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Criminal Code Act 1995
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Attorney-General's Department
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C2004C03210 (C19)
04 April 2002
04 July 2002
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Table of contents
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1 Short title
2 Commencement
3 The Criminal Code
3A External Territories
3B Offshore installations
4 Definitions
5 Regulations
Schedule—The Criminal Code
Chapter 1—Codification
Division 1
1.1 Codification
Chapter 2—General principles of criminal responsibility
Part 2.1—Purpose and application
Division 2
2.1 Purpose
2.2 Application
2.3 Application of provisions relating to intoxication
Part 2.2—The elements of an offence
Division 3—General
3.1 Elements
3.2 Establishing guilt in respect of offences
Division 4—Physical elements
4.1 Physical elements
4.2 Voluntariness
4.3 Omissions
Division 5—Fault elements
5.1 Fault elements
5.2 Intention
5.3 Knowledge
5.4 Recklessness
5.5 Negligence
5.6 Offences that do not specify fault elements
Division 6—Cases where fault elements are not required
6.1 Strict liability
6.2 Absolute liability
Part 2.3—Circumstances in which there is no criminal responsibility
Division 7—Circumstances involving lack of capacity
7.1 Children under 10
7.2 Children over 10 but under 14
7.3 Mental impairment
Division 8—Intoxication
8.1 Definition—self induced intoxication
8.2 Intoxication (offences involving basic intent)
8.3 Intoxication (negligence as fault element)
8.4 Intoxication (relevance to defences)
8.5 Involuntary intoxication
Division 9—Circumstances involving mistake or ignorance
9.1 Mistake or ignorance of fact (fault elements other than negligence)
9.2 Mistake of fact (strict liability)
9.3 Mistake or ignorance of statute law
9.4 Mistake or ignorance of subordinate legislation
9.5 Claim of right
Division 10—Circumstances involving external factors
10.1 Intervening conduct or event
10.2 Duress
10.3 Sudden or extraordinary emergency
10.4 Self defence
10.5 Lawful authority
Part 2.4—Extensions of criminal responsibility
Division 11
11.1 Attempt
11.2 Complicity and common purpose
11.3 Innocent agency
11.4 Incitement
11.5 Conspiracy
11.6 References in Acts to offences
Part 2.5—Corporate criminal responsibility
Division 12
12.1 General principles
12.2 Physical elements
12.3 Fault elements other than negligence
12.4 Negligence
12.5 Mistake of fact (strict liability)
12.6 Intervening conduct or event
Part 2.6—Proof of criminal responsibility
Division 13
13.1 Legal burden of proof—prosecution
13.2 Standard of proof—prosecution
13.3 Evidential burden of proof—defence
13.4 Legal burden of proof—defence
13.5 Standard of proof—defence
13.6 Use of averments
Part 2.7—Geographical jurisdiction
Division 14—Standard geographical jurisdiction
14.1 Standard geographical jurisdiction
Division 15—Extended geographical jurisdiction
15.1 Extended geographical jurisdiction—category A
15.2 Extended geographical jurisdiction—category B
15.3 Extended geographical jurisdiction—category C
15.4 Extended geographical jurisdiction—category D
Division 16—Miscellaneous
16.1 Attorney General’s consent required for prosecution if alleged conduct occurs wholly in a foreign country in certain circumstances
16.2 When conduct taken to occur partly in Australia
16.3 Meaning of Australia
16.4 Result of conduct
Chapter 4—The integrity and security of the international community and foreign governments
Division 70—Bribery of foreign public officials
70.1 Definitions
70.2 Bribing a foreign public official
70.3 Defence—conduct lawful in foreign public official’s country
70.4 Defence—facilitation payments
70.5 Territorial and nationality requirements
70.6 Saving of other laws
Division 71—Offences against United Nations and associated personnel
71.1 Purpose
71.2 Murder of a UN or associated person
71.3 Manslaughter of a UN or associated person
71.4 Intentionally causing serious harm to a UN or associated person
71.5 Recklessly causing serious harm to a UN or associated person
71.6 Intentionally causing harm to a UN or associated person
71.7 Recklessly causing harm to a UN or associated person
71.8 Unlawful sexual penetration
71.9 Kidnapping a UN or associated person
71.10 Unlawful detention of UN or associated person
71.11 Intentionally causing damage to UN or associated person’s property etc.
71.12 Threatening to commit other offences
71.13 Aggravated offences
71.14 Defence—activities involving serious harm
71.15 Defence—medical or hygienic procedures
71.16 Jurisdictional requirement
71.17 Exclusion of this Division if State/Territory laws provide for corresponding offences
71.18 Double jeopardy
71.19 Saving of other laws
71.20 Bringing proceedings under this Division
71.21 Ministerial certificates relating to proceedings
71.22 Jurisdiction of State courts preserved
71.23 Definitions
Chapter 7—The proper administration of Government
Part 7.1—Preliminary
Division 130—Preliminary
130.1 Definitions
130.2 When property belongs to a person
130.3 Dishonesty
130.4 Determination of dishonesty to be a matter for the trier of fact
Part 7.2—Theft and other property offences
Division 131—Theft
131.1 Theft
131.2 Special rules about the meaning of dishonesty
131.3 Appropriation of property
131.4 Theft of land or things forming part of land
131.5 Trust property
131.6 Obligation to deal with property in a particular way
131.7 Property obtained because of fundamental mistake
131.8 Property of a corporation sole
131.9 Property belonging to 2 or more persons
131.10 Intention of permanently depriving a person of property
131.11 General deficiency
Division 132—Other property offences
132.1 Receiving
132.2 Robbery
132.3 Aggravated robbery
132.4 Burglary
132.5 Aggravated burglary
132.6 Making off without payment
132.7 Going equipped for theft or a property offence
132.8 Dishonest taking or retention of property
132.9 Geographical jurisdiction
Part 7.3—Fraudulent conduct
Division 133—Preliminary
133.1 Definitions
Division 134—Obtaining property or a financial advantage by deception
134.1 Obtaining property by deception
134.2 Obtaining a financial advantage by deception
134.3 Geographical jurisdiction
Division 135—Other offences involving fraudulent conduct
135.1 General dishonesty
135.2 Obtaining financial advantage
135.4 Conspiracy to defraud
135.5 Geographical jurisdiction
Part 7.4—False or misleading statements
Division 136—False or misleading statements in applications
136.1 False or misleading statements in applications
Division 137—False or misleading information or documents
137.1 False or misleading information
137.2 False or misleading documents
137.3 Geographical jurisdiction
Part 7.5—Unwarranted demands
Division 138—Preliminary
138.1 Unwarranted demand with menaces
138.2 Menaces
Division 139—Unwarranted demands
139.1 Unwarranted demands of a Commonwealth public official
139.2 Unwarranted demands made by a Commonwealth public official
139.3 Geographical jurisdiction
Part 7.6—Bribery and related offences
Division 140—Preliminary
140.1 Definition
140.2 Obtaining
Division 141—Bribery
141.1 Bribery of a Commonwealth public official
Division 142—Offences relating to bribery
142.1 Corrupting benefits given to, or received by, a Commonwealth public official
142.2 Abuse of public office
142.3 Geographical jurisdiction
Part 7.7—Forgery and related offences
Division 143—Preliminary
143.1 Definitions
143.2 False documents
143.3 False Commonwealth documents
143.4 Inducing acceptance of false documents
Division 144—Forgery
144.1 Forgery
Division 145—Offences relating to forgery
145.1 Using forged document
145.2 Possession of forged document
145.3 Possession, making or adaptation of devices etc. for making forgeries
145.4 Falsification of documents etc.
145.5 Giving information derived from false or misleading documents
145.6 Geographical jurisdiction
Part 7.8—Causing harm to, and impersonation and obstruction of, Commonwealth public officials
Division 146—Preliminary
146.1 Definitions
146.2 Causing harm
Division 147—Causing harm to Commonwealth public officials
147.1 Causing harm to a Commonwealth public official etc.
147.2 Threatening to cause harm to a Commonwealth public official etc.
147.3 Geographical jurisdiction
Division 148—Impersonation of Commonwealth public officials
148.1 Impersonation of an official by a non official
148.2 Impersonation of an official by another official
148.3 Geographical jurisdiction
Division 149—Obstruction of Commonwealth public officials
149.1 Obstruction of Commonwealth public officials
Part 7.20—Miscellaneous
Division 261—Miscellaneous
261.1 Saving of other laws
261.2 Contempt of court
261.3 Ancillary offences
Chapter 8—Offences against humanity
Division 270—Slavery, sexual servitude and deceptive recruiting
270.1 Definition of slavery
270.2 Slavery is unlawful
270.3 Slavery offences
270.4 Definition of sexual servitude
270.5 Jurisdictional requirement
270.6 Sexual servitude offences
270.7 Deceptive recruiting for sexual services
270.8 Aggravated offences
270.9 Alternative verdict if aggravated offence not proven
270.10 No nationality requirement
270.11 Attorney General’s consent required
270.12 Other laws not excluded
270.13 Double jeopardy
270.14 External Territories
Chapter 10—National infrastructure
Part 10.5—Postal services
Division 470—Preliminary
470.1 Definitions
470.2 Dishonesty
470.3 Determination of dishonesty to be a matter for the trier of fact
Division 471—Postal offences
471.1 Theft of mail receptacles, articles or postal messages
471.2 Receiving stolen mail receptacles, articles or postal messages
471.3 Taking or concealing of mail receptacles, articles or postal messages
471.4 Dishonest removal of postage stamps or postmarks
471.5 Dishonest use of previously used, defaced or obliterated stamps
471.6 Damaging or destroying mail receptacles, articles or postal messages
471.7 Tampering with mail receptacles
471.8 Dishonestly obtaining delivery of articles
471.9 Geographical jurisdiction
471.10 Hoaxes—explosives and dangerous substances
471.11 Using a postal or similar service to make a threat
471.12 Using a postal or similar service to menace, harass or cause offence
471.13 Causing a dangerous article to be carried by a postal or similar service
471.14 Geographical jurisdiction
471.15 Causing an explosive, or a dangerous or harmful substance, to be carried by post
Division 472—Miscellaneous
472.1 Saving of other laws
472.2 Interpretation of other laws
Part 10.6—Telecommunications
Division 473—Preliminary
473.1 Definitions
473.2 Dishonesty
473.3 Determination of dishonesty to be a matter for the trier of fact
Division 474—Telecommunications offences
474.1 General dishonesty with respect to a carriage service provider
Division 475—Miscellaneous
475.1 Saving of other laws
Part 10.7—Computer offences
Division 476—Preliminary
476.1 Definitions
476.2 Meaning of unauthorised access, modification or impairment
476.3 Geographical jurisdiction
476.4 Saving of other laws
476.5 Liability for certain acts
Division 477—Serious computer offences
477.1 Unauthorised access, modification or impairment with intent to commit a serious offence
477.2 Unauthorised modification of data to cause impairment
477.3 Unauthorised impairment of electronic communication
Division 478—Other computer offences
478.1 Unauthorised access to, or modification of, restricted data
478.2 Unauthorised impairment of data held on a computer disk etc.
478.3 Possession or control of data with intent to commit a computer offence
478.4 Producing, supplying or obtaining data with intent to commit a computer offence
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history