Instrument number CASA 35/24
I, Philippa Jillian spence, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 11.068 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.
[Signed P. Spence]
Pip Spence
Director of Aviation Safety
16 October 2024
CASA 35/24 — Amendment of CASA 62/20 (Multi-crew Pilot Training Endorsement) Instrument 2024
1 Name
This instrument is CASA 35/24 — Amendment of CASA 62/20 (Multi-crew Pilot Training Endorsement) Instrument 2024.
This instrument commences on the day after it is registered.
3 Amendment of instrument number CASA 62/20
Schedule 1 amends CASA 62/20 — Conditions on Flight Crew Authorisations (Edition 3) Instrument 2020.
Schedule 1 Amendment
[1] After section 10
11 Multi-crew pilot training endorsement
(1) This section applies to the holder of a multi-crew pilot training endorsement.
(2) It is a condition of the endorsement that, in exercising the privileges of the endorsement, the holder is authorised to conduct flight training for a multi-crew pilot licence only in relation to the relevant unit of competency, for the purposes of paragraph 61.655 (2) (b) of CASR.
(3) It is a condition of the endorsement that, in exercising the privileges of the endorsement, the holder is authorised to conduct multi-crew cooperation training only in relation to the relevant unit of competency, for the purposes of the following provisions of CASR:
(a) subparagraph 61.285 (f) (ii);
(b) subregulation 61.510 (1);
(c) subregulation 61.575 (1);
(d) paragraph 61.700 (3) (e);
(e) paragraph 61.785 (1) (b);
(f) subregulation 61.845 (3A);
(g) subregulation 61.1360 (3A).
(4) It is a condition of the endorsement that, in exercising the privileges of the endorsement, the holder is authorised to conduct flight training for an air transport pilot licence with the aeroplane category rating, for the purposes of paragraph 61.700 (3) (b) of CASR, only if the holder:
(a) holds an air transport pilot licence with the aeroplane category rating; and
(b) either:
(i) holds a type rating training endorsement specific to a type of turbine‑powered aeroplane that is required under CASR, for a flight of an aeroplane of that type, to be operated as a multi-crew operation; or
(ii) is authorised under an aeroplane operator’s training and checking system to conduct command training of a pilot of an aeroplane, in relation to a multi-crew operation, for the purposes of subparagraph 121.480 (1) (a) (ii), and paragraph 121.495 (1) (b), of CASR; and
(c) has aeronautical experience that includes at least 200 hours of flight time as pilot in command of an aeroplane in a multi-crew operation; and
(d) if the flight training is being provided to a student pilot who does not hold an instrument rating — holds an instrument rating training endorsement specific to the aeroplane category.
(5) It is a condition of the endorsement that, in exercising the privileges of the endorsement, the holder is authorised to conduct flight training for an air transport pilot licence with the helicopter category rating, for the purposes of paragraph 61.700 (3) (b) of CASR, only if the holder:
(a) holds an air transport pilot licence with the helicopter category rating; and
(b) either:
(i) holds a type rating training endorsement specific to a type of turbine‑powered helicopter that is required under CASR, for a flight of a helicopter of that type, to be operated as a multi-crew operation; or
(ii) is authorised under a rotorcraft operator’s training and checking system to conduct command training of a pilot of a rotorcraft, in relation to a multi-crew operation, for the purposes of paragraph 133.385 (1) (c) of CASR; and
(6) In this section:
aeronautical experience has the meaning given by regulation 61.075 of CASR.
category, of aircraft, has the meaning given by regulation 61.015 of CASR.
flight time, as pilot in command, has the meaning given by regulation 61.090 of CASR.
instrument rating has the same meaning as in Division 61.M.1 of CASR.
instrument rating training endorsement means the kind of training endorsement mentioned in column 1 of item 8 in table 61.1235 of CASR.
multi-crew pilot training endorsement means the kind of training endorsement mentioned in column 1 of item 4 in table 61.1235 of CASR.
relevant unit of competency means the unit of competency titled “MCO Manage flight during multi-crew operations”, mentioned in section 2 of Schedule 2 of the Part 61 Manual of Standards.
training and checking system has the same meaning as in regulation 119.170 of CASR.
type rating training endorsement means the kind of training endorsement mentioned in column 1 of item 5 in table 61.1235 of CASR.