This item is authorised by the following title:
When applicable, this Standard supersedes AASB 1022 - Accounting for Extractive Industries - October 1989 and AAS 7 - Accounting for the Extractive Industries - November 1989.
Aus27.2 of the AASB 6 - Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources - August 2015
Most legislative instruments will sunset 10 years after commencement under Chapter 3, Part 4 of the of the Legislation Act 2003.
When documents are presented to the Australian Parliament for scrutiny, they are said to have been tabled.
When applicable, this Standard supersedes AASB 1022 - Accounting for Extractive Industries - October 1989 and AAS 7 - Accounting for the Extractive Industries - November 1989.