Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia


but not including:

  1.     specimens that belong to taxa listed under section 209 of the EPBC Act (Australia’s List of Migratory Species), or
  2.    specimens that belong to taxa listed under section 248 of the EPBC Act (Australia’s List of Marine Species), or
  3.     specimens that belong to eligible listed threatened species, as defined under section 303BC of the EPBC Act, or
  4.    specimens that belong to taxa listed under section 303CA of the EPBC Act (Australia’s CITES List), except for specimens that belong to taxa listed in Schedule 1,

to be an approved wildlife trade operation, in accordance with subsection 303FN(2) and paragraph 303FN(10)(d), for the purposes of the EPBC Act.

Unless amended or revoked, this declaration:

  1.               is valid until 28 October 2027, and
  2.              is subject to the conditions applied under section 303FT specified in Schedule 2.

Dated this 21 day of October 2024

T. Plibersek

Minister for the Environment and Water


  1.         Australia’s obligations under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) are met through Part 13A of the EPBC Act. Specimens of species listed in Appendix II of Australia’s CITES list under section 303CA of the EPBC Act may only be exported, under a CITES export permit issued under the EPBC Act, if Australia’s CITES Scientific Authority has issued a non-detriment finding for that species. Further information, including a list of species for which non detriment findings have been issued and the fisheries from which they may be sourced, is available from

Schedule 1

List of coral taxa eligible to be taken in the Queensland Coral Fishery.

Acanthastrea amakusensis

(Micromussa amakusensis)

Acropora microclados

Astreopora macrostoma

Echinopora mammiformis

Acanthastrea bowerbanki
(Homophyllia bowerbanki)

Acropora microphthalma

Astreopora moretonensis

Echinopora pacificus

Acanthastrea brevis

Acropora millepora

Astreopora myriophthalma


Eguchipsammia fistula

Acanthastrea echinata


Acropora monticulosa

Astreopora ocellata

Euphyllia ancora

(Fimbriaphyllia ancora)

Acanthastrea hillae

Acropora multiacuta

Astreopora scabra

Euphyllia cristata

Acanthastrea lordhowensis

(Micromussa lordhowensis)

Acropora nana

Australogyra zelli

Euphyllia divisa

(Fimbriaphyllia divisa)

Acanthophyllia deshayesiana

Acropora nasuta

Balanophyllia bairdiana

Euphyllia fimbriata

Acanthastrea regularis

Acropora nobilis

Balanophyllia dentata

Euphyllia glabrescens

Acrhelia horrescens

Acropora palifera

Balanophyllia desmophyllioides

Euphyllia paraancora

(Fimbriaphyllia paraancora)

Acropora abrolhosensis

Acropora palmerae

Balanophyllia elliptica

Favia danae

Acropora abrotanoides

Acropora plana

Balanophyllia stimpsonii

Favia danai

Acropora aculeus

Acropora paniculata

Balanophyllia yongei

Favia favus

Acropora acuminata

Acropora polystoma

Barabattoia amicorum

Favia helianthoides

Acropora anthocercis

Acropora prostrata

Blastomussa merleti

Favia laxa

Acropora aspera

Acropora pulchra

Favia rosaria

(Dipsastraea rosaria)

Favia lizardensis

Acropora austera

Acropora robusta

Blastomussa wellsi

Favia maritima

Acropora azurea

Acropora rosaria

Catalaphyllia jardinei

Favia matthaii

Acropora brueggemanni

Acropora samoensis

Caulastraea curvata

Favia maxima

Acropora bushyensis

Acropora sarmentosa

Caulastraea echinulata

Favia pallida

Acropora cardenae

Acropora secale

Caulastraea furcata

Favia rotumana

Acropora carduus

Acropora selago

Caulastraea tumida

Favia rotundata

Acropora caroliniana

Acropora solitaryensis

Coeloseris mayeri

Favia speciosa

Acropora cerealis

Acropora spathulata

Coscinaraea columna

Favia stelligera

Acropora chesterfieldensis

Acropora speciosa

Coscinaraea crassa

Favia truncatus

Acropora clathrata

Acropora squarrosa

Coscinaraea exaesa

Favia veroni

Acropora crateriformis

Acropora striata

Coscinaraea wellsi

Favia vietnamensis

Acropora cuneata

Acropora subglabra

Ctenactis albitentaculata

Favites abdita

Acropora cytherea

Acropora subulata

Ctenactis crassa

Favites chinensis

Acropora danai

Acropora tenuis

Ctenactis echinata

Favites complanata

Acropora dendrum

Acropora torihalimeda

Cynarina lacrymalis

Favites flexuosa

Acropora desalwii

Acropora torresiana

Cyphastrea agassizi

Favites halicora

Acropora digitifera

Acropora tortuosa

Cyphastrea chalcidicum

Favites pentagona

Acropora divaricata

Acropora valenciennesi

Cyphastrea decadia

Favites russelli

Acropora donei

Acropora valida

Cyphastrea japonica

Fungia concinna

Acropora echinata

Acropora vaughani

Cyphastrea microphthalma

Fungia costulata

Acropora elizabethensis

Acropora verweyi

Cyphastrea ocellina

Fungia curvata

Acropora elseyi

Acropora wallaceae

Cyphastrea serailia

Fungia cyclolites

(Cycloseris cyclolites)

Acropora florida

Acropora willisae

Dendrophyllia alcocki

Fungia danae

Acropora formosa

Acropora yongei

Dendrophyllia incisa

Fungia distorta

Acropora gemmifera

Alveopora allingi

Dendrophyllia velata

Fungia fragilis

(Cycloseris fragilis)

Acropora glauca

Alveopora catalai

Diploastrea heliopore

Fungia fralinae

Acropora globiceps

Alveopora fenestrata

Distichopora coccinea

Fungia fungites

Acropora grandis

Alveopora gigas

Distichopora livida

Fungia granulosa

Acropora granulosa

Alveopora marionensis

Distichopora nitida

Fungia gravis

Acropora horrida

Alveopora spongiosa

Distichopora violacea

Fungia horrida

Acropora humilis

Alveopora tizardi

Duncanopsammia axifuga

Fungia klunzingeri

Acropora hyacinthus

Alveopora verrilliana

Echinophyllia aspera

Fungia moluccensis

Acropora insignis

Anacropora forbesi

Echinophyllia echinata

Fungia patelliformis

Acropora intermedia

Anacropora matthai

Echinophyllia echinoporoides

Fungia paumotensis

Acropora kirstyae

Anacropora puertogalerae

Echinophyllia nishihirai

Fungia repanda

Acropora latistella

Anacropora reticulata

Echinophyllia orpheensis

Fungia scabra

Acropora listeri

Astreopora cucullata

Echinophyllia tosaensis

Fungia scruposa

Acropora longicyathus

Astreopora explanata

Echinopora gemmacea

Fungia scutaria

(Lobactis scutaria)

Acropora loripes

Astreopora gracilis

Echinopora hirsutissima

Fungia sinensis

Acropora lovelli

Astreopora incrustans

Echinopora horrida

Fungia somervillei

Acropora lutkeni

Astreopora listeri

Echinopora lamellosa

Fungia tenuis

Galaxea acrhelia

Leptoseris yabei

Montipora verruculosus

Porites lobata

Galaxea astreata

Lithophyllon mokai

Moseleya latistellata

Porites lutea

Galaxea fascicularis

Lobophyllia corymbose

Mycedium elephantotus

Porites mayeri

Galaxea longisepta

Lobophyllia diminuta

Mycedium robokaki

Porites monticulosa

Goniastrea aspera

Lobophyllia hataii

Oulastrea crispata

Porites murrayensis

Goniastrea australensis
(Paragoniastrea australensis)

Lobophyllia hemprichii

Oulophyllia bennettae

Porites myrmidonensis

Goniastrea edwardsi

Lobophyllia pachysepta

(Acanthastrea pachysepta)

Oulophyllia crispa

Porites nigrescens

Goniastrea favulus

Lobophyllia robusta

Oxypora glabra

Porites rus

Goniastrea minuta

Madracis kirbyi

Oxypora lacera

Porites solida

Goniastrea palauensis

Merulina ampliata

Pachyseris rugosa

Porites stephensoni

Goniastrea pectinata

Merulina scabricula

Pachyseris speciosa

Porites vaughani

Goniastrea retiformis

Micromussa diminuta

Pavona bipartita

Psammocora contigua

Goniopora columna

Montastrea annuligera

Pavona cactus

Psammocora digitata

Goniopora djiboutiensis

Montastrea curta

Pavona clavus

Psammocora explanulata

Goniopora eclipsensis

Montastrea magnistellata

Pavona danai

Psammocora haimeana

Goniopora fruticosa

Montastrea valenciennesi

Pavona decussata

Psammocora nierstraszi

Goniopora lobata

Montipora aequituberculata

Pavona duerdeni

Psammocora profundacella

Goniopora minor

Montipora angulata

Pavona explanulata

Psammocora superficialis

Goniopora norfolkensis

Montipora australiensis

Pavona maldivensis

Psammocora vaughani

Goniopora palmensis

Montipora caliculata

Pavona minuta

Sandalolitha robusta

Goniopora pandoraensis

Montipora capricornis

Pavona varians

Scolymia australis

(Homophyllia australis)

Goniopora pendulus

Montipora corbettensis

Pavona venosa

Scolymia vitiensis

(Lobophyllia vitiensis)

Goniopora somaliensis

Montipora crassituberculata

Pectinia alcicornis

Seriatopora aculeata

Goniopora stokesi

Montipora danae

Pectinia lactuca

Seriatopora caliendrum

Goniopora stutchburyi

(Bernardpora stutchburyi)

Montipora digitata

Pectinia paeonia

Seriatopora hystrix

Goniopora tenuidens

Montipora efflorescens

Petrophyllia rediviva

Stylophora pistillata

Heliofungia actiniformis

Montipora effusa

Physogyra lichtensteini

Symphyllia agaricia

(Lobophyllia agaricia)

Heliopora coerulea

Montipora floweri

Platygyra contorta

Symphyllia radians

(Lobophyllia radians)

Herpolitha limax

Montipora foliosa

Platygyra daedalea

Symphyllia recta

Heteropsammia cochlea

Montipora foveolata

Platygyra lamellina

Symphyllia valenciennesii

Heteropsammia moretonensis

Montipora gaimardi

Platygyra pini

Trachyphyllia geoffroyi

Hydnophora exesa

Montipora granulosa

Platygyra ryukyuensis

Tubastraea coccinea

Hydnophora microconos

Montipora grisea

Platygyra sinensis

Tubastraea diaphana

Hydnophora pilosa

Montipora hispida

Platygyra verweyi

Tubastraea faulkneri

Hydnophora rigida

Montipora hoffmeisteri

Plerogyra sinuosa

Tubastraea micranthus

Leptastrea aequalis

Montipora incrassata

Plesiastrea versipora

Turbinaria bifrons

Leptastrea bewickensis

Montipora informis

Pocillopora damicornis

Turbinaria conspicua

Leptastrea inaequalis

Montipora millepora

Pocillopora eydouxi

(Pocillopora grandis)

Turbinaria frondens

Leptastrea pruinosa

Montipora mollis

Pocillopora kelleheri

Turbinaria heronensis

Leptastrea purpurea

Montipora monasteriata

Pocillopora ligulata

Turbinaria mesenterina

Leptastrea transversa

Montipora nodosa

Pocillopora meandrina

Turbinaria patula

Leptoria irregularis

Montipora peltiformis

Pocillopora verrucosa

Turbinaria peltata

(Duncanopsammia peltata)

Leptoria phrygia

Montipora spongodes

Pocillopora woodjonesi

Turbinaria radicalis

Leptoseris explanata

Montipora spumosa

Podabacia crustacea

Turbinaria reniformis

Leptoseris foliosa

Montipora stellata

Polyphyllia talpina

Turbinaria stellulata

Leptoseris gardineri

Montipora striata

Porites annae

Tubipora musica

Leptoseris hawaiiensis

Montipora tuberculosa

Porites australiensis

Stylaster (Genus)

Leptoseris incrustans

Montipora turgescens

Porites cylindrica

Corallium (Genus)

Leptoseris mycetoseroides

Montipora turtlensis

Porites densa

Cirrhipathes (Genus)

Leptoseris papyracea

Montipora undata

Porites evermanni


Leptoseris scabra

Montipora venosa

Porites heronensis


Leptoseris solida

Montipora verrucosa

Porites lichen


Schedule 2

Declaration of the harvest operations of the Queensland Coral Fishery as an approved wildlife trade operation, October 2024


Relating to the harvesting of fish specimens that are, or are derived from, fish or invertebrates, other than specimens of species listed under Part 13 and Part 13A of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, taken in the Queensland Coral Fishery:

Condition 1

Operation of the Queensland Coral Fishery must be carried out in accordance with the Fisheries Act 1994 (Qld), Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019 (Qld), Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019 (Qld), Fisheries Declaration 2019 (Qld) and the Fisheries Quota Declaration 2019 (Qld). The fishery must also be managed in accordance with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 (Cth), Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations 2019 (Cth) and the Coral Sea Marine Park Management Plan 2018.

Condition 2

The Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries must inform the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water of any intended material changes to the Queensland Coral Fishery management arrangements that may affect the assessment against which Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) decisions are made.

Condition 3

The Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries must inform the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water of any intended changes to fisheries legislation that may affect the legislative instruments relevant to this approval.

Condition 4

The Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries must produce and present reports on the Queensland Coral Fishery to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water by 30 September annually, as per Appendix B of the Guidelines for the Ecologically Sustainable Management of Fisheries – 2nd Edition.

For species listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora there are additional reporting requirements that must be included in the annual reports. These requirements are as follows:

  1.        species specific data of each CITES-listed species harvested in the fishery in the preceding 12 months. All hard coral taxa (order Scleractinia) must be reported at a species-level where possible, unless otherwise authorised by this wildlife trade operation approval; and
  2.        provide an overview of the coral harvest spatial data and how this has been collected and considered in the management of the fishery.

Condition 5

By 30 June 2026, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries must publish an updated Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) for the Queensland Coral Fishery. The updated ERA must:

  1.        consider the impacts the fishery may have on habitats, the physical environment, ecosystem functions, as well as on coral and coral-dependent ecosystems. This should consider the potential impacts of harvesting at a regional level; and
  2.        identify any ongoing monitoring or risk mitigation needs for the fishery.

Condition 6

  1.       By 30 November 2026, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries must publish an updated harvest strategy for the Queensland Coral Fishery. The updated harvest strategy must:
  1.             apply to all species that are recorded in current logbooks;
  2.             include mechanisms to manage the risk of localised depletion; and
  3.             manage risks to individual species and reefs targeted by the Queensland Coral Fishery, including risks associated with environmental disturbances.
  1.       By 30 November 2026, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries must commence implementing any monitoring and/or risk mitigation recommendations identified in the updated Environmental Risk Assessment.

Condition 7

  1.       By 31 August 2025, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries must:
    1.             review all available information on at-risk species, including Euphyllia glabrescens, Homophyllia cf. australis, Micromussa lordhowensis, Trachyphyllia geoffroyi and Acropora microclados, to determine if catch limits are appropriate, and if required determine if reductions or other management responses are necessary; and
    2.             report outcomes of the review and a schedule for any necessary changes to management of the fishery to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
    3.             This review should include consideration of available information on the life history traits (e.g. recruitment, growth and reproductive rates) of at-risk species in the Queensland Coral Fishery.
  2.       By 30 April 2027, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries must address information gaps on key life history traits (e.g. recruitment, growth and reproductive rates) for at-risk species to inform sustainable take levels at a reef and regional scale. In lieu of this, precautionary management of these species is necessary to maintain sustainable harvest levels and prevent localised depletion. Progress and outcomes of this work must be reported to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water via annual reports outlined at Condition 4.

Condition 8

  1.       By 28 October 2026, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF) must develop and implement a Severe Event Response Plan that allows QDAF to respond to severe environmental threats which impact coral reefs in areas accessed by the Queensland Coral Fishery. This plan should integrate with existing monitoring and incident management frameworks across science and management agencies to inform adaptive fishery management responses. Severe environmental event may be associated with (inter alia) mass bleaching events, severe cyclones (>Category 4-5) and/or severe flood events.
  2.       In lieu of the Severe Event Response Plan being implemented, if the Great Barrier Reef experiences a severe flooding or cyclonic event, or conditions that are likely to cause severe heat stress and coral bleaching, indicated by six consecutive Degree Heating Weeks, QDAF must meet with the Department of Climate Change, Energy the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) to discuss appropriate management responses. This meeting should be undertaken as soon as possible to:
  1.             consider the extent and severity of impact over the Great Barrier Reef; and
  2.             explore any necessary fisheries management responses to manage the extent of the impact on affected species and ecosystems.


Condition 9

By 1 July 2025 the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries must continue to implement measures to closely monitor and manage catch limits to prevent them being exceeded.


Hard coral (order Scleractinia) taxa where identification to genus level is acceptable but should be identified to a species level where feasible. All other hard corals should be recorded to species.