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NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF DISQUALIFICATION – Mersina Loutsopoulos - 1 October 2024


Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993





Mersina Loutsopoulos




I, Andrew Orme, a delegate of the Commissioner of Taxation, give you notice as required by subsection 344(6) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SISA), that I have made a decision under subsection 344(4) of the SISA to confirm the disqualification notice issued to you on 11 July 2024.


The disqualification takes effect on the day on which it is made.


Dated: 1 October 2024



Andrew Orme


Deputy Commissioner of Taxation

Per Manisha Karre


Note 1:

Under subsection 126A(7) of the SISA, details of this disqualification notice will be published as a Notifiable Instrument in the Federal Register of Legislation.

Note 2:

Under section 126K of the SISA, it is an offence for a disqualified person, who knows that he or she is a disqualified person, to be, or act as a:

    trustee, investment manager or custodian of a superannuation entity

    responsible officer or a body corporate that is a trustee, investment manager or custodian, of a superannuation entity

The maximum penalty for committing this offence is two years jail.

Note 3:

Under subsection 126A(5) of the SISA, we may revoke this disqualification on our own initiative or on your written application.