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Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975
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C2025C00131 (C38)
21 February 2025
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Part I—Preliminary
1 Short title
2 Commencement
2A Objects of this Act
3 Interpretation
3AA Ecologically sustainable use
3AB Principles of ecologically sustainable use
3A Interpretation of zoning plans
3B Interpretation of geographic co ordinates
4 Act binds the Crown
4A Application of the Criminal Code
5 Application of Act
Part II—Establishment, functions and powers of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
6 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
7 Functions of the Authority
7A Provision of assistance to other institutions and persons
8 Powers of Authority
8B CEO not subject to direction by Authority on certain matters
Part III—Constitution and meetings of the Authority
10 Membership of Authority
11 Period of appointment of part time members of Authority
12 Remuneration and allowances of part time members of Authority
13 Leave of absence for part time members of Authority
14 Resignation of part time members of Authority
15 Acting Chairperson and members
15A Outside employment
15B Member of governing body of a relevant interest group
16 Termination of appointment of part time members of Authority
16A Disclosure of interest to the Minister
16B Other terms and conditions
17 Meetings of Authority
18 Decisions without meetings
19 Other matters
Part V—The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Division 1—Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
30 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
31 Areas part of Marine Park
Division 2—Zoning plans
32 Objects of Division
32A When zoning plans must be prepared
32B Content of zoning plans
32C Notice of intention to prepare zoning plan
34 Operational principles
35 Environmental, economic and social assessments
35A Matters to which Authority must have regard when preparing zoning plans
35B Notice of preparation of zoning plan
35C Zoning plans must be submitted to Minister
35D Zoning plans are legislative instruments
35DA Power of zoning plans
35E Disallowance of zoning plans
35F Commencement of zoning plans
35G Statement about operational principles
36 Authority etc. to comply with zoning plans
37 Amendment or revocation of zoning plan—substantive changes
37A Amendment of zoning plan—typographical errors
Division 3—Duty to prevent or minimise harm to environment in Marine Park
37AA Duty to prevent or minimise harm to environment in Marine Park
Division 4—Relationship with the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
37AB Actions affected by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
37AC Great Barrier Reef Region not to be reserved under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
Part VAA—Offences and penalties in relation to Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and Region
Division 1—Conduct in Great Barrier Reef Region
38AA Mining or geological storage operations in Great Barrier Reef Region: offence
38AB Mining or geological storage operations in Great Barrier Reef Region: civil penalty provision
Division 2—Conduct in Marine Park zones
38BA Conduct in zone: offence
38BB Conduct in zone: civil penalty provision
38BC Conduct in zone without required notice: offence
38BD Operation of fishing vessel in zone: offence
Division 3—Conduct in unzoned area of Marine Park
38CA Conduct in unzoned area: offence
38CB Conduct in unzoned area: civil penalty provision
Division 3A—Convictions under former section 38CA
38CC Convictions under former section 38CA
Division 4—Conduct in Marine Park generally
38DA Vessel causing damage in Marine Park: offence
38DB Vessel causing damage in Marine Park: civil penalty provision
38DC Contravening order or direction: offence
38DD Discharging waste: offence
38DE Pollution related approval
Division 5—Conduct contravening conditions
38EA Conduct contravening condition of permission or authority: offence
38EB Conduct contravening condition of permission or authority: civil penalty provision
Division 6—Collective and vicarious liability
38FA Liability for vessel, aircraft or platform used in committing offence: offence
38FB Liability for ship used in committing offence: offence
38FC Liability for vessel causing damage in Marine Park: offence
38FD Liability of permission holder for conduct contravening permission: offence
Division 7—Aggravated offences and contraventions
38GA Aggravated offences
38GB Aggravated contraventions
Division 8—Miscellaneous
38HA Commencement of certain prosecutions: time limit
38HB Commencement of certain prosecutions: Attorney General’s consent
38HC Conduct in the exclusive economic zone: offences other than Division 6 offences
38HD Conduct in the exclusive economic zone: Division 6 offences
38HE Conduct in the territorial sea: offences other than Division 6 offences
38HF Conduct in the territorial sea: Division 6 offences
Part VA—Collection of environmental management charge
Division 1—Object
39A Object
39AA Definitions
Division 2—Liability to charge
39B Liability to charge
39C Amount of charge
39D Chargeable permission held jointly—joint and several liability of holders
39DA Payment of charge by chargeable permission holders
39DB Payment of charge by visitors
39E When charge due for payment
39F Payment of charge by instalments
39FAA One off waiver of environmental management charge payable by permission holder—coronavirus economic response
Division 2A—Collected amounts
39FA Chargeable permission holders must collect charge payable by visitors
39FB Chargeable permission holders must pay collected amounts to the Authority on time
39FC Chargeable permission held jointly—joint and several liability of holders
39FD Payment of collected amounts
39FE When collected amount is due for payment
39FF False or misleading representation in relation to tourism services: offence
39FG One off grant to holders of chargeable permissions—coronavirus economic response
Division 3—Recovery of charge etc.
39G Late payment penalty
39H Payment of late payment penalty
39J Recovery of charge and late payment penalty
39K Regulations relating to recovery of charge etc.
Division 4—Review of decisions relating to remission of late payment penalty
39L Reconsideration of decisions relating to remission of late payment penalty
39M Review of decisions by ART
39N Statements to accompany notification of decisions
Division 5—Record keeping and returns etc.
39P Record keeping and returns etc.
39PA Custody and banking of collected amounts etc.
39Q Failure to give information or returns
Division 5A—Application of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
39QA Collected amounts
Division 6—Enforcement
39S Power to search aircraft and vessels
39T Powers of inspector in relation to premises
39U Warrant to enter premises
Part VB—Plans of management
39V Interpretation
39W Preparation of plans of management
39X Types of plans of management
39Y Objects of plans of management
39ZA Arrangements with community groups that have special interests in areas of the Marine Park
39ZB Notice of proposal to prepare plan of management
39ZC Moratorium on grant of new permits while plan of management is being prepared
39ZD Preparation of plan of management
39ZE Notice of preparation of plan of management
39ZF Plans of management are legislative instruments
39ZFA Power of plans of management
39ZG Amendment of plan of management
39ZH Revoking or freezing plans of management
39ZI Authority to comply with management plans
Part VI—Administration
Division 1—Chief Executive Officer of Authority
39ZJ Establishment
39ZK Role
39ZL Appointment
39ZM Acting appointments
39ZN Remuneration and allowances of CEO
39ZP Leave of absence of CEO
39ZQ Outside employment
39ZR Member of governing body of a relevant interest group
39ZS Resignation of CEO
39ZT Termination of appointment
39ZU Other terms and conditions
Division 2—Staff and inspectors
40 Staff of Authority
41 Performance of service by other persons
43 Appointment of inspectors
43A Arrangements for certain persons to be inspectors
44 Inspectors ex officio
45 Identity cards
Division 3—Delegations
46 Delegation by Minister
47 Delegation by Authority
48 Delegation by CEO
48A Arrangements for certain delegations
Part VII—Finance and reporting requirements
Division 1—Great Barrier Reef Field Management Special Account
49 Great Barrier Reef Field Management Special Account
50 Credits to the Account
51 Purposes of the Account
52 Amounts paid by Queensland
Division 2—Reporting requirements
53 Annual report
53A Corporate plans
54 Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report
Part VIIA—Compulsory pilotage
59A Purpose of Part
59B Offence to navigate without a pilot
59C Offence to enter an Australian port after navigating without a pilot: master and owner liable
59D Offence to enter an Australian port after navigating without a pilot: owner liable
59E Pilots to issue certificates
59F Exemption from requirement to navigate with a pilot
59G Review by the Administrative Review Tribunal
59H Defence in proceedings for offences
59I Prosecution of offences
59J Time for commencing prosecutions
59K Service of summons or process
59L Powers of inspector—compulsory pilotage area
59M Limitation on exercise of powers—location
Part VIII—Enforcement
Division 1—Enforcement powers
Subdivision A—Vessel monitoring directions
61AAA Making vessel monitoring directions
61AAB Use and disclosure of vessel monitoring information
61AAC Failure to comply with vessel monitoring direction: offence
61AAD Failure to comply with vessel monitoring direction: civil penalty provision
Subdivision B—Enforceable undertakings
61ABA Acceptance of undertaking
61ABB Enforcement of undertaking
Subdivision C—Emergency directions
61ACA Making emergency directions
61ACB Failure to comply with emergency direction: offence
Subdivision D—Enforceable directions
61ADA Making enforceable directions
61ADB Content of enforceable direction
61ADC Notifying owners and occupiers of land
61ADD When enforceable directions have effect
61ADE Ministerial reconsideration of enforceable direction
61ADF Application to Federal Court
61ADG Enforcement of direction by Federal Court
61ADH Failure to comply with enforceable direction: civil penalty provision
Subdivision E—Directions limiting access to Marine Park
61AEA Directions limiting access to Marine Park
61AEB Failure to comply with direction: offence
Subdivision F—Publicising offences and contraventions
61AFA Publicising offences and contraventions
Subdivision G—Injunctions
61AGA Injunctions
Subdivision H—Remediation orders
61AHA Remediation orders
61AHB Variation and discharge of remediation order
Subdivision I—Civil penalty provisions
61AIA Declarations of contravention
61AIB Declaration of contravention is conclusive evidence
61AIC Pecuniary penalty for contravening civil penalty provision
61AID Definition of civil penalty provision
61AIE Contravening a civil penalty provision is not an offence
61AIF Persons involved in contravening civil penalty provision
61AIG Recovery of a pecuniary penalty
61AIH Civil evidence and procedure rules for declarations of contravention and civil penalty orders
61AII Civil proceedings after criminal proceedings
61AIJ Criminal proceedings during civil proceedings
61AIK Criminal proceedings after civil proceedings
61AIL Evidence given in proceedings for penalty not admissible in criminal proceedings
Subdivision J—Court order to pay amount equivalent to avoided charge
61AJA Order to pay amount equivalent to avoided charge
Subdivision K—Publicity orders
61AKA Publicity orders
Division 2—Other enforcement related matters
Subdivision A—Infringement notices
61ALA Infringement notices
Subdivision B—Evidentiary matters
61AMA Content of evidentiary certificate
61AMB Evidentiary effect of certificate
61AMC Varying or revoking certificate
61AMD Offences and contraventions in relation to fishing
Subdivision C—Conduct of directors, employees and agents
61ANA Conduct of directors, employees and agents
Subdivision D—Liability of executive officers for bodies corporate
61AOA Criminal liability of executive officers of bodies corporate
61AOB Civil penalties for executive officers of bodies corporate
61AOC Reasonable steps to prevent offence or contravention
Subdivision E—Miscellaneous
61APA Powers of Federal Court
61A Restoration of environment etc.
61B Liability for expenses incurred by the Commonwealth resulting from contravention of this Act
61C Enforcement of orders for payment
63 Jurisdiction of courts
Part IX—Miscellaneous
64 Reconsideration of decisions
64A Review of decisions by ART
64B Proceedings in the name of the Authority
65 Act to apply subject to international obligations
65A Appropriation of Consolidated Revenue Fund
66 Regulations
Schedule 1
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history