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Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services (Repeals and Consequential Provisions) Act 2000
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Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
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C2009C00363 (C03)
01 July 2009
16 November 2009
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Part 1—Preliminary
1 Short title [see Note 1]
2 Commencement [see Note 1]
3 Simplified outline
4 Definitions
5 Crown to be bound
6 Extra territorial operation
7 Schedule(s)
Part 2—Transitional provisions
Division 2—Transfer day
11 Simplified outline
12 Minister must determine transfer day
13 Time of transfers
Division 3—Transfer of assets and liabilities etc.
14 Simplified outline
15 Transfers subject to conditions
16 Transfer of assets and liabilities
17 ADF Trust Amount
18 Transfer of pending proceedings
19 Exemption from taxation
19A Operation of GST Law
20 References in certain instruments
21 Certificates in relation to assets
22 Saving: levies and charges
Division 4—Transfer of staff
Subdivision A—Preliminary
23 Simplified outline
24 Transfer of staff
25 Terms and conditions of transferred employees
26 Variation of terms and conditions of employment
Subdivision B—Application of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act
27 Continued application of SRC Act
28 Commonwealth liability to meet certain SRC Act liabilities
29 SRC Act: rehabilitation provisions
30 Premiums under the SRC Act
Subdivision C—Deferred Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Act benefits
31 Saving: deferred benefits under the DFRDB Act
Subdivision D—Maternity leave provisions
32 Maternity leave starting before transfer day
33 Maternity leave starting after transfer day
Subdivision E—Provisions relating to superannuation
34 Application of the Superannuation Act 1922
35 Application of other Superannuation Acts
36 Application of the Superannuation Benefits (Supervisory Mechanisms) Act 1990
Subdivision F—Provisions relating to long service leave
37 Long service leave for employees with less than 10 years service
38 Payments in lieu of long service leave for employees with less than 10 years service
39 Payments on the death of an employee
40 Employee’s long service leave credit for the purposes of sections 37 and 38
41 Employees with at least 10 years service
42 Division not to affect post commencement long service leave rights
Subdivision G—Staff with mobility rights
43 Cessation of mobility rights
Division 5—Transitional period for export controls
44 Simplified outline
45 Continuation of export controls despite repeal of AHC Act
46 References to AHC and Product Board
47 Phasing out of export controls under Part V of AHC Act
Division 6—Final annual reports
48 Simplified outline
49 Final annual report: Australian Horticultural Corporation
50 Final annual report: Australian Dried Fruits Board
51 Final annual report: Horticultural Research and Development Corporation
Division 7—Miscellaneous
52 Delegation of Secretary’s powers
53 Compensation for acquisition of property
54 Regulations
Schedule 1—Repeal of Acts
1 Repeal of Acts
Schedule 2—Consequential amendments
Schedule 3—References to Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2000
Schedule 4—Operation of the Privacy Act
Notes to the STYLEREF ShortT \* MERGEFORMAT Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services (Repeals and Consequential Provisions) Act 2000