Discovery Program Grant Guidelines
(2023 edition):
Discovery Indigenous
Opening date: | Available on GrantConnect |
Closing date and time: | Available on GrantConnect |
Commonwealth policy entity: | Australian Research Council |
Enquiries: | Researchers are required to direct requests for information to the Research Office within the Administering Organisation. ARC Contacts are on the ARC website. |
Date guidelines released: | 20 November 2023 |
Type of grant opportunity: | Restricted competitive |
Australian Research Council Act 2001
I, Jason Clare, Minister for Education, having satisfied myself of the matters set out in section 59 of the Australian Research Council Act 2001, approve these grant guidelines under section 60 of that Act.
15 November 2023
Jason Clare
Minister for Education
1. Discovery Program processes
2. About the Discovery Program
About the Discovery Indigenous grant opportunity
3. Grant amount and grant period
5. What the grant money can be used for
What grants funds can be used for
What grants funds cannot be used for
Assessing the DAATSIA candidate
National Interest Test Statement
Timing of the grant opportunity
8. The grant selection process
9. Successful grant applications
Appendix B: Eligible Organisations
The Discovery Program supports the Australian Government’s objectives for research and innovation.
This grant program contributes to the ARC’s Outcome 1, which is to grow knowledge and innovation through managing research grants, measuring research excellence and providing advice.
The Discovery Indigenous scheme is funded within the Discovery Program.
The grant opportunity opens.
We (the ARC) publish the grant guidelines and advertise on GrantConnect.
You (the Administering Organisation) complete and submit an application.
You will complete an application on the ARC’s Research Management System (RMS), addressing eligibility, the National Interest Test and the assessment criteria.
We manage the assessment of all applications.
We manage the assessment of applications against eligibility criteria and assessment criteria.
Your application may be assigned to Detailed Assessors to undertake in-depth assessments. You will have an opportunity to respond to any Detailed Assessors’ written comments through a rejoinder.
Selection Advisory Committee (SAC) members will then assess Your application, consider the Detailed Assessors’ ratings and comments and Your rejoinder and assign a final score.
We make grant recommendations.
The SAC considers applications and recommends those to be funded, and the level and duration of funding for each project, to the ARC Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The CEO then makes an assessment and a recommendation to the Minister.
In making recommendations to the Minister, the CEO considers the SAC’s advice, risks relating to foreign interference, and alignment with Australian Government priorities. The CEO may consider advice from other Commonwealth agencies.
Grant decisions are made.
The Minister decides which applications are approved, and the level of funding and duration of funding for each approved project. Should the Minister decide not to fund a project based on national security concerns, the Minister may advise the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security.
We notify You of the outcome.
We advise You if Your application was successful or not through RMS.
We enter into a grant agreement with You.
We will enter into a grant agreement with You through RMS, if You are successful.
Delivery of the grant.
You undertake the grant activity and report to us as set out in Your grant agreement.
We manage the grant by monitoring Your progress and making payments.
Evaluation of the grant opportunity.
We evaluate the specific grant activity and the individual grant opportunity as a whole.
We will use information You provide to Us through Your reports to inform evaluations.
2. About the Discovery Program
2.1. The Discovery Program is one of two Programs under the ARC National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP). Information about the Discovery Program is available on the ARC website.
About the Discovery Indigenous grant opportunity
2.2. The Discovery Indigenous scheme is funded under the Discovery Program.
2.3. The Discovery Indigenous scheme provides grant funding to support research projects led by an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researcher.
2.4. Discovery Indigenous grants include support for Discovery Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Awards (DAATSIAs) which are fellowships available to eligible Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers.
2.5. The Discovery Indigenous scheme objectives are to:
c. enhance the scale and focus of research in Australian Government priority areas and create economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits for Australia; and
d. support national and international research collaboration.
2.6. The grant commencement date and active project assessment date for each Discovery Indigenous grant opportunity will be available on the ARC website.
3. Grant amount and grant period
3.1. For each Discovery Indigenous grant opportunity, applications for project funding, including DAATSIA salary and salary related (on cost) support, will be considered for the levels and durations of funding listed in Table 1. You may request project funding without a DAATSIA, but You may not request funding for a DAATSIA without project funding.
3.2. Table 1: Discovery Indigenous funding and grant duration.
Category | Details |
Project funding | Between $30,000 and $500,000 per year, including: Minimum $30,000 per year Any DAATSIA salary requested |
Project funding duration | Up to five consecutive years |
DAATSIA salary | Requested and/or awarded at one of five salary levels as specified on the ‘Salaries and Stipends’ page of the ARC website. The DAATSIA salary is counted towards the $500,000 maximum level of funding per year |
DAATSIA salary duration | Up to five consecutive years on a full-time basis. A DAATSIA may be undertaken on a part-time basis not exceeding eight consecutive years |
3.3. DAATSIA salary funding may be requested at one of five salary levels, including 30% salary-related on-costs. The salary level must be either equivalent to or higher than the salary level of the CI as at the grant opportunity closing date.
3.4. Salary figures are subject to variation (for example, due to annual indexation). Updated levels are available on the ‘Salaries and Stipends’ page of the ARC website.
Who is eligible to apply for a grant?
4.1. We will only accept applications from the Eligible Organisations as identified in Appendix B.
4.2. The Eligible Organisation that submits the application will be the ‘Administering Organisation’ (henceforth ‘You’). All other Eligible Organisations named on the application will be an ‘Other Eligible Organisation’.
What are the eligibility requirements for applications?
4.3. Organisation roles available under the Discovery Indigenous grant opportunity are:
c. Other Organisation.
4.4. You can only submit one application for the same project in any grant opportunity. This includes applications which fundamentally have the same research intent, approach, and outcomes, regardless of any variations in the research, the named participants and/or organisations.
4.5. Your application must:
b. request a minimum level of funding of $30,000 per year in project costs in Your application. This must be requested in addition to the DAATSIA salary (if requested). The $500,000 maximum level of funding per year includes the DAATSIA salary.
4.6. An individual must not be nominated for more than one DAATSIA in any grant opportunity.
4.7. You must ensure that any additional certification requirements, applied by the ARC as a result of findings of breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, are provided at the grant opportunity closing date for any named participant on an application.
4.8. Your application must not include medical research as detailed in the ARC Medical Research Policy on the ARC website.
Who is eligible to be an Other Organisation?
4.9. Organisations that are not Eligible Organisations but that are named as a participating organisation on an application will be Other Organisations.
4.10. An Other Organisation cannot be included on the National Redress Scheme’s website on the list of ‘Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme’ (
Who is eligible to be a named participant?
4.11. Roles that named participants may be nominated for under these guidelines are:
b. Chief Investigators (CIs); and
c. Partner Investigators (PIs).
4.12. A Project cannot commence until all named participants meet the eligibility criteria in these grant guidelines for the selected role they are to perform.
4.13. As at the grant commencement date, or if successful, at any time during the project activity period, named participants:
4.14. All named participants in an application must have met their obligations regarding previously funded projects, including submission of satisfactory final reports to the ARC at the grant opportunity closing date.
4.16. CIs must reside in Australia for more than 50% of the project activity period. Any significant absences including fieldwork or study leave directly related to the project must have approval from You and must not total more than half the project activity period. In extraordinary circumstances, a change may be approved by Us via a formal Variation request.
4.17. CIs must not undertake a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) during the project activity period.
4.18. The Project Leader must have a demonstrated capacity to manage the project.
4.19. To be eligible to be a DAATSIA candidate, the nominated individual must:
4.20. An individual who has previously been awarded a DAATSIA may apply for another DAATSIA but can only hold one at a time.
4.21. DAATSIAs cannot be held independently of a Discovery Indigenous Project.
What are the limits on the number of applications and projects per named participant?
4.22. These limits only apply to CIs and DAATSIA candidates.
4.23. The limits are designed to ensure that named participants have the capacity to undertake each project.
4.24. A named participant can be concurrently funded through the Discovery Program for a maximum of:
b. one ARC Fellowship and one project as a CI; or
c. one ARC Fellowship or project if the individual is also a Director on an active ARC Centre of Excellence and/or a Special Research Initiative project.
4.25. At the grant opportunity closing date for Discovery Indigenous applications, We will count:
b. whether the named participant will hold an ARC Centres of Excellence and/or Special Research Initiatives Director role on active projects on the grant opportunity’s active project assessment date;
c. the number of Discovery Projects EOI or full applications We are currently assessing which include that named participant as a CI; and
d. the number of Discovery Indigenous applications We are currently assessing which include that participant as a CI.
4.26. Applications for Australian Laureate Fellowships, Future Fellowships, DECRAs, ARC Centres of Excellence or Special Research Initiatives do not need to meet the project limit requirements at the grant opportunity closing date. If an Australian Laureate Fellowships, Future Fellowships, DECRA, ARC Centres of Excellence or Special Research Initiatives application is successful, named participants must meet the project limits under section 4.24 before the project can start. Project limits can be met by relinquishing existing active project(s), or relinquishing role(s) on existing active projects, or withdrawing application(s) that would exceed the project limits. This does not need to occur until all outcomes are announced.
4.27. If a role or Project must be relinquished to meet the limits at the grant opportunity closing date for a Discovery Indigenous application, We must approve the Variation before the grant opportunity closing date. Any relinquishment Variation submitted or approved after the grant opportunity closing date will not be taken into account when counting the number of projects under section 4.25.
4.28. It is Your responsibility to determine if applying for, or holding, a project under these grant guidelines will affect an individual researcher’s eligibility for other ARC grant opportunities as other ARC grant opportunities may have different project limits. We reserve the right to change project and application limits in future grant opportunities.
5. What the grant money can be used for
What grants funds can be used for
5.1. The Discovery Program supports research activities that meet the definition of ‘research’ in the Glossary.
5.2. You can only spend the grant on eligible expenditure items that directly support the project and in accordance with any additional special conditions in the grant agreement.
5.3. Eligible expenditure items may include:
5.4. Stipends may be requested to support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Honours students, subject to Your policies.
What grants funds cannot be used for
5.5. You cannot request or use grant funds for:
a. research activities, infrastructure or projects previously funded or currently being funded through any other Commonwealth grant;
b. medical research as detailed in the ARC Medical Research Policy on the ARC website;
c. activities leading solely to the creation or performance of a work of art, including visual art, musical compositions, drama, dance, film, broadcasts, designs and literary works, unless those works are directly related to the project activities and demonstrably research based;
d. contracted research or consultancy arrangements where one or more Organisation(s) is seeking expert external assistance, not available within their own organisation, to develop specific applications or outputs that involve little innovation or are low risk;
e. production of computer programs, research aids and tools; data warehouses, catalogues or bibliographies; or teaching materials, unless these meet the definition of ‘research’;
f. basic facilities that must be provided (where relevant) and funded by You and are not funded by the grant:
ii. access to a basic library collection;
iii. access to film or music editing facilities;
iv. work accommodation (for example, laboratory and office space, suitably equipped and furnished);
v. basic computer facilities such as desktop computers, portable computer devices, printers, word processing, and other standard software; and
vi. standard reference materials or funds for abstracting services;
g. capital works and general infrastructure costs;
h. costs not directly related to the project, including but not limited to professional membership fees, professional development courses, fees for patent application and maintenance, equipment for live music or drama performances, equipment for gallery and museum exhibitions, visas, relocation costs, entertainment costs, purchase of alcohol, insurance, mobile phones (purchase or call charges) and other indirect costs;
i. fees for international students or the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) and Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) liabilities for students;
j. salaries and/or on-costs, in whole or in part, for CIs or PIs; and
k. HDR stipends for CIs, DAATSIA recipients and PIs, in whole or in part.
6.1. You must address all of the relevant assessment criteria in Your application. We will assess your application based on the weighting given to each criterion.
6.2. The assessment criteria for the Discovery Indigenous grant opportunity are:
Taking into account research opportunity,
- record of high-quality research outputs appropriate to the discipline(s)
- evidence of excellence in research training, mentoring and supervision (where appropriate); and
- the capability of the investigator or team to build collaborations both within Australia and internationally.
b. Project quality and innovation 40%
Describe the:
- contribution to an important gap in knowledge or significant problem;
- novelty/originality and innovation of the proposed research (including any new methods, technologies, theories or ideas that will be developed);
- clarity of the hypothesis, theories and research questions;
- cohesiveness of the project design and implementation plan (including the appropriateness of the aim, conceptual framework, method, data and/or analyses); and
- extent to which the research has the potential to enhance international collaboration.
If the project involves Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander research additional criteria include:
- the project’s level of collaboration, engagement, relationship building and benefit sharing with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and First Nations Organisations and Communities;
- the project’s strategy and mechanisms for Indigenous research capacity building within the project;
- the project’s level of internal leadership of Indigenous research;
- the project’s adherence to the Australian Indigenous Data Sovereignty Principles; and
- the project’s understanding of, and proposed strategies to adhere to, the AIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research and NHMRC’s guidelines on Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities.
c. Benefit 15%
Describe the potential benefits including the:
- new or advanced knowledge resulting from outcomes of the research;
- economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits for Australia and international communities; and
- potential contribution to capacity in the Australian Government priority areas.
d. Feasibility 10%
Describe the:
- cost-effectiveness of the research and its value for money;
- suitability of the environment for the research team and their project, and for HDR students where appropriate;
- availability of the necessary facilities to complete the project; and
- extent to which the project’s design, participants and requested budget create confidence in the timely and successful completion of the project.
Assessing the DAATSIA candidate
6.3. Where an application includes provision for a DAATSIA, the candidate will be assessed according to the following criteria, taking into account research opportunity:
a. potential to enhance and expedite a high-quality project;
b. location within a suitable research environment that will support the candidate and project;
c. record of high-quality research outputs appropriate to the discipline(s);
d. evidence of excellence in research training, mentoring and supervision (where appropriate); and
e. capability to build collaborations both within Australia and internationally.
6.4. The recommendation to award the DAATSIA is made separately from the overall application. If the project is funded but the DAATSIA is not awarded, the researcher will remain as a CI on the project.
7. How to apply
7.1. Instructions To Applicants will be issued on the opening of the grant opportunity and applicants must follow the processes described in those Instructions, including regarding attachments to the application.
7.2. Your application must be completed in RMS. We will not accept late applications, other than in exceptional circumstances (such as due to natural disasters) in which case We will discuss this with You, and if We agree, invite You to make a late application.
7.3. You cannot change Your application after the closing date and time, unless invited to by the ARC.
7.4. We reserve the right to seek evidence to support the certification of applications at any point.
7.5. Questions during the application period should be directed to the Administering Organisation’s Research Office. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions will be posted on GrantConnect.
7.6. If You wish to withdraw Your application, You must inform Us in writing.
National Interest Test Statement
7.7. Applicants must provide a National Interest Test statement: a brief response that articulates the benefits of the proposed research in plain English in general terms beyond the period of the grant.
7.8. If relevant, You may include a Letter of Community Support in Your application from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community or community organisation which outlines the benefits the grant activity will provide to that community or community organisation.
Timing of the grant opportunity
7.9. The Discovery Indigenous scheme typically accepts one round of applications each year.
7.10. You must submit your application between the round opening and closing dates and times specified on GrantConnect.
8. The grant selection process
8.1. We will review Your application against the eligibility criteria. If ineligible, We must not recommend the application for funding.
8.2. All applications will be considered through a competitive peer review process, based on:
a. how well it meets the assessment criteria;
b. how it is ranked against other applications; and
c. whether it provides value for money (as defined in the Glossary).
8.3. Recommendations will be made to the ARC CEO from a Selection Advisory Committee.
8.4. In Our absolute discretion, We may recommend an application not be approved if we consider it (a) incomplete, (b) inaccurate or contains false or misleading information, or (c) is otherwise in breach of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
8.5. We may seek advice on security or other matters from Commonwealth agencies at any time during the process. We may seek information from You about activities and protections in line with that advice.
8.6. During the assessment, We may request additional information, which does not change the nature of Your application.
8.7. Our CEO will make recommendations for funding to the Minister, after considering the advice from peer review, national security considerations, and alignment with Australian Government priorities.
8.8. The Minister will decide which grants to fund. The Minister’s decision is final in all matters.
8.9. The outcome of all applications will be published in RMS.
Requests Not To Assess process
8.10. You may name up to three persons whom You do not wish to assess an application by submitting a ‘Request Not to Assess’ (RNTA) form in RMS as detailed on GrantConnect and on the ARC website.
8.11. The RNTA form must be received by Us two weeks prior to the grant opportunity closing date.
8.12. Only one request containing the names of up to three individual assessors may be submitted per application.
8.13. If a request includes the name of a current ARC College of Experts member, as listed on the ARC website or in RMS at the time of submitting the RNTA form, the request must be accompanied by comprehensive evidence justifying the request for the ARC College of Experts member or members named. If We consider the evidence is not sufficient for the named ARC College of Experts member or members, We will reject part, or all the request.
8.14. We have discretion about whether We accept or refuse a RNTA. We will not notify You of the outcome.
8.15. You will be given the opportunity to respond to any Detailed Assessors’ written comments through a rejoinder. Names of assessors will not be provided. Further information on the rejoinder process is available on the ARC website.
9. Successful grant applications
9.1. If successful, Your grant will be listed on GrantConnect no more than 21 calendar days after the date of effect.
9.2. We will publicise and report offers and grants awarded, including the following information about the project:
a. Your name and any other parties involved in or associated with the project;
b. named participants and their organisations;
c. the project description (the title and summary descriptions);
d. Your National Interest Test statement;
e. classifications and international collaboration country names; and
f. the ARC grant funding amount.
9.3. You should ensure information contained in the project title, summary descriptions and National Interest Test statement will not compromise Your requirements for confidentiality (such as protection of Intellectual Property).
9.4. We may publish a project description, including title and summary, which differs from that provided in the application.
9.5. You must enter into a grant agreement with Us to receive a grant.
9.6. We use the ARC Discovery Program Discovery Indigenous grant agreement which contains standard terms and conditions that cannot be changed. A sample grant agreement is available on GrantConnect. Any special conditions will be identified in the grant offer.
9.7. You will have 30 calendar days from the date of offer to execute the grant agreement.
9.8. We must execute a grant agreement with You before We can make payment. We are not responsible for any of Your project expenditure until a grant agreement is executed.
9.9. Payments will be made as set out in the grant agreement. Grant funding will typically be paid monthly through Our payment system to You.
9.10. The grant offer will specify the approved grant amount. We will not pay more than the approved grant amount under any circumstances. If you incur extra costs, You must meet them.
9.11. Grant funding may be subject to indexation.
9.12. All amounts referred to in these grant guidelines are exclusive of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), unless expressly stated otherwise.
9.13. Any grant awarded will be subject to sufficient funds being available for the project, the provisions of the ARC Act and the continued satisfactory progress of the project.
9.14. Variations must be submitted where there are changes to the duration of the project, changes to the Organisations, changes to contributions by the Organisations, change of named participants or if changes to the project result in it no longer aligning with the project description. Variations are subject to ARC approval and further information can be found in the Grant Agreement.
9.15. All named participants in an application must take responsibility for the authorship and intellectual content of the application, appropriately citing sources and acknowledging all significant contributions, including from third parties.
Chief Investigators and DAATSIA recipients
9.16. The CI or DAATSIA recipients must:
b. meet relinquishment and any other requirements specified in the grant agreement.
9.17. The DAATSIA may be undertaken on either a full-time, or a part-time, basis subject to Your organisation’s employment conditions and provided the DAATSIA does not exceed eight years from the project start date (excluding any approved periods of suspension).
9.18. The DAATSIA recipient cannot begin another ARC Fellowship until the DAATSIA has been completed.
9.19. You must employ the DAATSIA recipient(s) for the project activity period.
9.20. You are responsible for managing changes to the DAATSIA recipient’s working hours.
You are required to notify Us of any changes to working hours through submission of a Variation.
9.21. You must ensure the DAATSIA recipient has access to the following leave entitlements in line with Your normal practice:
c. sick leave; and
d. additional leave of up to twelve months using accrued leave or leave without pay.
Specific research policies and practices
9.22. All applications and ARC-funded research projects must comply with the requirements for responsible and ethical research practice specified in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, and the codes, guidelines, practices and policies on the ARC website, including the ARC Conflict of Interest Policy and any actions that have been applied under the ARC Research Integrity Policy.
9.23. An ethics plan must be in place before commencement of the project.
9.24. Intellectual Property arrangements should be negotiated between You, Other Eligible Organisations and Other Organisations as relevant. We do not claim ownership of any Intellectual Property arising from the project.
9.25. All research projects must comply with the ARC Open Access Policy on the dissemination of findings on the ARC website.
9.26. A data management plan must be in place before the project commences, in line with the grant agreement, and ARC expectations on the ARC website.
9.27. All named participants applying for grants are strongly encouraged to have a persistent digital identifier such as an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) in their RMS Profile.
9.28. You must inform us of any changes to Your:
a. name;
b. addresses;
c. nominated contact details; or
d. bank account details.
9.29. You must submit reports in line with the grant agreement. Reports must be submitted through RMS, unless otherwise advised by Us. Reporting may include:
a. End of year reports;
b. Final reports; and
c. Post-project reporting.
9.31. We may evaluate the project to measure how well the outcomes and objectives were achieved. We may use information from Your application and reports or may contact You after grant completion to assist evaluation.
10. Probity
10.1. The Australian Government will make sure that the grant opportunity process is fair, according to the published guidelines, incorporates appropriate safeguards against fraud, unlawful activities and other inappropriate conduct and is consistent with the CGRGs and the ARC Act.
10.2. We will only consider appeals against the NCGP administrative process and not against committee decisions, assessor ratings and comments, or the assessment outcome. Appellants must identify the specific guideline/legislative instrument clause, policy or procedure which they believe has been incorrectly applied.
10.3. You must submit an appeal using the Form on the ARC website and have it authorised by the Administering Organisation’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) or equivalent.
10.4. The appeals process is set out on the ARC website.
10.5. You will be asked to certify as part of Your application that any perceived, potential or existing conflicts of interests have been declared to You or that, to the best of Your knowledge, there is no conflict of interest in Your application. Each named individual or organisation must make this declaration about any aspect of the application or project to You at the date of submission.
10.6. If a conflict of interest exists or arises, You must have documented processes in place to manage that conflict for the duration of the project. Processes must comply with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018), the ARC Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy and any relevant successor documents.
10.7. We will handle any conflicts of interest as set out in Australian Government policies and procedures. Refer to the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy on the ARC website.
Privacy and protection of personal information
10.8. We treat your personal information according to the Australian Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
10.9. You are required, as part of Your application, to certify Your compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), including the Australian Privacy Principles and impose the same privacy obligations on any subcontractors You engage. You must ask for our consent in writing before disclosing confidential information.
10.10. The Australian Government may use and disclose confidential information about grant applicants and grant recipients to any other Australian Government business or function.
10.11. We will treat the information You give Us as confidential if:
a. You clearly identify the information as confidential and explain why We should treat it as confidential;
b. the information is commercial in confidence;
c. revealing the information would cause unreasonable harm to You or someone else; or
d. You provide the information with an understanding that it will stay confidential.
10.12. All documents in the possession of the Australian Government, including those about this program, are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act).
10.13. The Freedom of Information process is set out on the ARC website.
For the purposes of the Discovery Program grant guidelines, acronyms have the meanings defined below.
Acronym | Description |
ARC | Australian Research Council |
ARC Act | Australian Research Council Act 2001 |
CGRGs | Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines 2017 |
CI | Chief Investigator |
DAATSIA | Discovery Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Award |
DECRA | Discovery Early Career Researcher Award |
FOI | Freedom of Information |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
HDR | Higher Degree by Research |
HECS | Higher Education Contribution Scheme |
HELP | Higher Education Loan Program |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
NCGP | National Competitive Grants Program |
ORCID | Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier |
PI | Partner Investigator |
RMS | Research Management System |
SAC | Selection Advisory Committee |
For the purposes of the Discovery Program grant guidelines, terms have the meanings defined below.
Term | Definition |
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person | a person of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent who identifies as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person and is accepted as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person by the community in which they live or have lived. |
active project | a project that is receiving funding according to the terms of an existing Funding Agreement or grant agreement, or has any carryover funds approved by the ARC, or an approved variation to the project end date. |
active project assessment date | the date on which active project eligibility will be considered for project and application limits per named participant. |
Administering Organisation | an Eligible Organisation which submits an application for a grant and which will be responsible for the administration of the grant if the application is approved for funding. |
applicant | the Administering Organisation. |
application | a request for funding submitted through RMS by an Administering Organisation seeking grant funding under an ARC grant program. It includes the specifics of a proposed grant activity as well as the administrative information required to determine the eligibility of the application. |
applied research | original investigation undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge. It is, however, directed primarily towards a specific, practical aim or objective. |
ARC College of Experts | the body of experts of international standing appointed to assist the ARC to identify research excellence, moderate external assessments and recommend applications for funding. Its members are specialist and generalist experts in their knowledge fields drawn from the Australian research community. The ARC website provides information on who is a member of the College of Experts. |
ARC Fellowship
| a named Fellowship position within any ARC grant program where the salary is funded wholly or partly by the ARC. |
assessment criteria
| the specified principles or standards, against which applications will be considered. These criteria are also used to assess the merits of applications and, in the case of a competitive grant opportunity, to determine application rankings. |
Australian Government priority areas | any areas identified by the Australian Government as priorities for research. |
bench fees | fees that an organisation charges for an individual to use infrastructure which would normally be provided by the organisation for their employees. This infrastructure may vary and could include, for example, an office or laboratory space with appropriate equipment, or access to non-specialised equipment owned by the organisation. |
candidate | the person nominated in an application for a Discovery Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Researcher Award. |
Chief Investigator | a participant who satisfies the eligibility criteria for a CI under these grant guidelines. |
consultancy | the provision of specialist advice, analysis, assistance, services or products to another organisation(s), generally where the consultancy services are for the sole or preferred use of that other organisation(s). |
date of effect | the date on which a grant agreement is signed or a specified starting date. |
Detailed Assessors | assessors drawn from the ARC assessor community who are assigned applications to review for their specific expertise in a field of research. |
eligibility criteria | the mandatory criteria which must be met to qualify for a grant. Assessment criteria may apply in addition to eligibility criteria. |
Eligible Organisation | an organisation listed in Appendix B of these grant guidelines. |
field research | the collection of information integral to the project outside a laboratory, library or workplace setting and often in a location external to the participant’s normal place of employment. |
grant activity | the project/tasks/services that the grantee is required to undertake. A project consists of a number of grant activities. |
grant agreement | the agreement entered into by the ARC and an Administering Organisation when an application from that organisation is approved for grant funding. This was previously referred to as a ‘Funding Agreement’. |
grant commencement date | the date on which grant funding may commence. |
grant offer | the details listed in the ARC’s RMS under ‘Funding Offers’ showing the project details and grant amount. |
GrantConnect | the Australian Government’s whole-of-government grants information system, which centralises the publication and reporting of Commonwealth grants in accordance with the CGRGs. |
grantee | the Administering Organisation which has been selected to receive a grant. |
grant opportunity | the specific grant round or process where a Commonwealth grant is made available to potential grantees. Grant opportunities may be open or targeted, and will reflect the relevant grant selection process. |
grant opportunity closing date | the last day on which applications for a grant opportunity will be accepted for consideration for a specific grant opportunity. |
grant recipient | an individual or organisation who has received grant funding from the ARC. |
GST | the meaning as given in Section 195-1 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. |
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) | a ‘Research Doctorate or Research Masters course, for which at least two-thirds of the student load for the course is required as research work’ as defined by the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017. |
Honorary academic appointment | an honorary academic appointment for eligibility purposes means a position that gives full academic status to the researcher, as certified by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) (or equivalent) in the application. The researcher must have access to research support comparable to employees e.g., an emeritus appointment. The researcher is not eligible to be a Chief Investigator using their honorary academic appointment if they are employed by an organisation other than an Eligible Organisation for more than 0.2 FTE. |
in-kind contributions | a contribution of goods, services, materials and/or time to the project from an individual, business or organisation. Values should be calculated based on the most likely actual cost, for example, current market, preferred provider or internal provider rates/valuations/rentals/charges (that is in the financial year of the date of the application) of the costs of labour, work spaces, equipment and databases. The calculations covering time and costs should be documented by the Administering Organisation. The ARC may require these calculations to be audited. |
Instructions to Applicants | a set of instructions prepared by the ARC to assist applicants in completing the application form. |
Key Performance Indicators | a set of quantifiable measures that the ARC uses to monitor and report on progress of research outcomes. |
legislative instrument | a law on matters of detail made by a person or body authorised to do so by the relevant enabling legislation. |
medical research | medical research as defined in the ARC Medical Research Policy available on the ARC website. |
named participants | individual researchers nominated for particular roles in an application. |
ORCID Identifier | a persistent digital identifier for an individual researcher available on the ORCID website, |
Other Eligible Organisation | an organisation listed in Section 4 of these grant guidelines which is not the Administering Organisation on an application. |
Other Organisation | an organisation that is not an Administering Organisation or Other Eligible Organisation that contributes to the research project. |
participants | all named participants on an application (i.e.. CIs, PIs, candidates); and all unnamed researchers such as postdoctoral research associates and postgraduate researchers working on a project. |
participating organisation | an organisation on an application (i.e., Administering Organisation, Other Eligible Organisations and Other Organisations) |
Partner Investigator | a named participant who satisfies the eligibility criteria for a Partner Investigator under these grant guidelines. |
Postdoctoral Research Associate | a postdoctoral research associate funded by the Commonwealth through the Administering Organisation, who will be employed on the project. |
Postgraduate Researcher | a postgraduate research student funded by the Commonwealth through the Administering Organisation, who will undertake a HDR through the project. |
Preprint or comparable resource | a preprint or comparable resource is a scholarly output that is uploaded by the authors to a recognised publicly accessible archive, repository, or pre-print service (such as, but not limited to, arXiv, bioRxiv, medRxiv, ChemRxiv, Peer J Preprints, Zenodo, GitHub, PsyArXiv and publicly available university or government repositories etc.). This will include a range of materials that have been subjected to varying degrees of peer review from none to light and full review. Ideally, a preprint or comparable resource should have a unique identifier or a DOI (digital object identifier). Any citation of a preprint or comparable resource should be explicitly identified as such and listed in the references with a DOI, URL or equivalent, version number and/or date of access, as applicable. |
project | an application approved by the Minister to receive funding from the ARC through an application. |
project activity period | the period during which a project is receiving grant funding according to the original grant offer, or has any carryover funds approved by the ARC, or an approved variation to the project’s end date. During this period, the project is known as an active project. |
project end date | the expected date that the project activity is completed and by which all grant funding will be spent. |
Project Leader | the named participant from the Administering Organisation who is the first-named CI on an application. |
pure basic research | basic research carried out for the advancement of knowledge, without seeking long-term economic or social benefits or making any effort to apply the results to practical problems or to transfer the results to sectors responsible for their application. |
research | for the purposes of these grant guidelines, the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies, inventions and understandings. This could include synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it is new and creative. This definition of research is consistent with a broad notion of research and experimental development comprising “creative and systematic work undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge – including knowledge of humankind, culture and society – and to devise new applications of available knowledge” |
research infrastructure | the assets, facilities, services, and coordinated access to major national and/or international research facilities or consortia which directly support research in higher education organisations and more broadly and which maintain the capacity of researchers to undertake excellent research and deliver innovative outcomes. |
Research Office | a business unit within an Eligible Organisation that is responsible for contact with the ARC regarding applications and projects. |
research output | all products (including Preprints or comparable resources) of a research project that meet the definition of research. |
Selection Advisory Committee (SAC) | a group of experts from academia and industry appointed to assist the ARC to evaluate applications and to provide a recommendation for funding to the CEO. A SAC may be drawn from the ARC College of Experts. |
selection process | the method used to select potential grantees. This process may involve comparative assessment of applications or the assessment of applications against the eligibility criteria and/or the assessment criteria. |
Special Condition | a condition specified in a grant offer which governs the use of the funding provided by the ARC. |
strategic basic research | experimental and theoretical work undertaken to acquire new knowledge directed into specified broad areas in the expectation of practical discoveries. It provides the broad base of knowledge necessary for the solution of recognised practical problems. |
travel costs | the domestic and international economy travel costs associated with the project, including to foster and strengthen collaborations between researchers in Australia and overseas. |
value for money | ‘value for money’ is a judgement based on the grant application representing an efficient, effective, economical and ethical use of public resources determined from a variety of considerations: merit of the proposal, risk, cost and expected contribution to outcome achievement. |
Variation of Grant Agreement (Variation) | a request submitted to the ARC in RMS to agree a change in the grant agreement. |
We | the Australian Research Council (ARC). ‘Us’ and ‘Our’ are also used in this context. |
You | the Eligible Organisation that submitted the application. ‘Your’ is also used in this context. |
Appendix B: Eligible Organisations
Organisation Name | Organisation ABN |
| Organisation Name | Organisation ABN |
Australian Catholic University | 15 050 192 660 |
| Swinburne University of Technology | 13 628 586 699 |
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies | 62 020 533 641 |
| The Australian National University | 52 234 063 906 |
Avondale University | 53 108 186 401 |
| The University of Adelaide | 61 249 878 937 |
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education | 32 039 179 166 |
| The University of Melbourne | 84 002 705 224 |
Bond University | 88 010 694 121 |
| The University of New England | 75 792 454 315 |
Central Queensland University | 39 181 103 288 |
| The University of New South Wales | 57 195 873 179 |
Charles Darwin University | 54 093 513 649 |
| The University of Newcastle | 15 736 576 735 |
Charles Sturt University | 83 878 708 551 |
| The University of Notre Dame Australia | 69 330 643 210 |
Curtin University | 99 143 842 569 |
| The University of Queensland | 63 942 912 684 |
Deakin University | 56 721 584 203 |
| The University of Sydney | 15 211 513 464 |
Edith Cowan University | 54 361 485 361 |
| The University of Western Australia | 37 882 817 280 |
Federation University Australia | 51 818 692 256 |
| Torrens University Australia | 99 154 937 005 |
Flinders University | 65 542 596 200 |
| University of Canberra | 81 633 873 422 |
Griffith University | 78 106 094 461 |
| University of Divinity | 95 290 912 141 |
James Cook University | 46 253 211 955 |
| University of South Australia | 37 191 313 308 |
La Trobe University | 64 804 735 113 |
| University of Southern Queensland | 40 234 732 081 |
Macquarie University | 90 952 801 237 |
| University of Tasmania | 30 764 374 782 |
Monash University | 12 377 614 012 |
| University of Technology Sydney | 77 257 686 961 |
Murdoch University | 61 616 369 313 |
| University of the Sunshine Coast | 28 441 859 157 |
Queensland University of Technology | 83 791 724 622 |
| University of Wollongong | 61 060 567 686 |
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology | 49 781 030 034 |
| Victoria University | 83 776 954 731 |
Southern Cross University | 41 995 651 524 |
| Western Sydney University | 53 014 069 881 |