Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia


Radiocommunications (Area-Wide Licences – Limits, Authorisations and Transfers) Determination 2024


The Australian Communications and Media Authority makes the following determination under subsections 102G(1), 115(1) and 131AC(1) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992.

Dated: 8 February 2024

Creina Chapman




Samantha Yorke


Member/General Manager


Australian Communications and Media Authority




1  Name

  This is the Radiocommunications (Area-Wide Licences – Limits, Authorisations and Transfers) Determination 2024.

2  Commencement

  This instrument commences at the start of the day after the day it is registered.

Note: The Federal Register of Legislation is available, free of charge, at

3  Authority

  This instrument is made under subsections 102G(1), 115(1) and 131AC(1) of the Act.

4  Interpretation

 (1) In this instrument, unless the contrary intention appears:

3.4 GHz band means the part of the spectrum from 3.4 GHz to 3.95 GHz.

3.8 GHz band means the part of the spectrum from 3.8 GHz to 3.95 GHz.

Act means the Radiocommunications Act 1992.

area-wide licence has the same meaning as in:

 (a) the Radiocommunications (Interpretation) Determination 2015; or

 (b) if another instrument replaces that determination and defines the term – the other instrument.

Note 1: The Radiocommunications (Interpretation) Determination 2015 is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation and is accessible, free of charge, at

Note 2: An area-wide licence is a type of transmitter licence determined under section 98 of the Act.

associate: see subsection (2).

extended 3.8 GHz band means the part of the spectrum from 3.75 GHz to 3.95 GHz.

foreign company has the same meaning as in the Corporations Act 2001.

local agent has the same meaning as in the Corporations Act 2001.

metropolitan area: see Schedule 3.

named person means each of the following:

 (a) Mobile JV Pty Limited (ACN 628 500 916);

 (b) NBN Co Limited (ACN 136 533 741);

 (c) Optus Mobile Pty Limited (ACN 054 365 696);

 (d) Telstra Limited (ACN 086 174 781).

regional area: see Schedule 3.

related body corporate has the same meaning as in the Corporations Act 2001.

relevant area-wide licence means an area-wide licence that authorises the operation of radiocommunications transmitters:

 (a) in any part of the metropolitan area, on any frequencies in the 3.8 GHz band; or

 (b) in any part of the regional area, on any frequencies in the 3.8 GHz band; or

 (c) in any part of the rural area, on any frequencies in the extended 3.8 GHz band.

rural area: see Schedule 3.

Note: A number of other expressions used in this instrument are defined in the Act, including the following:

(a) class licence;

(b) spectrum licence;

(c) radiocommunications transmitter;

(d) receiver licence;

(e) transmitter licence.

 (2) Each of the following is an associate of a named person:

 (a) a related body corporate of the named person;

 (b) a director or secretary of the named person;

 (c) a foreign company for which the named person is a local agent.

 (3) In this instrument, unless the contrary intention appears, a reference to a part of the spectrum includes all frequencies that are greater than but not including the lower frequency, up to and including the higher frequency.

5  References to other instruments

  In this instrument, unless the contrary intention appears:

 (a) a reference to any other legislative instrument is a reference to that other legislative instrument as in force from time to time; and

 (b) a reference to any other kind of instrument or writing is a reference to that other instrument or writing as in force, or existing, from time to time.

Note 1: For references to Commonwealth Acts, see section 10 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901; and see also subsection 13(1) of the Legislation Act 2003 for the application of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 to legislative instruments.

Note 2: All Commonwealth Acts and legislative instruments are registered on the Federal Register of Legislation.

Note 3: See section 314A of the Act.

6  Schedule 1–Initial limits

  For the purposes of subsection 102G(1), subsection 115(1) and subsection 131AC(1) of the Act, Schedule 1 has effect in the period:

 (a) commencing when this instrument commences; and

 (b) ending at the end of 30 September 2024.

7  Schedule 2–Subsequent limits

  For the purposes of subsection 102G(1) of the Act, Schedule 2 has effect in the period:

 (a) commencing at the start of 1 October 2024; and

 (b) ending at the end of 30 September 2025.


Schedule 1—Initial limits

(section 6)

1  Allocation and issue of area-wide licence not to exceed limit

 (1) This clause is made under paragraph 102G(1)(a) of the Act.

Limit in 3.8 GHz band in metropolitan area

 (2) Subclause (3) imposes a limit on the aggregate of the parts of the spectrum that, as a result of the allocation or issue of area-wide licences in the 3.8 GHz band in the metropolitan area, may be used by any of the following:

 (a) a named person;

 (b) any associate of a named person.

 (3) The limit is zero MHz.

Note: The effect of subclauses (2) and (3) is that no named person, and no associate of a named person, may be allocated or issued an area-wide licence that authorises the operation of radiocommunications transmitters in the 3.8 GHz band in the metropolitan area while this Schedule has effect.

Limit in 3.8 GHz band in regional area

 (4) Subclause (5) imposes a limit on the aggregate of the parts of the spectrum that, as a result of the allocation or issue of area-wide licences in the 3.8 GHz band in the regional area, may be used by any of the following:

 (a) a named person;

 (b) any associate of a named person.

 (5) The limit is zero MHz.

Note: The effect of subclauses (4) and (5) is that no named person, and no associate of a named person, may be allocated or issued an area-wide licence that authorises the operation of radiocommunications transmitters in the 3.8 GHz band in the regional area while this Schedule has effect.

Limit in extended 3.8 GHz band in rural area

 (6) Subclause (7) imposes a limit on the aggregate of the parts of the spectrum that, as a result of the allocation or issue of area-wide licences in the extended 3.8 GHz band in the rural area, may be used by any of the following:

 (a) a named person;

 (b) any associate of a named person.

 (7) The limit is zero MHz.

Note: The effect of subclauses (6) and (7) is that no named person, and no associate of a named person, may be allocated or issued an area-wide licence that authorises the operation of radiocommunications transmitters in the extended 3.8 GHz band in the rural area while this Schedule has effect.

2  No authorisation of certain third party users under relevant area-wide licences

 (1) This clause is made under paragraph 115(1)(b) of the Act.

 (2) Subclause (3) determines the class of persons who must not be authorised to operate radiocommunications transmitters under a relevant area-wide licence.

 (3) The class of persons is:

 (a) each named person; and

 (b) each associate of a named person.

Note: The effect of subclauses (2) and (3) is that no licensee of an area-wide licence in the 3.8 GHz band may authorise a named person, or an associate of a named person, to operate a radiocommunications transmitter under the licence in the metropolitan area or in the regional area, and no licensee of an area-wide licence in the extended 3.8 GHz band may authorise a named person, or an associate of a named person, to operate a radiocommunications transmitter under the licence in the rural area, while this Schedule has effect.

3  Relevant area-wide licence not transferrable to certain persons

 (1) This clause is made under paragraph 131AC(1)(b) of the Act.

 (2) Subclause (3) specifies the circumstances in which a relevant area-wide licence is not transferrable.

 (3) The circumstances are where the transfer of the licence is to one of the following:

 (a) a named person; or

 (b) an associate of a named person.

Note: The effect of subclauses (2) and (3) is that an area-wide licence in the 3.8 GHz band in the metropolitan area or regional area may not be transferred to a named person, or an associate of a named person, and an area-wide licence in the extended 3.8 GHz band in the rural area may not be transferred to a named person, or an associate of a named person, while this Schedule has effect.


Schedule 2—Subsequent limits

(section 7)

1  Definitions

 (1) In this Schedule, relevant group of persons means:

 (a) a named person and all associates of that named person; or

 (b) subject to subclause (2), any 2 or more groups referred to in paragraph (a) that have at least one member in common.

 (2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), an individual is not taken to be a member in common between 2 or more groups that are comprised of a named person (the relevant person) and the associates of that relevant person where all of the following apply:

 (a) the individual is providing services as a company secretary (the company secretarial services) to one or more related bodies corporate of the relevant person in each group;

 (b) the individual is providing the company secretarial services through a person or entity (the third party service provider) that:

 (i) is not a member of any of the groups; and

 (ii) carries on a business for the provision of professional services, including company secretarial services; and

 (iii) has, in the ordinary course of carrying on that business, been separately and independently engaged by an entity within each of the related groups, under a contract or other legally binding arrangement, to provide the company secretarial services;

 (c) the individual is not, other than by reason of providing the company secretarial services, an associate of any of the relevant persons;

 (d) each of the related bodies corporate to which the individual is providing the company secretarial services is incorporated outside Australia.

2  Allocation and issue of area-wide licence not to exceed limit

 (1) This clause is made under paragraph 102G(1)(b) of the Act.

Note: The limit in this clause only applies after the limits in clause 1 of Schedule 1 cease to have effect.

Limit in 3.8 GHz band in metropolitan area

 (2) The allocation or issue of area-wide licences that authorise the operation of radiocommunications transmitters in the 3.8 GHz band in the metropolitan area must not result in a person exceeding the allocation limit for the metropolitan area.

 (3) A person exceeds the allocation limit for the metropolitan area if:

 (a) the person is allocated or issued an area-wide licence under subsection 100(1) of the Act; and

 (b) the person, or the relevant group of persons that includes the person, is authorised to use, in aggregate, more of the spectrum in the 3.4 GHz band in all or part of the metropolitan area than the allocation limit for the metropolitan area.

Limit in 3.8 GHz band in regional area

 (4) The allocation or issue of area-wide licences that authorise the operation of radiocommunications transmitters in the 3.8 GHz band in the regional area must not result in a person exceeding the allocation limit for the regional area.

 (5) A person exceeds the allocation limit for the regional area if:

 (a) the person is allocated or issued an area-wide licence under subsection 100(1) of the Act; and

 (b) the person, or the relevant group of persons that includes the person, is authorised to use, in aggregate, more of the spectrum in the 3.4 GHz band in all or part of the regional area than the allocation limit for the regional area.

Limit in extended 3.8 GHz band in rural area

 (6) The allocation or issue of area-wide licences that authorise the operation of radiocommunications transmitters in the extended 3.8 GHz band in the rural area must not result in a person exceeding the allocation limit for the rural area.

 (7) A person exceeds the allocation limit for the rural area if:

 (a) the person is allocated or issued an area-wide licence under subsection 100(1) of the Act; and

 (b) the person, or the relevant group of persons that includes the person, is authorised to use, in aggregate, more of the spectrum in the 3.4 GHz band in all or part of the rural area than the allocation limit for the rural area.

Meaning of allocation limit

 (8) In this clause, the allocation limit is:

 (a) for the metropolitan area – 140 MHz of spectrum; and

 (b) for the regional area – 160 MHz of spectrum; and

 (c) for the rural area – 160 MHz of spectrum.

Authorisations that are relevant

 (9) In determining how much of the spectrum in the 3.4 GHz band a person is authorised to use in the metropolitan area, the regional area or the rural area at a time, take into account:

 (a) authorisations to operate radiocommunications devices in a specified part of the 3.4 GHz band in the area, where those authorisations are in spectrum licences that exist at the time (whether or not the spectrum licence has come into force); and

 (b) authorisations to operate radiocommunications devices in a specified part of the 3.4 GHz band in the area, where those authorisations are in area-wide licences that exist at the time (whether or not the area-wide licence has come into force).

Authorisations that are not relevant

 (10) For the purposes of this clause, do not take into account the following:

 (a) authorisations in transmitter licences that are not area-wide licences;

 (b) authorisations under subsection 68(1) of the Act (about third party use and spectrum licences);

 (c) authorisations under subsection 114(1) of the Act (about third party use and apparatus licences).

Note: Section 102G of the Act does not empower the ACMA to impose limits on the aggregate part of the spectrum that, under existing receiver licences or under class licences, or as a result of the allocation or issue of receiver licences, may be used by any one person, or a specified person, or may in total be used by the members of a specified group of persons. Accordingly, use of spectrum authorised under these licences are also not taken into account.


Schedule 3—Metropolitan area, regional area and rural area

(subsection 4(1))

1  The metropolitan area, the regional area and the rural area

 (1) The metropolitan area is:

 (a) the area named in column 1 of item 1 of the table; and

 (b) ascertained as the composite of the areas described using the identifiers from the Hierarchical Cell Identification Scheme set out in column 2 of the item.

 (2) The regional area is:

 (a) the area named in column 1 of item 2 of the table; and

 (b) ascertained as the composite of the areas described using the identifiers from the Hierarchical Cell Identification Scheme set out in column 2 of the item.

 (3) The rural area is:

 (a) the area named in column 1 of item 3 of the table; and

 (b) ascertained as the composite of the areas described using the identifiers from the Hierarchical Cell Identification Scheme set out in column 2 of the item.

 (4) In this Schedule, Hierarchical Cell Identification Scheme means the cell grouping hierarchy scheme used to describe areas in the Australian Spectrum Map Grid 2012, published by the ACMA on its website at

Note 1: The Hierarchical Cell Identification Scheme is a system, set out in the Australian Spectrum Map Grid 2012, used by the ACMA to define geographic areas for radiocommunications licensing.

Note 2: The Australian Spectrum Map Grid 2012 is available, free of charge, from the ACMA’s website at

Note 3: A tool to convert lists of Hierarchical Cell Identification Scheme identifiers, such as the lists in the table, into Placemark files to allow these areas to be visualised using computer mapping software is available from the ACMA’s website at  

Table Hierarchical Cell Identification Scheme identifiers for the metropolitan area, regional area and rural area



Column 1

Column 2



Hierarchical Cell Identification Scheme identifiers for the area


Metropolitan area

IW3J, IW3K, IW3N, IW3O, IW3P, IW6B, IW6C, IW3E5, IW3E6, IW3E8, IW3E9, IW3F4, IW3F5, IW3F7, IW3F8, IW3F9, IW3I2, IW3I3, IW3I5, IW3I6, IW3I8, IW3I9, IW3L4, IW3L7, IW3M2, IW3M3, IW3M5, IW3M6, IW3M8, IW3M9, IW6A2, IW6A3, IW6A5, IW6A6, IW6A8, IW6A9, IW6D1, IW6D2, IW6D3, IW6D4, IW6D5, IW6D6, IW6E2, IW6E3, IW6F1, IW6F2, IW6F3, IW6G1, IW6G2, IW6G3, NT8D, NT8H, NT8L, NT9A, NT9B, NT9E, NT9F, NT8C3, NT8C6, NT8C9, NT8G1, NT8G2, NT8G3, NT8G5, NT8G6, NT8G8, NT8G9, NT8K2, NT8K3, NT8K6, NT8K9, NT8O3, NT8P1, NT8P2, NT8P3, NT9C1, NT9C4, NT9C7, NT9G1, NT9G4, NT9G7, NT9I1, NT9I2, NT9I3, NT9I4, NT9I5, NT9I6, NT9I7, NT9I8, NT9J1, NT9J2, NT9J3, NT9J4, NT9J5, NT9J6, NT9K1, NT9K4, NT9M1, NT9M2, MW4H, MW4L, MW5A, MW5E, MW5I, MW4D7, MW4D8, MW4D9, MW4G1, MW4G2, MW4G3, MW4G5, MW4G6, MW4G8, MW4G9, MW4K2, MW4K3, MW4K5, MW4K6, MW4P3, MW4P6, MW5B4, MW5B7, MW5B8, MW5F1, MW5F2, MW5M1, MW5M2, MW5M4, MW5M5, LY8L, LY8P, LY9I, LY9J, LY9K, LY9L, LY9M, LY9N, LY9O, LY9P, LZ2D, LZ2H, LZ3A, LZ3B, LZ3C, LZ3D, LZ3E, LZ3F, LZ3G, LZ3H, LY8H4, LY8H5, LY8H6, LY8H7, LY8H8, LY8H9, LY9E4, LY9E5, LY9E6, LY9E7, LY9E8, LY9E9, LY9F4, LY9F5, LY9F6, LY9F7, LY9F8, LY9F9, LY9G4, LY9G5, LY9G6, LY9G7, LY9G8, LY9G9, LY9H4, LY9H5, LY9H6, LY9H7, LY9H8, LY9H9, LZ2L1, LZ2L2, LZ2L3, LZ3I1, LZ3I2, LZ3I3, LZ3J1, LZ3J2, LZ3J3, LZ3K1, LZ3K2, LZ3K3, LZ3L1, LZ3L2, LZ3L3, KX3K, KX3L, KX3O, KX3P, KX6A, KX6B, KX6C, KX6D, KX6E, KX6F, KX6G, KX6H, KX6I, KX6J, KX6K, KX6L, LX1I, LX1M, LX4A, KX3F8, KX3F9, KX3G7, KX3G8, KX3G9, KX3H7, KX3H8, KX3H9, KX3J2, KX3J3, KX3J5, KX3J6, KX3J8, KX3J9, KX3M5, KX3M6, KX3M8, KX3M9, KX3N2, KX3N3, KX3N4, KX3N5, KX3N6, KX3N7, KX3N8, KX3N9, KX5D2, KX5D3, KX5D5, KX5D6, KX5D8, KX5D9, KX5H2, KX5H3, KX5H5, KX5H6, KX5H8, KX5H9, KX5L2, KX5L3, KX5L5, KX5L6, KX5L8, KX5L9, LX1E7, LX1E8, LX1E9, LX1J1, LX1J4, LX1J5, LX1J7, LX1J8, LX1N1, LX1N2, LX1N4, LX1N5, LX1N6, LX1N7, LX1N8, LX1N9, LX4B1, LX4B4, LX4B7, LX4E1, LX4E2, LX4E3, LX4E4, LX4E5, LX4E6, LX4E7, LX4I1, LX4I4, LX4I7, BV1I, BV1J, BV1K, BV1L, BV1M, BV1N, BV1O, BV1P, BV2I, BV2J, BV2M, BV2N, BV4A, BV4B, BV4C, BV4D, BV4E, BV4F, BV4G, BV4H, BV4I, BV4J, BV4K, BV4L, BV5A, BV5B, BV5E, BV5F, BV5I, BV5J, BV1E7, BV1E8, BV1E9, BV1F7, BV1F8, BV1F9, BV1G7, BV1G8, BV1G9, BV1H7, BV1H8, BV1H9, BV2E7, BV2E8, BV2E9, BV2F7, BV2F8, BV2F9, BV4M1, BV4M2, BV4M3, BV4N1, BV4N2, BV4N3, BV4O1, BV4O2, BV4O3, BV4P1, BV4P2, BV4P3, BV5M1, BV5M2, BV5M3, BV5N1, BV5N2, BV5N3, MV9K, MV9L, MV9O, MV9P, MW3C, NV4P, NV5M, NV7B, NV7C, NV7D, NV7E, NV7F, NV7G, NV7H, NV7I, NV7J, NV7K, NV7L, NV7M, NV7N, NV7O, NV7P, MV9D6, MV9D9, MV9G4, MV9G5, MV9G6, MV9G7, MV9G8, MV9G9, MV9H3, MV9H4, MV9H5, MV9H6, MV9H7, MV9H8, MV9H9, MW3D1, MW3D2, MW3D3, MW3D4, MW3D5, MW3D6, MW3D7, MW3D8, MW3G1, MW3G2, MW3G3, MW3H1, NV4L4, NV4L5, NV4L6, NV4L7, NV4L8, NV4L9, NV4M5, NV4M6, NV4M8, NV4M9, NV4N4, NV4N5, NV4N6, NV4N7, NV4N8, NV4N9, NV4O3, NV4O4, NV4O5, NV4O6, NV4O7, NV4O8, NV4O9, NV5I4, NV5I5, NV5I6, NV5I7, NV5I8, NV5I9, NV5J4, NV5J7, NV5N1, NV5N4, NV5N7, NV7A2, NV7A3, NV7A4, NV7A5, NV7A6, NV7A7, NV7A8, NV7A9, NW1A1, NW1A2, NW1A3, NW1A4, NW1A5, NW1A6, NW1B1, NW1B2, NW1B3, NW1B4, NW1B5, NW1B6, NW1C1, NW1C2, NW1C3, NW1C4, NW1C5, NW1C6, NW1D1, NW1D2, NW1D3, NW1D4, NW1D5, NW1D6.


Regional area

AU9, AV9, AW3, BU7, BU8, BV7, BV8, BW1, BW2, BW5, IW2, IW5, IW7, IW8, IW9, JW1, JW4, KW9, KX2, LX5, MV6, MW1, MW2, MW6, MW7, MW8, MW9, NT6, NU3, AU6I, AU6J, AU6K, AU6L, AU6M, AU6N, AU6O, AU6P, BU4H, BU4I, BU4J, BU4K, BU4L, BU4M, BU4N, BU4O, BU4P, BU5E, BU5F, BU5G, BU5H, BU5I, BU5J, BU5K, BU5L, BU5M, BU5N, BU5O, BU5P, BU9A, BU9B, BU9E, BU9F, BU9I, BU9J, BU9M, BU9N, BV1A, BV1B, BV1C, BV1D, BV2A, BV2B, BV2C, BV2D, BV2G, BV2H, BV2K, BV2L, BV2O, BV2P, BV3A, BV3B, BV3E, BV3F, BV3I, BV3J, BV3M, BV3N, BV5C, BV5D, BV5G, BV5H, BV5K, BV5L, BV5O, BV5P, BV6A, BV6B, BV6E, BV6F, BV6I, BV6J, BV6M, BV6N, BV9A, BV9B, BV9E, BV9F, BV9I, BV9J, BV9M, BV9N, BW3A, BW6A, BW6E, BW6I, BW6M, IV8K, IV8L, IV8N, IV8O, IV8P, IV9F, IV9I, IV9J, IV9K, IV9L, IV9M, IV9N, IV9O, IV9P, IW1P, IW3A, IW3B, IW3C, IW3D, IW3G, IW3H, IW4D, IW4G, IW4H, IW4K, IW4L, IW4N, IW4O, IW4P, IW6H, IW6I, IW6J, IW6K, IW6L, IW6M, IW6N, IW6O, IW6P, JV7M, JV7N, JV7O, JV7P, JV8M, JW2A, JW2B, JW2C, JW2E, JW2F, JW2G, JW2H, JW2I, JW2J, JW2K, JW2M, JW2N, JW2O, JW5A, JW5B, JW5C, JW5E, JW5F, JW5I, JW5J, JW5M, JW7A, JW7B, JW7C, JW7D, JW7E, JW7F, JW7G, JW7I, JW8A, KW7L, KW7O, KW7P, KW8B, KW8C, KW8D, KW8E, KW8F, KW8G, KW8H, KW8I, KW8J, KW8K, KW8L, KW8M, KW8N, KW8O, KW8P, KX1C, KX1D, KX1G, KX1H, KX1K, KX1L, KX1O, KX1P, KX3A, KX3B, KX3C, KX3D, KX3E, KX3I, KX4C, KX4D, KX4G, KX4H, KX4J, KX4K, KX4L, KX4N, KX4O, KX4P, KX5A, KX5B, KX5C, KX5E, KX5F, KX5G, KX5I, KX5J, KX5K, KX5M, KX5N, KX5O, KX5P, KX6M, KX6N, KX6O, KX6P, KX8A, KX8B, KX8C, KX8D, KX8E, KX8F, KX8G, KX8H, KX9A, KX9B, KX9C, KX9D, KX9E, KX9F, KX9G, KX9H, LW7A, LW7E, LW7F, LW7I, LW7J, LW7K, LW7M, LW7N, LW7O, LW7P, LX1A, LX1B, LX1C, LX1D, LX1F, LX1G, LX1H, LX1K, LX1L, LX1O, LX1P, LX2A, LX2E, LX2I, LX2M, LX2N, LX2O, LX4C, LX4D, LX4F, LX4G, LX4H, LX4J, LX4K, LX4L, LX4M, LX4N, LX4O, LX4P, LX6A, LX6E, LX6I, LX6M, LX7A, LX7B, LX7C, LX7D, LX7E, LX7F, LX7G, LX7H, LX8A, LX8B, LX8C, LX8D, LX8E, LX8F, LX8G, LX8H, MV2P, MV3M, MV3N, MV5D, MV5H, MV5L, MV5P, MV7L, MV7O, MV7P, MV8D, MV8H, MV8I, MV8J, MV8K, MV8L, MV8M, MV8N, MV8O, MV8P, MV9A, MV9B, MV9C, MV9E, MV9F, MV9I, MV9J, MV9M, MV9N, MW3A, MW3B, MW3E, MW3F, MW3I, MW3J, MW3K, MW3L, MW3M, MW3N, MW3O, MW3P, MW4A, MW4B, MW4C, MW4E, MW4F, MW4I, MW4J, MW4M, MW4N, MW4O, MW5C, MW5D, MW5G, MW5H, MW5J, MW5K, MW5L, MW5N, MW5O, MW5P, MX2A, MX2B, MX2C, MX2D, MX3A, MX3B, MX3C, MX3D, NT2P, NT3M, NT3N, NT3O, NT3P, NT4G, NT4H, NT4K, NT4L, NT4O, NT4P, NT5D, NT5E, NT5F, NT5G, NT5H, NT5I, NT5J, NT5K, NT5L, NT5M, NT5N, NT5O, NT5P, NT7C, NT7D, NT7F, NT7G, NT7H, NT7I, NT7J, NT7K, NT7L, NT7N, NT7O, NT7P, NT8A, NT8B, NT8E, NT8F, NT8I, NT8J, NT8M, NT8N, NT9D, NT9H, NT9L, NT9N, NT9O, NT9P, NU2A, NU2B, NU2C, NU2D, NU2E, NU2F, NU2G, NU2H, NU2L, NU2P, NU6A, NU6B, NU6C, NU6D, NV1I, NV1J, NV1K, NV1L, NV1M, NV1N, NV1O, NV1P, NV2E, NV2F, NV2G, NV2H, NV2I, NV2J, NV2K, NV2L, NV2M, NV2N, NV2O, NV2P, NV3E, NV3F, NV3G, NV3H, NV3I, NV3J, NV3K, NV3L, NV3M, NV3N, NV3O, NV3P, NV4A, NV4B, NV4C, NV4D, NV4E, NV4F, NV4G, NV4H, NV4I, NV4J, NV4K, NV5A, NV5B, NV5C, NV5D, NV5E, NV5F, NV5G, NV5H, NV5K, NV5L, NV5O, NV5P, NW1E, NW1F, NW1G, NW1H, NW1I, NW1J, NW1K, NW1L, NW1M, NW1N, NW1O, NW1P, BV1E1, BV1E2, BV1E3, BV1E4, BV1E5, BV1E6, BV1F1, BV1F2, BV1F3, BV1F4, BV1F5, BV1F6, BV1G1, BV1G2, BV1G3, BV1G4, BV1G5, BV1G6, BV1H1, BV1H2, BV1H3, BV1H4, BV1H5, BV1H6, BV2E1, BV2E2, BV2E3, BV2E4, BV2E5, BV2E6, BV2F1, BV2F2, BV2F3, BV2F4, BV2F5, BV2F6, BV3C1, BV3C2, BV3C4, BV3C5, BV3C7, BV3C8, BV3G1, BV3G2, BV3G4, BV3G5, BV4M4, BV4M5, BV4M6, BV4M7, BV4M8, BV4M9, BV4N4, BV4N5, BV4N6, BV4N7, BV4N8, BV4N9, BV4O4, BV4O5, BV4O6, BV4O7, BV4O8, BV4O9, BV4P4, BV4P5, BV4P6, BV4P7, BV4P8, BV4P9, BV5M4, BV5M5, BV5M6, BV5M7, BV5M8, BV5M9, BV5N4, BV5N5, BV5N6, BV5N7, BV5N8, BV5N9, BV9C1, BV9C2, BV9C4, BV9C5, BV9C7, BV9C8, BV9G1, BV9G2, BV9G4, BV9G5, BV9G7, BV9G8, BW3M4, BW3M7, BW3M8, IV8H9, IV8J8, IV8J9, IV9E3, IV9E4, IV9E5, IV9E6, IV9E7, IV9E8, IV9E9, IV9G1, IV9G2, IV9G4, IV9G5, IV9G6, IV9G7, IV9G8, IV9G9, IW1L6, IW1L9, IW3E1, IW3E2, IW3E3, IW3E4, IW3E7, IW3F1, IW3F2, IW3F3, IW3F6, IW3I1, IW3I4, IW3I7, IW3L1, IW3L2, IW3L3, IW3L5, IW3L6, IW3L8, IW3L9, IW3M1, IW3M4, IW3M7, IW6A1, IW6A4, IW6A7, IW6D7, IW6D8, IW6D9, IW6E1, IW6E4, IW6E5, IW6E6, IW6E7, IW6E8, IW6E9, IW6F4, IW6F5, IW6F6, IW6F7, IW6F8, IW6F9, IW6G4, IW6G5, IW6G6, IW6G7, IW6G8, IW6G9, JV7I7, JV7I8, JV7I9, JV7J7, JV7J8, JV7J9, JV7K7, JV7K8, JV7K9, JV7L7, JV7L8, JV7L9, JV8I7, JV8I8, JV8I9, JV8N1, JV8N4, JV8N5, JV8N6, JV8N7, JV8N8, JV8N9, JV8O7, JW2D1, JW2D2, JW2D4, JW2D5, JW2D6, JW2D7, JW2D8, JW2D9, JW2L1, JW2L2, JW2L3, JW2L4, JW2L5, JW2L6, JW5N1, JW5N2, JW5N4, JW5N5, JW5N7, JW5N8, JW8B1, JW8B2, JW8B4, KW5P8, KW5P9, KW6M7, KW6M8, KW6M9, KW6N7, KW6N8, KW6N9, KW6O7, KW6O8, KW6O9, KW6P7, KW6P8, KW6P9, KW7D9, KW7H3, KW7H5, KW7H6, KW7H8, KW7H9, KW7K5, KW7K6, KW7K8, KW7K9, KW8A2, KW8A3, KW8A4, KW8A5, KW8A6, KW8A7, KW8A8, KW8A9, KX1J9, KX1N3, KX1N6, KX1N9, KX3F1, KX3F2, KX3F3, KX3F4, KX3F5, KX3F6, KX3F7, KX3G1, KX3G2, KX3G3, KX3G4, KX3G5, KX3G6, KX3H1, KX3H2, KX3H3, KX3H4, KX3H5, KX3H6, KX3J1, KX3J4, KX3J7, KX3M1, KX3M2, KX3M3, KX3M4, KX3M7, KX3N1, KX4B3, KX4B6, KX4B9, KX4F3, KX4F5, KX4F6, KX4F7, KX4F8, KX4F9, KX5D1, KX5D4, KX5D7, KX5H1, KX5H4, KX5H7, KX5L1, KX5L4, KX5L7, LW3L3, LW3L5, LW3L6, LW3L8, LW3L9, LW3P3, LW3P6, LW3P9, LW4M7, LW4M8, LW4M9, LW6D3, LW6D6, LW6D9, LW6H3, LW6H6, LW6H9, LW6L3, LW6L6, LW6L9, LW6P3, LW6P6, LW6P9, LW7B1, LW7B4, LW7B5, LW7B7, LW7B8, LW7B9, LW7C7, LW7C8, LW7G1, LW7G2, LW7G4, LW7G5, LW7G6, LW7G7, LW7G8, LW7G9, LW7H7, LW7L1, LW7L2, LW7L4, LW7L5, LW7L7, LW7L8, LW8M4, LW8M5, LW8M7, LW8M8, LW8M9, LX1E1, LX1E2, LX1E3, LX1E4, LX1E5, LX1E6, LX1J2, LX1J3, LX1J6, LX1J9, LX1N3, LX2P4, LX2P5, LX2P6, LX2P7, LX2P8, LX2P9, LX3M7, LX3M8, LX3M9, LX4B2, LX4B3, LX4B5, LX4B6, LX4B8, LX4B9, LX4E8, LX4E9, LX4I2, LX4I3, LX4I5, LX4I6, LX4I8, LX4I9, LX6B4, LX6B7, LX6F1, LX6F4, LX6F7, LX6J1, LX6J4, LX6J7, LX6N1, LX6N4, MV3O4, MV3O5, MV3O6, MV3O7, MV3O8, MV3O9, MV3P2, MV3P3, MV3P4, MV3P5, MV3P6, MV3P7, MV3P8, MV3P9, MV5G5, MV5G6, MV5G8, MV5G9, MV5K2, MV5K3, MV7K6, MV7K8, MV7K9, MV7N9, MV8E6, MV8E9, MV8F4, MV8F5, MV8F6, MV8F7, MV8F8, MV8F9, MV8G4, MV8G5, MV8G6, MV8G7, MV8G8, MV8G9, MV9D1, MV9D2, MV9D3, MV9D4, MV9D5, MV9D7, MV9D8, MV9G1, MV9G2, MV9G3, MV9H1, MV9H2, MW3D9, MW3G4, MW3G5, MW3G6, MW3G7, MW3G8, MW3G9, MW3H2, MW3H3, MW3H4, MW3H5, MW3H6, MW3H7, MW3H8, MW3H9, MW4D1, MW4D2, MW4D3, MW4D4, MW4D5, MW4D6, MW4G4, MW4G7, MW4K1, MW4K4, MW4K7, MW4K8, MW4K9, MW4P1, MW4P2, MW4P4, MW4P5, MW4P7, MW4P8, MW4P9, MW5B1, MW5B2, MW5B3, MW5B5, MW5B6, MW5B9, MW5F3, MW5F4, MW5F5, MW5F6, MW5F7, MW5F8, MW5F9, MW5M3, MW5M6, MW5M7, MW5M8, MW5M9, NT2O3, NT2O5, NT2O6, NT2O8, NT2O9, NT4C6, NT4C9, NT4D4, NT4D5, NT4D6, NT4D7, NT4D8, NT4D9, NT5A4, NT5A5, NT5A6, NT5A7, NT5A8, NT5A9, NT5B4, NT5B5, NT5B6, NT5B7, NT5B8, NT5B9, NT5C2, NT5C3, NT5C4, NT5C5, NT5C6, NT5C7, NT5C8, NT5C9, NT7A6, NT7A8, NT7A9, NT7B2, NT7B3, NT7B4, NT7B5, NT7B6, NT7B7, NT7B8, NT7B9, NT7E2, NT7E3, NT7E4, NT7E5, NT7E6, NT7E7, NT7E8, NT7E9, NT7M1, NT7M2, NT7M3, NT7M5, NT7M6, NT7M9, NT8C1, NT8C2, NT8C4, NT8C5, NT8C7, NT8C8, NT8G4, NT8G7, NT8K1, NT8K4, NT8K5, NT8K7, NT8K8, NT8O1, NT8O2, NT8O4, NT8O5, NT8O6, NT8O7, NT8O8, NT8O9, NT8P4, NT8P5, NT8P6, NT8P7, NT8P8, NT8P9, NT9C2, NT9C3, NT9C5, NT9C6, NT9C8, NT9C9, NT9G2, NT9G3, NT9G5, NT9G6, NT9G8, NT9G9, NT9I9, NT9J7, NT9J8, NT9J9, NT9K2, NT9K3, NT9K5, NT9K6, NT9K7, NT9K8, NT9K9, NT9M3, NT9M4, NT9M5, NT9M6, NT9M7, NT9M8, NT9M9, NU1B2, NU1B3, NU1B5, NU1B6, NU1C1, NU1C2, NU1C3, NU1C4, NU1C5, NU1C6, NU1D1, NU1D2, NU1D3, NU1D4, NU1D5, NU1D6, NU1D9, NU1H3, NU2J3, NU2K1, NU2K2, NU2K3, NU5D1, NU5D2, NU5D3, NU6E1, NU6E2, NU6E3, NU6E4, NU6E5, NU6E6, NU6F1, NU6F2, NU6F3, NU6F4, NU6F5, NU6F6, NU6G1, NU6G2, NU6G3, NU6G4, NU6G5, NU6G6, NU6H1, NU6H2, NU6H3, NU6H4, NU6H5, NU6H6, NV4L1, NV4L2, NV4L3, NV4M1, NV4M2, NV4M3, NV4M4, NV4M7, NV4N1, NV4N2, NV4N3, NV4O1, NV4O2, NV5I1, NV5I2, NV5I3, NV5J1, NV5J2, NV5J3, NV5J5, NV5J6, NV5J8, NV5J9, NV5N2, NV5N3, NV5N5, NV5N6, NV5N8, NV5N9, NV7A1, NW1A7, NW1A8, NW1A9, NW1B7, NW1B8, NW1B9, NW1C7, NW1C8, NW1C9, NW1D7, NW1D8, NW1D9.


Rural area

CV, DV, KQ, KV, LR, LV, MS, CW1, CW2, CW3, CW4, DW1, DW2, DW3, EV1, EV2, EV3, EV4, EV5, EV6, EV7, FV1, FV2, FV3, FV4, FV5, GV1, GV2, GV3, GV6, HV1, HV2, HV3, HV4, HV5, HV6, HV8, HV9, HW3, HW6, IV1, IV2, IV3, IV4, IV5, IV6, IV7, JV1, JV2, JV3, JV4, JV5, JV6, JV9, JW3, JW6, JW9, JX1, JX2, JX3, JX5, JX6, KO1, KO4, KO5, KO7, KO8, KP1, KP2, KP4, KP5, KP6, KP7, KP8, KP9, KW1, KW2, KW3, KW4, KY2, KY3, KY6, LP4, LP7, LQ1, LQ2, LQ4, LQ5, LQ7, LQ8, LW1, LW2, LW5, LW9, LX9, LY1, LY2, LY3, LY4, LY5, LY6, LY7, LZ1, MR1, MR4, MR5, MR7, MR8, MR9, MT1, MT2, MT3, MT6, MT7, MT8, MT9, MU1, MU2, MU3, MU4, MU7, MU8, MU9, MV1, MV4, MX1, MX4, MX7, MY1, MY4, MY7, MZ1, NS4, NS7, NS8, NS9, NT1, NU4, NU8, NU9, BV3D, BV3H, BV3K, BV3L, BV3O, BV3P, BV6C, BV6D, BV6G, BV6H, BV6K, BV6L, BV6O, BV6P, BV9D, BV9H, BV9K, BV9L, BV9O, BV9P, BW3B, BW3C, BW3D, BW3E, BW3F, BW3G, BW3H, BW3I, BW3J, BW3K, BW3L, BW3N, BW3O, BW3P, BW6B, BW6C, BW6D, BW6F, BW6G, BW6H, BW6J, BW6K, BW6L, BW6N, BW6O, BW6P, IV8A, IV8B, IV8C, IV8D, IV8E, IV8F, IV8G, IV8I, IV8M, IV9A, IV9B, IV9C, IV9D, IV9H, IW1A, IW1B, IW1C, IW1D, IW1E, IW1F, IW1G, IW1H, IW1I, IW1J, IW1K, IW1M, IW1N, IW1O, IW4A, IW4B, IW4C, IW4E, IW4F, IW4I, IW4J, IW4M, JV7A, JV7B, JV7C, JV7D, JV7E, JV7F, JV7G, JV7H, JV8A, JV8B, JV8C, JV8D, JV8E, JV8F, JV8G, JV8H, JV8J, JV8K, JV8L, JV8P, JW2P, JW5D, JW5G, JW5H, JW5K, JW5L, JW5O, JW5P, JW7H, JW7J, JW7K, JW7L, JW7M, JW7N, JW7O, JW7P, JW8C, JW8D, JW8E, JW8F, JW8G, JW8H, JW8I, JW8J, JW8K, JW8L, JW8M, JW8N, JW8O, JW8P, KW5A, KW5B, KW5C, KW5D, KW5E, KW5F, KW5G, KW5H, KW5I, KW5J, KW5K, KW5L, KW5M, KW5N, KW5O, KW6A, KW6B, KW6C, KW6D, KW6E, KW6F, KW6G, KW6H, KW6I, KW6J, KW6K, KW6L, KW7A, KW7B, KW7C, KW7E, KW7F, KW7G, KW7I, KW7J, KW7M, KW7N, KX1A, KX1B, KX1E, KX1F, KX1I, KX1M, KX4A, KX4E, KX4I, KX4M, KX8I, KX8J, KX8K, KX8L, KX8M, KX8N, KX8O, KX8P, KX9I, KX9J, KX9K, KX9L, KX9M, KX9N, KX9O, KX9P, LW3A, LW3B, LW3C, LW3D, LW3E, LW3F, LW3G, LW3H, LW3I, LW3J, LW3K, LW3M, LW3N, LW3O, LW4A, LW4B, LW4C, LW4D, LW4E, LW4F, LW4G, LW4H, LW4I, LW4J, LW4K, LW4L, LW4N, LW4O, LW4P, LW6A, LW6B, LW6C, LW6E, LW6F, LW6G, LW6I, LW6J, LW6K, LW6M, LW6N, LW6O, LW7D, LW8A, LW8B, LW8C, LW8D, LW8E, LW8F, LW8G, LW8H, LW8I, LW8J, LW8K, LW8L, LW8N, LW8O, LW8P, LX2B, LX2C, LX2D, LX2F, LX2G, LX2H, LX2J, LX2K, LX2L, LX3A, LX3B, LX3C, LX3D, LX3E, LX3F, LX3G, LX3H, LX3I, LX3J, LX3K, LX3L, LX3N, LX3O, LX3P, LX6C, LX6D, LX6G, LX6H, LX6K, LX6L, LX6O, LX6P, LX7I, LX7J, LX7K, LX7L, LX7M, LX7N, LX7O, LX7P, LX8I, LX8J, LX8K, LX8L, LX8M, LX8N, LX8O, LX8P, LY8A, LY8B, LY8C, LY8D, LY8E, LY8F, LY8G, LY8I, LY8J, LY8K, LY8M, LY8N, LY8O, LY9A, LY9B, LY9C, LY9D, LZ2A, LZ2B, LZ2C, LZ2E, LZ2F, LZ2G, LZ2I, LZ2J, LZ2K, LZ2M, LZ2N, LZ2O, LZ2P, LZ3M, LZ3N, LZ3O, LZ3P, MT4A, MT4B, MT4C, MT4D, MT4E, MT4I, MT4M, MT4N, MT5A, MT5B, MT5C, MT5D, MT5F, MT5G, MT5H, MT5J, MT5K, MT5L, MT5N, MT5O, MT5P, MU5A, MU5B, MU5E, MU5F, MU5I, MU5J, MU5M, MU5N, MU5O, MU5P, MU6B, MU6C, MU6D, MU6F, MU6G, MU6H, MU6J, MU6K, MU6L, MU6M, MU6N, MU6O, MU6P, MV2A, MV2B, MV2C, MV2D, MV2E, MV2F, MV2G, MV2H, MV2I, MV2J, MV2K, MV2L, MV2M, MV2N, MV2O, MV3A, MV3B, MV3E, MV3I, MV5A, MV5B, MV5C, MV5E, MV5F, MV5I, MV5J, MV5M, MV5N, MV5O, MV7A, MV7B, MV7C, MV7D, MV7E, MV7F, MV7G, MV7H, MV7I, MV7J, MV7M, MV8A, MV8B, MV8C, MX2E, MX2F, MX2G, MX2H, MX2I, MX2J, MX2K, MX2L, MX2M, MX2N, MX2O, MX2P, MX3E, MX3F, MX3G, MX3H, MX3I, MX3J, MX3K, MX3L, MX3M, MX3N, MX3O, MX3P, NT2A, NT2B, NT2C, NT2D, NT2E, NT2F, NT2G, NT2H, NT2I, NT2J, NT2K, NT2L, NT2M, NT2N, NT3A, NT3B, NT3C, NT3D, NT3E, NT3F, NT3G, NT3H, NT3I, NT3J, NT3K, NT3L, NT4A, NT4B, NT4E, NT4F, NT4I, NT4J, NT4M, NT4N, NU1A, NU1E, NU1F, NU1G, NU1I, NU1J, NU1K, NU1L, NU1M, NU1N, NU1O, NU1P, NU2I, NU2M, NU2N, NU2O, NU5A, NU5B, NU5C, NU5E, NU5F, NU5G, NU5H, NU5I, NU5J, NU5K, NU5L, NU5M, NU5N, NU5O, NU5P, NU6I, NU6J, NU6K, NU6L, NU6M, NU6N, NU6O, NU6P, NU7A, NU7B, NU7C, NU7D, NU7E, NU7F, NU7G, NU7H, NU7I, NU7J, NU7L, NU7M, NU7N, NU7O, NU7P, NV1A, NV1B, NV1C, NV1D, NV1E, NV1F, NV1G, NV1H, NV2A, NV2B, NV2C, NV2D, NV3A, NV3B, NV3C, NV3D, BV3C3, BV3C6, BV3C9, BV3G3, BV3G6, BV3G7, BV3G8, BV3G9, BV9C3, BV9C6, BV9C9, BV9G3, BV9G6, BV9G9, BW3M1, BW3M2, BW3M3, BW3M5, BW3M6, BW3M9, IV8H1, IV8H2, IV8H3, IV8H4, IV8H5, IV8H6, IV8H7, IV8H8, IV8J1, IV8J2, IV8J3, IV8J4, IV8J5, IV8J6, IV8J7, IV9E1, IV9E2, IV9G3, IW1L1, IW1L2, IW1L3, IW1L4, IW1L5, IW1L7, IW1L8, JV7I1, JV7I2, JV7I3, JV7I4, JV7I5, JV7I6, JV7J1, JV7J2, JV7J3, JV7J4, JV7J5, JV7J6, JV7K1, JV7K2, JV7K3, JV7K4, JV7K5, JV7K6, JV7L1, JV7L2, JV7L3, JV7L4, JV7L5, JV7L6, JV8I1, JV8I2, JV8I3, JV8I4, JV8I5, JV8I6, JV8N2, JV8N3, JV8O1, JV8O2, JV8O3, JV8O4, JV8O5, JV8O6, JV8O8, JV8O9, JW2D3, JW2L7, JW2L8, JW2L9, JW5N3, JW5N6, JW5N9, JW8B3, JW8B5, JW8B6, JW8B7, JW8B8, JW8B9, KW5P1, KW5P2, KW5P3, KW5P4, KW5P5, KW5P6, KW5P7, KW6M1, KW6M2, KW6M3, KW6M4, KW6M5, KW6M6, KW6N1, KW6N2, KW6N3, KW6N4, KW6N5, KW6N6, KW6O1, KW6O2, KW6O3, KW6O4, KW6O5, KW6O6, KW6P1, KW6P2, KW6P3, KW6P4, KW6P5, KW6P6, KW7D1, KW7D2, KW7D3, KW7D4, KW7D5, KW7D6, KW7D7, KW7D8, KW7H1, KW7H2, KW7H4, KW7H7, KW7K1, KW7K2, KW7K3, KW7K4, KW7K7, KW8A1, KX1J1, KX1J2, KX1J3, KX1J4, KX1J5, KX1J6, KX1J7, KX1J8, KX1N1, KX1N2, KX1N4, KX1N5, KX1N7, KX1N8, KX4B1, KX4B2, KX4B4, KX4B5, KX4B7, KX4B8, KX4F1, KX4F2, KX4F4, LW3L1, LW3L2, LW3L4, LW3L7, LW3P1, LW3P2, LW3P4, LW3P5, LW3P7, LW3P8, LW4M1, LW4M2, LW4M3, LW4M4, LW4M5, LW4M6, LW6D1, LW6D2, LW6D4, LW6D5, LW6D7, LW6D8, LW6H1, LW6H2, LW6H4, LW6H5, LW6H7, LW6H8, LW6L1, LW6L2, LW6L4, LW6L5, LW6L7, LW6L8, LW6P1, LW6P2, LW6P4, LW6P5, LW6P7, LW6P8, LW7B2, LW7B3, LW7B6, LW7C1, LW7C2, LW7C3, LW7C4, LW7C5, LW7C6, LW7C9, LW7G3, LW7H1, LW7H2, LW7H3, LW7H4, LW7H5, LW7H6, LW7H8, LW7H9, LW7L3, LW7L6, LW7L9, LW8M1, LW8M2, LW8M3, LW8M6, LX2P1, LX2P2, LX2P3, LX3M1, LX3M2, LX3M3, LX3M4, LX3M5, LX3M6, LX6B1, LX6B2, LX6B3, LX6B5, LX6B6, LX6B8, LX6B9, LX6F2, LX6F3, LX6F5, LX6F6, LX6F8, LX6F9, LX6J2, LX6J3, LX6J5, LX6J6, LX6J8, LX6J9, LX6N2, LX6N3, LX6N5, LX6N6, LX6N7, LX6N8, LX6N9, LY8H1, LY8H2, LY8H3, LY9E1, LY9E2, LY9E3, LY9F1, LY9F2, LY9F3, LY9G1, LY9G2, LY9G3, LY9H1, LY9H2, LY9H3, LZ2L4, LZ2L5, LZ2L6, LZ2L7, LZ2L8, LZ2L9, LZ3I4, LZ3I5, LZ3I6, LZ3I7, LZ3I8, LZ3I9, LZ3J4, LZ3J5, LZ3J6, LZ3J7, LZ3J8, LZ3J9, LZ3K4, LZ3K5, LZ3K6, LZ3K7, LZ3K8, LZ3K9, LZ3L4, LZ3L5, LZ3L6, LZ3L7, LZ3L8, LZ3L9, MT4F1, MT4F2, MT4F3, MT4F4, MT4F5, MT4F6, MT4F7, MT4F8, MT4G1, MT4J1, MT4J2, MT4J4, MT4J5, MT4J7, MT4J8, MT4J9, MT4O4, MT4O5, MT4O7, MT4O8, MT4O9, MT4P6, MT4P7, MT4P8, MT4P9, MT5E1, MT5E2, MT5E3, MT5E5, MT5E6, MT5E8, MT5E9, MT5I3, MT5I6, MT5I8, MT5I9, MT5M2, MT5M3, MT5M4, MT5M5, MT5M6, MT5M7, MT5M8, MT5M9, MU5C1, MU5C2, MU5C3, MU5C4, MU5C5, MU5C6, MU5C7, MU5D1, MU5D2, MU5D3, MU5D4, MU5D5, MU5D6, MU5K7, MU6A1, MU6A2, MU6A3, MU6A4, MU6A5, MU6A6, MU6A8, MU6A9, MU6E3, MU6E6, MU6E9, MU6I3, MU6I6, MU6I8, MU6I9, MV3C1, MV3C2, MV3C3, MV3C4, MV3C5, MV3C6, MV3C7, MV3D1, MV3D2, MV3D3, MV3D4, MV3D5, MV3D6, MV3D8, MV3D9, MV3F1, MV3F2, MV3F4, MV3F7, MV3J1, MV3J4, MV3J7, MV3J8, MV5G1, MV5G2, MV5G3, MV5G4, MV5G7, MV5K1, MV5K4, MV5K5, MV5K6, MV5K7, MV5K8, MV5K9, MV7K1, MV7K2, MV7K3, MV7K4, MV7K5, MV7K7, MV7N1, MV7N2, MV7N3, MV7N4, MV7N5, MV7N6, MV7N7, MV7N8, MV8E1, MV8E2, MV8E3, MV8E4, MV8E5, MV8E7, MV8E8, MV8F1, MV8F2, MV8F3, MV8G1, MV8G2, MV8G3, NT2O1, NT2O2, NT2O4, NT2O7, NT4C1, NT4C2, NT4C3, NT4C4, NT4C5, NT4C7, NT4C8, NT4D1, NT4D2, NT4D3, NT5A1, NT5A2, NT5A3, NT5B1, NT5B2, NT5B3, NT5C1, NT7A1, NT7A2, NT7A3, NT7A4, NT7A5, NT7A7, NT7B1, NT7E1, NT7M4, NT7M7, NT7M8, NU1B1, NU1B4, NU1B7, NU1B8, NU1B9, NU1C7, NU1C8, NU1C9, NU1D7, NU1D8, NU1H1, NU1H2, NU1H4, NU1H5, NU1H6, NU1H7, NU1H8, NU1H9, NU2J1, NU2J2, NU2J4, NU2J5, NU2J6, NU2J7, NU2J8, NU2J9, NU2K4, NU2K5, NU2K6, NU2K7, NU2K8, NU2K9, NU5D4, NU5D5, NU5D6, NU5D7, NU5D8, NU5D9, NU6E7, NU6E8, NU6E9, NU6F7, NU6F8, NU6F9, NU6G7, NU6G8, NU6G9, NU6H7, NU6H8, NU6H9, NU7K1, NU7K2, NU7K3, NU7K5, NU7K6, NU7K7, NU7K8, NU7K9.