Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia


Acts Interpretation (Ministerial Acting Arrangements for the Home Affairs Portfolio) Authorisation (No. 10) 2024

I, Tony Burke, Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Cyber Security and Minister for the Arts, acting in accordance with section 19 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (the Act) and under subsection 34AAB(1) of the Act:

(1) authorise Richard Marles, Minister for Defence, during the period that begins at 5:00 pm on 29 July 2024 and ends at 11:59 pm on 31 July 2024, to act on my behalf in the performance of functions and duties, or the exercise of powers, that I may perform or exercise under any law of the Commonwealth; and

(2) in accordance with subsection 34AAB(4) of the Act—revoke the Acts Interpretation (Ministerial Acting Arrangements for the Home Affairs Portfolio) Authorisation (No. 9) 2024.

This instrument commences immediately after it is signed, and it is revoked on 1 August 2024.

Dated  29 July 2024  Time: 12:20 pm

Tony Burke

Minister for Home Affairs

Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs

Minister for Cyber Security

Minister for the Arts