Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia


Data Availability and Transparency (National Data Commissioner) (Education and Support Related Functions) Delegation 2024

I, Gayle Milnes, National Data Commissioner, make this Delegation under section 50 of the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022.

Dated  25 July 2024  

Gayle Milnes

National Data Commissioner

1  Name

  This Delegation is the Data Availability and Transparency (National Data Commissioner) (Education and Support Related Functions) Delegation 2024.

2  Commencement

  This Delegation commences the day after it is signed.

3  Authority

  This Delegation is made under subsection 50(1) of the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 (the Act).

4  Interpretation

  In this Delegation, words and phrases have the same meaning as in the Act.

6  Delegation

   The National Data Commissioner’s education and support related functions under section 45A of the Act are delegated to the person occupying or performing the duties of an SES employee who reports directly to the National Data Commissioner.