Governance Rule 2023


The Council of the University makes the following rule.

Dated 2 June 2023

The Hon Julie Bishop





Part 1— Preliminary

1 Name

2 Commencement

3 Authority

4 Definitions

Part 2— Elections for staff and student members of Council

Division 2.1— Staff and student member elections

5 Application of Part 2

Division 2.2— Election definitions

6 Definitions for Part 2

Division 2.3— Eligibility to be elected and vote

7 Eligibility: election for deans and research school heads member

8 Eligibility: election for academic staff members

9 Eligibility: election for professional staff member

10 Eligibility: election for postgraduate student member

11 Eligibility: election for undergraduate student member

Division 2.4— Elections for deans and research school heads member

12 Application of Division 2.4

13 Meeting to elect deans and research school heads member

14 Method of electing deans and research school heads member

Division 2.5— Conduct of other elections

15 Application of Division 2.5

16 Elections conducted electronically

17 Intervals to be allowed by returning officer

18 Notice of election

19 Nominations to be made to returning officer

20 Nomination requirements

21 Single nomination

22 Voting papers and notice

23 Envelopes to be issued with voting paper

24 Voting papers to contain candidate names etc.

25 Lost or destroyed voting papers

26 Instructions on voting papers

27 Voting must comply with instructions

28 Disclosure of vote prohibited

29 Acceptance or rejection of voting papers

30 Opening of envelopes after close of poll etc.

31 Nomination of scrutineers

32 Ineligible votes not to be accepted

33 Deciding result of election

34 Equal numbers of votes: exclusion of candidate

35 Deciding order of voter’s preference

36 Exhausted voting papers

37 Recount

38 Declaration that election void

Division 2.6— Other election provisions

39 Casual vacancy elections for student members

40 Giving notices etc.

Part 3— Repeal and transitional provisions

Division 3.1— Repeal

41 Repeal of instrument

Division 3.2— Transitional provisions

42 Transitional rules

43 Application of Legislation Statute, section 26

44 Transitional provisions additional

Division 3.3— Expiry

45 Expiry of instrument


Part 1—Preliminary

[Note 1: Section 6 has definitions that apply only to Part 2 (Elections for staff and student members of Council).]

[Note 2: The Governance Statute, section 5 (Definitions) defines terms relevant to this instrument (see Legislation Statute, section 9(1) (Terms used in authorising legislation etc.)), including the following:

[Note 3: For definitions applying to University legislation generally, see the dictionary in the Legislation Statute. That dictionary defines terms relevant to this instrument, including the following:

Part 2—Elections for staff and student members of Council

declaration day means the day the returning officer declares the result of the election.

election provisions means the following provisions:

nominations invitation day means the day the returning officer invites nominations of persons eligible to be elected in the election.

[Note: See section 18(2)(b) (Notice of election).]

payday means a day on which the salaries of the majority of members of staff of the University are paid.

relevant payday means the payday immediately before the nominations invitation day.

[Note: See the table of deans and research school heads in the Governance Order.]

undergraduate program means a program that is not a postgraduate program under section 10(2) (Eligibility: election for postgraduate student member).

[Note: Division 2.4 makes provision for elections for the deans and research school heads member.]


1. Indicate your preference, or the order of your preferences, on this voting paper by writing the number 1 against the name of the candidate for whom you wish to vote or by writing a series of consecutive numbers, beginning with the number 1, against the names of the candidates for whom you wish to vote, one number being written against the name of each such candidate. You are not required to write a number against the name of every candidate.

2. Place this voting paper in the envelope marked ‘Voting Paper’.

3. Seal that envelope and place it in the envelope addressed to the returning officer.

4. Sign the declaration on the envelope addressed to the returning officer and post or deliver the envelope to the returning officer.

returning officer envelope means the envelope, addressed to the returning officer, issued by the returning officer under section 23(b) (Envelopes to be issued with voting paper).

voting paper envelope means the envelope, marked ‘Voting Paper’, issued by the returning officer under section 23(a).

[Note: Both envelopes are issued with every voting paper. The completed voting paper is placed inside the voting paper envelope, which in turn is placed inside the returning officer envelope (see section 26 (Instructions on voting papers).]

[Note: See e.g. the Legislation Statute, section 24 (Service of notices etc.).]


Part 3—Repeal and transitional provisions