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Parliamentary Business Resources Act 2017
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C2024C00469 (C04)
14 October 2024
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Part 1—Preliminary
Division 1—General provisions
1 Short title
2 Commencement
3 Objects of this Act
4 Simplified outline of this Act
Division 2—Definitions
5 Definitions
6 Meaning of parliamentary business
7 Meaning of office holder
8 Meaning of complying superannuation fund
9 Expenses incurred in connection with travel
Division 3—Other matters
10 Act binds the Crown
11 Extension to external Territories
12 Extra territorial operation
Part 2—Remuneration etc. for members and former members
Division 1—Simplified outline of this Part
13 Simplified outline of this Part
Division 2—Remuneration etc. for members and former members
14 Remuneration of members
15 Allowances and expenses etc. for former members and the estates of persons who die while a member
16 Resources for former Prime Ministers etc.
Division 3—Salary sacrifice
17 When may a person elect to salary sacrifice?
18 The nature of the salary sacrifice election
19 How to make an election
20 Duration of an election
21 Effect of an election
22 Variation of an election
23 Revocation of an election
Part 3—Work expenses, allowances and other public resources
Division 1—Simplified outline of this Part
24 Simplified outline of this Part
Division 2—Obligations in relation to the use of public resources
25 Obligations in relation to the use of public resources for conducting parliamentary business
26 Dominant purpose test
27 Obligation to ensure value for money in incurring expenses or claiming allowances or other public resources
28 Obligation not to make claims or incur expenses in breach of conditions
29 Commonwealth not liable to provide resources if there is a contravention
Division 3—Work expenses, allowances and other public resources
30 Commonwealth must pay travel expenses
31 Commonwealth must pay travel allowances
32 Commonwealth must pay work expenses and provide other public resources
33 Commonwealth must provide public resources determined by the Minister
Division 4—Powers of regulations
34 Powers of regulations
35 Remuneration Tribunal inquiries into matters
Part 4—Compliance with and enforcement of Part 3
Division 1—Simplified outline of this Part
36 Simplified outline of this Part
Division 2—Rulings in relation to travel expenses and travel allowances
37 Rulings in relation to travel expenses and travel allowances
Division 3—Public resources penalty scheme
38 Loading in respect of contraventions of section 26, 27 or 28
39 Loading in respect of voluntary repayments
Part 5—Other resources
40 Simplified outline of this Part
41 Parliamentary injury compensation scheme
42 Other resources
Part 6—Functions of the Remuneration Tribunal
43 Simplified outline of this Part
44 Inquiries and reports by Tribunal on Ministerial salaries
45 Inquiries and determinations by Tribunal on members’ remuneration and rates of domestic travel allowances
46 Inquiries and determinations into allowances and expenses for former members
46A Inquiries and determinations into allowances payable on death of a member
47 Requirements for determinations
Part 7—Miscellaneous
Division 1—Simplified outline of this Part
48 Simplified outline of this Part
Division 2—When remuneration and public resources are to be provided
49 When remuneration is to be paid to senators and members of the House of Representatives
50 When office holder’s salary is to be paid to certain presiding officers and deputies
51 When office holder’s salary is to be paid to certain office holders
52 When public resources are to be provided
Division 2A—Fortnightly payments to senators and members
52A Fortnightly payments to senators and members
Division 3—Annual amounts of resources
53 Annual amounts reduced if a person begins to be a member during a year
54 Using full annual limits
55 Annual limit on Ministerial salaries
Division 4—Other miscellaneous provisions
56 Independent periodic review of this Act
57 Recoverable payments
58 No debts arise as a result of incorrect personal advice given by IPEA
59 Appropriation
60 Delegations
61 Regulations
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history