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Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978
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C2023C00002 (C14)
13 December 2022
10 December 2024
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Part I—Preliminary
1 Short title
2 Commencement
3 Repeals
4 Interpretation
Part II—Northern Territory of Australia
5 Establishment of body politic
Part III—Legislative Assembly
Division 1—Powers of Legislative Assembly
6 Legislative power
7 Assent to proposed laws
8 Signification of pleasure on proposed law reserved
10 Reason for withholding assent etc. to be tabled in Legislative Assembly
11 Proposal of money votes
12 Powers, privileges and immunities of Legislative Assembly
Division 2—Constitution and membership of Legislative Assembly
13 Legislative Assembly
14 Qualifications of electors
15 Writs for elections
16 Term of office of member
17 Dates of elections
18 Resignation of members of Legislative Assembly
19 Filling of casual vacancy
20 Qualifications for election
21 Disqualifications for membership of Legislative Assembly
Division 3—Procedure of Legislative Assembly
22 Sessions of Legislative Assembly
23 Quorum
24 Election of Speaker
25 Acting Speaker—appointment by Legislative Assembly
26 Acting Speaker—appointment by Administrator
27 Voting in Legislative Assembly
28 Validation of acts of Legislative Assembly
29 Minutes of proceedings
30 Standing rules and orders
Part IV—The Administration
31 Extent of executive power
32 Office of Administrator
33 The Executive Council
34 Ministerial offices
35 Transfer of functions to Executive
36 Appointment of Ministers
37 Tenure of office
38 Oath to be taken by Member of Council and Minister
40 Acting Administrator
41 Deputies of Administrator
42 Oath to be taken by Administrator etc.
Part V—Finance
43 Interpretation
44 Public moneys
45 Withdrawals of public moneys
46 Borrowing from Commonwealth
48 Commonwealth Auditor General may audit Territory accounts
Part VI—Miscellaneous
49 Trade and commerce with States to be free
50 Acquisition of property to be on just terms
51 Acts that bind States to bind Northern Territory
53 Application of Fair Work Act 2009
54 Power to confer jurisdiction on Remuneration Tribunal in relation to members etc.
55 Regulations
Part VII—Transitional provisions
56 Interpretation
57 Continuance of laws
58 Administrator etc. to continue in office
59 Legislative Assembly etc. to continue
60 Functions performed by Legislative Assembly and Executive Council
61 Functions performed by specified persons
63 Sessions of Legislative Assembly
64 Quorum
65 Remuneration and allowances
66 Ordinances made but not assented to before commencing date
67 References in other laws
68 Certain provisions of previous Act to continue to operate
69 Transfers of property etc.
70 Acquisition of certain land etc.
71 Contracts
72 Commonwealth to indemnify Territory
73 Validity of Ordinances
74 Agency arrangements
75 Regulations
Schedule 1—Acts repealed
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history
Endnote 5—Miscellaneous