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Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Consumer Advice Terms) Determination 2024

The Classification Board makes the following determination under section 12A of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995, pursuant to the resolution on 23 July 2024.


Signed on behalf of the Classification Board by
Tristan Sharp

Acting Director, Classification Board – 24 July 2024





1  Name

2  Commencement

3  Authority

4  Definitions

5  Consumer advice terms for films—Schedule 1

6  Consumer advice terms for computer games—Schedule 2

Schedule 1—Consumer Advice Terms for Films

1  G – General

2  PG – Parental Guidance

3  M – Mature

4  MA 15+ – Mature Accompanied

5  R 18+ –  Restricted

Schedule 2—Consumer Advice Terms for Computer Games

1  G – General

2  PG – Parental Guidance

3  M – Mature

4  MA 15+ – Mature Accompanied

5  R 18+ – Restricted

6  Online interactivity and in-game purchases


1  Name

  This instrument is the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Consumer Advice Terms) Determination 2024.

2  Commencement

  This instrument commences the day after the end of the period of 3 months beginning on the day this instrument is registered.

3  Authority

  This instrument is made under section 12A of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995.

4  Definitions

  Note 1: A number of expressions used in this instrument are defined in section 5 of the Act, including the following:

(a)      classifiable element;

(b)     classified;

(c)      Code;

(d)     film.

  Note 2: The expression computer game is defined in section 5A of the Act.

  In this instrument:

Act means the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995.

classification guidelines means the guidelines determined under section 12 of the Act.

5  Consumer advice terms for films—Schedule 1

  For the purposes of paragraph 12A(1)(a) of the Act, the list of consumer advice terms to be used in determining consumer advice for a film is set out in Schedule 1.

6  Consumer advice terms for computer games—Schedule 2

  For the purposes of paragraph 12A(1)(a) of the Act, the list of consumer advice terms to be used in determining consumer advice for a computer game is set out in Schedule 2.

Schedule 1—Consumer Advice Terms for Films

Note: See section 5.

1  G – General

The consumer advice terms in table 1 may be applied to films classified “G” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines.


Table 1—G – General

Classifiable Element

Consumer Advice




Very mild themes

Very mild bullying themes

Very mild crude humour

Very mild fantasy themes

Very mild horror themes

Very mild medical procedures

Very mild mental health themes

Very mild predatory animal behaviour

Very mild science fiction themes

Very mild supernatural themes

Some scenes may scare very young children


Very mild violence

Very mild animated violence

Very mild slapstick violence


Very mild coarse language

Drug use

Very mild drug references


Very mild nudity


Very mild sexual references

2  PG – Parental Guidance

The consumer advice terms in table 2 may be applied to films classified “PG” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines.


Table 2—PG – Parental Guidance

Classifiable Element

Consumer Advice


Mild themes

Mild animal cruelty

Mild bullying themes

Mild crude humour

Mild fantasy themes

Mild horror themes

Mild injury detail

Mild medical procedures

Mild mental health themes

Mild predatory animal behaviour

Mild science fiction themes

Mild suicide references

Mild supernatural themes

Some scenes may scare young children


Mild violence

Mild action violence

Mild animated violence

Mild family violence

Mild fantasy violence

Mild science fiction violence

Mild slapstick violence

Mild sporting violence

Mild supernatural violence


Mild coarse language

Drug use

Mild drug references

Mild drug use


Mild nudity


Mild sex scenes

Mild sexual references

Mild sexualised imagery


3  M – Mature

The consumer advice terms in table 3 may be applied to films classified “M” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines.


Table 3—M – Mature

Classifiable Element

Consumer Advice


Mature themes

Animal cruelty

Blood and gore

Bullying themes

Crude humour

Fantasy themes

Horror themes

Injury detail

Medical procedures

Mental health themes

Predatory animal behaviour


Sexual themes

Science fiction themes

Suicide references

Suicide scenes

Supernatural themes



Action violence

Animated violence

Comedic violence

Family violence

Fantasy violence

Horror violence

References to sexual violence

Sexual violence

Science fiction violence

Sporting violence

Supernatural violence


Coarse language

Drug use

Drug references

Drug use




Sex scenes

Sexual references

Sexualised imagery


4  MA 15+ – Mature Accompanied

The consumer advice terms in table 4 may be applied to films classified “MA 15+” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines.


Table 4—MA 15+ – Mature Accompanied

Classifiable Element

Consumer Advice


Strong themes

Strong animal cruelty

Strong blood and gore

Strong bullying themes

Strong crude humour

Strong fantasy themes

Strong horror themes

Strong injury detail

Strong medical procedures

Strong mental health themes

Strong science fiction themes

Strong self-harm

Strong sexual themes

Strong suicide references

Strong suicide scenes

Strong supernatural themes


Strong violence

Strong action violence

Strong animated violence

Strong comedic violence

Strong family violence

Strong fantasy violence

Strong horror violence

Strong science fiction violence

Strong sexual violence

Strong references to sexual violence

Strong sporting violence

Strong supernatural violence


Strong coarse language

Drug use

Strong drug use

Strong drug references


Strong nudity


Strong sex scenes

Strong sexual references

Strong sexualised imagery

5  R 18+ –  Restricted

The consumer advice terms in table 5 may be applied to films classified “R 18+” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines.


Table 5—R 18+ – Restricted

Classifiable Element

Consumer Advice


High impact themes

High impact animal cruelty

High impact blood and gore

High impact bullying themes

High impact crude humour

High impact fantasy themes

High impact horror themes

High impact injury detail

High impact medical procedures

High impact mental health themes

High impact science fiction themes

High impact self-harm

High impact sexual themes

High impact suicide references

High impact suicide scenes

High impact supernatural themes


High impact violence

High impact action violence

High impact animated violence

High impact comedic violence

High impact family violence

High impact fantasy violence

High impact horror violence

High impact science fiction violence

High impact references to sexual violence

High impact sexual violence

High impact sporting violence

High impact supernatural violence


High impact coarse language

Drug use

High impact drug use

High impact drug references


High impact nudity


High impact sex scenes

High impact sexual references

High impact sexualised imagery


Schedule 2—Consumer Advice Terms for Computer Games

Note: See section 6.

1  G – General

The consumer advice terms in table 1 may be applied to computer games classified “G” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines.


Table 1—G – General

Classifiable Element

Consumer Advice




Very mild themes

Very mild bullying themes

Very mild crude humour

Very mild fantasy themes

Very mild gambling themes

Very mild horror themes

Very mild medical procedures

Very mild mental health themes

Very mild science fiction themes

Very mild supernatural themes


Very mild violence

Very mild fantasy violence

Very mild slapstick violence

Very mild sporting violence

Very mild science fiction violence

Very mild supernatural violence


Very mild coarse language

Drug use

Very mild drug references


Very mild nudity


Very mild sexual references

Very mild sexualised imagery

2  PG – Parental Guidance

The consumer advice terms in table 2 may be applied to computer games classified “PG” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines.


Table 2—PG – Parental Guidance

Classifiable Element

Consumer Advice


Mild themes

Mild bullying themes

Mild crude humour

Mild fantasy themes

Mild gambling themes

Mild horror themes

Mild injury detail

Mild mental health themes

Mild science fiction themes

Mild suicide references

Mild supernatural themes


Mild violence

Mild action violence

Mild battle violence

Mild family violence

Mild fantasy violence

Mild hunting violence

Mild science fiction violence

Mild slapstick violence

Mild sporting violence

Mild supernatural violence


Mild coarse language

Drug use

Mild drug references

Mild drug use


Mild nudity


Mild sexual references

Mild sex scenes

Mild sexualised imagery

3  M – Mature

The consumer advice terms in table 3 may be applied to computer games classified “M” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines.


Table 3—M – Mature

Classifiable Element

Consumer Advice


Chance-based in-game purchases

Chance-based and in-game purchases

Mature themes

Blood and gore

Bullying themes

Crude humour

Fantasy themes

Gambling themes

Horror themes

Injury detail

Mental health themes

Science fiction themes


Suicide references

Suicide scenes

Supernatural themes



Action violence

Battle violence

Comedic violence

Family violence

Fantasy violence

Horror violence

Hunting violence

Science fiction violence

Sporting violence

Supernatural violence


Coarse language

Drug use

Drug references

Drug use




Sexual references

Sex scenes

Sexualised imagery


4  MA 15+ – Mature Accompanied

The consumer advice terms in table 4 may be applied to computer games classified “MA 15+” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines.


Table 4—MA 15+ – Mature Accompanied

Classifiable Element

Consumer Advice


Chance-based in-game purchases

Chance-based and in-game purchases

Strong themes

Strong blood and gore

Strong bullying themes

Strong crude humour

Strong fantasy themes

Strong gambling themes

Strong horror themes

Strong injury detail

Strong mental health themes

Strong science fiction themes

Strong self-harm

Strong suicide references

Strong suicide scenes

Strong supernatural themes


Strong violence

Strong action violence

Strong battle violence

Strong comedic violence

Strong family violence

Strong fantasy violence

Strong horror violence

Strong hunting violence

Strong science fiction violence

Strong sporting violence

Strong supernatural violence


Strong coarse language

Drug use

Strong drug references

Strong drug use


Strong nudity


Strong sexual references

Strong sex scenes

Strong sexualised imagery

5  R 18+ – Restricted

The consumer advice terms in table 5 may be applied to computer games classified “R 18+” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines.


Table 5—R 18+ – Restricted

Classifiable Element

Consumer Advice


Chance-based in-game purchases

Chance-based and in-game purchases

High impact themes

High impact blood and gore

High impact bullying themes

High impact crude humour

High impact fantasy themes

High impact gambling themes

High impact horror themes

High impact injury detail

High impact science fiction themes

High impact self-harm

High impact simulated gambling

High impact suicide references

High impact suicide scenes

High impact supernatural themes


High impact violence

High impact references to sexual violence

High impact action violence

High impact battle violence

High impact comedic violence

High impact family violence

High impact fantasy violence

High impact hunting violence

High impact horror violence

High impact science fiction violence

High impact sporting violence

High impact supernatural violence


High impact coarse language

Drug use

High impact drug references

High impact drug use

High impact interactive drug use


High impact nudity

High impact nudity related to incentives and rewards


High impact sexual references

High impact sex scenes

High impact sexualised imagery

High impact sexual activity related to incentives and rewards

6  Online interactivity and in-game purchases

The consumer advice terms in table 6 may be applied to computer games classified “G”, “PG”, “M”, “MA 15+” or “R 18+” in accordance with the Code and the classification guidelines that contain online interactivity or in-game purchases (as applicable).


Table 6—Online interactivity and in-game purchases

Type of Content

Consumer Advice

Online interactivity

Online interactivity

Online interactivity and chat

In-game purchases

In-game purchases