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DisabilityCare Australia Fund Act 2013
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C2023C00053 (C10)
01 March 2023
31 October 2023
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Part 1—Preliminary
1 Short title
2 Commencement
3 Simplified outline
4 Definitions
5 Crown to be bound
6 Extension to external Territories
7 Extra territorial application
8 Object
Part 2—DisabilityCare Australia Fund
Division 1—Introduction
9 Simplified outline
Division 2—Establishment of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund etc.
10 Establishment of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund
11 Establishment of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund Special Account
Division 3—Credits of amounts to the DisabilityCare Australia Fund
12 Credits to Special Account—determinations by the Treasurer
13 Maximum amount of credits for States and Territories for a financial year
Division 4—Debits of amounts from the DisabilityCare Australia Fund, etc.
14 Purposes of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund Special Account—main purposes
15 Purposes of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund Special Account—purposes related exclusively to the investments etc. of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund
16 Purposes of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund Special Account—purposes not related exclusively to the DisabilityCare Australia Fund
17 Reimbursing the Commonwealth—transfer to general CRF
18 Reimbursing the States and Territories—channelling of State/Territory grants payments through the COAG Reform Fund
19 Reimbursing the States and Territories—limit on annual debits based on maximum amount of credits for States and Territories
20 Reimbursing the States and Territories—recommendations about grants payments
21 Reimbursing the States and Territories—debit from the COAG Reform Fund
22 Reimbursing the States and Territories—grant to a State or Territory
23 Future Fund Board must ensure that there is sufficient money in the DisabilityCare Australia Fund Special Account to cover authorised debits etc.
Division 5—Inter fund transfers
24 Transfers from the DisabilityCare Australia Fund to the Future Fund
Part 3—Investment of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund
25 Simplified outline
26 Objects of investment of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund
27 Investment of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund
28 Management of investments of the DisabilityCare Australia Fund
29 DisabilityCare Australia Fund Investment Mandate
30 Limitation on DisabilityCare Australia Fund Investment Mandate
31 Future Fund Board to be consulted on DisabilityCare Australia Fund Investment Mandate
32 Compliance with DisabilityCare Australia Fund Investment Mandate
33 Future Fund Board must not trigger the takeover provisions of the Corporations Act 2001
34 Borrowing
35 DisabilityCare Australia Fund investment policies
36 Derivatives
37 Additional financial assets
38 Securities lending arrangements
39 Investment managers
41 Refund of franking credits
42 Realisation of non financial assets
43 Additional function of the Future Fund Board
Part 4—Reporting obligations etc.
44 Finance Minister to prepare report on balance of DisabilityCare Australia Special Account etc.
45 Finance Minister may require Future Fund Board to prepare reports or give information
46 Keeping the responsible Ministers informed etc.
47 Finance Minister may give reports to other Ministers etc.
Part 6—Miscellaneous
52 Delegation by the Finance Minister
53 Delegation by the National Disability Insurance Minister
54 Delegation by the Treasurer
55 Review of operation of Act
56 Regulations
Endnote 1—About the endnotes
Endnote 2—Abbreviation key
Endnote 3—Legislation history
Endnote 4—Amendment history