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National Health Security Act 2007
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C2024C00510 (C19)
14 October 2024
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Part 1—Preliminary
1 Short title
2 Commencement
3 Definitions
4 Binding the Crown
5 Application of laws to external Territories
Part 2—Public health surveillance
Division 1—Objects of Part
6 Objects of Part
Division 2—National Health Security Agreement
7 National Health Security Agreement
Division 3—Permissible purposes
8 Permissible purposes
Division 4—National Focal Point
9 Meaning of National Focal Point
10 Functions of the National Focal Point
Division 5—National Notifiable Disease List
11 National Notifiable Disease List
12 Temporary additions to the National Notifiable Disease List
Division 6—Notification, sharing information and liaising in relation to public health events of national significance and listed human diseases
13 Notification, sharing information and liaising in relation to public health events of national significance and listed human diseases
14 Receipt of information or recommendation from the World Health Organization
15 Non personal information
Division 7—Public health observation
16 National Focal Point notified of incoming traveller who is under public health observation
17 Incoming travellers who are placed under public health observation
Division 8—Confidentiality of information
18 Definition of protected information for the purposes of Part 2
19 Authorisation to use information for permissible purposes
20 Authorisation to use information for purposes of proceedings
21 Offence relating to protected information
22 Defence for use of information in good faith
23 Defence for use of information also received from another source and use of information by prescribed agencies
24 Defence for use of information required by another law
25 Defence for disclosure to person to whom information relates or if person to whom information relates consents
26 Defence for disclosure to person who provided the information
Division 9—Miscellaneous
27 Notice to other countries about further use of information
28 Delegation
29 Annual report
Part 3—Regulation of security sensitive biological agents
Division 1—Preliminary
30 Object of Part
Division 2—The List of Security sensitive Biological Agents
31 Establishment of the List of Security sensitive Biological Agents
32 Variation of the List of Security sensitive Biological Agents
33 Minister must obtain and have regard to expert advice
34 List to be available on the Department’s website
Division 3—Standards relating to security sensitive biological agents
35 Minister may determine standards relating to security sensitive biological agents
Division 4—The National Register
36 National Register of Security sensitive Biological Agents
37 Content of National Register
38 Variation of the National Register
Division 4A—Requirements relating to suspected security sensitive biological agents
Subdivision A—Application
38A Application of Division
Subdivision B—Carrying out confirmatory testing or destruction
38B Initial tester must have confirmatory testing or destruction done
38C Offence—failure to have confirmatory testing or destruction done
Subdivision C—Compliance with SSBA standards
38D Compliance with SSBA Standards in handling biological agent
38E Offence—failure to comply with SSBA Standards in handling biological agent
Subdivision D—Further provisions relating to confirmatory testing
38F Initial tester must report transfer of biological agent or sample for confirmatory testing
38G Offence—failure by initial tester to report transfer
38H Initial tester must report results of confirmatory testing to Secretary
38J Offence—failure to report results of confirmatory testing to Secretary
38K Reporting if biological agent disposed of after confirmatory testing shows it is a security sensitive biological agent
38L Offence—failure to report disposal
Subdivision E—Further provisions relating to destruction
38M Initial tester must report destruction of biological agent
38N Offence—failure to report destruction
38P Direction to dispose of biological agent for failure to comply with section 38B
38Q Offence—failure to dispose of biological agent as directed
Division 5—Requirements for entities that handle security sensitive biological agents
Subdivision A—Application and definitions
39 Application of Division
40 Meaning of exempt entity
41 Meaning of legitimate purpose
Subdivision B—Reporting requirements
42 Entity that handles security sensitive biological agents must give a report to the Secretary
43 Offence—failure to give a report to the Secretary
44 Secretary must consider report and decide whether or not to include entity on the National Register
45 Secretary may direct entity to dispose of security sensitive biological agents
46 Offence—failure to comply with direction to dispose of security sensitive biological agent
47 Secretary not satisfied entity handling security sensitive biological agent for a legitimate purpose
48 Registered entity must report any changes to the Secretary
48A Registered entity must report certain reportable events to police
48B Offence—failure to report reportable event to police
49 Secretary must consider report of changes and decide whether or not to vary the National Register
50 Secretary may direct entity to dispose of security sensitive biological agents
51 Offence—failure to comply with direction to dispose of security sensitive biological agent
52 Secretary not satisfied entity handling security sensitive biological agent for a legitimate purpose
53 Failure to report changes to the Secretary
54 Offence—failure to comply with direction to dispose of security sensitive biological agent
55 Application of reporting requirements in relation to individuals
55AA Entity that needs to undertake emergency maintenance may give a report to the Secretary
55AB Emergency maintenance period
55AC Secretary may declare exemption from this Division etc. during emergency maintenance period
55AD Offence—breaching condition of exemption
55A Cancellation of entity’s registration on application
Subdivision C—Compliance with SSBA Standards
56 Entity must comply with SSBA Standards
57 Failure to comply with SSBA Standards
58 Offence—failure to comply with direction to dispose of security sensitive biological agent
Subdivision D—Directions not to handle security sensitive biological substances
59 Secretary may direct individual not to handle security sensitive biological agents
60 Offence—failure to comply with direction not to handle security sensitive biological agents
Division 5AA—Entities that temporarily handle security sensitive biological agents
Subdivision A—Reporting by entities that temporarily handle security sensitive biological agents
60AA Entity that temporarily handles a security sensitive biological agent may give a report to the Secretary
60AB Temporary handling period
60AC Application of Division 5 to an entity that gives a temporary handling report
60AD Entity that gives a temporary handling report must give a temporary handling disposal report
60AE Offence—failure to give a report to the Secretary
60AF Entity that gives a temporary handling report must report any changes to the Secretary
60AG Offence—failure to give a report to the Secretary
60AH Entity that gives a temporary handling report must report certain events to police
60AI Offence—failure to report event to police
Subdivision B—Compliance with temporary handling Standards
60AJ Temporary handling Standards
60AK Entity must comply with temporary handling Standards
60AL Offence—failure to comply with temporary handling Standards
Subdivision C—Conditions in relation to the temporary handling of security sensitive biological agents
60AM Secretary may impose conditions
60AN Entity must comply with conditions
60AO Failure to comply with conditions
60AP Offence—failure to comply with direction to dispose of sample
Division 5A—Suspension of Divisions 4A, 5 and 5AA to deal with threats
60A Minister may suspend Divisions 4A, 5 and 5AA to deal with threats
60B Variation or revocation of suspension
60C Offence—failure to comply with conditions on suspension
Division 6—Enforcement
61 Secretary may arrange for disposal of security sensitive biological agents
62 Injunctions
Division 7—Powers of inspection
Subdivision A—Appointment of inspectors and identity cards
63 Appointment of inspectors
64 Identity card
Subdivision B—Monitoring compliance
65 Powers available to inspectors for monitoring compliance
66 Monitoring powers
67 Power to operate equipment
69 Application for monitoring warrant
Subdivision C—Offence related powers
70 Inspector may enter premises by consent or under a warrant
70A Offence related powers of inspectors
70B Persons assisting inspectors
70C Use of force in executing a warrant
70D Inspector may ask questions and seek production of documents
70E Inspector to be in possession of warrant
70F Occupier to provide inspector with facilities and assistance
70G Copies of seized things to be provided
70H Receipts for things seized
70J Return of seized things
70K Magistrate may permit a thing to be retained
70L Disposal of things
70M Issue of offence related warrants
70N Offence related warrants by telephone, fax etc.
70P Offence relating to warrants by telephone, fax etc.
Subdivision D—Expert assistance
71 Expert assistance to operate a thing
72 Expert assistance from scientific or technical expert
Subdivision E—Emergency powers
73 Powers available to inspectors for dealing with dangerous situations
Subdivision F—Obligations and incidental powers of inspectors
74 Inspector must produce identity card on request
75 Consent
76 Details of warrant etc. to be given to occupier
77 Announcement before entry
Subdivision G—Other matters
78 Occupier entitled to be present during search
79 Division not to abrogate privilege against self incrimination
79A Compensation for damage to electronic equipment
Division 8—Review of decisions
80 Meaning of reviewable decision
81 Notification of decision and review rights
82 Internal review
83 Review of decisions by Administrative Review Tribunal
Division 9—Confidentiality of information
84 Definition of protected information for the purposes of Part 3
85 Secretary may give report to certain agencies
86 Authorisation to use information in performing duties or exercising powers under Division 6, 7 or 8 of Part 2 or this Part
87 Authorisation to use information for certain purposes
88 Secretary may authorise use of information
89 Authorisation to use information for purposes of certain proceedings
90 Offence relating to protected information
91 Defence for disclosure to person who provided the information
92 Defence for use of information under particular laws
93 No other exceptions under other laws
Division 10—Delegation
94 Secretary may delegate powers and functions under this Part
Part 4—Miscellaneous
95 Regulations
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history