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Norfolk Island
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A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999
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Department of Social Services
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C2024C00264 (C124)
01 July 2024
13 October 2024
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Volume 1
Part 1—Preliminary
1 Short title
2 Commencement
2A Norfolk Island
Part 2—Interpretation
3 Definitions
3A Application of the Criminal Code
4 Approval of use of electronic equipment etc. to do things for the purposes of the family assistance law
4A Meaning of large child care provider
Part 3—Payment of family assistance (other than child care subsidy and additional child care subsidy)
Division 1—Family tax benefit
Subdivision A—Making claims
5 Need for a claim
6 Who can claim
7 How to claim
7A Bank account details or statement to be provided for claims for family tax benefit by instalment to be effective
8 Tax file number requirement to be satisfied for claims for family tax benefit by instalment or for a past period to be effective
8A Tax file number requirement to be satisfied for claim in substitution because of the death of another individual to be effective
9 Restrictions on claims for payment of family tax benefit by instalment
10 Restrictions on claims for payment of family tax benefit for a past period
11 Restrictions on bereavement claims
12 Claim may be withdrawn or varied
Subdivision B—Determination of claims etc.
13 Secretary must determine claim
14 Restriction on determining claim where income tax assessment not made
14A Restriction on determining claim where income tax return not lodged
15 Restriction on determining claim where tax file number not provided etc.
15A Restriction on determining claim where bank account details not provided
15B Deferral of determination of early claims
16 Determination of instalment entitlement claim
17 Determination of past period entitlement claim
18 Determination of bereavement entitlement claim
19 Determination that no entitlement
20 Determination of rate may be based on estimate, indexed estimate or indexed actual income
20A Indexed estimates
20B Indexed actual incomes
20C Indexed estimates and indexed actual incomes of members of couples
21 When determination is in force
22 Notice of determination
23 Payment of family tax benefit by instalment
24 Payments of family tax benefit for a past period or by single payment/in substitution because of the death of another individual
24A Other payments of family tax benefit
25 Obligation to notify change of circumstances
25A Secretary’s power to approve a manner of notification
26 Secretary’s power to request tax file numbers
26A Secretary’s power to require bank account details
Subdivision C—Variation of determinations
27 Variation of instalment and past period determinations where failure to provide tax file number
27A Variation of instalment entitlement determination where failure to provide bank account details
28 Variation of instalment and past period entitlement determinations where income tax return not lodged
28AA Effect of section 28 on newborn upfront payment of family tax benefit
28A Variation of instalment entitlement determination where estimate of an amount is not reasonable
28B Variation of instalment entitlement determination where claim made for another payment type
29 Variation of instalment entitlement determination where failure to provide information
30 Variation of instalment entitlement determination where failure to notify change of address
30A Variation of instalment entitlement determination where failure to notify claimant’s departure from Australia
30B Variation of instalment entitlement determination where failure to notify FTB or regular care child’s departure from Australia
31 Variation of instalment entitlement determination to reflect changes in eligibility
31A Variation of instalment entitlement determination to reflect revised adjusted taxable income estimates
31B Variation of instalment entitlement determination to reflect revised maintenance income estimates
31C Variation of instalment entitlement determination to reflect indexation of estimate of adjusted taxable income
31D Variation of instalment entitlement determination to reflect indexation of adjusted taxable income
31E Continuous adjustment of daily rate of family tax benefit
32 Notice of variation of determination
Subdivision CA—Non payment of family tax benefit for non lodgment of tax returns
32AA Non payment of family tax benefit for non lodgment of tax returns
32AB Prohibited periods for claimant
32AC Prohibited periods for relevant partner
32AD Prohibited periods for new partner
32AE Non entitlement to payment of family tax benefit after 3 or more variations under subsection 28(2)
32AEA Effect of this Subdivision on newborn upfront payment of family tax benefit
Subdivision CB—Non entitlement to FTB on estimated income basis
32AF Non entitlement to FTB on estimated income basis—review of income during 2 consecutive income years
32AG Exception—greater than nil rate of FTB for later income year
32AH Exception—resumption of eligibility for FTB
32AI Exception—income support payments
32AJ Exception—new FTB child
32AK Exception—couple separates
32AL Exception—special circumstances
32AM Exception—determined circumstances
Subdivision D—FTB reconciliation conditions
32A FTB Part A supplement and FTB Part B supplement to be disregarded unless and until individual has satisfied the FTB reconciliation conditions
32B When FTB reconciliation conditions are satisfied
32C Relevant reconciliation time—first individual must lodge tax return
32D Relevant reconciliation time—no separation of couple and partner must lodge tax return
32E Relevant reconciliation time—couple separates during next income year and partner must lodge tax return
32F Relevant reconciliation time—couple separates after end of next income year and partner must lodge tax return
32J Relevant reconciliation time—individual not required to lodge an income tax return
32M Relevant reconciliation time—target foreign income, tax free pension/benefit or child maintenance expenditure
32N Relevant reconciliation time—individual has maintenance income
32P Relevant reconciliation time—individual not member of a couple, no maintenance income etc.
32Q Relevant reconciliation time—individual covered by determination made by the Secretary
Division 2—Payment of family tax benefit advances
Subdivision A—Request for family tax benefit advance
33 Request
34 Form of request
35 Request may be withdrawn or varied
Subdivision B—Entitlement to family tax benefit advance
35A Entitlement to family tax benefit advance
Subdivision C—Regular family tax benefit advances
35B Regular family tax benefit advances
Subdivision D—Amount of family tax benefit advance
35C Amount of family tax benefit advance
35D Maximum amount of family tax benefit advance payable
Subdivision E—Payment of family tax benefit advance
35E Payment of advance
Division 3—Stillborn baby payment
36 Need for a claim
37 Who can claim
38 How to claim
38A Tax file number requirement to be satisfied for claims for stillborn baby payment in normal circumstances to be effective
38B Tax file number requirement to be satisfied for claims for stillborn baby payment because of the death of another individual to be effective
39 Restrictions on claiming
40 Claim may be withdrawn
41 Secretary must determine claim
41A Restriction on determining claim where tax file number not provided etc.
42 Determination of “normal circumstances” entitlement claim
43 Determination of “bereavement” entitlement claim
44 Determination that no entitlement
45 When determination is in force
46 Notice of determination
47 Payment of stillborn baby payment
47A Variation of determination where certain statements under section 38A made
Division 4A—One off payment to families
65F Payment of one off payment to families
Division 4B—Economic security strategy payment to families
65G Payment of economic security strategy payment to families
Division 4C—Back to school bonus and single income family bonus
65H Payment of back to school bonus and single income family bonus
Division 4CA—ETR payment
65HA Payment of ETR payment
Division 4D—Clean energy advance
65J Payment of clean energy advance
Division 4DA—2020 economic support payment
65JA Payment of first 2020 economic support payment
65JB Payment of second 2020 economic support payment
Division 4DB—Additional economic support payments
65JC Payment of additional economic support payment 2020
65JD Payment of additional economic support payment 2021
Division 4E—Single income family supplement
Subdivision A—Making claims
65K Need for a claim
65KA How to claim
65KB Tax file number requirement to be satisfied for claims for a past period
65KC Tax file number requirement to be satisfied for claim in substitution because of the death of another individual
65KD Restrictions on claims for payment for a past period
65KE Restrictions on bereavement claims
65KF Claim may be withdrawn or varied
Subdivision B—Determination of claims and payment of single income family supplement
65KG Secretary must determine claim
65KH Restriction on determining claim where income tax assessment not made
65KI Restriction on determining claim where income tax return not lodged
65KJ Restriction on determining claim where tax file number not provided etc.
65KK Determination of past period entitlement claim
65KL Determination of bereavement entitlement claim
65KM Determination that no entitlement
65KN When determination is in force
65KO Notice of determination
65KP Payment of single income family supplement—no claim required
65KQ Payment of single income family supplement—claim required
65KR Secretary’s power to request tax file numbers
65KS Variation of past period determinations where failure to provide tax file number
65KT Notice of variation of determination
Division 5—Payment protection and garnishee orders
66 Protection of payments under this Part
67 Effect of garnishee etc. order
Part 3A—Payment of child care subsidy and additional child care subsidy
Division 1—Introduction
67AA Simplified outline of this Part
67AB Forms of CCS and ACCS
Division 2—Making claims
67BA Simplified outline of this Division
67BB Need for a claim
67BC Who can claim
67BD Kinds of claims
67BE When a claim is effective
67BF Claims that are taken not to have been made
Division 3—Determinations
Subdivision A—Entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS
67CA Simplified outline of this Division
67CB Entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS
Subdivision B—Determinations for individuals claiming CCS by fee reduction
67CC Determination of individual’s eligibility for CCS by fee reduction
67CD Determination of individual’s entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS
67CE Notice of determinations under this Subdivision
Subdivision C—Determinations for individuals claiming CCS or ACCS in substitution for individual who has died
67CF Determination of individual’s entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS in substitution for individual who has died
67CG Notice of determinations under this Subdivision
Subdivision D—Determinations for approved providers
67CH Determination of provider’s entitlement to be paid ACCS (child wellbeing)
67CI Notice of determinations under this Subdivision
Division 4—Estimates etc. of adjusted taxable income
67DA Simplified outline of this Division
67DB Determinations when adjusted taxable income is not known
67DC Indexed estimates
67DD Indexed actual incomes
67DE Indexed estimates and indexed actual incomes for members of couples
Division 5—Payments
67EA Simplified outline of this Division
67EB Payments to providers of individuals’ entitlements to CCS or ACCS by fee reduction
67EC Payment directly to individuals of entitlements to CCS or ACCS
67ED Payment of CCS or ACCS in substitution for an individual who has died
67EE Payments to provider in respect of provider’s own entitlement to be paid ACCS (child wellbeing)
Division 6—Giving information
67FA Simplified outline of this Division
67FB Notice of change of circumstances: individuals
67FC Notice if child not at risk of serious abuse or neglect: providers
67FD Manner of notifying change of circumstances
67FE Request for bank account details
67FG Request for tax file number etc. of TFN determination persons
67FH Request for information about care provided
67FI Request for information in relation to eligibility or entitlement for CCS or ACCS
Division 7—Payment protection and garnishee orders
67GA Simplified outline of this Division
67GB Protection of payments in relation to CCS and ACCS
67GC Effect of garnishee etc. order
Part 4—Overpayments and debt recovery
Division 1—Preliminary
68 References to amount paid to person
69 Special provisions relating to approved providers
Division 2—Amounts recoverable under this Act
70 Debts due to the Commonwealth
71 Debts in respect of family assistance other than CCS, ACCS and family tax benefit advance
71A Debts arising in respect of family tax benefit advances
71B Debts in respect of CCS or ACCS—no entitlement
71C Debts in respect of CCS or ACCS—overpayment
71D Debts in respect of fee reduction amounts provider fails to pass on or remit
71DA Debts in respect of CCS or ACCS—absences before first attendance or after last attendance
71E Debts in respect of ACCS (child wellbeing) for provider—individual at fault
71F Debts in respect of CCS or ACCS for individual—provider at fault
71G Debts where provider approval is suspended cancelled or varied
71H Debts in respect of business continuity payments paid to provider
71I Debts arising in respect of one off payment to families
71J Debts arising in respect of economic security strategy payment to families
71K Debts arising in respect of back to school bonus or single income family bonus
71L Debts arising in respect of clean energy advance
71M Debts arising in respect of ETR payment
72 Debts arising in respect of 2020 economic support payment
72A Debts arising in respect of additional economic support payment
73 Debts arising from AAT stay orders
74 Person other than payee obtaining payment of a cheque
75 Debts arising from conviction of person for involvement in contravention of family assistance law by debtor
76 Data matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act debts
77 Notices in respect of debt
78 Interest charge—no repayment arrangement in effect
78A Interest charge—failure to comply with or termination of repayment arrangement
78B Other rules for interest charge
78C What is the interest charge rate?
78D Exemption from interest charge—general
78E Exemption from interest charge—Secretary’s determination
78F Guidelines on interest charge provisions
80 Debt from failure to comply with garnishee notice
81 Overseas application of provisions
Division 3—Methods of recovery
82 Methods of recovery
84 Deductions from debtor’s family tax benefit
84A Setting off family assistance against debt owed
87 Application of income tax refund owed to person
87A Setting off debts of an approved provider against child care service payments
88 Legal proceedings
89 Garnishee notice
91 Arrangement for payment of debt by instalments
92 Deduction by consent from a person’s family tax benefit to meet another person’s debt
92A Setting off family assistance of person against another person’s debt
93 Application of income tax refund owed to another person
93A Recovery of amounts from financial institutions
93B No time limit on debt recovery action
Division 4—Non recovery of debts
94 Meaning of debt
94A Time for recovering certain CCS debts
95 Secretary may write off debt
96 Power to waive Commonwealth’s right to recover debt
97 Waiver of debt arising from error
98 Waiver of debt relating to an offence
99 Waiver of small debt
100 Waiver in relation to settlements
101 Waiver in special circumstances
102 Secretary may waive debts of a particular class
Division 5—Departure prohibition orders
Subdivision A—Secretary may make departure prohibition orders
102A Secretary may make departure prohibition orders
Subdivision B—Departure from Australia of debtors prohibited
102B Departure from Australia of debtors prohibited
Subdivision C—Other rules for departure prohibition orders
102C Notification requirements for departure prohibition orders
102D Operation of departure prohibition order
102E Revocation and variation of departure prohibition orders
102F Notification requirements for revocations and variations
Subdivision D—Departure authorisation certificates
102G Application for departure authorisation certificate
102H When Secretary must issue departure authorisation certificate
102J Security for person’s return to Australia
102K What departure authorisation certificate must authorise
102L Notification requirements for departure authorisation certificates
102M Notification requirements for substituted days
Subdivision E—Appeals and review in relation to departure prohibition orders and departure authorisation certificates
102N Appeals to courts against making of departure prohibition orders
102P Jurisdiction of courts
102Q Orders of court on appeal
102R Review of decisions
Subdivision F—Enforcement
102S Powers of officers of Customs and members of the Australian Federal Police
102T Privilege against self incrimination
102U Production of authority to depart
Subdivision G—Interpretation
102V Interpretation—departure from Australia for foreign country
102W Meaning of Australia
Part 5—Review of decisions
Division 1A—Preliminary matters in relation to child care decisions
103 Child care decision
103A CCS reconciliation conditions
103B First deadline
103C Second deadline
Division 1—Internal review
Subdivision A—Review initiated by the Secretary
104 Decisions that may be reviewed by Secretary on own initiative
105 Secretary may review certain decisions on own initiative
105A Review of determination or variation—taking account of FTB Part A supplement or FTB Part B supplement
105B Review of instalment determination—taking account of energy supplements
105C Review of entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS—taking account of changes of circumstances etc.
105D Review of entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS—time limit on increase
105E Review of individual’s entitlement to be paid CCS by fee reduction—meeting CCS reconciliation conditions
106 Notice of review decision not relating to CCS or ACCS
106A Notice of certain review decisions relating to CCS or ACCS
106B Notice to AAT
107 Date of effect of certain decisions made under section 105 in relation to family tax benefit by instalment
107A Date of effect of certain decisions made under section 105 in relation to eligibility for CCS
Subdivision B—Review initiated by the applicant
108 Decisions that may be reviewed under section 109A
109A Review of certain decisions may be initiated by applicant
109B Notice to be given of decisions under section 109A
109C Authorised review officers
109D Review applications—time limits applicable to review of certain decisions
109DA Review applications—time limits on certain applications by providers
109DB Review of entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS—taking account of changes of circumstances etc.
109DC Review of entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS—time limit on increase
109E Date of effect of certain decisions relating to payment of family tax benefit by instalment
109EA Date of effect of certain decisions made under section 109A in relation to eligibility for CCS
109F Withdrawal of review applications
109G Secretary may continue payment etc. pending outcome of application for review
109H Notification of further rights of review
Division 2—Review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Subdivision A—Simplified outline of this Division
110 Simplified outline of this Division
Subdivision B—Application for AAT first review
111 Application for AAT first review
111A Time limit for application for AAT first review
Subdivision C—Other matters relating to AAT first review
111B Person who made the decision
112 Operation and implementation of decision under AAT first review
113 Secretary may continue certain matters pending outcome of application for AAT first review
114 Arrangements for AAT first review if section 113 declaration in force
115 Variation of original decision after application is made for AAT first review
116 Procedure on receipt of application for AAT first review
116A Parties to AAT first review
119 Power to obtain information for AAT first reviews
120 AAT may require Secretary to obtain information for AAT first review
121 Hearing of AAT first review in private
122 Costs of AAT first review
123 Decision on AAT first review of care percentage decision
124 Certain other decisions on AAT first review
125 Date of effect of certain AAT first review decisions relating to payment of family tax benefit
125A Date of effect of certain AAT first review decisions relating to eligibility for CCS
126 Notification of decisions and reasons for AAT first review
127 Secretary or AAT may treat event as having occurred if decision set aside on AAT first review
Subdivision D—Application for AAT second review
128 Application for AAT second review
Subdivision E—Other matters relating to AAT second review
130 Parties to AAT second review
131 Operation and implementation of decision subject to AAT second review
132 Variation of original decision after application is made for AAT second review
133 Failure of party to appear at AAT second review
134 Decision on AAT second review of care percentage decision
134A Certain other decisions on AAT second review
134B Date of effect of certain AAT second review decisions in relation to eligibility for CCS
135 Secretary may treat event as having occurred if decision set aside on AAT second review
Subdivision F—Matters relating to both AAT first review and AAT second review
136 Notice by Secretary of certain AAT decisions in relation to CCS or ACCS by fee reduction
137 Settlement of proceedings before the AAT
137A AAT review of entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS—taking account of changes of circumstances etc.
137B AAT review of entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS—time limit on increase
Subdivision G—AAT single review
138 Applications for AAT single review
139 Variation of decision after application is made for AAT single review
140 Secretary may treat event as having occurred if decision to set aside on AAT single review
141 Settlement of proceedings before the AAT
Division 6—Date of effect of reviews under the child support law
152C Date of effect of decisions on objections under the child support law that apply for family assistance purposes
152D Date of effect of AAT reviews under the child support law that apply for family assistance purposes
Volume 2
Part 6—Provisions relating to information
Division 1—Information gathering
153 Application of Division
153A Reasonable belief needed to require information, documents or records
154 General power to obtain information
155 Power to obtain information from a person who owes a debt to the Commonwealth
156 Obtaining information about a person who owes a debt to the Commonwealth
157 Obtaining information to verify claims etc.
157A Obtaining records supporting certificate under section 85CB
158 Written notice of requirement
159 Offence: failure to comply with requirement
159A Requesting information for the purposes of a care percentage determination under the child support law
159B Self incrimination
159C Use of information in investigations etc.
160 Relationship with other laws
Division 1A—Use of tax file numbers
160A Use of tax file numbers
Division 2—Confidentiality
161 Operation of Division
161A Definitions
162 Permitted obtaining of, making a record of, disclosure of or use of protected information
162A Obtaining of, making a record of, disclosure of or use of protected information relating to taxation information
162B Secretary may publish certain information relating to approved providers
163 Offence—unauthorised obtaining of protected information
164 Offence—unauthorised making a record of, disclosure of or use of protected information
165 Offence: soliciting disclosure of protected information
166 Offence: offering to supply protected information
167 Protection of certain documents etc. from production to court etc.
168 Disclosure of information by Secretary
169 Guidelines for exercise of Secretary’s disclosure powers
170 Officer’s declaration
Division 3—False statements etc.
Subdivision A—Preliminary
171 Application of Division
Subdivision B—Offences
172 False statement in connection with claim
173 False statement to deceive
174 False statement or document
175 Obtaining payment where no entitlement
176 Payment obtained by fraud
Subdivision C—Penalties
177 Penalty for contravention of Subdivision B
178 Repayment of family assistance
179 Penalty where person convicted of more than one offence
Subdivision D—Procedural matters
180 Joining of charges
181 Particulars of each offence
182 Trial of joined charges
183 Evidentiary effect of Secretary’s certificate
184 Enforcement of court certificate as judgment
Part 7—Liability of certain employers and principals for offences
Division 1—Interpretation
185 State of mind of a person
188 Offence
Division 3—Proceedings against non corporations
191 State of mind of individual
192 Conduct of employee or agent
193 Exclusion of imprisonment as penalty for certain offences
Part 8—Approval of provider of child care services
Division 1—Provider approval
194A Application for approval
194B Provider approval
194C Provider eligibility rules
194D Service eligibility rules
194E Fit and proper person considerations
194F Meaning of person with management or control
194G Meaning of approved child care service
194H Obligations and permissions of an approved child care service are those of the approved provider
Division 2—Conditions for continued approval
195A Conditions for continued approval—compliance with rules and law
195B Conditions for continued approval—child care places limit not to be exceeded
195C Conditions for continued approval—operating period for each approved child care service
195D Conditions for continued approval—working with children check
195E Condition for continued approval—compliance with conditions imposed by Minister
195F Condition for continued approval—compliance with conditions imposed by Secretary
195G Reassessment of continued approval
195H Consequences of breach of conditions for continued approval
Division 3—Adding or removing services
196A Application to add or remove service
196B Adding a service on application
196C Removing a service on application
Division 4—Suspension, variation and cancellation of approval
197A Immediate suspension after Secretary’s decision
197AA Suspension on request
197AB Suspension if approval suspended under Education and Care Services National Law
197B Suspension, cancellation or variation for multiple infringement notices
197C Cancellation on request
197D Cancellation if provider should not have been approved
197E Variation if provider should not have been approved in respect of a service
197F Cancellation for failure of provider to provide care for 3 continuous months
197G Variation for failure of service to provide care for 3 continuous months
197H Cancellation for ceasing to operate any approved child care service
197J Variation for ceasing to operate a child care service
197K Cancellation because no longer approved in respect of any child care service
197L Cancellation or variation if approval cancelled under Education and Care Services National Law
Division 5—Allocation of child care places
198A Allocation of child care places to approved child care services
198B Secretary to allocate child care places
198C Reduction of allocation of child care places by unused or unusable places
Division 6—Miscellaneous
199A Procedure before certain consequences apply
199B Publicising sanctions or suspensions
199C Notice to Secretary of matters affecting approval
199D Notice to provider of review rights for decisions under this Part
199E Notifying individuals about effect on eligibility
199F Certain providers not required to comply with requirements
199G Minister’s rules in relation to backdating of approvals etc.
Part 8A—Provider requirements and other matters
Division 1—Requirements in relation to enrolments and relevant arrangements
200A Enrolment notices
200B When a child is enrolled
200C Variation of complying written arrangements
200D Notice of change in circumstances—providers
Division 2—Requirements in relation to CCS and ACCS by fee reduction
201A Requirement to pass on fee reduction amount to individual entitled to be paid CCS or ACCS
201B Enforcing payment of hourly session fees
201BA Provider may allow discount for care provided to child of educator or cook engaged by provider
201BB Provider may allow discount for session of care because of prescribed event or circumstance
201C Charging no more than usual hourly session fee
201D Requirement to give individuals statements of entitlement
201E Statements following changes of entitlement
Division 3—Requirements in relation to records
202A Requirement to make records
202B Requirement to keep records
202C Requirement to keep records in relation to certification for ACCS (child wellbeing)
202D Requirement to keep Secretary informed about location of records after suspension or cancellation
Division 4—Requirements relating to large child care providers
203A Secretary may require financial information relating to large child care providers
203B Persons to whom a financial information notice may be given
203BA Requirement for large child care provider to report financial information
203C Audit of approved provider
203D Report relating to an audit
Division 5—Requirements in relation to information and reports
204A Requirements if approved provider stops operating an approved child care service
204B Requirement to report about children for whom care is provided
204C Dealing with inaccurate reports
204D Requirement to give information about number of child care places
204E Requirement to give information about care provided
204F Requirement to notify Secretary of certain matters
204G Requirements prescribed by Minister’s rules in relation to children who are members of a prescribed class
204H Requirements that continue after provider’s approval is suspended, cancelled or varied
204J Collection, use or disclosure of information for financial viability purposes
204K Notice to appropriate State/Territory support agency of child at risk of serious abuse or neglect
Division 6—Business continuity payments
205A Business continuity payments—reports not given
205B Setting off business continuity payments made under section 205A
205C Business continuity payments—emergency or disaster
Part 8B—Nominees
Division 1—Preliminary
219TA Definitions
Division 2—Appointment of nominees
219TB Appointment of payment nominee
219TC Appointment of correspondence nominee
219TD Provisions relating to appointments
219TE Suspension and cancellation of nominee appointments
Division 3—Payments to payment nominee
219TF Payment of amounts to payment nominee
Division 4—Functions and responsibilities of nominees
219TG Actions of correspondence nominee on behalf of principal
219TH Giving of notices to correspondence nominee
219TI Compliance by correspondence nominee
219TJ Notification by nominee of matters affecting ability to act as nominee
219TK Statement by payment nominee regarding disposal of money
Division 5—Other matters
219TL Protection of person against liability for actions of nominee
219TM Protection of nominee against criminal liability
219TN Duty of nominee to principal
219TO Saving of Secretary’s powers of revocation
219TP Saving of Secretary’s powers to give notices to principal
219TQ Notification of nominee where notice given to principal
219TR Right of nominee to attend with principal
Part 8C—Regulatory powers
Division 1—Monitoring powers
219UA Monitoring powers
219UB Meaning of listed child care information provision
219UC Modification of Part 2 of the Regulatory Powers Act
219UD Appointment of authorised persons
Division 2—Civil penalties
219VA Civil penalty provisions
219VB Requirement for person to assist with applications for civil penalty orders
Division 3—Infringement notices
219WA Infringement notices
Division 4—General rules about offences and civil penalty provisions
219XA Physical elements of offences
219XB Contravening an offence provision or a civil penalty provision
Part 9—Other matters
220 General administration of family assistance law
220A Minister requiring person to assist in criminal proceedings
221 Delegation
221A Committees
222 Decisions to be in writing
223 Secretary may arrange for use of computer programs to make decisions
224 Notice of decisions
225 Payment of deductions to Commissioner of Taxation
226 Setting off family assistance entitlement against tax liability
227 Payment of deductions to Child Support Registrar
228 Maximum deduction
228A Payment of other deductions on request
229 Judicial notice of certain matters
230 Documentary evidence
230A Application of family assistance law to providers that are partnerships
230B Application of family assistance law to providers that are unincorporated
231 Application of family assistance law to unincorporated bodies
232 Annual report
233 Appropriation
234 Agreements on administrative arrangements
235 Regulations
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history