Regulations to provide for an increase in the rates of travelling allowance payable under Regulations made under specified Acts
Administered by
- Attorney-General's Department
- Department of Health and Aged Care
- Department of the Treasury
This item is authorised by the following titles:
- Australian Commission on Advanced Education Act 1971
- Insurance Act 1973
- Commonwealth Teaching Service Act 1972
- Industrial Research and Development Grants Act 1967
- Stevedoring Industry (Temporary Provisions) Act 1967
- Therapeutic Goods Act 1966
- National Health Act 1953
- Australian Electoral Office Act 1973
- Prices Justification Act 1973
- Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1972
- Australian Film Development Corporation Act 1970
- Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Act 1970
- Broadcasting Act 1942
- Metric Conversion Act 1970
- Export Payments Insurance Corporation Act 1956
- National Urban and Regional Development Authority Act 1972
- Dried Fruits Research Act 1971
- Dairying Research Act 1972
- Criminology Research Act 1971
- Australian Universities Commission Act 1959
- Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904
- Tariff Board Act 1921
- Pig Industry Research Act 1971
- Honey Industry Act 1962
- Science and Industry Research Act 1949
- Parliamentary Counsel Act 1970
This instrument was backcaptured in accordance with Section 36 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003