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Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983
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Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
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C2022C00356 (C43)
06 December 2022
13 October 2024
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Part I—Preliminary
1 Short title
2 Commencement
3 Interpretation
3A Authority may approve form
4 Act to bind Crown
5 Saving of other laws
6 Operation of Act
6A Act does not apply to certain naval or government ships
7 Application of the Criminal Code
Part II—Prevention of pollution by oil
8 Interpretation
9 Prohibition of discharge of oil or oily mixtures into sea
10 Prohibition of discharge of oil residues into sea
10A Prohibition of carriage or use of heavy grade oil on Australian ships in the Antarctic Area
10AA Prohibition of carriage or use of heavy grade oil on Australian ships in Arctic waters
10B Prohibition of carriage or use of heavy grade oil on foreign ships in the Australian Antarctic Territory
11 Duty to report certain incidents involving oil or oily mixture
11A Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan
11B Transfer of oil cargo between oil tankers—transfer to be in accordance with ship to ship operations plan
11C Transfer of oil cargo between oil tankers in Australian waters—qualified person to be in control
11D Transfer of oil cargo involving an Australian ship—ship to ship operations plan to be carried
11E Transfer of oil cargo involving an Australian ship—making and retaining record of transfer
11F Transfer of oil cargo between oil tankers in Australian waters—notification of transfer
11G Transfer of oil cargo between oil tankers outside Australian waters—notification of transfer
12 Oil record book
13 False entries in oil record book
14 Oil record book to be retained
14A Power to require discharge of oil or oily mixture at a reception facility
Part III—Prevention of pollution by noxious substances
15 Interpretation
16 Application of Act to mixture of oil and liquid substance
17 Prohibition of carriage of substances that have not been categorized or provisionally assessed
21 Prohibition of discharge of substances into the sea
21A Procedures and Arrangements Manual
22 Duty to report certain incidents involving certain substances
22A Shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances
23 Cargo record book
24 False entries in cargo record book
25 Cargo record book to be retained
26 Cleaning of tanks of ships
26AA Power to require discharge of a liquid substance or a mixture containing a liquid substance at a reception facility
Part IIIA—Prevention of pollution by packaged harmful substances
26A Interpretation
26AB Prohibition of discharge by jettisoning of harmful substances into the sea
26B Duty to report certain incidents involving harmful substances
Part IIIB—Prevention of pollution by sewage
Division 1—Discharge of untreated sewage in the Antarctic Area
26BA Interpretation
26BB Object of Division
26BC Prohibition of discharge of untreated sewage
Division 1A—Discharge of sewage in the Antarctic Area or Arctic waters
26BCA Interpretation
26BCB Object of Division
26BCC Prohibition of discharge of sewage
Division 2—Discharge of sewage in other sea areas
26C Interpretation
26CA Object of Division
26D Prohibition of discharge of sewage into the sea
26DAA Power to require discharge of sewage at a reception facility
Part IIIC—Prevention of pollution by garbage
26E Interpretation
26EA Object of Part
26F Prohibition of discharge of garbage into the sea
26FA Garbage record book
26FB Garbage record book to be retained
26FC Garbage management plan
26FD Placards relating to requirements for discharge of garbage
26FE Power to require discharge of garbage at a reception facility
Part IIID—Prevention of air pollution
Division 1—Definitions
26FEF Definitions
Division 2—Sulphur content of fuel oil
26FEG Using fuel oil or carrying fuel oil for use—offences
26FEGA Using fuel oil or carrying fuel oil for use—exceptions
26FEH Australian ship in emission control area—offences
26FEHA Australian ship in emission control area—exceptions
26FEI Flushing fuel oil service system
26FEJ Record of prescribed fuel changeover operation
26FEK New emission control areas
26FEKA Annex VI approved equivalents
Division 3—Fuel oil availability and quality requirements
26FEL Local suppliers must be registered
26FEM Register of Local Suppliers of Fuel Oil
26FEN Using fuel oil that does not meet fuel oil quality requirements
26FEO Bunker delivery note and sample must be provided
26FEP Fuel oil supplied must be in accordance with declaration
26FEQ Bunker delivery note must be retained and available for inspection
26FER Sample must be retained
26FES Notification of sulphur content of gas fuel
Division 4—Ozone depleting substances record book
26FET Ozone depleting substances record book
26FEU False or misleading entries in ozone depleting substances record book
26FEV Ozone depleting substances record book to be retained
Division 5—Ship energy efficiency management plan
26FEW Ship energy efficiency management plan
Part IV—Miscellaneous
26G Power to require information
27 Powers of inspectors
27A Detention of foreign ships in connection with pollution breaches
27B Notification of measures taken in relation to foreign ships
27C Failure to comply with requirements for information under foreign laws
28 Prosecution of offences against Act
29 Time limits for prosecution
29A Service on master or owner of ship
29B Certificates by Minister
30 Evidence
31 Evidence of analyst
32 Application of certain provisions to foreign ships
33 Regulations
34 Orders
35 Repeal
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history