Australian National University (Legislation) Statute 2023


The Council of the University makes the following statute.

Dated 28 JULY 2023

The Hon Julie Bishop





Part 1— Preliminary

1 Name

2 Commencement

3 Authority

4 Objects

5 Application of this instrument

6 Meaning of University legislation

7 Provisions of this instrument must be applied

Part 2— Interpretation

8 Application of definitions in dictionary in Schedule 1

9 Terms used in authorising legislation etc.

10 Application of general references to University entities etc.

11 Examples in University legislation

12 Notes in or to University legislation

Part 3— Referring to University legislation

13 Reference to University legislation includes the legislation containing reference

14 Reference to University legislation includes provision of the legislation

15 Reference to the statute or the rule etc.

16 Referring to particular University legislation

17 Reference to University legislation includes the legislation as in force from time to time

18 Reference to University legislation includes instruments under the legislation

Part 4— Facilitative provisions

19 Power to make instruments

20 Power to make instrument includes power to amend or repeal

21 Functions of University bodies

22 Power to extend time

23 Approved forms

24 Service of notices etc.

25 Exercise of Associate Dean’s functions by College Dean

Part 5— Repeal of University legislation

26 Effect of repeal of University legislation

Part 6— Repeal, transitional provisions and expiry

Division 6.1— Repeal of existing instrument

27 Repeal of Legislation Statute 2020

Division 6.2— Transitional provisions

28 Transitional rules

29 Application of section 26

30 Transitional provisions additional

Division 6.3— Expiry

31 Expiry of instrument

Schedule 1—Dictionary

Part 1—Preliminary

This is the Australian National University (Legislation) Statute 2023.

This instrument commences on the day after it is registered.

This instrument is made under the Australian National University Act 1991, section 50 (Statutes).

This instrument applies to all University legislation (including this instrument).

[Note: For the displacement of this instrument, see section 7 (Provisions of this instrument must be applied).]

University legislation means any of the following:

[Note: For definitions applying to University legislation generally, see the dictionary in Schedule 1.]

displaced includes modified.

[Note 1: Commonwealth legislation also applies to University legislation, including the following:

[Note 2: The provisions of the Acts Interpretation Act apply to University legislation subject to any ‘contrary intention’ in University legislation, including this instrument (see Acts Interpretation Act, section 2(2) (Application of Act) and Legislation Act, section 13(1)(a)).]

Part 2—Interpretation

A definition in the dictionary in Schedule 1 applies to all University legislation.

Example for paragraph (a)(i)

Examples for paragraph (a)(ii)

Examples for paragraph (b)

Examples for paragraph (a)

1 the examples to section 16(2) (Referring to particular University legislation)

2 the example to section 20(3) (Power to make instrument includes power to ament or repeal)

Examples for paragraph (b)

Part 3—Referring to University legislation

In University legislation, a reference in general terms to University legislation of the same kind includes a reference to the legislation itself.

In University legislation or another document of the University, a reference (either generally or specifically) to University legislation includes a reference to a provision of the legislation.

Examples for subsection (2)

Part 4—Facilitative provisions


A rule authorises the Registrar to permit a person with a serious medical condition to re-enrol in a program if, among other things, the Registrar is satisfied that the person will continue to take and follow medical advice. Based on the person’s undertaking, the Registrar gives the person written permission to re-enrol.

If the Registrar ceases to be satisfied that the person is continuing to take and follow medical advice, the Registrar may, in writing, revoke the permission.

University body means the Council or any other body established under University legislation or by decision of the Council.

Examples of things done by a body

Examples of action by the University at the University’s discretion

Subject to the University’s policies and procedures, the University may reject the instrument or decline to take any action on it.

Examples of action by the University at the University’s discretion

Subject to the University’s policies and procedures, the University may reject the form, decline to take any action on the form, or allow action to be taken within a specified time to ensure that the form is properly completed.

related document, in relation to a form, includes a document given with, attached to, or otherwise provided in connection with, the form.

[Note: See e.g. the Acts Interpretation Act, section 28A (Service of documents).]




state of mind includes knowledge, intention, opinion, belief and purpose.


Part 5—Repeal of University legislation

transitional includes application or savings.

transitional provision means:

Examples of transitional provisions for paragraphs (c) and (d)

Part 6—Repeal, transitional provisions and expiry

(1)    Rules made under the Governance Statute, section 68(1) (General power to make rules and orders) may prescribe matters of a transitional nature (including prescribing any savings or application provisions) relating to:

(a)    the repeal of the Australian National University (Legislation) Statute 2020; or

(b)    the making of this instrument.

(2)    This instrument (other than this section) does not limit the matters that may be prescribed by rules made for subsection (1).

(3)    Rules made for subsection (1) have effect despite anything in this instrument (other than this section).

Schedule 1Dictionary

[Note: See section 8.]

ACT means the Australian Capital Territory.

Acts Interpretation Act means the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

affiliated college means a residential college that is affiliated with the University.

amend includes change and alter.

ANU Act means the Australian National University Act 1991.

ANU College means a college established by the Council as a college of the University.

[Note: At the commencement of this instrument, the ANU Colleges were listed on the following web page:]

ANUSA means The Australian National University Students’ Association Incorporated, an association incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 (ACT).

appoint includes reappoint.

[Note: See the Acts Interpretation Act, section 33AA (Power to appoint includes power to reappoint).]

approved form means:

(a)    a form approved under section 23 (Approved forms); and

(b)    in relation to a particular University legislation—a form approved under that section for the University legislation.

[Note: See section 14 (Reference to University legislation includes provision of the legislation).]

Associate Dean means:

(a)    an Associate Dean of an ANU College; and

(b)    in relation to a particular ANU College—a person appointed as an Associate Dean of the ANU College.

body includes a committee.

breach includes fail to comply with.

[Note: See also definition of fail.]

by an instrument includes under the instrument.

[Note: See also definitions of instrument and under.]

calendar month: see the Acts Interpretation Act, section 2B (Definitions).

[Note: Section 2B defines calendar month as ‘one of the 12 months of the year’.]

calendar year: see the Acts Interpretation Act, section 2B (Definitions).

[Note: Section 2B defines calendar year as ‘a period of 12 months starting on 1 January’.]

Chancellor means the Chancellor of the University appointed under the ANU Act.

College Dean means:

(a)    the College Dean of an ANU College; and

(b)    in relation to a particular ANU College—the person appointed as the College Dean of the ANU College.

contravene includes fail to comply with.

[Note: See also definition of fail.]

Council means the Council of the University established under the ANU Act.

decision includes any decision (however described).

document, of the University, includes any appointment, delegation or subdelegation made in writing under the ANU Act, another Act as it applies in relation to the University, or University legislation.

[Note: See also definitions of under and writing.]

entity includes an unincorporated body and a person (including a person occupying a position).

[Note: See also definitions of body, occupy and person.]

establish includes constitute, continue in existence, or confirm the existence of.

exercise a function includes perform the function.

fail includes refuse.

for an Act or instrument includes for the purposes of the Act or instrument.

[Note 1: See also definition of instrument.]

[Note 2: See section 14 (Reference to University legislation includes provision of the legislation).]

function includes authority, duty and power.

[Note: See also definition of exercise a function.]

hall of residence means a hall of residence established by the Council.

individual: see the Acts Interpretation Act, section 2B (Definitions).

[Note: Section 2B defines an individual as ‘a natural person’.]

instrument: see the Legislation Act, section 4 (The Dictionary), and, to remove any doubt, includes any University legislation.

[Note: Section 4 defines instrument as ‘any writing or other document’, and as including ‘an instrument in electronic form’.]

Legislation Act means the Legislation Act 2003.

legislative instrument: see the Legislation Act, section 8 (Definition of legislative instrument).

made under the ANU Act or another Act, or under University legislation or another instrument, includes in force under the Act or instrument (or the relevant provisions of the Act or instrument).

[Note: See also definition of under.]

modification includes modification by alteration, omission, substitution and addition.

month: see the Acts Interpretation Act, section 2G (Months).

Nominations Committee means the Nominations Committee of Council established under the ANU Act.

notifiable instrument: see the Legislation Act, section 11 (Definition of notifiable instrument).

occupy a position (however expressed) includes hold the position for the time being, act in the position, or exercise a function of the position (including under a delegation or subdelegation).

office includes position.

order means:

[Note: See also definitions of for, made and under.]

person: see the Acts Interpretation Act, section 2C (References to persons).

position includes office.

power includes authority.

prescribed by instrument (however expressed) includes worked out under the instrument.

[Note: See also definitions of instrument and under.]

President, of the University, means the Vice-Chancellor.

Pro-Chancellor means the Pro-Chancellor of the University appointed under the ANU Act.

repeal includes revoke, rescind, replace, cancel, or otherwise cease to have effect.

rule means:

[Note: See also definitions of for, made and under.]

statute means a statute made under the ANU Act.

[Note: See also definition of made.]

student association means The Australian National University Students’ Association Incorporated, an association incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 (ACT).

under an Act or instrument includes the following:

(a)    by the Act or instrument;

(b)    for or for the purposes of the Act or instrument;

(c)    in accordance with the Act or instrument;

(d)    within the meaning of the Act or instrument.

[Note: See section 14 (Reference to University legislation includes provision of the legislation) and the definition of instrument in this dictionary.]

University means the Australian National University established under the ANU Act.

University legislation: see section 6 (Meaning of University legislation).

Vice-Chancellor means the Vice-Chancellor of the University appointed under the ANU Act.

working day means a day of the week that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, a public holiday in the ACT, or a University holiday.

writing: see the Acts Interpretation Act, section 2B (Definitions).

[Note: Section 2B defines writing to include ‘any mode of representing or reproducing words, figures, drawings or symbols in a visible form’.]

year, without specifying the kind of year, means calendar year.

[Note: See also definition of calendar year.]