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Australian Government Coat of ArmsAustralian Government

Federal Register of Legislation


A survey about the Federal Register of Legislation is available and we’d love it if you could take the time to fill it out. The survey will be open until 22 November 2024.


An Act is a statute or law passed by both Houses of Parliament that has received Royal Assent. On Royal Assent, Acts are given a year and number. Once an Act is formally enacted it can generally only be amended or repealed by another Act. When an Act changes, a compilation of the Act is prepared to show the Act as amended. Acts are also known as primary legislation.

In force

In force legislation is legislation that is on the statute book and has the force of law. On the Federal Register of Legislation, legislation that has been made but not yet commenced is also displayed in the in force listings. In force legislation does not include draft legislation such as Bills or legislation that has ceased, repealed or sunsetted.

No longer in force

Legislation that ceases to have effect or that has been repealed is no longer in force.