsible portfolio minister or employing authority.

Maximum payment

 (4) The maximum payable for any one day is one additional daily fee.

Minimum claim

 (5) Unless the employing authority determines otherwise, the minimum amount that may be claimed for payment at any one time is one additional daily fee.

Annual cap

 (6) If Table 5A sets out a cap on additional daily fees for an office holder, additional daily fees are not payable to the office holder once their aggregate additional daily fee earnings during that financial year reach the cap.

29  Authority business—exclusion

  For the purposes of this Part, time spent on the following is not to be treated as time spent on authority business:

 (a) all preparation for a formal meeting, even where it is considered excessive to normal preparation time;

 (b) any official travel time associated with a formal meeting regardless of when the travel occurs.

30  Calculation of additional daily fees

 (1) The amount of an additional daily fee paid to an office holder for a day is 20% of the additional daily fee set out in Table 5A for each hour, to a maximum of 5 hours per day, that the office holder spends:

 (a) on authority business; or

 (b) on official travel time that is not associated with a formal meeting.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), disregard any period of time of less than one hour that the office holder spends as mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b).

31  Annual meeting fees and additional daily fees

  The following table (Table 5A) sets out, for each office holder in column 1:

 (a) the annual meeting fee for the office holder; and

 (b) the additional daily fee for the office holder; and

 (c) the annual cap on additional daily fees for the office holder (if applicable); and

 (d) the special provisions (if any) of this instrument that apply to the office holder; and

 (e) the travel tier that applies to the office holder for the purposes of the official travel determination.


Table 5A—Annual meeting fees and additional daily fees

Column 1

Office holder

Column 2

Annual meeting fee

Column 3

Additional daily fee

Column 4

Annual cap on additional daily fees

Column 5

Special provisions

Column 6

Travel tier

Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development—Chair






Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development—Member






Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation—Chair




Table 5B, item 1


National Competition Council—President




Table 5B, item 2


National Competition Council—other councillor




Table 5B, item 2


Prostheses List Advisory Committee—Member







32  Special provisions for certain offices

  The provisions in column 2 of the following table (Table 5B) apply for the purposes of paragraph 31(d).


Table 5B—Special provisions for certain offices


Column 1


Column 2

Special provision


Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation

A CoChair in any CoChair arrangement for the Group is to receive:

(a) an annual meeting fee of $35,600; and

(b) an additional daily fee of $901.


National Competition Council

The annual fee applies to all Council work including governance, meeting preparation and consideration of applications at and prior to scheduled meetings. The additional daily fee applies only to consideration of applications that are not able to be covered in the scheduled meetings due to statutory timeframes.


Part 6Base fees and meeting fees


33  Simplified outline of this Part

This Part applies to office holders who receive a combination of a base (annual) fee and a (daily) meeting fee. The base fee compensates for a wide range of work undertaken by the office holder as set out in this Part. The meeting fee component applies only to full day formal meetings of the authority and is payable in accordance with the provisions set out in this Part. Table 6A identifies the following:

 the individual public offices remunerated by base fees and meeting fees;

 the fees payable to Chairs and Members (where applicable);

 any additional provisions or conditions that apply to the office;

 the travel tier for the office.

34  Application of this Part

  This Part applies to office holders whose base fees and meeting fees are set out in Table 6A.

35  Payment of base fees

 (1) The base fees set out in Table 6A are annual fees payable on a periodic basis throughout each year. Part years are paid on a proportionate basis. The base fee covers all activities undertaken by an office holder in performing the duties of their office, including the following:

 (a) part day meetings (involving less than 5 hours including official travel time);

 (b) preparation for a formal meeting;

 (c) subcommittee work;

 (d) formal dinners;

 (e) teleconferences;

 (f) representational activities;

 (g) other authority business.

Reduction for lengthy absence

 (2) The base fee is proportionally reduced where an office holder is unavailable to attend meetings of the authority for a period of more than 3 months, except to the extent that a reduction would be inconsistent with the terms of the office holder’s appointment.

36  Payment of meeting fees

 (1) The meeting fees set out in Table 6A are payable in accordance with this Part.

 (2) Meeting fees are payable only where the total time spent on a formal meeting of the authority, combined with official travel time associated with the meeting, is 5 hours or more on the same day. Part days do not accrue.

Certification of time

 (3) For an office holder other than the Chair, meeting fees may only be paid after the Chair certifies the total time claimed by the office holder, including any official travel time.

 (4) However, if the Chair is absent from a meeting, the office holder’s meeting fees which relate to the meeting may only be paid after the nominated presiding officer for the meeting certifies the total time claimed by the office holder for the day or days to which those fees relate.

 (5) For the Chair, meeting fees may only be paid after the total time claimed by the Chair is certified in accordance with the terms set out in the Chair’s appointment or under governance arrangements approved by the responsible portfolio minister or authority.

37  Base fees and meeting fees

  The following table (Table 6A) sets out, for each office holder in column 1:

 (a) the base fee for the office holder; and

 (b) the meeting fee for the office holder; and

 (c) the special provisions (if any) of this instrument that apply to the office holder; and

 (d) the travel tier that applies to the office holder for the purposes of the official travel determination.


Table 6A—Base fees and meeting fees

Column 1


Column 2

Base fee

Column 3

Meeting fee

Column 4

Special provisions

Column 5

Travel tier

Australian Charities and Notforprofits Commission Advisory Board—Chair





Australian Charities and Notforprofits Commission Advisory Board—Member





Professional Services Review—Determining Authority—Chair





Professional Services Review—Determining Authority—Member



Table 6B, item 1


Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation—Chair





Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation—Member





Takeovers Panel—Chair



Table 6B, item 2


Takeovers Panel—Member



Table 6B, item 2


Woomera Prohibited Area Advisory Board—Independent Chair






38  Special provisions for certain offices

  The provisions in column 2 of the following table (Table 6B) apply for the purposes of paragraph 37(c).


Table 6B—Special provisions for certain offices


Column 1


Column 2

Special provision


Professional Services Review—Determining Authority—Member

The fees set out in Table 6A apply only to the following:

(a) the nonpractitioner member mentioned in paragraph 106ZPA(1)(b) of the Health Insurance Act 1973;

(b) the member appointed, as mentioned in paragraph 106ZPA(1)(c) of that Act, as a medical practitioner (within the meaning of that Act). To avoid doubt, this does not include a member who is a medical practitioner but whose appointment relates to another kind of practitioner (within the meaning of Part VAA of that Act).

Other members are to be paid in accordance with Part 4.


Takeovers Panel

Meeting fees are payable for sitting days of takeover proceedings and for Panel days where the duration of the proceedings is of a minimum of 3 hours. Payment of fees is subject to a maximum of one meeting fee for any one day. For periods of work of less than 3 hours, a fee is payable as follows:

(a) less than 2 hours—40% of a meeting fee;

(b) 2 hours to less than 3 hours—60% of a meeting fee.


Part 7Aboriginal Land Councils fees


39  Simplified outline of this Part

This Part applies to office holders of the Aboriginal Land Councils. Councillors may receive a daily fee. This Part sets out the conditions that must be met for payment of fees, including certification of hours and minimum claim and maximum payment arrangements. Table 7B sets out:

 the individual office holders who receive daily fees; and

 the fees payable to Chairs, Deputy Chairs (where applicable), Councillors and Committee Members who receive daily fees.

40  Application of this Part

  This Part applies to office holders whose daily fees are set out in Table 7B.

41  Payment of daily fees

 (1) The daily fees set out in Table 7B are payable in accordance with this Part.

Note 1: If a person undertakes activities for which the person receives an annual fee under this instrument, the person is not entitled to a daily fee for those activities.

Note 2: If a person undertakes activities for which the person does not receive an annual fee under this instrument, the person is entitled to only one daily fee under this instrument for those activities.

Certification of time

 (2) For an office holder other than the Chair, daily fees may only be paid after the Chair certifies the total time claimed by the office holder, including any official travel time.

 (3) However, if the Chair is absent from a meeting, the office holder’s daily fees which relate to that meeting may only be paid after the nominated presiding officer for the meeting certifies the total time claimed by the office holder for the day or days to which those fees relate.

 (4) For the Chair, daily fees may only be paid after the total time claimed by the Chair is certified in accordance with the terms set out in the Chair’s appointment or under governance arrangements approved by the responsible portfolio minister or employing authority.

Maximum payment

 (5) The maximum payable for any one day is one daily fee.

Minimum claim

 (6) Unless the employing authority determines otherwise, the minimum amount that may be claimed for payment at any one time is one daily fee.

42  Calculation of daily fees

Meeting days

 (1) The amount of a daily fee paid to an office holder for a meeting day is:

 (a) if the office holder’s qualifying meeting day time is less than 2 hours—40% of the daily fee; or

 (b) if the office holder’s qualifying meeting day time is at least 2 hours and less than 3 hours—60% of the daily fee; or

 (c) otherwise—100% of the daily fee.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), qualifying meeting day time is time that an office holder spends on a meeting day:

 (a) attending a formal meeting; or

 (b) on authority business; or

 (c) on official travel time.

Nonmeeting days

 (3) The amount of a daily fee paid to an office holder for a nonmeeting day is 20% of the daily fee set out in Table 7B for each hour, to a maximum of 5 hours per day, that the office holder spends:

 (a) on authority business; or

 (b) on official travel time.

Note: Normal preparation time must not be taken into account in working out fees under this section (see paragraph (c) of the definition of authority business in section 8).

43  Travel tier

  For the purposes of the official travel determination, travel tier 2 applies to an office holder.

44  Daily fees

  The following table (Table 7B) sets out, for each office holder in column 1, the daily fee for the office holder when the office holder is engaged in the activity in column 2.


Table 7B—Daily fees for holders of public offices in Aboriginal Land Councils

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Daily fee

Northern Land Council—Chair

If engaged parttime on the functions and duties of the office


Northern Land Council—Member

If engaged on general Council business


Northern Land Council—Member

If engaged on business of the executive


Central Land Council—Chair

If engaged parttime on the functions and duties of the office


Central Land Council—Member

If engaged on general Council business


Central Land Council—Member

If engaged on business of the executive


Anindilyakwa Land Council—Chair

If engaged parttime on the functions and duties of the office


Anindilyakwa Land Council—Member

If engaged parttime on the functions and duties of the office


Tiwi Land Council—Deputy Chair

If engaged parttime on the functions and duties of the office


Tiwi Land Council—Member

If engaged parttime on the functions and duties of the office


Tiwi Land Council Management Committee—Deputy Chair

If engaged on business of the Management Committee


Tiwi Land Council Management Committee—Member

If engaged on business of the Management Committee



Schedule 1Repeals


Remuneration Tribunal (Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Parttime Public Office) Determination 2022

1  The whole of the instrument

Repeal the instrument.