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Radiocommunications Act 1992
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Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
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C2011C00072 (C49)
01 January 2011
18 April 2011
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Chapter 1—Preliminary
Part 1.1—Formal matters
1 Short title
2 Commencement
Part 1.2—Object of this Act
3 The object of this Act
4 Outline of this Act
Part 1.3—Interpretative provisions
5 Definitions
6 Definition of radiocommunication
7 Definitions of radiocommunications device, radiocommunications transmitter and radiocommunications receiver
8 Definitions of radio emission and transmitter
9 Definitions of device, non-standard device and non-standard transmitter
9A Application of labels
9B Digital mode
9C Digital community radio broadcasting representative company
9D Incumbent digital radio broadcasting licensees
10 Public or community services
10A ACMA determinations about space objects
11 References to offences against this Act etc.
Part 1.4—Application of this Act
12 Outline of this Part
Division 1—General
13 Crown to be bound
Division 2—Provisions relating to location and similar matters
14 Operation of this Division
15 Application to external Territories
16 Application outside Australia
17 Offshore areas
17A Western Greater Sunrise area
18 Application to the atmosphere etc.
Division 3—Provisions extending the concept of radiocommunication
19 Operation of this Division
20 Radio transmissions for the purpose of measurement
21 Astronomical and meteorological observations
22 Lighthouses etc.
Division 4—Matters to which this Act does not apply
23 Foreign space objects, vessels and aircraft
24 Defence research and intelligence
25 Special defence undertakings
26 Additional exemption for defence matters
27 Exemption for defence, law enforcement and emergency personnel
28 Use of devices by the ACMA
Chapter 2—Radio frequency planning
29 Outline of this Chapter
Part 2.1—Spectrum plans and frequency band plans
30 Spectrum plans
31 Planning of broadcasting services bands
32 Frequency band plans
33 Publication etc. of plans
34 Revocation and variation of plans
35 Disallowance of plans
Part 2.2—Conversion plans and marketing plans
36 Designation of parts of the spectrum for spectrum licences
37 Preparation or variation of frequency band plans
38 Conversion plans
39 Marketing plans—unencumbered spectrum
39A Marketing plans—re-allocation of spectrum
40 Consultation on draft plans
41 Delays in preparing plans
42 Variation of plans
43 Publication of plans
44 Expressions of interest in spectrum licences
Part 2.3—Digital radio channel plans
44A Preparation of digital radio channel plans
Chapter 3—Licensing of radiocommunications
45 Outline of this Chapter
Part 3.1—Unlicensed radiocommunications
Division 1—Offences
46 Unlicensed operation of radiocommunications devices
47 Unlawful possession of radiocommunications devices
48 Additional provisions about possession of radiocommunications devices
49 Emergency operation etc. of radiocommunications devices
Division 2—Civil proceedings
50 Civil proceedings
Part 3.2—Spectrum licences
51 Outline of this Part
Division 1—Issuing spectrum licences
Subdivision A—Converting apparatus licences into spectrum licences
52 Application of this Subdivision
53 Preparation of draft spectrum licences
54 Notification of draft spectrum licences
55 Representations about draft spectrum licences
56 Offer of spectrum licences
57 Issuing of spectrum licences on acceptance of offers
58 Failures to accept offers
59 Compliance with plans
Subdivision B—Issuing spectrum licences
60 Procedures for allocating spectrum licences
61 Preparation of draft spectrum licences
62 Issue of spectrum licences
63 Compliance with marketing plans
Subdivision C—Contents of spectrum licences
64 Authorisation to use part of the spectrum
65 Duration of spectrum licences
66 Core conditions of spectrum licences
67 Conditions about payment of charges
68 Conditions about third party use
68A Authorisation under spectrum licence is to be treated as acquisition of asset
69 Conditions about registration of radiocommunications transmitters
69A Conditions about residency etc.
71 Other conditions of spectrum licences
Subdivision D—Rules about section 50 and related provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act
71A Issue of spectrum licence is to be treated as acquisition of asset
Division 2—Varying spectrum licences
72 Variation with agreement
73 Variation without agreement
Division 3—Suspending and cancelling spectrum licences
74 Application of this Division
75 Suspending spectrum licences
76 Period of suspension
77 Cancelling spectrum licences
Division 4—Re-issuing spectrum licences
78 Notice of spectrum licences that are about to be re-issued
79 Preparation of draft spectrum licences for re-issue
80 Procedures for re-allocating spectrum licences
81 Re-issue of spectrum licences
82 Re-issue of spectrum licences to the same licensees in the public interest
83 General rules about newly-issued spectrum licences apply to re-issued spectrum licences
84 Commencement of re-issued spectrum licences
Division 5—Trading spectrum licences
85 Trading spectrum licences
86 Registration of assignments etc.
87 Variation etc. of spectrum licences to take assignments into account
88 Rules about assignments etc.
Division 6—Resuming spectrum licences
Subdivision A—Resuming spectrum licences by agreement
89 ACMA may resume spectrum licences by agreement
90 Effect of resumption
Subdivision B—Resuming spectrum licences by compulsory process
91 ACMA may resume spectrum licences compulsorily
92 Effect of resumption
93 Payment of compensation
94 Interest payable on resumption etc.
95 Reaching agreements during the compulsory process
Part 3.3—Apparatus licences
96 Outline of this Part
Division 1—Types of apparatus licences
97 Transmitter licences and receiver licences
98 Types of transmitter licences and receiver licences
98A Channel A datacasting transmitter licence
98B Channel B datacasting transmitter licence
98C Foundation category 1 digital radio multiplex transmitter licence
98D Foundation category 2 digital radio multiplex transmitter licence
98E Limit on declaration of foundation digital radio multiplex transmitter licences
Division 2—Issuing apparatus licences
99 Applications for apparatus licences
100 Issuing apparatus licences
100A NBS transmitter licences—authorisation of datacasting services
100B NBS transmitter licences required to be issued under digital conversion schemes
100C NBS transmitter licences—authorisation of radio broadcasting services
100D NBS transmitter licences—authorisation of SDTV multi-channelled national television broadcasting services
100E NBS transmitter licences—authorisation of HDTV multi channelled national television broadcasting services
101 Testing of radiocommunications devices
101A Transmitter licences for temporary community broadcasting
101B Transmitter licence—application if multi channelling election is in force in relation to remote licence area
101C Transmitter licence—application before the end of the simulcast period etc. if multi channelling election is in force
102 Transmitter licences for certain broadcasting services
102A Transmitter licences required to be issued under digital conversion schemes
102AA Transmitter licences—authorisation of HDTV multi channelled commercial television broadcasting services during the simulcast period etc.
102AB Transmitter licence—authorisation of SDTV multi channelled commercial television broadcasting services during so much of the simulcast period etc. as occurs on or after 1 January 2009
102AC Transmitter licences—authorisation of commercial television broadcasting services after the end of the simulcast period etc.
102AE Variation of transmitter licences—digital conversion of re transmission facilities
102AF Variation or cancellation of transmitter licences—digital conversion of re transmission facilities
102AG Transmitter licences—re transmission of commercial television broadcasting services to be in digital mode
102AH Cancellation of transmitter licences—re transmission of commercial television broadcasting services
102B Datacasting transmitter licences
102C Category 1 digital radio multiplex transmitter licences
102D Category 2 digital radio multiplex transmitter licences
102E Category 3 digital radio multiplex transmitter licences
102F Limit on issue of non foundation digital radio multiplex transmitter licences
103 Duration of apparatus licences
104 Compliance with plans
105 Parts of the spectrum allocated for spectrum licences
106 Price-based allocation system for certain transmitter licences
106A Issue of apparatus licence is to be treated as acquisition of asset of a person for the purposes of section 50 of the Competition and Consumer Act
Division 3—Conditions of apparatus licences
107 General conditions
108 Additional conditions for transmitter licences
108A Conditions of transmitter licences for temporary community broadcasters
109 Conditions of transmitter licences for certain broadcasting services
109A Conditions of datacasting transmitter licences
109B Conditions of digital radio multiplex transmitter licences—general
109C Conditions of category 1 and category 2 digital radio multiplex transmitter licences—access etc.
109D Conditions of foundation digital radio multiplex transmitter licences
110 Conditions relating to interference
111 Changes to licence conditions
112 Guidelines relating to conditions etc.
113 Contravention of conditions
113A Constitutional safety net—issue of shares to digital community radio broadcasting representative company
Division 4—Third party users
114 Licensees may authorise third party users
114A Authorisation under apparatus licence is to be treated as acquisition of asset of a person for the purposes of section 50 of the Competition and Consumer Act
115 Determinations limiting authorisation of third party users
116 Revocation of authorisations
117 Licensees must keep records of authorisations
118 Licensees must notify authorised persons of certain matters
Division 4A—Access to channel B datacasting transmitter licences
118A Access to channel B datacasting transmitter licences
118B Applicant for channel B datacasting transmitter licences must give the ACCC an access undertaking
118C Further information about access undertaking
118D ACCC to accept or reject access undertaking
118E Duration of access undertaking etc.
118F Variation of access undertakings
118G Further information about variation of access undertaking
118H Decision making criteria
118J Register of access undertakings
118K Enforcement of access undertakings
118L Procedural Rules
118M Definitions
Division 4B—Access to digital radio multiplex transmitter licences
Subdivision A—Introduction
118N Simplified outline
118NA Scope
118NB Definitions
118NC National broadcasters
Subdivision B—Access undertakings
118ND Digital radio multiplex transmitter licensees must give the ACCC access undertakings
118NE Further information about access undertakings
118NF ACCC to accept or reject access undertakings
118NG Duration of access undertakings etc.
118NH Variation of access undertakings
118NI Further information about variation of access undertakings
118NJ Decision making criteria
118NK Register of access undertakings
Subdivision C—Standard access obligations, excess capacity access obligations and distributed capacity access obligations
118NL Standard access obligations
118NM Excess capacity access obligations
118NN Distributed capacity access obligations
118NO Compliance with access obligations
118NP Other obligations
118NQ Standard access entitlements of commercial broadcasters
118NR Standard access entitlements of community broadcasters
118NS Standard access entitlements of national broadcasters
118NT Excess capacity access entitlements etc.
118NU Distributed capacity access entitlements etc.
118NV Capacity cap—digital commercial radio broadcasting licensees
118NW Suspension of access entitlements
118NX Transfer of digital radio multiplex transmitter licence
118NY Renewal of digital radio multiplex transmitter licence
Subdivision D—Enforcement
118NZ Judicial enforcement of access obligations etc.
118P Enforcement of access undertakings
Subdivision E—External audits
118PA External audits
118PB Eligibility for appointment
118PC External auditor may have regard to the results of previous audit
118PD External auditors
Subdivision F—Review of decisions
118PE Review by Australian Competition Tribunal
118PF Functions and powers of Australian Competition Tribunal
118PG Provisions that do not apply in relation to a Australian Competition Tribunal review
118PH Statement of reasons for reviewable decision—specification of documents
Subdivision G—Injunctions
118PI Injunctions
118PJ Interim injunctions
118PK Discharge or variation of injunctions
118PL Certain limits on granting injunctions not to apply
118PM Other powers of the Federal Court unaffected
Subdivision H—Miscellaneous
118PN Annual reports
118PO Procedural Rules
118PP Constitutional safety net
Division 4C—Access to broadcasting transmission towers etc. by digital radio multiplex transmitter licensees and authorised persons
Subdivision A—Introduction
118Q Simplified outline
118QA Definitions
118QB Designated associated facilities
118QC Extended meaning of access
Subdivision B—Access to broadcasting transmission towers etc. by digital radio multiplex transmitter licensees
118QD Access to broadcasting transmission towers
118QE Access to designated associated facilities
118QF Access to sites of broadcasting transmission towers
118QG Terms and conditions of access
118QH Code relating to access
Subdivision C—Miscellaneous
118QI Arbitration—acquisition of property
118QJ Relationship between this Division and the National Transmission Network Sale Act 1998
Division 5—Qualified operators
119 ACMA to determine the need for qualified operators
120 Applications for certificates of proficiency
121 Issuing certificates of proficiency
122 Restrictions on issuing certificates of proficiency
122A Delegating the power to issue certificates of proficiency
123 Re-examination of qualified operators
124 Cancelling certificates of proficiency
Division 6—Suspending and cancelling apparatus licences: general
Subdivision A—General provisions
125 Application of this Subdivision
126 Suspending apparatus licences
127 Period of suspension
128 Cancelling apparatus licences
Subdivision B—International broadcasting services
128A Application of this Subdivision
128B Cancelling transmitter licences
Division 6A—Suspending and cancelling datacasting transmitter licences
128C Suspending datacasting transmitter licences
128D Cancelling datacasting transmitter licences
Division 7—Renewing apparatus licences
129 Applications for renewal of apparatus licences
130 Renewing apparatus licences
131 Application of other provisions
Division 8—Transfer of apparatus licences
131AA Applications for transfer of apparatus licences
131AB Transfer of apparatus licences
131AC Apparatus licences not transferable in certain circumstances
131ACA Datacasting transmitter licences
Division 10—Provisional international broadcasting certificates
131AE Applications for certificates
131AF Issuing certificates
131AG Duration of certificates
Part 3.4—Class licences
Division 1—General
132 ACMA may issue class licences
133 Conditions of class licences
134 Varying class licences
135 Revoking class licences
136 Consultation on variations and revocations
137 Compliance with plans
138 Parts of the spectrum allocated for spectrum licences
139 Disallowance of class licences
Division 2—Requests for advice
140 Requests for advice on operation of radiocommunications devices
141 ACMA to advise on the operation of radiocommunications devices
142 The effect of the ACMA’s advice
Part 3.5—Registration of licences
143 The Register of Radiocommunications Licences
144 Contents of the Register—spectrum licences
145 Refusal to register radiocommunications transmitters for operation under spectrum licences
146 Updating the Register to take variations etc. of spectrum licences into account
147 Contents of the Register—apparatus licences
148 Updating the Register to take variations etc. of apparatus licences into account
149 Contents of the Register—class licences
150 Updating the Register to take variations etc. of class licences into account
151 Inspection of the Register
152 Parts of the Register may be kept confidential
153 Correction of the Register
Part 3.6—Re-allocation of encumbered spectrum
153A Outline of this Part
153B Spectrum re-allocation declaration
153C Spectrum re allocation declaration—ancillary provisions
153D Affected apparatus licences and licensees
153E Minister may make a spectrum re-allocation declaration only after receiving the ACMA’s recommendation
153F ACMA may recommend that the Minister make a spectrum re allocation declaration
153G Comments by potentially-affected apparatus licensees on recommendation
153H Effect of spectrum re-allocation declaration
153J Revocation and variation of spectrum re-allocation declaration
153K Automatic revocation of spectrum re-allocation declaration if no licences allocated by re-allocation deadline
153L Re-allocation by means of issuing spectrum licences
153M Re-allocation by means of issuing apparatus licences
153N Restriction on issuing spectrum licences for parts of the spectrum subject to re-allocation
153P Restriction on issuing apparatus licences for parts of the spectrum subject to re-allocation
Chapter 4—General regulatory provisions
154 Outline of this Chapter
Part 4.1—Standards and other technical regulation
Division 1—Preliminary
155 The object of this Part
156 Outline of this Part
Division 2—Non-standard devices
157 Emissions from non-standard transmitters
158 Possession of non-standard devices
159 Additional provisions about possession of devices
160 Supply of non-standard devices
161 Imputed knowledge
Division 3—Standards
162 The ACMA’s power to make standards
163 Procedures for making standards
163A Making standards in cases of urgency
164 Date of effect of standards
165 Disallowance etc. of standards
Division 4—Permits for non-standard devices
166 The effect of permits
167 The ACMA may issue permits
168 Conditions of permits
169 Duration of permits
169A Compensation—constitutional safety-net
170 Contraventions of permit conditions
171 Cancelling permits
Division 5—Other exemptions from Division 2
172 Emergency transmissions etc.
173 Possession or supply for use solely outside Australia
174 Supply with permission
175 Supply for modification etc.
176 Supply for re-export
177 Burden of proof
178 Reasonable excuse
Division 7—Labelling of devices
182 Requirements to apply labels etc.
183 Recognised testing authorities
183A Certification bodies
186 Sale etc. of devices without labels
187 Applying labels before satisfying requirements under subsection 182(4)
187A Failure to retain records
188 Imputed knowledge
188A Protected symbols
Division 8—Prohibited devices
189 Operation etc. of prohibited devices
190 Declaration of prohibited devices
191 Consultation on proposed declarations
Part 4.2—Offences relating to radio emission
192 Interference likely to prejudice safe operation of vessels, aircraft or space objects
193 Interference in relation to certain radiocommunications
194 Interference likely to endanger safety or cause loss or damage
195 Transmission from foreign vessel, aircraft or space object
196 Emergency transmissions etc.
197 Causing interference etc.
198 Transmission of false information
199 Transmission likely to cause explosion
200 Imputed knowledge
201 Operation of laws of States or Territories
Part 4.3—Settlement of interference disputes
Division 1—Conciliators
202 Appointment of a conciliator
203 Terms and conditions etc.
204 Remuneration and allowances
Division 2—Referral of matters to conciliators
205 Referral of complaints to conciliators
206 Referral of other matters to conciliators
207 Consideration of whether to refer a matter
Division 3—The conciliation process
208 Conciliator may effect settlement in relation to disputed conduct
209 Conciliator may decide not to make inquiry
210 Compulsory conference
211 Protection from civil actions
Division 4—Directions
212 ACMA may issue directions
213 Complainants to be kept informed
214 Contravention of a direction
215 Commonwealth not liable for costs
Division 5—Miscellaneous
216 Offences relating to settlement of interference disputes
217 Operation of State and Territory laws
218 Report by ACMA
Part 4.4—Restricted use zones
Division 1—Declarations of emergency
219 Declaration of period of emergency
220 Circumstances in which Proclamation may be made
221 Termination of period of emergency
Division 2—Restrictive orders
222 Restrictive orders
223 Publication of restrictive orders
224 Application of orders to broadcasting
225 Revocation of orders
226 Orders may have extended operation
227 Contravention of orders
228 Orders to prevail over inconsistent laws
229 Disallowance of restrictive orders
Division 3—Guidelines for making restrictive orders
230 Minister may make guidelines
Chapter 5—Administration and enforcement
231 Outline of this Chapter
Part 5.1—Delegation
238 Delegation
Part 5.2—Public inquiries
255 ACMA may hold inquiry
256 ACMA to hold inquiry when directed
257 Informing the public about an inquiry
258 Discussion paper
259 Written submissions
260 Protection from civil actions
261 Hearings
261A Hearing to be in public except in exceptional cases
261B Confidential material not to be published
261C Direction about private hearings
261D Reports on inquiries
Part 5.3—Advisory guidelines
262 ACMA may make advisory guidelines
Part 5.4—Accreditation
263 ACMA may accredit persons
264 Withdrawal of accreditation
265 Procedure for withdrawing accreditation
266 Accreditation principles
266A ACMA determination in relation to certificates
Part 5.5—Enforcement
Division 1—Inspectors
267 Inspectors
268 Identity cards
Division 2—Search warrants
269 Magistrate may issue warrant
270 Warrants may be issued by telephone or other electronic means
Division 3—Searches and seizures
271 References to connection with an offence
272 General offence related searches and seizures
273 Evidence about the commission of other offences
274 Production of identity card etc.
275 Emergency searches and seizures
276 Retention of thing seized
Division 4—Powers of inspectors
277 Power of inspectors to enter premises and adjust transmitters in emergencies
278 Powers of inspectors to require operation of transmitters
279 General powers of inspectors
Division 5—Forfeiture
280 Court may order forfeiture
281 Forfeited goods may be sold
Division 6—Miscellaneous
282 Act not to affect performance of duties by inspectors
283 Inspectors not authorised to enter or search certain land or premises used for defence purposes
284 Offences that are going to be committed
Part 5.6—Review of decisions
Division 1—Decisions subject to internal reconsideration before AAT review
285 Decisions that may be subject to reconsideration by the ACMA
286 Deadlines for reaching certain decisions
287 Statements to accompany notification of decisions
288 Applications for reconsideration of decisions
289 Reconsideration by the ACMA
290 Deadlines for reconsiderations
291 Statements to accompany notification of decisions on reconsideration
292 Review by the AAT
Division 2—Decisions not subject to internal reconsideration before AAT review
292A Review by the AAT
292B Notification of decisions to include notification of reasons and appeal rights
Part 5.7—Charges
294 Spectrum access charges
295 Publication of determinations
296 Collection of charges on behalf of the ACMA
297 Limits on charges
298 Recovery of charges
298A Fees imposed by certain bodies
Part 5.8—Enforceable undertakings
298B Simplified outline
298C Acceptance of undertakings
298D Enforcement of undertakings
Chapter 6—Miscellaneous
299 International agreements etc.
300 Labelling of radiocommunications transmitters for purposes of identification
301 Supply of radiocommunications devices to unlicensed persons
303 Compilation etc. of information
304 Applications etc. in electronic form
305 Evidentiary certificates
306 Conduct by directors, servants and agents
307 Surrender of licences, certificates and permits
308 No compensation for suspensions and cancellations
309 Officers and employees of governments and authorities
310 Operation of this Act in relation to the Broadcasting Services Act
311 Act not to affect performance of functions by States or certain Territories
312 Application of the Competition and Consumer Act
313 Legislation of the Australian Antarctic Territory
313A Application of the Criminal Code
313B Review
314 Regulations
314A Instruments under this Act may provide for matters by reference to other instruments
315 Penalties payable instead of prosecution
Schedule—Resuming spectrum licences by compulsory process
Part 1—Resumption Procedures
1 Pre-acquisition declarations
2 Service on licensees and third party users
3 Resumption notices
4 Date of effect of resumptions
5 Notification of licensees
Part 2—Compensation
1 The basis on which compensation is payable
2 Amounts of compensation payable
3 Claims for compensation
4 Consideration of claims by the ACMA
5 Deadline for consideration of claims
6 Consideration of offers by licensees
7 Determination of compensation by the AAT
8 Determination of compensation by the Federal Court
9 Determination of compensation by independent valuers
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history