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NOTICE OF DISQUALIFICATION – Kay Saunders – 20 December 2023


Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993



To:Kay Saunders




I, Andrew Orme, a delegate of the Commissioner of Taxation, give you notice as required by subsection 126A(6) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SISA), that I have disqualified you under subsection 126A(2) of the SISA.


I’ve disqualified you as I am satisfied that the corporate trustee of one or more superannuation entities has contravened the SISA on one or more occasions, and at the time of the contraventions you were a responsible officer of the corporate trustee and the number of the contraventions provides grounds for disqualifying you.


The disqualification takes effect on the day on which it is made.


Dated: 20 December 2023



Andrew Orme

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation


Per Pauline Cotter


Note 1:

Under subsection 126A(7) of the SISA, details of this disqualification notice will be published as a Notifiable Instrument in the Federal Register of Legislation.

Note 2:

Under section 126K of the SISA, it is an offence for a disqualified person, who knows that he or she is a disqualified person, to be, or act as a:

    trustee, investment manager or custodian of a superannuation entity

    responsible officer or a body corporate that is a trustee, investment manager or custodian, of a superannuation entity

The maximum penalty for committing this offence is two years jail.

Note 3:

Under subsection 126A(5) of the SISA, we may revoke this disqualification on our own initiative or on your written application.
