Audit (Transitional and Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 1996 [1997]
A Bill for an Act to deal with transitional and consequential matters arising from the repeal of the Audit Act 1901 and the enactment of the Auditor General Act 1996, the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1996 and the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1996, and for related purposes
12 December 1996
For authoritative information on the progress of bills and on amendments proposed to them, please see the House of Representatives Votes and Proceedings, and the Journals of the Senate as available on the Parliament House website.
Bill first reading
- Document 1707 KB202 pages
Bill third reading
- Document 1464 KB199 pages
- Document 1468 KB199 pages
Explanatory memorandum
- Document 132 KB6 pages