Australian Coat of Arms




Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule) Safer Freight Vehicles Amendment No. 1 2023

I, CATHERINE KING, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, make the following determination.






Dated 14 September 2023















Catherine King

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government






1. Name.........................................................3

2. Commencement.................................................3

3. Authority......................................................3

4. Schedules......................................................3

Schedule 1 – Amendments................................................4

Schedule 2 – Amendments................................................9

Schedule 3 – Amendments...............................................10

Schedule 4 – Amendments...............................................11

Schedule 5 – Amendments...............................................12


1.1.                                    This instrument is the Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule) Safer Freight Vehicles Amendment No. 1 2023.

2.1.                                    This instrument commences on the day after it is registered.

3.1.                                    This instrument is made under section 12 of the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018.

4.1.                                    Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.


[1]               Add the following, in alphabetical order, to clause 3. DEFINITIONS:


AUTOMATED DRIVING SYSTEM - A longitudinal and lateral vehicle control system which is able to cope with all dynamic driving tasks within its ‘Operational Design Domain’, or will otherwise transition control to a driver.

 Note: An ‘Automated Driving System’ may also transition control to a driver if/when the ‘Operational Design Domain’ boundaries are reached
(e.g. when exiting a motorway).


[2]               Add the following, in alphabetical order, to clause 3. DEFINITIONS:


BONNETED CAB - A vehicle cab where no more than half of the engine length is rearward of the foremost point of the windshield base, and/or the centre of the steering wheel is not in the forward quarter of the vehicle’s ‘Total Length’.


[3]               Add the following, in alphabetical order, to clause 3. DEFINITIONS:


CAB-OVER ENGINE VEHICLE - A vehicle where more than half of the engine length is rearward of the foremost point of the windshield base, and the centre of the steering wheel is in the forward quarter of the vehicle’s ‘Total Length’.


[4]               Add the following, in alphabetical order, to clause 3. DEFINITIONS:



(a)          a “class of device for indirect vision” as defined in Appendix A of the Australian Design Rule 14/03 – Devices for Indirect Vision, or a later version; or

(b)          for mirrors only, a “class of mirror” as defined in Appendix A of the Australian Design Rule 14/02 – Rear Vision Mirrors.


[5]               Add the following, in alphabetical order, to clause 3. DEFINITIONS:


CLOSE-PROXIMITY INFORMATION SYSTEM - a system to inform the driver of the presence of other road users (e.g. other vehicles, bicyclists, and/or pedestrians) in one or more zones within 2 m of the vehicle body.

 Note: a ‘Close-Proximity Information System’ may also inform the driver of the presence of other road users, 2 m or more from the vehicle body.


[6]               Add the following, in alphabetical order, to clause 3. DEFINITIONS:


CROSS-VIEW MIRROR - an external mirror which can be adjusted to enable a driver with eyes located at two ocular points 65 mm apart and 635 mm vertically above the ‘Seating Reference Point’, to see all points on a transverse horizontal line that:

(a)          is 1,000 mm above a flat horizontal portion of road;

(b)          is 300 mm forward of the ‘Front End’ of the vehicle; and

(c)          extends at least between a vertical longitudinal plane passing through the outermost point from which the ‘Overall Width’ is measured on the right side (i.e. driver’s side) and a vertical longitudinal plane 900 mm beyond the point from which the ‘Overall Width’ is measured on the left side (i.e. near side / side opposite the driver’s side).

The centre of the segment joining the two ocular points is in a vertical longitudinal plane passing through the centre of the driver's seating position, as specified by the ‘Manufacturer’.


[7]               Add the following, in alphabetical order, to clause 3. DEFINITIONS:


OPERATIONAL DESIGN DOMAIN - the specific conditions under which an automated vehicle is intended to drive in the automated mode, including at least the roadway types, geographic area, speed range, environmental conditions (weather as well as day/night time) and other domain constraints.


[8]               Add the following, in alphabetical order, to clause 3. DEFINITIONS:


PRESCRIBED DEVICE FOR INDIRECT VISION - a compulsory or optional ‘Class of Device for Indirect Vision’ fitted in accordance with:

(a)          the Australian Design Rule 14/03 – Devices for Indirect Vision, or a later version; or

(b)          for mirrors only, Appendix A as varied by clause 6 of the Australian Design Rule 14/02 – Rear Vision Mirrors.


[9]               Add the following, in alphabetical order, to clause 3. DEFINITIONS:


REGISTER OF APPROVED VEHICLES - Refer to the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018.


[10]           Clause 3. DEFINITIONS amend to read:


FRONT END - subject to the additional requirement below, the foremost point on the vehicle, including the bumper bar and any bull bar, tow-hook(s) and over-riders (bumper guards), but excluding:

(a)          Prescribed Devices for Indirect Vision’;

(b)          any other devices to enable the driver to see objects in an area adjacent to the vehicle, including ‘Cross-View Mirrors’; and

(c)          monitoring devices fitted as part of an ‘Automated Driving System’ and/or a ‘Close-Proximity Information System’.

Except for ‘Prescribed Devices for Indirect Vision’, the forward protrusion of excluded devices/systems (or the excluded parts thereof) from the ‘Front End’, must not exceed 250 mm.


[11]           Clause 3. DEFINITIONS amend to read:


OVERALL WIDTH - subject to the additional requirements below, the maximum distance measured across the vehicle body including wheel guards, but excluding:

(a)          rear vision mirrors (also referred to in the ADRs as rear-view mirrors);

(b)          ‘Prescribed Devices for Indirect Vision’;

(c)          any other devices to enable the driver to see objects in an area adjacent to the vehicle, including ‘Cross-View Mirrors’;

(d)          monitoring devices fitted as part of an ‘Automated Driving System’ and/or a ‘Close-Proximity Information System’;

(e)          signalling devices and side-mounted lamps and reflectors;

(f)           permanently fixed webbing-assembly-type devices such as curtain-side devices, provided the maximum distance across the body of the vehicle, including any part of the devices, is not more than 2,550 mm;

(g)          central tyre inflation systems;

(h)          tyre pressure gauges;

(i)            anti-skid devices mounted on wheels; and

(j)            the deflected part of the tyre sidewalls, including any elevations due to labelling/marking, decoration and protective bands or ribs, between the lowest point of each tyre rim and the ground (i.e. load induced tyre bulge).

The total lateral protrusion beyond the ‘Overall Width’ of the devices excluded under parts (c), (d), (f), (h) and (i) above (or the excluded parts thereof), must not exceed 100 mm. The total lateral protrusion is the sum of the maximum lateral protrusion on the left side of the vehicle and the maximum lateral protrusion on the right side of the vehicle. The maximum lateral protrusion on a given side of the vehicle (i.e. left or right side), is the maximum lateral protrusion of any of the excluded devices beyond the extreme outer point from which the ‘Overall Width’ is measured on that side of the vehicle.

The protrusion of central tyre inflation systems (or the excluded parts thereof) beyond the ‘Overall Width’, must not exceed 100 mm on each side of the vehicle.

The protrusion of rear vision mirrors, ‘Prescribed Devices for Indirect Vision’, signalling devices, and side-mounted lamps and reflectors, must be in conformity with the applicable Australian Design Rules for these devices.


[12]           Clause 3. DEFINITIONS amend to read:


PARTIALLY COMPLETED VEHICLE - a vehicle which has been manufactured to a stage where, although it may be entered on the ‘Register of Approved Vehicles’ or is otherwise registrable, additional work will be necessary to complete the vehicle and put it into service (e.g. a ‘Chassis-cab’). Depending on the vehicle design and the stage it is manufactured to, there may be some national road vehicle standards (or particular requirements of these standards) that do not apply, but will otherwise become applicable when the vehicle is completed.



[1]               Clause 3.3, renumber as clause 3.4.

[2]               Insert a new clause 3.3 to read:

“3.3. Vehicles certified to the Australian Design Rule 14/03 – Devices for Indirect Vision, or a later version, are not required to comply with this rule.”

[3]               Clause 5.1, omit “clause 3.3”, substitute “clause 3.4”.

[4]               Insert a new clause 6.3 to read:

“6.3. In paragraph of Appendix A, omit “where no part of the mirror”, substitute “where any part of the Class V mirror”.”

[5]               Clause 8.1, amend to read:

“8.1. The United Nations Regulation No. 46 – UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF DEVICES FOR INDIRECT VISION AND OF MOTOR VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO THE INSTALLATION OF THESE DEVICES, incorporating from the 00 series of amendments up to and including the 04 series of amendments.”

[6]               Clause 8.2, amend to read:

“8.2. The United Nations Regulation No. 81 – UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF
REAR-VIEW MIRRORS ON HANDLEBARS, incorporating the 00 series of amendments.”


[1]               Clause 9.2, omit “as varied by clause 9.2.4 below”, substitute “as varied by clauses 9.2.4 and 9.2.5 below”.

[2]               Insert a new clause 9.2.5 to read:

“9.2.5. On vehicles equipped to tow a trailer with a compressed-air braking system, the parking braking system of the towing vehicle need not be capable of holding the combination of vehicles stationary on a 12 per cent up or down gradient, provided the operation of the parking brake system causes the pressure in the ‘SUPPLY LINE 35/…’ to drop below 35 kPa – as is required by the reference to clause 5.3.5 in clause 9.2(b) above.”

[3]               Appendix 1, clause 2.1(a), omit “All wheels are driven”, substitute “All wheels are driven, except where applicable, when the drive to one ‘Axle’ is disengaged”.


[1]               Clause 3.1, omit “clauses 3.1.1 to 3.1.3”, substitute “clauses 3.1.1 to 3.1.4”.

[2]               Clauses 3.1.1 to 3.1.3, renumber as clauses 3.1.2 to 3.1.4.

[3]               Insert a new clause 3.1.1 to read:

“3.1.1. 1 October 2023 for all sub-category NB2 and category NC vehicles, with an ‘Overall Width’ exceeding 2,500 mm.”

[4]               Clause 3.2, omit “clauses 3.1.1”, substitute “clause 3.1.2”.

[5]               Clause 3.10, cell at table row dealing with “Medium goods vehicle over 4.5 tonnes up to 12 tonnes ‘GVM’” and column headed “Manufactured on or After**”, omit “1 November 2023”, substitute “see clauses 3.1 to 3.2”.

[6]               Clause 3.10, cell at table row dealing with “Heavy goods vehicle” and column headed “Manufactured on or After**”, omit “1 November 2023”, substitute
“see clauses 3.1 to 3.2”.

[7]               Clause 9.2, omit “as varied by clause 9.2.3 below”, substitute “as varied by clauses 9.2.3 and 9.2.4 below”.

[8]               Insert a new clause 9.2.4 to read:

“9.2.4. On vehicles equipped to tow a trailer with a compressed-air braking system, the parking braking system of the towing vehicle need not be capable of holding the combination of vehicles stationary on a 12 per cent up or down gradient, provided the operation of the parking brake system causes the pressure in the ‘SUPPLY LINE 35/…’ to drop below 35 kPa – as is required by the reference to clause 5.3.5 in clause 9.2(b) above.”

[9]               Appendix 1, clause 2.1(a), omit “All wheels are driven”, substitute “All wheels are driven, except where applicable, when the drive to one ‘Axle’ is disengaged”.


[1]               Clause 3.1, omit “clauses 3.1.1 to 3.1.3”, substitute “clauses 3.1.1 to 3.1.4”.

[2]               Clauses 3.1.1 to 3.1.3, renumber as clauses 3.1.2 to 3.1.4.

[3]               Insert a new clause 3.1.1 to read:

“3.1.1. 1 October 2023 for all sub-category NB2 and category NC vehicles, with an ‘Overall Width’ exceeding 2,500 mm.”

[4]               Clause 3.3, omit “3.1.1”, substitute “3.1.2”.

[5]               Clause 3.4, cell at table row dealing with “Medium goods vehicle over 4.5 tonnes up to 12 tonnes ‘GVM’” and column headed “Manufactured on or After**”, omit “1 November 2023”, substitute “see clauses 3.1 to 3.2”.

[6]               Clause 3.4, cell at table row dealing with “Heavy goods vehicle” and column headed “Manufactured on or After**”, omit “1 November 2023”, substitute
“see clauses 3.1 to 3.2”.

[7]               Insert a new clause 7.2 to read:

“7.2 For vehicles equipped with an Advanced Emergency Braking System, the requirements of the United Nations Regulation No. 131 – UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF MOTOR VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO THE ADVANCED EMERGENCY BRAKING SYSTEMS (AEBS), incorporating the 02 series of amendments, are deemed to be equivalent to the requirements of this standard.”

[8]               Appendix B, clause 2.1(a), omit “All wheels are driven”, substitute “All wheels are driven, except where applicable, when the drive to one ‘Axle’ is disengaged”.