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National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013
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Department of Social Services
Department of the Treasury
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C2025C00129 (C22)
21 February 2025
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Chapter 1—Introduction
Part 1—Preliminary
1 Short title
2 Commencement
Part 2—Objects and principles
3 Objects of Act
4 General principles guiding actions under this Act
5 General principles guiding actions of people who may do acts or things on behalf of others
6 Agency may provide support and assistance
7 Provision of notice, approved form or information under this Act etc.
Part 3—Simplified outline
8 Simplified outline
Part 4—Definitions
9 Definitions
9A Approved forms
10 Definition of NDIS support
10B Definition of NDIS worker screening law
11 Definitions relating to compensation
11A Definition of key personnel
Part 5—Ministerial Council
12 Ministerial Council functions etc.
Chapter 2—Assistance for people with disability and others
13 Agency may provide coordination, strategic and referral services etc. to people with disability
14 Agency may provide funding to persons or entities
15 Agency may provide information
16 Agency may assist in relation to doing things under Chapter
17 National Disability Insurance Scheme rules
Chapter 3—Participants and their plans
Part 1A—Principles
17A Principles relating to the participation of people with disability
Part 1—Becoming a participant
18 Person may make a request to become a participant
19 Matters relating to access requests
20 CEO must consider and decide access requests
21 When a person meets the access criteria
22 Age requirements
23 Residence requirements
24 Disability requirements
25 Early intervention requirements
26 Requests that the CEO may make
27 National Disability Insurance Scheme rules relating to disability requirements and early intervention requirements
28 When a person becomes a participant
29 When a person ceases to be a participant
30 Revocation of participant status
30A Requirement to consider status of certain participants
Part 2—Participants’ plans
Division 1—Principles relating to plans
31 Principles relating to plans
Division 2—Preparing participants’ plans
Subdivision A—Facilitating preparation of participants’ plans
32 CEO must facilitate preparation of participant’s plan
32A Kinds of plans
32B Participants that are to have new framework plans
32BA Notice of impairments
Subdivision B—Content of new framework plans
32C Application of this Subdivision
32D Matters that must be included in a participant’s plan
32E Reasonable and necessary budget—entitlement to flexible funding or stated supports
32F Reasonable and necessary budget—flexible funding
32G Reasonable and necessary budget—stated supports
32H Reasonable and necessary budget—requirements relating to acquisition or provision of supports
32J Reasonable and necessary budget—National Disability Insurance Scheme rules
32K Reasonable and necessary budget—working out total funding amounts
32L Assessment of participant’s need for supports
Subdivision C—Content of old framework plans
32M Application of this Subdivision
33 Matters that must be included in a participant’s plan
34 Reasonable and necessary supports
35 National Disability Insurance Scheme rules for statement of participant supports
Subdivision D—Information and reports
36 Requesting information and reports
Subdivision E—When a plan is in effect etc.
37 When plan is in effect
38 Copy of plan to be provided
39 Agency must comply with the statement of participant supports
40 Effect of temporary absence on plans
41 Suspension of plans
Division 3—Managing the funding for supports under participants’ plans
42 Meaning of managing the funding for supports under a participant’s plan
43 Choice for the participant in relation to plan management
44 Circumstances in which persons must not manage funding
45 Payment of amounts payable under the National Disability Insurance Scheme—general
45A Payment of amounts payable under the National Disability Insurance Scheme—need for a claim
46 Acquittal of NDIS amounts
46A Protection of NDIS amounts
46B Garnishee orders
Division 4—Varying and replacing participants’ plans
47 Variation of participant’s plan—change of participant’s statement of goals and aspirations
47A Variation of participant’s plan on request of participant or CEO’s own initiative
48 Reassessment of participant’s plan on request of participant or CEO’s own initiative
49 Reassessment of participant’s plan before plan’s reassessment date
49A Reassessment of participant’s plan in circumstances specified in plan
49B No reassessment of old framework plan if participant to have new framework plans
50 Information and reports for the purposes of varying or reassessing a participant’s plan
Chapter 4—Administration
Part 1—General matters
Division 1—Participants and prospective participants
50J CEO to comply with requirements in relation to prospective participants or participants
51 Requirement to notify change of circumstances
52 Requirements relating to notices
53 Power to obtain information from participants and prospective participants to ensure the integrity of the National Disability Insurance Scheme
54 Written notice of requirement
Division 2—Other persons
55 Power of CEO to obtain information from other persons to ensure the integrity of the National Disability Insurance Scheme
55A Power of Commissioner to obtain information from other persons to ensure the integrity of the National Disability Insurance Scheme etc.
56 Written notice of requirement
57 Offence—refusal or failure to comply with requirement
Division 3—Interaction with other laws
58 Obligations not affected by State or Territory laws
59 Interaction with Commonwealth laws
Part 2—Privacy
Division 1—Information held by the Agency
60 Protection of information held by the Agency etc.
62 Offence—unauthorised use or disclosure of protected Agency information
63 Offence—soliciting disclosure of protected Agency information
64 Offence—offering to supply protected Agency information
66 Disclosure of information by CEO
67 National Disability Insurance Scheme rules for exercise of CEO’s disclosure powers
Division 2—Information held by the Commission
67A Protection of information held by the Commission etc.
67B Offence—unauthorised use or disclosure of protected Commission information
67C Offence—soliciting disclosure of protected Commission information
67D Offence—offering to supply protected Commission information
67E Disclosure of information by Commissioner
67F National Disability Insurance Scheme rules for exercise of Commissioner’s disclosure powers
Division 3—Information generally
67G Protection of certain documents etc. from production to court etc.
67H Part does not affect the operation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982
Part 3A—NDIS providers
Division 2—Registered NDIS providers
73B Requirement to be a registered NDIS provider
73C Application to be a registered NDIS provider
73D False or misleading information or documents in application
73E Registration as a registered NDIS provider
73F Registration is subject to conditions
73G Conditions specified in certificate of registration
73H Conditions determined by NDIS rules
73J Registered NDIS providers must comply with conditions of registration
73K Extension of period for which registration is in force
73L Variation of registration
73M Application for variation of registration
73N Suspension of registration
73P Revocation of registration
73Q Record keeping by registered NDIS providers
73R Record keeping by former registered NDIS providers
73S Grants of financial assistance in relation to registration
Division 3—Quality assurance
73T NDIS Practice Standards
73U Approved quality auditors
Division 4—NDIS Code of Conduct
73V NDIS Code of Conduct
Division 5—Complaints management and resolution
73W Complaints management and resolution system—registered NDIS providers
73X Arrangements relating to the management and resolution of complaints
Division 6—Incident management—registered NDIS providers
73Y Incident management system
73Z Reportable incidents
Division 7—Protection of disclosers
73ZA Disclosures qualifying for protection
73ZB Disclosure that qualifies for protection not actionable etc.
73ZC Victimisation prohibited
73ZD Right to compensation
Division 8—Compliance and enforcement
73ZE Monitoring powers
73ZF Investigation powers
73ZG Use of equipment to examine or process things
73ZH Use of electronic equipment at other place
73ZI Person with knowledge of a computer or a computer system to assist access etc.
73ZJ Compensation for damage to electronic equipment
73ZK Civil penalty provisions
73ZL Infringement notices
73ZM Compliance notices
73ZN Banning orders
73ZO Variation or revocation of banning orders
73ZP Enforceable undertakings
73ZQ Injunctions
73ZR Appointment of inspectors and investigators
Division 9—NDIS Provider Register
73ZS NDIS Provider Register
Part 4—Children
74 Children
75 Definition of parental responsibility
76 Duty to children
77 Revocation of determinations under section 74
Part 5—Nominees
Division 1—Functions and responsibilities of nominees
78 Actions of plan nominee on behalf of participant
79 Actions of correspondence nominee on behalf of participant
80 Duties of nominees to participant etc.
81 Giving of notices to correspondence nominee
82 Compliance by correspondence nominee
83 Nominee to inform Agency of matters affecting ability to act as nominee
84 Statement by plan nominee regarding disposal of money
85 Right of nominee to attend with participant
Division 2—Appointment and cancellation or suspension of appointment
86 Appointment of plan nominee
87 Appointment of correspondence nominee
88 Provisions relating to appointments
89 Circumstances in which the CEO must cancel appointment of nominees
90 General circumstances in which CEO may cancel or suspend appointment of nominees
91 Suspension etc. of appointment of nominees in cases of physical, mental or financial harm
92 Other matters relating to cancellation or suspension of appointment
93 National Disability Insurance Scheme rules may prescribe requirements etc.
94 CEO’s powers of revocation
Division 3—Other matters relating to nominees
95 CEO’s powers to give notices to participant
96 Notification of nominee where notice is given to participant
97 Protection of participant against liability for actions of nominee
98 Protection of nominee against criminal liability
Part 6—Review of decisions
99 Reviewable decisions and decision makers
100 Review of reviewable decisions
101 Effect of later decisions before review completed
102 Withdrawal of request for review
103 Applications to the Administrative Review Tribunal
Chapter 5—Compensation payments
Part 1—Requirement to take action to obtain compensation
104 CEO may require person to take action to obtain compensation
105 Consequences of failure to comply with a requirement to take action to obtain compensation
105A Matters relating to claims etc. by CEO
105B Recovery of amounts relating to claims etc. by CEO
Part 2—Agency may recover compensation fixed after NDIS amounts have been paid
106 Recovering past NDIS amounts from certain judgements
107 Recovering past NDIS amounts from consent judgements and settlements
108 Debts resulting from section 106 or 107
Part 3—Recovery from compensation payers and insurers
109 CEO may send preliminary notice to potential compensation payer or insurer
110 Offence—potential compensation payer or insurer
111 CEO may send recovery notice to compensation payer or insurer
112 Preliminary notice or recovery notice suspends liability to pay compensation
113 Compensation payer’s or insurer’s payment to Agency discharges liability to participant
114 Offence—making compensation payment after receiving preliminary notice or recovery notice
115 Liability to pay the Agency if there is a contravention of section 114
Part 4—CEO may disregard certain payments
116 CEO may disregard certain payments
Chapter 6—National Disability Insurance Agency
Part 1—National Disability Insurance Agency
117 National Disability Insurance Agency
118 Functions of the Agency
119 Powers of the Agency
120 Charging of fees
121 Minister may give directions to the Agency
122 Agency does not have privileges and immunities of the Crown
Part 2—Board of the Agency
Division 1—Establishment and functions
123 Board of the National Disability Insurance Agency
124 Functions of the Board
125 Minister may give the Board a statement setting out strategic guidance for the Agency
125A Matters to be considered in performing functions
125B Rules about management of risk and performance of Board’s functions
Division 2—Members of the Board
126 Membership
127 Appointment of Board members
128 Term of appointment
129 Acting appointments
130 Remuneration and allowances
131 Leave of absence
132 Outside employment
133 Resignation of Board members
134 Termination of appointment of Board members
135 Other terms and conditions of Board members
Division 3—Meetings of the Board
136 Convening meetings
137 Presiding at meetings
138 Quorum
139 Voting at meetings
140 Conduct of meetings
141 Minutes
142 Decisions without meetings
Part 3—Independent Advisory Council
Division 1—Establishment and function
143 Establishment
144 Function of the Advisory Council
145 Advice of the Advisory Council
Division 2—Members of the Advisory Council
146 Membership
147 Appointment of members of the Advisory Council
148 Term of appointment
149 Acting appointments
150 Remuneration and allowances
151 Leave of absence
152 Disclosure of interests to the Minister
153 Disclosure of interests to the Advisory Council
154 Resignation of members of the Advisory Council
155 Termination of appointment of members of the Advisory Council
156 Other terms and conditions of members of the Advisory Council
Division 3—Procedures of the Advisory Council
157 Procedures of the Advisory Council
Part 4—Chief Executive Officer and staff etc.
Division 1—Chief Executive Officer
158 Establishment
159 Functions of the CEO
160 Appointment of the CEO
161 Acting appointments
162 Remuneration and allowances
163 Leave of absence
164 Outside employment
165 Disclosure of interests
166 Resignation of the CEO
167 Termination of appointment of the CEO
168 Other terms and conditions of the CEO
Division 2—Staff etc.
169 Staff
170 Services of other persons to be made available to the Agency
171 Consultants
Part 5—Reporting and planning
Division 1—Reporting
Subdivision A—Reporting by Board members
172 Annual report
173 Giving certain information to the Ministerial Council
174 Quarterly report to the Ministerial Council
Subdivision B—Reporting by the Agency
175 Giving information requested by Commonwealth, State or Territory Ministers
175A Monthly summary of statistics
Subdivision C—Reporting by the Minister
176 Giving certain information to the Ministerial Council
Division 2—Planning
177 Corporate plan
Part 6—Finance
178 Payments to the Agency by the Commonwealth
179 Payments to the Agency by the host jurisdictions
180 Application of money by the Agency
Part 6A—Actuarial assessment of financial sustainability
Division 1—Scheme actuary and annual financial sustainability report
180A Nomination of scheme actuary
180B Duties of scheme actuary
180C Rules for performance of scheme actuary’s duties
Division 2—Reviewing actuary
180D Nomination of reviewing actuary
180E Duties of reviewing actuary
Division 3—Assistance of scheme actuary and reviewing actuary
180F Agency to assist scheme actuary and reviewing actuary
Part 7—Miscellaneous
181 Taxation
Chapter 6A—NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Part 1—Commission establishment and functions
181A Establishment of the Commission
181B Commission’s functions
Part 2—NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner
181C Commissioner
181D Commissioner’s functions and powers
181E Commissioner’s core functions
181F Commissioner’s registration and reportable incident functions
181G Commissioner’s complaints functions
181H Commissioner’s behaviour support function
181J Charging of fees by Commissioner
181K Minister may give directions to the Commissioner
181L Appointment of the Commissioner
181M Acting appointments
181N Remuneration and allowances
181P Leave of absence
181Q Outside employment
181R Other terms and conditions
181S Resignation
181T Termination of appointment
Part 3—Staff etc. of the Commission
181U Staff of the Commission
181V Consultants
181W Persons assisting the Commissioner
Chapter 6B—NDIS worker screening database
181X Simplified outline of this Chapter
181Y NDIS worker screening database
Chapter 7—Other matters
Part 1—Debt recovery
Division 1—Debts
182 Debts due to the Agency
Division 2—Methods of recovery
183 Legal proceedings
184 Arrangement for payment of debt
185 Recovery of amounts from financial institutions
Division 3—Information relating to debts
186 Power to obtain information from a person who owes a debt to the Agency
187 Power to obtain information about a person who owes a debt to the Agency
188 Written notice of requirement
189 Offence—refusal or failure to comply with requirement
Division 4—Non recovery of debts
190 CEO may write off debt
191 Power to waive Agency’s right to recover debt
192 Waiver of debt arising from error
193 Waiver of small debt
194 Waiver in relation to settlements
195 Waiver in special circumstances
Part 2—General matters
196 Method of notification by CEO
197 CEO not required to make a decision
197A Method of notification by Commissioner
197B Commissioner not required to make a decision
198 Protection of participant against liability for actions of persons
199 Protection against criminal liability
200 Evidentiary effect of CEO’s certificate
200A Legal assistance for review not funded
201 Delegation by the Minister to the CEO
201A Delegation by the Minister to the Commissioner
202 Delegation by the CEO
202A Delegation by the Commissioner
202B Delegation of regulatory powers
203 Application of Act to unincorporated bodies
204 Time frames for decision making by persons other than the CEO
204A Report by Commonwealth Ombudsman
Part 3—Constitutional matters
205 Act binds Crown
206 Alternative constitutional basis
207 Concurrent operation of State laws
207A State or Territory agreement required in relation to certain delegations under this Act
Part 5—Legislative instruments
209 The National Disability Insurance Scheme rules
209A Process for seeking agreement to Category A rules—normal process
209B Process for seeking agreement to certain Category A rules where no substantial financial or policy implications
209C Dispute resolution process for Category A rules
209D Process for seeking agreement to Category B rules and Category C rules
210 Regulations
211 Information about consultation to be included in explanatory statements
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history