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Defence Determination 2016/19, Conditions of service
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F2025C00160 (C133)
20 February 2025
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Volume 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
Part 1: About this Manual
Simplified outline of this Determination
Part 2: Technical rules
1.2.1 Application to members
1.2.5 Forms
1.2.5A References to rules in other instruments
1.2.6 Collection, use and disclosure of personal information
Part 3: Interpretation
Division 1: Definitions – general
1.3.1 Interpretation
1.3.2 Close relative
1.3.3 Member undergoing recategorisation training
1.3.4 Posting period – within Australia
1.3.5 Serious illness
1.3.6 Special needs
1.3.7 Suitable accommodation
Division 2: Key definitions relating to location
1.3.8 Service location
1.3.9 Primary service location
1.3.10 Housing benefit location
1.3.11 Extended housing benefit location
1.3.12 Family benefit location
1.3.13 Location of residence
Division 3: Key definitions relating to resident family
Subdivision 1: Accompanied resident family
1.3.14 Accompanied resident family
1.3.15 Effect of temporary separation
Subdivision 2: Types of accompanied resident family
1.3.16 Accompanied resident family — Partner
1.3.17 Accompanied resident family — Child 90+ nights
1.3.18 Accompanied resident family — Child less than 90 nights
1.3.19 Accompanied resident family — Child absent due to education
Subdivision 3: Unaccompanied resident family
1.3.19A Member this Subdivision does not apply to
1.3.20 Unaccompanied resident family
1.3.21 When resident family cease to be unaccompanied
Subdivision 4: Types of unaccompanied resident family
1.3.22 Unaccompanied resident family — In connection with a posting
1.3.23 Unaccompanied resident family — In connection with a posting to a seagoing ship or seagoing submarine
1.3.24 Unaccompanied resident family — Resident family moving away from the member
1.3.25 Unaccompanied resident family — On return from a deployment
1.3.26 Unaccompanied resident family — Partners who do not live together
1.3.27 Unaccompanied resident family — Recognised family in connection with recruitment from overseas
1.3.28 Unaccompanied resident family — Compassionate reasons
1.3.29 Unaccompanied resident family — Child absent due to education
Subdivision 5: Dual serving members
1.3.30 Who this subdivision applies to
1.3.31 Dual serving member – Partner only
1.3.32 Dual serving member – One member lives without resident family
1.3.33 Dual serving member – Both members live with resident family
1.3.33A Dual serving member – One member occupies living-in accommodation
1.3.34 Dual serving member – Rules relating to nomination
Division 4: Key definitions relating to people
Subdivision 1: General
1.3.35 Child
1.3.36 Partner
1.3.37 Recognised other person
Subdivision 2: Partners
1.3.38 CDF recognised partner
1.3.39 De facto relationship
Division 5: Other matters
1.3.40 Equivalent ranks and classifications
1.3.41 References to time
1.3.42 Meaning of dependant for the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Regulations 2018
1.3.43 Meaning of specific words for determinations made under section 58H of the Defence Act 1901
Part 5: Member's obligations
1.5.1 Simplified Outline of this Part
1.5.2 Obligation to provide accurate information
1.5.3 Change in member's circumstances
1.5.4A Contributions and payments payable by a member not receiving salary
1.5.5 Recovery by the Commonwealth
1.5.6 Decision-makers to avoid conflict of interest
1.5.7 Member to provide evidence of payment
Part 6: Payment of benefits in special circumstances
1.6.1 Dual entitlement – member's partner is also a member
1.6.1A Payment of contributions by another person
1.6.2 Payment of benefit to another person
1.6.3 Payment of amount to a person under legal disability
1.6.4 Payment of amounts on death of a member
1.6.5 Effect of death on eligibility for salary and allowances
Part 7: Imprisonment, detention and custody within Australia
1.7.1 Purpose
1.7.2 Member this Part applies to
1.7.3 Member this Part does not apply to
1.7.4 General rule – benefits and contributions
1.7.5 Salary and DFRT allowances – member in detention
1.7.6 Salary and DFRT allowances – member imprisoned or in custody
1.7.7 Conviction quashed or set aside
Division 1: Leave
1.7.8 Purpose
1.7.9 Recreation leave
1.7.10 Short absence and medical absence from duty
1.7.11 Maternity leave
1.7.12 Parental leave
1.7.13 Long service leave
1.7.14 Other forms of leave with or without pay
Division 2: Housing, removals and storage
1.7.15 Purpose
1.7.16 Member occupying a Service residence or rent band choice property
1.7.17 Member occupying a rent allowance property
1.7.18 Member occupying living-in accommodation
1.7.19 Storage costs
1.7.20 Contribution for meals
1.7.21 Food allowance
Division 3: Other benefits
1.7.22 Purpose
1.7.24 Travel in Australia
1.7.25 Funeral costs
Chapter 2: ADF career
Part 1: Joining the ADF
2.1.3 Purpose
2.1.4 Travel, accommodation and meals
2.1.5 Prepaid fares
2.1.6 Baggage
2.1.7 Loss of wages or salary
Part 2: Career transition
2.2.1 Purpose
2.2.2 Definitions
2.2.3 Member this Part applies to
2.2.4 Member this Part does not apply to
2.2.5 Career transition training
2.2.6 Assistance for professional financial advice
2.2.7 Travel and accommodation
2.2.8 Transition absence
2.2.9 How to apply for transition assistance and transition absence
Part 3: Leaving the ADF
Division 1: Redundancy
2.3.3 Purpose
2.3.4 Member this Division applies to
2.3.5 Benefit
2.3.6 Additional payment
2.3.7 When the amount is repayable
Division 3: Special benefit payment
2.3.20 Purpose
2.3.22 Member eligible for special benefit
2.3.22A Member not eligible for special benefit payment
2.3.23 Amount of special benefit
2.3.25 Repayment of special benefit payment
Division 4: Additional transition period
2.3.26 Additional transition period
2.3.27 Benefits during additional transition
Part 4: ADF careers referral scheme
2.4.1 Simplified outline of this Part
2.4.2 Definitions
2.4.3 Referring member
2.4.4 Member this Part applies to
2.4.5 Member this Part does not apply to
2.4.6 Referral incentive payment
2.4.7 Limitations on eligibility
Chapter 3: ADF salaries and bonuses
Part 2: Administration of salaries
3.2.1 Overview
Division 1: About salaries
3.2.3 Purpose
3.2.5 Time for payment of salary for a member on continuous full time service
3.2.6 Method of payment of salary for a member on continuous full-time service
3.2.7 Administration of allowances
3.2.7AA Salary for a member on a flexible service determinations
3.2.7AB Allowances for a member on a flexible service determinations
3.2.7A Section 58B Allowances – flexible service determinations
3.2.8 Pro rating contributions
3.2.9 Death or presumed death of member
3.2.13 Reserve member taken to be attending for duty
3.2.14 Reserve member attending for duty in special circumstances
3.2.15 Reserve Assistance Program attendance
3.2.17 Method of payment of salary and allowances for a member on Reserve service
Division 2: Commencement salary
3.2.18 Purpose
3.2.18A Member this Division does not apply to
3.2.18B Definitions
3.2.19 Salary on enlistment or appointment
3.2.20 Salary on promotion – general
3.2.21 Salary on change of pay grade or specialist level
3.2.22 Salary on ceasing to be a specialist officer
3.2.23 Member with previous service – commencement salary
3.2.24 Recognition of service in the Reserves
3.2.25 Salary – member undergoing recategorisation training
3.2.26 Salary rate for training – start and advancement dates
Division 3: Increments
3.2.27 Purpose
3.2.28 Definitions
3.2.29 Member this Division does not apply to
3.2.30 Increment advancement
3.2.33 Increment deferral
3.2.34 Effect of pay increases on increments
3.2.35 Effect of pay grade changes on increments
3.2.36 Promotion after previous service at temporary or acting rank
3.2.37 Salary – Private Proficient
3.2.38 Salary on reduction of rank
3.2.39 Salary on promotion to rank previously held
Division 4: Specialist Officer – increment and competency arrangements
3.2.40 Purpose
3.2.41 Chaplain, Maritime Spiritual Wellbeing Officers and dental officers – increment advancement, promotion and advancement
3.2.42 Medical officers – increment advancement and promotion
3.2.42A Salary on promotion – senior medical officers
3.2.43 Legal Officers – increment advancement and promotion
3.2.44 Competency levels – Chaplain and Maritime Spiritual Wellbeing Officer
3.2.45 Dental levels – dental officer
3.2.46 Legal levels – legal officer
3.2.47 Military medical levels – medical officer
Division 4A: Specialist Officer – Aviation – increment placement, progression and transfer
3.2.47A Purpose
3.2.47B Definitions
3.2.47C Member this Division does not apply to
3.2.47D Entry placement – general
3.2.47E Entry placement – member who is an aviation specialist
3.2.47F Entry placement – Other Rank member transfers to the Officer Aviation Pay Structure
3.2.47G Entry placement – Navy Aviation Officers
3.2.47I Entry placement – Army Aviation Officers – Specialist pathway without previous command appointment
3.2.47J Entry placement – Army Aviation Officers – Specialist pathway with previous command appointment
3.2.47K Entry placement – member in the Air Force who is not an aviation specialist
3.2.47L Entry placement – Officer transferring from other salary structures
3.2.47M Entry placement – CDF discretions
3.2.47N Increment post training – Navy Sub Lieutenant and Lieutenant
3.2.47O Increment on promotion
3.2.47P Increment on Command appointment – Navy and Army
3.2.47Q Increment on rank reduction
3.2.47R Increment on loss of Command appointment
3.2.47S Increment advancement
3.2.47T Increment on transfer between Services
3.2.47U Increment on transfer between pathways and competency streams
3.2.47V Increment on transfer between Army Generalist and Specialist pathways on promotion
Division 4B: Nuclear qualified submariners – advancement and deferral of increment
3.2.47W Purpose
3.2.47X Definitions
3.2.47Y Member this Division applies to
3.2.47Z Advance in increment
3.2.47AA Deferral of an advance in increment
Division 5: Salary non-reduction provisions
3.2.48 Purpose
3.2.49 Definitions
3.2.50 Member this Division applies to
3.2.51 Member this Division does not apply to
3.2.52 Salary non-reduction period
3.2.52A Salary non-reduction – Air Force Flight Test Engineer
3.2.53 Service during salary non-reduction period to count for certain purposes
3.2.55 Retention of pay grade
3.2.56 Non-reduction supplement for Other Rank members
3.2.57 Non-reduction supplement for Other Rank members of the Reserves
3.2.58 Movements between Reserve service and continuous full-time service
3.2.59 Member on salary non-reduction or salary preservation on 13 May 2021
Annex 3.2.B: Salary non-reduction – members with the rank of Warrant Officer Class 1 or lower
Part 1: Members with the rank of Warrant Officer Class 1
Part 2: Members with the rank of Warrant Officer Class 2 or lower
Annex 3.2.D: Salary non-reduction – Officers
Annex 3.2.E: Officer Aviation Specialist Structure to Officer Aviation Pay Structure — conversion table
Part 3: Bonuses
Division 1: General provisions
Subdivision 1: Interpretation
3.3.1 Purpose
3.3.2 Definitions
3.3.3 Commencement day of an agreed period of service
3.3.4 Valid offer
3.3.5 Valid acceptance
Subdivision 2: Effective service
3.3.6 Effective service – member on continuous full time service
3.3.7 Effective service – member subject to a flexible service determination
3.3.8 Effective service – member on Reserve service
Subdivision 3: Application
3.4.9 Member this Part does not apply to
3.3.10 Member this Part does not apply to
Division 2: Category A Bonus
3.3.11 Eligibility for a category A bonus
3.3.12 Category A bonus – bonus amount
3.3.13 Category A bonus – agreed period of service
3.3.14 Category A bonus – bonus condition
Division 3: Category B Bonus
3.3.15 Eligibility for a category B bonus
3.3.16 Category B bonus – bonus amount
3.3.17 Category B bonus – agreed period of service
3.3.18 Category B bonus – bonus condition
Division 4: Payment, recovery and cessation of a bonus
3.3.19 Payment of a retention bonus
3.3.20 Payment of a completion bonus
3.3.21 Repayment and cessation of a retention bonus
3.3.22 Cessation of eligibility for a completion bonus
Part 4: Continuation bonus
Division 1: General provisions
Subdivision 1: Preliminary
3.4.1 Simplified outline for this Part
3.4.2 Definitions
3.4.3 Commencement day
3.4.4 Valid acceptance
3.4.5 Valid offer
Subdivision 2: Definition of effective service
3.4.6 Effective service – days not subject to a flexible service determination
3.4.7 Effective service – days subject to a flexible service determination
Division 2: Continuation bonus offer 1
Subdivision 1: Application of this Division
3.4.8 Member this Division applies to
3.4.9 Member this Division does not apply to
Subdivision 2: Eligibility for continuation bonus offer 1
3.4.10 Member eligible to be given a valid offer of continuation bonus offer 1
Subdivision 3: When a valid offer of continuation bonus offer 1 can be made
3.4.11 When a continuation bonus offer 1 offer must be made – General
3.4.12 When a continuation bonus offer 1 offer must be made – Change in military employment classification
Division 3: Continuation bonus offer 2
Subdivision 1: Application of this Division
3.4.13 Member this Division applies to
3.4.14 Member this Division does not apply to
Subdivision 2: Eligibility for continuation bonus offer 2
3.4.15 Member eligible to be given a valid offer of continuation bonus offer 2
Subdivision 3: When a valid offer of continuation bonus offer 2 can be made
3.4.16 When a valid offer of continuation bonus offer 2 must be made – General
3.4.17 When a valid offer of continuation bonus offer 2 must be made – Change in military employment classification
Division 4: Acceptance of valid offer
3.4.18 Member eligible to accept a valid offer
3.4.19 Member not eligible to accept a valid offer
Division 5: Payment, cessation and repayment of the continuation bonus
3.4.20 Eligibility for payment of the continuation bonus
3.4.21 How the continuation bonus is paid
3.4.22 Cessation of eligibility for the continuation bonus
3.4.23 Repayment of the continuation bonus
Part 5: Reserve capability at short-notice
Division 2B: Reserve capability completion bonus – capability at short notice
3.5.14G Purpose
3.5.14H Member eligible for Reserve capability completion bonus
3.5.14I Payment of the bonus
3.5.14IA Recognised service
3.5.14J Reduced payment of bonus
Part 6: Deliberately differentiated offer for members
3.6.1 Purpose
3.6.2 Definitions
3.6.3 Member this Part applies to
3.6.4 Situations that delay service
3.6.5 Considerations before an offer is made
3.6.6 Deliberately differentiated offer
3.6.7 How the offer is accepted
3.6.8 Member does not complete the period of agreed service
Annex 3.6.A: Deliberately differentiated offer form
Chapter 4: ADF allowances and reimbursements
Part 1: Higher duties allowance
Division 1: General provisions
4.1.1 Purpose
4.1.2 Definitions
4.1.3 Member this Part applies to
4.1.4 Member this Part does not apply to
Division 2: Eligibility
4.1.5 Eligibility for higher duties allowance
4.1.6 Rate of higher duties allowance
4.1.7 End of higher duties allowance
Division 3: Rate of higher duties allowance
4.1.8 Higher duties position within member’s pay schedule
4.1.9 Higher duties position outside member’s pay schedule
4.1.10 Higher duties within the Officer Aviation Pay Structure
4.1.11 Higher duties within the specialist career structure
4.1.12 Member performing duties of a Warrant Officer Class 1
4.1.13 Member to which salary non reduction applies
4.1.14 Member who held an enlisted rank immediately before becoming an officer
4.1.15 Member performing duties of a corporal – Army
4.1.16 Member performing duties of a Brigadier or higher
4.1.17 Member performing duties of an APS employee or foreign military force position
Part 4: Location allowances
Division 1: ADF district allowance – general and rates
4.4.3 Purpose
4.4.4 Definitions
4.4.5 Members who are eligible
4.4.6 Members who are not eligible
4.4.7 Period of benefit
4.4.8 Grading of locations
4.4.9 Rate of allowance
Division 2: ADF district allowance – movement to or from remote location
4.4.11 Absence for temporary duty
4.4.12 On leave and returning to duty
4.4.13 Payment when not on duty
4.4.14 Primary service location changes from one remote location to another
4.4.15 Primary service location changes from a remote location to non-remote location
4.4.16 Member serving a period of detentions
Division 3: Port Wakefield allowance
4.4.17 Purpose
4.4.19 Benefit
4.4.20 Member not eligible
4.4.21 Absence from the Proof and Experimental Establishment at Port Wakefield
Division 4: Scherger allowance
4.4.22 Purpose
4.4.23 Member who is eligible
4.4.23A Member not eligible
4.4.24 Rate of allowance
Division 5: Allowances for services in Antarctica
Subdivision 1: General provisions
4.4.25 Definitions
Subdivision 2: Antarctic allowance
4.4.29 Purpose
4.4.30 Eligibility for Antarctic allowance
4.4.31 Rate of allowance
4.4.32 Period of eligibility
4.4.33 Effect of receiving other allowances
4.4.34 Member on long service leave
4.4.35 Recreation leave after duty in Antarctica
Subdivision 3: Common duties allowance
4.4.35A Purpose
4.4.36 Eligibility
Subdivision 4: Antarctic parity allowance
4.4.37 Purpose
4.4.40 Eligibility for allowance
Annex 4.4.A: Remote locations for ADF district allowance
Part 5: Meal allowance
4.5.2 Purpose
4.5.2A Definitions
4.5.3 Member this Part applies to
4.5.4 Meal allowance not payable
4.5.6 Member who occupies living-in accommodation
4.5.7 Member who lives out
4.5.9 Rates of allowance
Part 6: Additional benefits for star rank officers
4.6.1 Purpose
4.6.2 Member this Part applies to
4.6.4 Membership of airline club
4.6.5 Mobile telephones and hand held devices
4.6.7 Parking space or permit
Part 7: Victoria Cross for Australia representational duties
4.7.1 Purpose
4.7.2 Persons this Part applies to
4.7.3 Nominated family of member posthumously awarded
4.7.4 Expenses related to representational duties
4.7.5 Business class travel
4.7.6 Travel allowance
Part 8: Training payments
Division 1A: Trainee’s dependant allowance
4.8.3 Purpose
4.8.5 Member this Division applies to
4.8.6 When this Division does not apply
4.8.6A Applying for trainee’s dependant allowance and notification of change in expected income
4.8.7 Rate of benefit
4.8.8 Dual entitlement
Division 2: Medical residency – additional salary
4.8.9 Purpose
4.8.10 Members this Division applies to
4.8.11 Rate of additional payment
4.8.12 Payment for accrued leave
4.8.13 Conditions of entitlement
Division 3: Former medical or dental officer – refresher training
4.8.14 Purpose
4.8.15 Definition
4.8.16 Members this Division applies to
4.8.17 Conditions for refresher training payment
4.8.18 Amount of payment
Division 4: Australian Defence Force Academy learning materials
4.8.19 Purpose
4.8.20 Member this Part applies to
4.8.21 Learning materials
Division 5: In-service medical officers – refresher training
4.8.22 Purpose
4.8.23 Members this Division applies to
4.8.24 Conditions of training
4.8.25 Refresher training allowance
4.8.26 Expenses associated with training
Division 6: Army dental officer professional development scheme
4.8.27 Purpose
4.8.29 Member this Division applies to
4.8.30 Payment
4.8.31 Professional development activities
4.8.32 Calculation of the maximum
Part 9: Reserves
Division 1: Legal officer sessional fee
4.9.3 Purpose
4.9.4 Definitions
4.9.5 Members this Division applies to
4.9.6 Duties attracting a sessional fee
4.9.7 Sessional fee and Reserve salary
4.9.8 Amount of sessional fee
Division 2: Airfield Defence Guards (annual proficiency bonus)
4.9.9 Purpose
4.9.10 Members this Division applies to
4.9.11 Conditions of eligibility
4.9.12 Rate and date of eligibility
4.9.13 Preservation of eligibility on transfer
Division 3: Health support allowance – Reserves
4.9.14 Purpose
4.9.16 Health support allowance – Capability at short-notice
4.9.17 Health support allowance – Members on Reserve service
Division 4: Reserve service payment – infectious diseases
4.9.19 Member this Division applies to
4.9.20 Payments for periods of isolation associated with military service
4.9.21 Payment following a Defence activity
4.9.22 Payment for an inability to work a pattern of Reserve service
4.9.23 Payment for COVID-19
4.9.24 Periods of non-payment
Part 10: Life insurance – additional risk insurance
4.10.1 Purpose
4.10.2 Members eligible
4.10.3 Members not eligible
4.10.4 Amount of reimbursement
4.10.5 Timing of reimbursement
Part 11: Parking
4.11.1 Purpose
4.11.2 Contributions for parking and parking permits
Part 12: Operation COVID-19 ASSIST allowance
4.12.1 Purpose
4.12.2 Member this Part applies to
4.12.3 Operation COVID-19 ASSIST allowance
4.12.4 Allowance payable from
Chapter 5: Leave and absences
Part 1: General provisions
5.1.1 Purpose
5.1.1A Definitions
Part 2: Leave for travel to restricted destinations
5.2.1 Purpose
5.2.2 Member this Part applies to
5.2.3 Definitions
5.2.4 Restriction on the grant of leave
5.2.5 Cancellation of leave in a restricted destination
Part 3: Medical absence from duty
5.3.1 Purpose
5.3.2 Member this Part applies to
5.3.2A Member this Part does not apply to
5.3.3 How to apply for a medical absence
5.3.4 Medical absence without recommendation from a health professional
5.3.5 Medical absence on recommendation from a health professional
5.3.6 Refusal to grant a medical absence
5.3.7 Granting a medical absence without an application form
5.3.9 Payment of salary and allowances on a medical absence
5.3.10 Interaction between medical absence and other forms of leave
5.3.11 Travel for medical purposes
Part 4: Recreation leave
Division 1: General provisions
5.4.3 Purpose
5.4.4 Members this Part applies to
5.4.5 Members this Part does not apply to
5.4.6 Definitions
Division 2: Basic recreation leave
5.4.7 Purpose
5.4.8 Basic recreation leave credit
Division 3: Additional recreation leave
5.4.9 Purpose
5.4.10 Members eligible for a Military Factor framework allowance
5.4.17 Service in a remote location
Division 5: Purchased recreation leave
Subdivision 1: General provisions
5.4.21 Simplified outline of this Division
Subdivision 2: Application to purchase recreation leave credits
5.4.22 Application to purchase recreation leave credits
5.4.23 Members not eligible to purchase recreation leave credits
5.4.24 Limitations on purchasing recreation leave credits
Subdivision 3: Pay-as-you-go method
5.4.25 Credit of purchased recreation leave credits
5.4.26 Cancellation to the amount of purchased recreation leave credits
Subdivision 4: Credit in advance method
5.4.26A Credit of purchased recreation leave credits
5.4.26B Recovery of purchased recreation leave credits
Subdivision 5: Payment for purchased recreation leave credits
5.4.26C Payment
Division 6: Additional recreation leave for training ('trainee leave')
5.4.27 Purpose
5.4.28 Member eligible for trainee leave
5.4.29 Member on a flexible service determination
Division 7: Administration and payment for recreation leave
5.4.30 Purpose
5.4.31 How leave may be taken
5.4.32 Taking recreation leave
5.4.33A Leave credits
5.4.34 Expiration of recreation leave credits ('leave lapsing')
5.4.35 Re-credit of recreation leave
5.4.36 Salary for recreation leave
5.4.37 Payment of allowances on recreation leave
5.4.38 Member seconded or attached for duty
5.4.39 How to apply for leave
Division 8: Payment or transfer of recreation leave credit
5.4.40 Purpose
5.4.41 Member this Division applies to
5.4.42 Definitions
5.4.43 Election for payment or transfer of leave credit
5.4.44 Payment to member for leave credit
5.4.44A Payment to senior officer who transitioned for leave credit
5.4.45 Transfer of leave credits and payment to new Commonwealth entity
Division 9: Sharing recreation leave – Dual serving couples
5.4.46 Purpose
5.4.47 Definitions
5.4.48 Member this Division applies to
5.4.49 Member this Division does not apply to
5.4.50 Donating recreation leave
5.4.51 Ceasing continuous full-time service
Annex 5.4.A: Remote locations within Australia — additional recreation leave
Part 5: Long service leave
Division 1: General provisions
5.5.1 Purpose
5.5.4 Member this Part applies to
5.5.5 Definitions
5.5.6 Administrative concepts
5.5.7 Applying for long service leave
Division 2: Entitlement to long service leave
5.5.8 Long service leave entitlement
5.5.9 Eligibility to take leave
5.5.10 Taking leave and long service leave credits
5.5.12 Re-credit of long service leave
Division 3: Accrual of service for long service leave
5.5.13 Accrued service
5.5.14 Prior Reserve service
5.5.15 Prior service
5.5.16 Overlapping prior service
5.5.17 Effect of part-time prior service
5.5.18 Periods that are not accrued service
5.5.19 Member's responsibilities
5.5.20 Working out the total period for a member’s long service leave credit
Division 4: Salary and allowances during long service leave
5.5.21 Salary during long service leave
5.5.23 DFRT allowances during long service leave
Division 5: Payment for, and transfer of, long service leave credits
5.5.24 Member this Division does not apply to
5.5.25 Eligibility for payment instead of long service leave
5.5.26 Calculation of the payment
5.5.27 Member on higher duties, temporary or acting rank
5.5.29 Transfer of long service leave credits
Part 6: Maternity leave
5.6.1 Purpose
Division 1: Overview
5.6.3 Summary
5.6.4 Definitions
5.6.5 Members this Part applies to
5.6.6 Required absence and maternity leave
5.6.7 Termination of pregnancy – overview
5.6.8 Leave without pay and maternity leave
5.6.10 Notice
5.6.11 How to apply for maternity leave
Division 2: Maternity leave entitlements
5.6.12 Purpose
5.6.13 Leave entitlement
5.6.14 Paid maternity leave
5.6.15 Maternity leave at half pay
5.6.17 Second period of maternity leave
5.6.18 Access to other leave
5.6.19 Effect of unpaid maternity leave
5.6.20 Resuming duty
5.6.21 Resuming leave
Division 3: Required absence
5.6.23 Purpose
5.6.24 Period of required absence
5.6.25 Fitness for duty and the required absence
5.6.26 Continuing to perform duty during the required absence
5.6.27 Resuming duty during the required absence
Division 4: Member already on leave without pay
5.6.28 Member already on leave without pay
5.6.29 Cancelling leave without pay
5.6.30 Required absence
5.6.31 Maternity leave
5.6.32 Discretion to vary
Part 7: Parental leave
Division 1: General provisions
5.7.1 Purpose
5.7.3 Member this Part does not apply to
5.7.4 Definitions
5.7.4A How to apply for parental leave
5.7.4B Limit on the amount of parental leave
5.7.4C Dual serving parents
5.7.4D Members subject to a flexible service determination
Division 2: Paid parental leave
5.7.4E Member this Division applies to
5.7.5 Paid parental leave
Division 3: Special paid parental leave
5.7.6 Purpose of special paid parental leave
5.7.6A Members this Division applies to
5.7.6B Members this Division does not apply to
5.7.6C Special paid parental leave – dual serving parent
5.7.6D Special paid parental leave – other circumstances
5.7.6E How special paid parental leave must be taken
5.7.6F Special paid parental leave and effective service
Division 4: Unpaid parental leave
5.7.6G Member this Division applies to
5.7.7 Unpaid parental leave
Part 8: War service leave
5.8.1 Purpose
5.8.3 Members this Part applies to
5.8.4 War service leave credit
5.8.5 Granting leave
5.8.6 War service leave and other leave
5.8.7 Debiting leave credit
5.8.9 Payment instead of leave — during ADF service
5.8.10 Payment instead of leave — leaving continuous full-time service
5.8.11 How to apply for war service leave
Part 9: Other leave with pay
Division 1: General provisions
5.9.3 Purpose
5.9.4 Member this Part does not apply to
5.9.5 Leave not to accrue under this Part
5.9.6 Member on a flexible service determination
5.9.7 How to apply for leave
Division 2: Personal leave
5.9.8 Purpose
5.9.9 Eligibility for personal leave
5.9.10 Limitations on personal leave
Division 3: Carer's leave
5.9.11 Purpose
5.9.12 Carer's leave
5.9.12A Additional carer’s leave
5.9.12B Additional carer’s leave – dual serving couples
Division 4: Special leave for private purposes
5.9.13 Member this Division applies to
5.9.14 Special leave for private purposes
Part 10: Leave without pay
5.10.3 Purpose
5.10.4 Grant of leave without pay
5.10.5 Leave without pay to accompany partner on posting
5.10.5A Leave without pay to attend a court or tribunal proceeding
5.10.6 Allowances during leave without pay
5.10.7 Effects on other conditions of service – summary
5.10.8 Payment of charges
Part 11: Short absence
Division 1: Short absence for rest and recovery
5.11.3 Purpose
5.11.5 Approval of absence
5.11.7 Short absence relating to Service event or activity
Division 2: Short absence for removal purposes
5.11.8 Purpose
5.11.9 Approval of absence
5.11.10 Conditions on grant of absence
Division 2A: Short absence – not required for duty
5.11.10A Purpose
5.11.10B Short absences – not required for duty
Division 3: Short absence – Infectious diseases
5.11.11 Purpose
5.11.13 Member this Division applies to
5.11.13A Member this Division does not apply to
5.11.14 Short absence from duty – isolation
5.11.15 Short absence from duty – supervision
Division 4: Short absence – supervision of children
5.11.16 Purpose
5.11.16A Definitions
5.11.17 Member this Division applies to
5.11.18 Short absence from duty – school and child care attendance
Division 5: Short absence – examination attendance
5.11.19 Short absence to attend an exam
5.11.20 Limitations
Division 6: Short absence – travel
5.11.21 Purpose
5.11.22 Member this Division applies to
5.11.23 Short absence for travel
5.11.24 Calculation of the duration of travel
5.11.25 Limitations for members serving in the Navy
Division 7: Short absence – pre-deployment
5.11.26 Purpose
5.11.27 Short absence before a deployment
5.11.28 When short absence before a deployment can be taken
Division 8: Short absence – civilian court proceedings
5.11.29 Member this Division applies to
5.11.30 Short absence for court appearances
Division 9: Short absence – command directed
5.11.31 Purpose
5.11.32 Short absence directed by command
Part 12: Public holidays – Australia
5.12.1 Public holidays
5.12.2 Substitution of public holidays
5.12.3 Christmas stand-down
Part 13: Cancellation of, or recall from, leave
5.13.1 Purpose
5.13.2 Basis
5.13.4 Member is recalled from housing benefit location
5.13.5 Member is temporarily recalled from leave location
5.13.6 Costs if a member is recalled from holiday location
5.13.7 Costs if a member's leave is cancelled before it starts
5.13.8 Claiming reimbursement
5.13.9 Re-credit of leave
Volume 2
Chapter 6: ADF relocation on posting in Australia
Part 1A: General provisions
6.1A.1 Purpose
6.1A.2 Definitions
Part 1: Relocation allowances
Division 1: Disturbance allowance
6.1.3 Purpose
6.1.4 Members eligible
6.1.5 Members not eligible
6.1.6 Amount of allowance
6.1.7 Number of current removal
6.1.8 Resident family removed at a later date
6.1.9 Removal on enlistment
6.1.10 Removals to and from overseas – number of removals
6.1.11 Death of a member
6.1.12 A child changing school – additional payment
6.1.13 Telephone installation or reconnection costs
6.1.14 Private vehicle transfer costs
6.1.15 Payment in special circumstances
Division 2: Childcare costs on removal
6.1.16 Purpose
6.1.16A Member this Division does not apply to
6.1.17 Members eligible
6.1.18 Location of assistance
6.1.19 Amount of assistance
Division 3: Pet relocation
6.1.20 Purpose
6.1.21 Pet relocation
6.1.22 When costs may be reimbursed – member posted overseas
6.1.23 Limitations on pet relocations
Division 4: Relocation of other animals
6.1.24 Purpose
6.1.25 Members this Division applies to
6.1.25A Member this Division does not apply to
6.1.26 Animal removals
6.1.27 Limitations on animal removals
Part 2: Loss on sale of furniture, effects and private vehicles
6.2.1 Purpose
6.2.1AA Member this Part does not apply to
6.2.1A Loss on items obtained through a grant
6.2.2 Furniture and effects – loss on sale
6.2.3 Furniture and effects – amount of reimbursement
6.2.4 Private vehicles – loss on sale
6.2.5 Private vehicles – amount of reimbursement
Part 3: Travel for removal purposes in Australia
6.3.1 Purpose
6.3.2 Member this Part applies to
6.3.2A Member this Part does not apply to
6.3.3 Uplift travel benefits
6.3.4 Unpack travel benefits
Part 5: Removals and storage
Division 1: General provisions
6.5.3 Purpose
6.5.4 CDF approved removal
6.5.4A Member of the Reserves eligible for a removal
6.5.5 Members not eligible for a removal
6.5.6 When a member’s partner is resident family and a member
Division 2: Removal of furniture and effects
6.5.8 Purpose
6.5.8A COVID-19 pandemic – removal assistance payment
6.5.9 Removal of portable household items
6.5.9A Compensation for loss or damage to items removed or stored
6.5.10 Limitations on removals
6.5.10A Limitations on certain items during the COVID-19 pandemic
6.5.11 Items not removed
6.5.12 Removal of urgently required items
6.5.12A Insurance for urgently required household items
6.5.13 Hire of replacement household items
6.5.14 Technical help for dismantling and installing items
6.5.15 Privately arranged removals – eligibility and conditions for assistance
6.5.16 Privately arranged removals – assistance
6.5.17 Unused removal benefit
Division 3: Removal to or from a family benefit location
6.5.18 Purpose
6.5.18A Member this Division applies to
6.5.19 Compassionate removal to a family benefit location
6.5.19A Removal to a family benefit location for employment or study
6.5.20 Removal to a family benefit location instead of a housing benefit location in a remote location
6.5.21 Removal to family benefit location on seagoing posting
6.5.22 Removal of resident family to a member’s housing benefit location
Division 4: Removal on commencing posting or deployment
6.5.24 Purpose
6.5.24A Definitions
6.5.25 Resident child carer does not attract any benefit
6.5.26 Posting of 6 months or more
6.5.27 Posting of a member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family
6.5.28 Removal of gap year members
6.5.29 Removal between residences in the same location in Australia
6.5.30 Removal in anticipation of a posting – before posting order issued
6.5.31 Posting to location other than anticipated location
6.5.32 Removal after posting authority issued, but before posting date
6.5.33 Primary service location changed for Service reasons after removal
6.5.34 Posting changed or cancelled at the member's request after removal
6.5.35 Removal deferred until after posting date
6.5.36 Removal on posting to a seagoing ship or seagoing submarine
6.5.37 Posting to a remote location
6.5.37A Posting to RAAF Base Tindal
6.5.38 Removal on deployment
Division 6: Removal on ceasing continuous full-time service
6.5.45 Purpose
6.5.45A Member this Division applies to
6.5.46 Removal on ceasing continuous full-time service
6.5.46A Additional removal for members who have unaccompanied resident family
6.5.47 Removal if service continues after intended date of ceasing
6.5.48 Removal on ceasing continuous full-time service at own request
6.5.48A Contributions for removal to chosen location
6.5.49 Removal of vehicle on ceasing continuous full-time service
Division 7: Storage of furniture and effects
6.5.50 Purpose
6.5.50A Member this Division does not apply to
6.5.51 Period for which storage is provided – general
6.5.52 Storage for members who have accompanied resident family or recognised other persons
6.5.53 Member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family
6.5.54 Member who has no resident family or recognised other persons
6.5.54A Posting to RAAF Base Tindal
6.5.55 Newly enlisted members
6.5.56 Storage of statutory officer's official Defence vehicle
6.5.57 Members with own home
6.5.58 Storage at a family benefit location at member's expense
6.5.59 Charges when removal is deferred
6.5.60 Storage on ceasing continuous full-time service
6.5.61 Storage on death of a member who had accompanied resident family or recognised other persons
6.5.62 Removal to and from a storage facility
6.5.63 Review of storage of furniture and effects
6.5.64 Discretion in special circumstances
Division 8: When a member becomes a member who has accompanied resident family or recognised other persons
6.5.65 Purpose
6.5.66 Marriage planned or common household started before posting
6.5.67 Removal after posting authority issued
6.5.68 Removal from outside housing benefit location
6.5.69 Removal from outside Australia
6.5.70 Removal of child's effects
6.5.71 Removal eligibility on next posting
6.5.72 Member's home not suitable to house additional resident family or recognised other persons
6.5.73 Removal only granted once on the recognition of the same relationship
Division 9: When a member no longer has resident family or recognised other persons
6.5.74 Purpose
6.5.75 Member ceases to have any resident family or recognised other persons (other than on death of the resident family or recognised other person)
6.5.75A Member ceases to have resident family or recognised other persons – death of resident family or recognised other persons
Division 10: Assistance on breakdown of relationship
Subdivision 1: General provisions
6.5.76 Simplified outline of this Division
6.5.76A Definitions
6.5.77 Person this Division applies to
Subdivision 2: Eligibility for a removal
6.5.78 Eligibility for removal
6.5.79 Number of removals
Subdivision 3: Removals
6.5.80 Location for removals
6.5.81 What can be removed
6.5.82 What cannot be removed
6.5.83 When a removal will occur
6.5.83A Removals of private vehicles and towable items
Subdivision 4: Additional benefits
6.5.83B Privately arranged removals
6.5.83C Hire of household items
Division 11: Removal on death of a member
6.5.84 Purpose
6.5.85 Removal benefit for resident family or recognised other persons
6.5.86 Removal in Australia on death of member who has no resident family or recognised other persons
6.5.87 Limits on removals following death of a member
Part 5A: Vehicle removals and travel
Division 1: General provisions
6.5A.1 Purpose
6.5A.2 Definitions
6.5A.3 Recreation or hobby vehicle
6.5A.4 Member this Part applies to
6.5A.4A Members this Part does not apply to
6.5A.5 Measurement of distances
Division 2: Vehicle removal assistance
6.5A.6 Purpose
6.5A.7 Vehicle this Division does not apply to
6.5A.8 Vehicle removal assistance – general
6.5A.9 Vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being driven
6.5A.10 Vehicle removal assistance for a vehicle being transported
6.5A.11 Rate of vehicle removal assistance
6.5A.12 Limits on vehicle removal assistance
6.5A.13 Additional vehicle removal assistance – collection and delivery of transported vehicles
6.5A.14 Additional vehicle removal assistance – delayed delivery of vehicles
Division 3: Removals of towable items
6.5A.15 Purpose
6.5A.16 Removal of towable items
6.5A.17 Removal of towable items during the COVID-19 pandemic
6.5A.18 Transportation of a towable item
Division 4: Storage of vehicles
6.5A.19 Storage of vehicles and towable items on deployment
6.5A.20 Storage of vehicles during isolation periods
Part 6: Expenses when a posting is cancelled
6.6.1 Purpose
6.6.2 When this Part applies
6.6.3 Amount of reimbursement
Chapter 7: ADF housing and meals
Part 1: General information and indexes
7.1.1 Purpose
7.1.2 Definitions
Division 1: Introduction
7.1.5 Purpose
7.1.6 Eligibility for housing assistance
7.1.7 Allowance not payable
7.1.8 Discretion in special circumstances
Division 3: Definitions and key concepts
7.1.14 Definitions
7.1.15 Flexible housing trial member
Division 4: House-hunting trips
7.1.18 Purpose
7.1.19 Member who is eligible
7.1.20 Member this Division does not apply to
7.1.21 How to apply for house-hunting trip
7.1.22 CDF may approve a house-hunting trip
7.1.23 House-hunting trip payments
7.1.24 Costs that will not be paid
7.1.25 Car hire for member returning to Australia
7.1.27 House not chosen during house-hunting trip
7.1.28 Evidence of house-hunting trip costs
Part 2: Suitable own home
7.2.1 Purpose
Division 1: Introduction to suitable own home
7.2.4 Purpose
7.2.5 Suitable own home
7.2.6 Own home bought with Defence assistance
7.2.9 When a member's home is unsuitable
Division 2: Home becomes unsuitable
7.2.10 Purpose
7.2.11 Member required to live in tied, appointment or assigned residence
7.2.12 A member's home is not suitable
7.2.13 Member’s home is outside the housing benefit location
Division 3: Home may be unsuitable if it is rented out
7.2.14 Purpose
7.2.15 Member to include release clause in lease
7.2.16 Member waiting for a tenant to leave their home
7.2.17 CDF discretion to grant assistance
7.2.18 Home leased for commercial purposes
Part 3: Home sale or purchase
7.3.1 Purpose
7.3.2 Member this Part applies to
7.3.3 Member this Part does not apply to
7.3.4 Definitions
Division 1: Initial home purchase
7.3.8 Purpose
7.3.10 Conditions of eligibility
7.3.11 Member this Division does not apply to
7.3.12 Purchase of land
7.3.13 When the home must be occupied
7.3.14 Amount of benefit
7.3.15 When a member must repay HPAS
Division 2: Sale of home or subsequent purchase – general
7.3.16 Purpose
7.3.17 Basis
7.3.19 Conditions of eligibility – sale
7.3.20 Conditions of eligibility – purchase
7.3.21 Members not eligible ‒ purchase
7.3.22 Continuity of selling and purchasing
7.3.23 Time limit on sale and purchase
7.3.25 CDF discretion in special circumstances
Division 3: Sale of home or subsequent purchase – particular situations and costs that may be reimbursed
7.3.26 Purpose
7.3.27 Purchasing land
7.3.28 Specified locations
7.3.29 Member returning to previous location
7.3.30 Reimbursement for sale on ceasing continuous full-time service or on a transition location agreement
7.3.31 Amounts and kinds of costs that may be reimbursed
7.3.32 Costs that may not be reimbursed
Part 4: Living-in accommodation
7.4.1 Purpose
7.4.1A Member this Part does not apply to
7.4.2 Principles for the provision of living-in accommodation
7.4.3 Definitions
Division 2: Being required or choosing to live in
7.4.8 Member who is required to occupy living-in accommodation
7.4.9 Member who may choose to live in
7.4.10 Member with suitable accommodation who chooses to live in
7.4.11 Living-in accommodation not available
7.4.12 Responsibility for living-in accommodation
7.4.13 Condition reports
7.4.14 Revoking a licence to live in
Division 3: Suitable living-in accommodation
7.4.15 Suitable living-in accommodation
7.4.16 Classification of living-in accommodation by rank group and purpose
7.4.17 Change in member's rank group
7.4.18 CDF may decide that accommodation is unsuitable
7.4.19 Member required to share room
7.4.23 Living-in accommodation on deployment – 6 months or longer
Division 4: Contribution for living-in accommodation
7.4.24 Contribution for living-in accommodation
7.4.25 Contribution if accommodation is not at level for a member's rank group
7.4.27 Member on leave without pay
7.4.27A Member on a flexible service determination
7.4.27B Member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family on a flexible service determination
7.4.27C If a flexible determination ends early
7.4.28 Contribution on change of rank
7.4.29 Higher contribution for single bedroom apartments – Homebush and North Strathfield
7.4.30 Vacating living-in accommodation
7.4.31 Failure to make contributions
Division 5: Exemptions from contribution
7.4.32 Members who do not pay to occupy living-in accommodation
7.4.33 Member who has no resident family or recognised other persons living under field conditions, on a seagoing ship, a submarine or deployed
7.4.34 Member who has no resident family or recognised other persons required to occupy living-in accommodation temporarily
7.4.35 Member who has no resident family or recognised other persons on temporary duty in another location
7.4.36 Member on leave
Division 6: Members posted to seagoing ships and nuships
7.4.37 Purpose
7.4.38 Basis
7.4.40 Member this Division applies to
7.4.42 Licence to live on a ship
7.4.43 Accommodation on board for seagoing member
7.4.44 Accommodation ashore for seagoing member
7.4.45 Contributions for accommodation ashore – member who has no resident family or recognised other persons
7.4.46 Contributions for accommodation ashore – ship uninhabitable
7.4.47 Accommodation and contributions for seagoing member on temporary duty
7.4.48 Food allowance for seagoing member in temporary accommodation ashore
Annex 7.4.A: Licence to live in
Part 1: Quick guide
7.4.A.1 What is a licence to live in?
7.4.A.2 What you get
7.4.A.3 What you must do and not do
7.4.A.4 What happens if you don't comply with the conditions of the licence
Part 2: Conditions of licence to live in
7.4.A.5 Member must comply with the conditions in this form
7.4.A.6 Start of a licence to live in
7.4.A.7 Permitted use
7.4.A.8 Care of the living-in accommodation
7.4.A.9 Conduct and values
7.4.A.10 Conduct – animals
7.4.A.11 Conduct – damage
7.4.A.12 Conduct – disturbance
7.4.A.13 Conduct – lighting, heating and cooking
7.4.A.14 Conduct – security
7.4.A.15 Conduct – smoking
7.4.A.16 Conduct – vehicles
7.4.A.17 Conduct – visitors
7.4.A.18 Access to a member's room
7.4.A.19 Swapping rooms
7.4.A.20 Moving furniture and fittings
7.4.A.21 Absence from the accommodation
7.4.A.22 When a licence to live in ends
7.4.A.23 Vacating the accommodation
7.4.A.24 What happens if a member fails to comply with this Annex
7.4.A.25 Disputes
Annex 7.4.B: Rates of contribution for living–in accommodation
Part 5: Temporary accommodation allowance
Division 1: General provisions
7.5.1 Purpose
7.5.2 Definitions
7.5.3 Definitions – SAFE scheme
7.5.6 Members eligible
7.5.7 Approval under the SAFE scheme
7.5.8 Member not eligible
7.5.9 Member ceases continuous full-time service
7.5.10 Eligibility of resident family on death of member
7.5.11 Conditions on eligibility
Division 2: Types of accommodation
7.5.12 CDF direction to stay in a specified place
7.5.13 Serviced apartment preferred
7.5.13A Required to isolate – Temporary accommodation
7.5.14 Member required to occupy temporary accommodation
7.5.15 Number of rooms in temporary accommodation
Division 3: Period of eligibility
7.5.16 Start date of period of eligibility
7.5.17 Period of eligibility
7.5.18 Member buying a home
7.5.19 Member temporarily out of a residence
7.5.20 Extension of period of eligibility
Division 4: Rates of allowance and advance payment
7.5.21 Rate of allowance – hotel or serviced apartment
7.5.21A Rate of allowance – Quarantine residence
7.5.22 Amount of assistance – SAFE scheme
7.5.23 Standard of accommodation
7.5.24 Meals – hotel or serviced apartment
7.5.25 Rate of allowance – other temporary accommodation
7.5.26 Meals – other temporary accommodation
7.5.27 Advance payment of allowance
Division 5: Rate of contribution
7.5.28 Purpose
7.5.28A Persons this Division does not apply to
7.5.29 Rate of contribution
7.5.30 Allowance and contribution for member couple
Part 6: Service residences
Division 1: General provisions
7.6.1 Purpose
7.6.2 Member this Part does not apply to
7.6.3 Definitions
Division 2: Suitable Service residence
7.6.4 Suitable Service residence
7.6.6 Members with special needs resident family or recognised other persons
7.6.7 Member with large number of accompanied resident family
7.6.8 Resident child carer
Division 3: Market-rent-based classification of a Service residence
7.6.10 Market-rent-based classification
7.6.12 Standard of service residence
7.6.13 Rent band for a member's rank group
Division 5: Rent band choice homes
7.6.18 Purpose
7.6.19 Rent band choice
7.6.20 Member living in a rent band choice home above their rank group
7.6.21 Member living in rent band choice home below their rank group
Division 6: Appointment, tied and assigned residences
7.6.23 Appointment residences
7.6.24 Tied residences
7.6.25 Assignment of other specific residences
7.6.26 Service residence alternative to tied or appointment residence
7.6.27 Furniture rental for appointment, tied and assigned residences
Division 7: When a member is eligible to live in a Service residence
7.6.28 Member eligible for a Service residence
7.6.28A Member to become a member with accompanied resident family eligible for a Service residence
7.6.29 Member with unaccompanied resident family eligibility in two locations
7.6.30 Member with no resident family eligible for a Service residence
7.6.33 Acceptance or rejection of reasonable offer
7.6.34 Reasons for rejecting a reasonable offer
7.6.35 Changing Service residences
7.6.36 Pet ownership
7.6.37 Ineligible member can apply for surplus Service residence
7.6.38 Service residence for member on deployment
7.6.39 Service residence in family benefit location for member on deployment
Division 8: Contributions
7.6.40 Service residence contribution
7.6.41 Contribution for Service residence or rent band choice home
7.6.41A Contribution for a Service residence under section 7.6.59
7.6.41B Contribution for a Service residence under section 7.6.59A
7.6.41C Contribution on breakdown of relationship under section 7.6.59C
7.6.42 Suspended contributions for a member who has no resident family or recognised other persons
7.6.43 Higher contribution scheme, above rank group
7.6.44 Contribution for a home chosen at a lower rank group's rent band
7.6.45 Member allocated a Service residence above their rank group
7.6.46 Member allocated a Service residence below their rank group
7.6.48 Member promoted or commissioned
7.6.49 Member reduced in rank
7.6.50 Member on leave without pay
7.6.52 Member undergoing training
7.6.53 Service residence reclassified
7.6.54 Contribution for a partner who is also a member
7.6.55A Contribution for member on a flexible service determination
7.6.55B Member who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family on a flexible service determination
7.6.55C If a flexible service determination ends early
Division 9: End of eligibility to live in a Service residence
7.6.56 No Service residence available
7.6.58 Member buys a suitable own home
7.6.59 Resident family or recognised other persons not at the Service residence
7.6.59A Member who request to remain in a Service residence
7.6.59B Dual serving couples on breakdown of relationship
7.6.59C Continued occupation of Service residence for recognised family on breakdown of relationship
7.6.60 Member dies
7.6.61 Member keeps a Service residence at a losing location
7.6.62 Rejecting a Service residence – effect on temporary accommodation allowance
7.6.63 Special conditions on separation – statutory appointees
7.6.64 Resident family and other recognised persons at a family benefit location for a member on a seagoing posting
Part 7: Member choice accommodation
Division 1: General provisions
7.7.1 Purpose
7.7.3 Definitions
7.7.4 Member who is eligible
7.7.5 Member not eligible
7.7.6 Member ceases to be eligible
7.7.7 Members sharing accommodation
7.7.8 Member gains accompanied resident family
7.7.9 Storage of furniture and effects
7.7.10 Advances and repayments
7.7.11 Effect on accommodation when a member is deployed
Division 2: Offer of accommodation and rent ceilings
7.7.12 Accommodation offer
7.7.13 Rent ceilings
Division 3: Contributions
7.7.14 Contributions for accommodation
7.7.14A Contribution for member on a flexible service determination
7.7.14B Member who has unaccompanied resident family on a flexible service determination
7.7.14C When a flexible service determination ends early
7.7.15 Change in classification of accommodation under this Part
7.7.16 Member promoted
7.7.17 Member reduced in rank
7.7.18 Exemptions from contributions
7.7.19 Contribution for member on leave without pay
7.7.21 How visiting members affect contributions
7.7.22 Contribution when one member leaves a shared home
Part 8: Rent allowance
Division 1A: General provisions
7.8.2 Purpose
7.8.3 Definition – sharing a home
Division 1: Member eligible for rent allowance
7.8.5 Member eligible and period of eligibility
7.8.5AA Early Eligibility for Rent Allowance Trial
7.8.5A Continued rent allowance if Service residence is rejected
7.8.5B Rent allowance for a member who has accompanied resident family who is also member
7.8.6 Member not eligible
7.8.7 How to apply for rent allowance
Division 2: Rent ceilings
7.8.8 Purpose
7.8.9 Rent ceilings – living in rental accommodation
7.8.10 Rent ceiling – member living in rental accommodation with no resident family or recognised other persons
7.8.10A Rent ceiling for overlapping housing benefit locations
7.8.11 No rent ceiling set for location
7.8.11A Rent ceiling for certain members of the Navy
7.8.12 CDF may increase rent ceiling
7.8.13 Applications for a rent allowance ceiling increase
7.8.14 Member who cannot apply for increased rent ceiling
7.8.15 Increased rent ceiling – effect on rent allowance
7.8.16 Reduction in rent ceiling – effect on rent allowance
Division 3: Contributions
7.8.17 Contribution for rented home
7.8.17A Contributions for a member who has unaccompanied resident family who is also a member
7.8.18 When rent contribution ceases for a member who has no resident family or recognised other persons
7.8.18A Rent contribution for member on a flexible service determination
7.8.18B Rent contribution for member with who has unaccompanied resident family and no accompanied resident family on a flexible service determination
7.8.18C If a flexible service determination ends early
Division 4: How rent allowance is worked out
7.8.19 Rent allowance – General
7.8.20 Rent allowance – sharing a home
7.8.21 House-sitter for absent member
7.8.22 Resident child carer
7.8.23 Rent allowance – sublet home
7.8.25 Furniture rental
7.8.26 Major General – reduced rent allowance
7.8.27 Member promoted
7.8.28 Member reduced in rank
7.8.29 Changing homes at the housing benefit location or family benefit location
Division 5: Events that will end or limit eligibility
7.8.30 Member moves to other suitable accommodation
7.8.31 Rent allowance on deployment
7.8.32 Member with less than 12 months until ceasing continuous full-time service
7.8.33 Resident family or recognised other persons removed before member ceases full-time service
7.8.34 Member on leave without pay
7.8.35A Contribution for member on a flexible service determination
7.8.36 Resident family not at a rented home
7.8.37 Member dies
7.8.38 Rent allowance audit
7.8.39 Member who fails to respond to audit
Division 6: Advances and repayments
7.8.40 Purpose
7.8.40A Member this Division does not apply to
7.8.41 Assistance with payments for rental home
7.8.42 Advance payment of bond when sharing
7.8.44 Member to give evidence of payment
7.8.45 Unused advances to be repaid
7.8.46 Method of repayment
7.8.47 Rent paid before member moves in
7.8.48 Rent paid after member moves out
Part 9: Meals
Division 1: Contribution for meals
7.9.3 Purpose
7.9.4 Provision of meals
7.9.5 Casual meal charges
7.9.6 Fortnightly meal charges
7.9.7 Fortnightly meal charge rate
7.9.8 Member on leave without pay
Division 2: Food allowances for certain members who live out
7.9.9 Purpose
7.9.10 Eligibility and rate of food allowance
7.9.11 Member not eligible for food allowance
Part 10: Utilities
Division 1: General provisions
7.10.3 Members this Division applies to
7.10.4 Eligible member – reimbursement for utilities
Division 2: Contributions for utilities
7.10.5 Member temporarily away from home
7.10.6 Member who must contribute to the cost of utilities
7.10.7 Contribution for water – Service residence
7.10.8 Contribution for energy costs – tied or Service residences
7.10.9 Contribution for utilities – member occupying living-in accommodation
7.10.9A Contribution for utilities – member occupying living-in accommodation on a flexible service determination
Division 3: Assistance with utilities connections and bonds
7.10.10 Assistance with utility connection deposits
7.10.11 Advance payment of utility connection deposit when sharing
7.10.12 Member to give evidence of payment
7.10.13 Unused advances to be repaid
Annex 7.A: Contributions for Service residence or rent band choice accommodation
Part 1: Contribution for a Service residence – member accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family
Part 2: Higher contribution scheme – contribution for a Service residence where a member chooses a property above their benefit
Part 3: Contribution for member with no resident family or recognised other persons and is not sharing
Part 4: Contribution for member with no resident family or recognised other persons and is sharing
Annex 7.D: Contributions for rent allowance
Part 1: Contribution for rent allowance – resident family and recognised other persons live in rental accommodation
Part 2: Contribution for rent allowance – members in rental accommodation without resident family and recognised other persons
Annex 7.E: Rent ceilings
Part 1: Rent ceilings – member's resident family and recognised other persons live in rental accommodation
Part 1.1 Rent ceiling for member who has accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family – 3–bedrooms
Part 1.2 Member who has accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family and chooses a 2–bedroom rent ceiling
Part 2: Rent ceilings – members live in rental accommodation without resident family or recognised other persons
Part 2.1 Member who lives alone
Part 2.2 Member who shares with one other person
Part 2.3 Member who is sharing with 2 other people
Part 2.4 Member who is sharing with 3 other people
Annex 7.F: Contributions for food – temporary accommodation allowance
Part 11: Evacuation assistance
7.11.1 Purpose
7.11.2 Members this part applies to
7.11.3 Period of evacuation assistance
7.11.4 Accommodation assistance
7.11.5 Meals assistance
7.11.6 Transport assistance
7.11.7 Additional funds
Chapter 8: Assistance for recognised family
Part 4: Education assistance
Division 1: General information on education assistance
8.4.4 Purpose
8.4.5 Definitions
8.4.6 Changes to eligibility periods
8.4.7 Assistance in special circumstances
Division 2: School students at the gaining location
8.4.8 Purpose
8.4.8A School changes that apply to this Division
8.4.9 Member this Division applies to
8.4.10 One on one tutoring
8.4.11 Web-based tutoring
8.4.12 Conditions for reimbursement to member
8.4.13 Payments to tutor
8.4.14 Children with special needs
8.4.15 Education assistance extension
Division 3: Loss of scholarship
8.4.16 Purpose
8.4.17 Member this Division applies to
8.4.18 Loss of scholarship
Division 4: School students not at a housing benefit location or family benefit location
8.4.19 Purpose
8.4.20 Member this Division applies to
8.4.21 Tuition and accommodation costs
8.4.22 Period of reimbursement
Division 5: Tertiary students not at the housing benefit location or the family benefit location
8.4.23 Purpose
8.4.24 Member this Division applies to
8.4.25 Rate and period of assistance
Part 5: Emergency Support for Families Scheme
8.5.1 Purpose
8.5.2 Definitions
8.5.3 Emergency support
8.5.4 Emergency support
8.5.5 When emergency support has been approved
8.5.6 Types of services available
Part 6: Resident family who have special needs
Division 1: Assistance on removal
8.6.1 Purpose
8.6.2 Member this Division applies to
8.6.3 Limitations on assistance
8.6.4 Payment
8.6.5 Special needs pre-posting visits
8.6.6 Assistance with respite, personal care or therapy services
8.6.7 Assistance with equipment hire
8.6.8 Special housing needs
8.6.9 Unpacking assistance during removal
Division 2: Assistance when there is no removal to a new housing benefit location or family benefit location
8.6.10 Purpose
8.6.11 Member this Division applies to
8.6.12 Additional assistance
Part 7: Family assistance for attendance at a Court of Inquiry
8.7.1 Purpose
8.7.2 Definitions used in this Part
8.7.3 Persons who this Part applies to
8.7.4 Persons this Part does not apply to
8.7.5 When assistance under this Part ceases
8.7.5A Assistance for attendance at a briefing
8.7.6 Assistance with domestic travel
8.7.7 Assistance with accommodation
8.7.8 Assistance with meals
8.7.9 Assistance with incidental expenses
8.7.10 Assistance with resident family or child care
8.7.12 Accountability
Part 7A: Assistance for attendance at a Royal Commission
8.7A.1 Purpose
8.7A.2 Definitions
8.7A.3 Persons who this Part applies to
8.7A.4 When assistance under this Part ceases
8.7A.5 Assistance with transport
8.7A.6 Assistance with accommodation
8.7A.7 Assistance with meals
8.7A.8 Assistance with incidental expenses
8.7A.9 Assistance with dependant or child care
Part 8: Family assistance for attendance at a coronial inquest
8.8.1 Purpose
8.8.2 Definitions
8.8.3 Persons who this Part applies to
8.8.4 Assistance with travel
8.8.5 Assistance with legal representation
Part 9: ADF family health program
8.9.1 Purpose
8.9.2 Definitions
8.9.2A Eligible dependant
8.9.3 Members this Part applies to
8.9.4 Registration of newborns
8.9.5 Application for reimbursement
8.9.6 Reimbursement – General practice setting
8.9.6A Reimbursement benefit
8.9.7 Reimbursable items – Specialists, allied health services and related products
8.9.7A Reimbursable items – Nicotine dependency reduction
8.9.7B Reimbursable items – Ambulance cover
8.9.7C Reimbursable items – Healthy eating programs
8.9.7D Reimbursable items – Memberships and fitness classes
8.9.7E Reimbursable items – Cancer screening and prevention
8.9.8 Continuation of benefits following the death of a member
Part 10: Reserve Assistance Program
8.10.1 Overview
8.10.2 Person this Part applies to
8.10.3 Counselling sessions
8.10.4 Multiple benefits
8.10.5 Benefits
Chapter 9: ADF travel in Australia
Part 1A: General provisions
9.1A.1 Definitions
9.1A.2 Allowable travel time
Part 1: Basic travel benefits
9.1.1 Purpose
9.1.3 Most economical means of travel
9.1.4 Air as the most economical means of travel
9.1.4A Most economical means between Canberra and Nowra or Jervis Bay
9.1.5 Lowest practical fare
9.1.6 Travel by own means
9.1.7 Normal departmental liability
9.1.8 Cost of air travel for working out normal departmental liability
9.1.9 Class of travel
9.1.10 Baggage – general
9.1.11 Extra baggage
9.1.12 Door-to-door travel
9.1.13 Travel costs not otherwise payable under this Chapter
Part 2: Travel in specific circumstances
Division 2: Travel on temporary duty
9.2.5 Purpose
9.2.6 Travel by the most economical means
9.2.7 Travel by means that are not the most economical
Division 3: Travel for removal purposes in Australia
9.2.8 Purpose
9.2.8A Members this Division does not apply to
9.2.9 Travel for first removal after entry into Service
9.2.10 Subsequent eligibility for removal travel
9.2.11 Resident family or recognised other persons move before member's posting date
9.2.12 Members who has no resident family or recognised other persons – away from their primary service location
Division 4: Travel on posting
9.2.13 Purpose
9.2.14 Rail as the most economical means of travel
9.2.15 Air as the most economical means of travel
9.2.16 Coach as the most economical means of travel
9.2.17 Reimbursement of personal expenditure on travel
9.2.18 Members travelling without resident family or recognised other persons
9.2.19 Delayed or interrupted travel
9.2.19A Rerouted travel
9.2.20 Dual benefit
9.2.21 Cost limits on travel on posting and removal to certain destinations
Division 5: Travel in particular situations
9.2.22 Purpose
9.2.23 Rejoining a ship that has sailed
9.2.24 Recall for emergency duty
9.2.25 Travel during a medical absence
9.2.26 Specialist medical or dental treatment for resident family in remote locations
Division 6: Travel on ceasing continuous full-time service – general
9.2.27 Purpose
9.2.28 Members this Division applies to
9.2.29 Members this Division does not apply to
9.2.30 Additional baggage for travel on ceasing continuous full-time service
9.2.31 Meals and accommodation
9.2.32 Travel by private vehicle
9.2.33 Dual benefit
Division 7: Travel on ceasing continuous full-time service – specific circumstances
9.2.34 Travel in advance of ceasing continuous full-time service
9.2.35 Limits to travel on leaving a family benefit location
9.2.36 Involuntary separation through member's fault
9.2.37 Recruit who chooses free discharge
9.2.38 Deferral of travel benefit
9.2.39 Failure to complete service
Division 8: Members of the Reserves – duty travel
9.2.40 Purpose
9.2.41 Benefits under this Division
9.2.42 Limit on Commonwealth expense
Part 3: Travel and resident family
Division 1: Travel on recognition of a relationship
9.3.3 Purpose
9.3.4 Overview
9.3.5 Basic benefits
9.3.6 When a member travels at their own expense
9.3.7 Member's partner also a member
9.3.8 Marriage planned or common household started before posting
9.3.9 Travel from other location in Australia
9.3.10 Travel from outside Australia
9.3.11 Change of family status in special circumstances
9.3.12 Travel for a child
9.3.14 Travel on next posting
Division 2: Travel on breakdown of relationship
9.3.15 Purpose
9.3.17 Members this Division does not apply to
9.3.18 Travel on breakdown of relationship
9.3.19 Accommodation during travel
9.3.20 Meals during travel
9.3.21 Travel by private vehicle
9.3.22 Baggage
Division 3: Travel on maternity leave
9.3.24 Purpose
9.3.25 Member this Division applies to
9.3.26 Travel on maternity leave
9.3.27 Transfer of benefit
Division 4: Reunion travel
Subdivision 1: General provisions
9.3.28 Purpose
9.3.29 Limits on reunion travel within a 12 month period
9.3.31 Using reunion travel credits
9.3.32 How reunion travel credits are reduced
9.3.33 Benefit for each reunion travel credit
9.3.33A Using multiple reunion travel credits
9.3.33B Additional benefits for each reunion travel credit – COVID-19
Subdivision 2: Reunion travel — reuniting with resident family
9.3.33C Member this Subdivision applies to
9.3.33D Reunion travel credits — general
9.3.33E Reunion travel credits — member on a flexible service determination
9.3.33F Reunion travel credits — when flexible service determination is varied
9.3.33G Crediting of reunion travel credits
9.3.33H Expiry of reunion travel credits
Subdivision 3: Reunion travel — reuniting with non-resident family
9.3.33I Member this subdivision applies to
9.3.33J Reunion travel credits
9.3.33K Crediting of reunion travel credits
9.3.33L Expiry of reunion travel credits
Division 5: Reunion travel for school students
9.3.34 Purpose
9.3.35 Member this Division applies to
9.3.36 Benefit
9.3.37 Mode of travel
Division 6: Student reunion travel to members in remote locations
9.3.38 Purpose
9.3.39 Member this Division applies to
9.3.40 Benefit
9.3.41 Period of eligibility
9.3.42 Additional travel beyond benefit
9.3.43 Mode of travel
Division 7: Reunion travel for tertiary students
9.3.44 Purpose
9.3.45 Member this Division applies to
9.3.46 Benefit
9.3.47 Mode of travel
Division 8: Compassionate travel
9.3.48 Purpose
9.3.49 Overview
9.3.50 Who this Division does not apply to
9.3.52 Who may be visited
9.3.52A Attendance at memorial services – COVID-19
9.3.53 Exceptional reasons
9.3.54 Eligibility of member's partner – extra conditions
9.3.55 Travel overseas
9.3.56 Compassionate travel and leave
9.3.57 Means of travel
9.3.58 Reimbursement of member's costs
9.3.59 Transfer of benefit
9.3.60 Children accompanying the member or partner
9.3.60A Additional benefits for compassionate travel – COVID-19
9.3.61 Other travel costs
Division 9: Australians dangerously ill scheme – within Australia
9.3.63 Purpose
9.3.64 Definitions
9.3.65 Member this Division applies to
9.3.66 Members who this Division does not apply to
9.3.67 People who may be an approved visitor
9.3.68 Approved period for visit
9.3.69 Long term illness
9.3.71 Assistance with domestic travel
9.3.72 Travel by private vehicle
9.3.73 Assistance with accommodation
9.3.74 Assistance with meals
9.3.75 When the member's condition changes
Division 10: Travel for resident family on death of a member
9.3.76 Purpose
9.3.77 Basic benefit
9.3.77A Recognised other persons
9.3.78 Member not living with their resident family at time of death
9.3.79 Deceased member's partner also a member
9.3.80 Means of travel
9.3.81 Travel by coach
9.3.83 Baggage
9.3.84 Deferral of a resident family's travel
Division 11: Travel for representational purposes
9.3.85 Member accompanied on business travel within Australia
Part 4: Leave travel
9.4.1 Overview
9.4.3 Nominated family
9.4.4 CDF approval of closest relative
9.4.4A Interaction with other travel and reunion benefits
Division 1: Recreation leave travel
9.4.5 Purpose
9.4.5A Members this Division applies to
9.4.6 Eligibility for recreation leave travel within Australia
9.4.7 Recreation leave travel benefit
9.4.8 Number of recreation leave travel trips
9.4.9 Travel in advance of eligibility
9.4.10 Excess travel costs
9.4.11 Offset of benefit for travel to alternative destination
9.4.12 Vehicle allowance for trip to transport terminal
9.4.13 Transfer of benefit
9.4.14 Member with family overseas
9.4.15 Recreation leave travel – trainees
Division 2: Pre-deployment leave travel
9.4.16 Purpose
9.4.17 Benefit
9.4.18 Member not eligible
9.4.19 Offset of benefit
Division 3: Post-deployment leave travel
9.4.20 Purpose
9.4.21 Benefit
9.4.22 Member must use recreation leave travel if available
Division 4: Remote location leave travel
9.4.23 Purpose
9.4.25 Definitions
9.4.25A Limits on using remote location leave travel benefits
9.4.26 Scheme A – member who has no resident family
9.4.27 Scheme A – member who has unaccompanied resident family
9.4.28 Scheme A – travel for unaccompanied resident family
9.4.29 Basic benefit – accompanied resident family
9.4.30 Scheme A – member accompanied resident family and no unaccompanied resident family
9.4.31 Scheme B – accompanied resident family
9.4.32 Scheme A – offset of benefit to another destination
9.4.33 Schemes A and B – advances of benefit
9.4.34 Schemes A and B – lapsing of benefit
9.4.35 Schemes A and B – deferral of benefit
9.4.36 Schemes A and B – change in family circumstance
9.4.37 Schemes A and B – partner is a member
9.4.38 Schemes A and B – partner is a Defence APS employee
9.4.40 Schemes A and B – Tindal travel arrangements
9.4.40A Schemes A and B – additional travel arrangements
9.4.41 Schemes A and B – resident family under the age of 18
Part 5: Payment of travel costs
Division 1: Members eligible and definitions
9.5.3 Purpose
9.5.4 Member this Part applies to
9.5.5 Member this Part does not apply to
9.5.8 Definitions
9.5.9 Travel period – business travel
9.5.10 Part-day travel period
9.5.11 Travel period – in connection with change in primary service location
9.5.12 Travel period – ceasing continuous full-time service
Division 2: Travel on Defence business
9.5.13 Purpose
9.5.14 Member this Division applies to
9.5.15 Meaning of normal accommodation stock
9.5.16 Accommodation while living out on a journey
9.5.17 Meals and incidentals while living out on a journey
9.5.18 Limits on payment for meals and accommodation
9.5.19 When there is no eligibility for incidentals
9.5.20 Member occupying living-in accommodation
9.5.21 Keeping accommodation while occupying living-in accommodation on temporary duty
9.5.22 Travel for more than 21 days
9.5.23 Limits on travel costs for journey longer than 21 days
9.5.24 Accommodation and meals for resident family
9.5.25 Incidentals for a member on a course
9.5.26 Overnight stay following a period of Reserve service
9.5.27 Eligibility for incidentals at annual Reserve camp
9.5.28 Recall from recreation leave or long service leave
9.5.29 Additional payment toward travelling costs
9.5.30 End of eligibility
Division 3: Travelling allowance
9.5.32 Purpose
9.5.33 Member this Division applies to
9.5.34 Members this Division does not apply to
9.5.35 Travel costs while living out on a journey
9.5.35A Quarantine residence while living out on a journey
9.5.36 Limits on travelling allowance for meals and accommodation
9.5.37 When there is no eligibility for incidentals
9.5.38 Incidentals for a member on a course
9.5.39 Member occupying living-in accommodation
9.5.40 Keeping accommodation while occupying living-in accommodation on temporary duty
9.5.41 Travel for more than 21 days
9.5.42 Limits on travel costs for journey longer than 21 days
9.5.43 Accommodation and meals for resident family
9.5.44 Overnight stay following a period of Reserve service
9.5.45 Eligibility for incidentals at annual Reserve camp
9.5.46 Recall from recreation leave or long service leave
9.5.47 Additional travelling allowance
9.5.48 Confirming actual travel costs
Division 4: Travel allowance on removal
9.5.49 Member this Division applies to
9.5.50 Definitions
9.5.51 Travel allowance on removal
9.5.52 Measurement of distances
9.5.53 Accommodation on removal
9.5.54 Meals on removal
9.5.55 Incidentals on removal
9.5.56 Door-to-door travel on removal
Annex 9.5.A: Amounts for accommodation, meals and incidentals
Part 1: Accommodation rates
Part 2: High-cost country centres – accommodation
Part 3: Medium-cost country centres
Part 4: Meals and incidentals
Annex 9.5.B: Amounts for travel after 21 days
Part 1: Amounts for travel after 21 days – accommodation
Part 2: Amounts for travel after 21 days – meals
Part 6: Vehicle allowance
Division 1: General
9.6.4 Purpose
9.6.5 Member this Part applies to
9.6.6 Member this Part does not apply to
9.6.7 Definitions
9.6.8 Insurance
9.6.9 Journey varied or not made
Division 2: Authorised travel on duty and recall to duty from paid leave
9.6.10 Purpose
9.6.11 Authorised travel – on duty
9.6.12 Recall from leave
9.6.13 Benefit – travel on duty
Division 4: Authorised travel on other journeys
9.6.18 Purpose
9.6.19 Public transport stoppages
9.6.20 Recall outside normal working hours
9.6.21 Recreation leave travel by private vehicle
9.6.22 Recognition of a relationship
9.6.23 Benefit
Division 5: Vehicle allowance amounts and limits
9.6.24 Purpose
9.6.25 Amount of allowance and calculation of distance
9.6.26 Increased rate for passengers, equipment etc
9.6.27 Additional vehicle allowance
9.6.28 Limit to benefit
Part 7: Aircraft allowance
9.7.1 Purpose
9.7.2 Member this Part applies to
9.7.3 When this Part does not apply
9.7.4 Definitions
9.7.5 Authorised travel by private aircraft
9.7.6 Benefit
9.7.7 Amount of allowance
9.7.8 Limit to benefit
9.7.9 Insurance
Chapter 10: Clothing and personal effects
Part 1: General provisions
10.1.1 Definitions
Part 2: Personal purchase of uniform articles
10.2.1 Purpose
10.2.2 Member this Part applies to
10.2.3 Benefit
Part 3: Aide-de-camp, ADF advisor and other specified persons benefit
10.3.1 Purpose
10.3.2 Member this Part applies to
10.3.3 Clothing benefit
Part 4: Loss or damage to clothing or personal effects
10.4.1 Purpose
10.4.1A Member this Part applies to
10.4.2 Payment for loss or damage
10.4.3 Amount of payment
Part 5: Plain clothes allowance
10.5.1 Purpose
10.5.2 Plain clothes allowance
10.5.3 Limits on reimbursement
Chapter 11: ADF-related compensation
Part 2: Additional military compensation
Division 1: General provisions
11.2.1 Purpose
11.2.3 Limits to application of benefits under this Part
11.2.4 Definitions
11.2.4A Dependent child
11.2.5 Some aspects of dependency
11.2.6 Damages or compensation recovered or received for the benefit of a member’s resident family
Division 2: Additional death benefit
11.2.7 Entitlement to additional death benefit
11.2.8 Calculation of the ADB
11.2.9 Who the ADB is payable to
Division 3: Severe injury adjustment
11.2.10 Entitlement to a severe injury adjustment
11.2.11 Calculation of the SIA
11.2.12 Who the SIA is payable to
11.2.13 Interim payment of SIA
Division 4: Avoidance of double benefits
11.2.14 Notice of proceedings against a third party
11.2.15 SIA or ADB not payable if damages are recovered
11.2.16 No double benefit if State workers' compensation is received
11.2.17 No double benefit if State compensation is received
11.2.18 Statutory declaration as to State workers' compensation etc.
11.2.19 Reduction of SIA or ADB if similar compensation received before commencement
11.2.20 Recovery of SIA or ADB that is repayable
Division 5: Authorisation of payment and review of decisions
11.2.21 Payment of SIA or ADB
11.2.22 Notice of decisions
11.2.23 Reconsideration of decisions
11.2.24 Review by Tribunal of reconsidered decisions
Division 6: General
11.2.25 Reimbursement for cost of financial advice
11.2.26 Indexation of amounts
11.2.27 Exercise of powers by Secretary
Part 3: Payment of financial entitlements on death
11.3.1 Purpose
11.3.2 Entitlement for leave and other compensation
11.3.3 Bereavement payment
11.3.4 Payment for financial or legal advice
Part 4: Funeral and transportation costs on death
11.4.1 Purpose
11.4.2 Dual entitlement
11.4.4 Administration
11.4.4A Legal personal representative
Division 1: Funeral costs, floral and non-floral tributes for deceased members or former members
11.4.5 Purpose
11.4.6 Member or former member this Division applies to
11.4.7 Member this Division does not apply to
11.4.9 Funeral costs
11.4.10 Funeral overseas
11.4.10A Memorial services after the COVID-19 pandemic
11.4.11 Travel and accommodation
11.4.12 Floral and non-floral tributes
Division 2: Assistance on death of resident family in Australia
11.4.13 Purpose
11.4.14 Member this Division applies to
11.4.15 Assistance provided when resident family dies
Volume 3
Chapter 12: Overseas conditions of service – overview
Part 1: General information on Chapters 12 to 16
12.1.1 Member Chapters 12 to 16 apply to
12.1.2 Member Chapters 12 to 16 do not apply to
Part 3: Definitions for Chapters 12 to 17
12.3.1 Definitions
12.3.2 Accompanied member
12.3.3 Allowable travel cost
12.3.5 Dependant
12.3.9 Long-term posting overseas
12.3.14A Post index
12.3.16 Posting period overseas
12.3.18 Short-term duty overseas
12.3.19 Time zone hour
Annex 12.3.B: Post index locations
Part 4: Service with the United Nations
12.4.1 Purpose
12.4.2 Period of service with the United Nations counts as service
Division 1: Member remunerated by the UN
12.4.4 Purpose
12.4.5 Member this Division applies to
12.4.6 Allowances and benefits not payable
Division 2: Member remunerated by the ADF
12.4.7 Purpose
12.4.8 Member this Division applies to
12.4.9 Allowances and benefits payable
12.4.10 Leave arrangements during the period of service with the United Nations
Part 5: International travel and isolation periods
12.5.1 Purpose
12.5.2 Persons this Part applies to
12.5.3 Cost of isolation accommodation
12.5.4 Alternative accommodation
12.5.4A Accommodation at end of duty overseas – quarantine residence
12.5.5 Meal supplement allowance – outside of Australia
12.5.6 Incidentals – outside of Australia
12.5.7 Meal supplement allowance – in Australia
Part 6: Imprisonment, detention and custody overseas
12.6.1 Purpose
12.6.2 Member this Part applies to
12.6.3 Member this Part does not apply to
12.6.4 Dependants remaining in overseas location
12.6.5 Return travel to Australia before duty period has ended
12.6.6 Return travel to Australia after duty period has ended
12.6.7 Member deported from country
12.6.8 Travel for a member’s dependants
12.6.9 Additional recreation leave and assisted leave travel
12.6.10 Leave on release
12.6.11 Storage
12.6.12 Funeral expenses
Part 7: Death of member or dependant overseas
12.7.1 Purpose
12.7.2 Definitions
12.7.3 Person this Part applies to
12.7.4 Assistance if member dies
12.7.5 Assistance if dependant dies
12.7.6 Continuing benefits for dependants
12.7.7 Reimbursement for loss on sale of vehicle if member dies
Part 8: Australians dangerously ill scheme – overseas
Division 1: General provisions
Subdivision 1: Interpretation
12.8.1 Simplified outline of this Part
12.8.2 Definitions
12.8.3 Approved visitor
12.8.4 Additional approved visitor
Subdivision 2: Application
12.8.5 Member this Part apples to
Division 2: Extension or cessation of approved period
12.8.6 Extension of approved period
12.8.7 Cessation of approved period – member’s condition improved or provided a welfare management plan
12.8.8 Cessation of approved period – death of member
Division 3: Benefits
Subdivision 1: Eligibility and reimbursement
12.8.9 Eligibility for benefits
12.8.10 Reimbursement of costs
Subdivision 2: Benefits
12.8.11 Travel and medical insurance
12.8.12 Passports, visas and vaccinations
12.8.13 Overseas travel
12.8.14 Incidental travel expenses
12.8.15 Accommodation
12.8.16 Meals
Chapter 13: Short-term duty and peacetime deployment overseas
Part 1: General provisions
13.1.1 Purpose
13.1.2 Member this Chapter applies to
13.1.3 Member this Chapter does not apply to
Part 2: Overseas travel benefits
Division 1: Class of air travel
13.2.4 Member this Division does not apply to
13.2.5 Class of air travel for member travelling when pregnant
13.2.5A Class of air travel for members travelling in groups
13.2.5B Class of air travel for members travelling on a peacetime deployment, exercise or activity
13.2.6 Class of air travel for short-term duty
13.2.7 Downgrading the class of air travel
13.2.8 CDF discretion for first class air travel
Division 2: Rest periods
13.2.9 Purpose
13.2.10 Member this Division does not apply to
13.2.11 Rest period benefits
Division 3: Accompanied travel
13.2.12A Member this Division does not apply to
13.2.13 Partner accompanying member on short-term duty overseas
Division 4: Miscellaneous costs of short-term duty overseas
13.2.14 Insuring personal effects
Part 3: Travel costs for short-term duty overseas
13.3.1 Purpose
13.3.2 Basis
13.3.4 Member eligible to use the travel card
13.3.5 Member not eligible to use the travel card
Division 1: Rates, limitations and specific situations
13.3.6 Travel costs while living out
13.3.7 Allowance to pay for travel costs
13.3.8 Limits on benefits
13.3.9 Reduced rates for meals on day of arrival or departure
13.3.10 Reduced eligibility for incidentals
13.3.11 Additional travel costs
13.3.12 Top-up of costs paid by another organisation
13.3.13 Travel costs when in hospital
13.3.15 Part-day travel
13.3.16 Travelling allowance while occupying living-in accommodation
Division 2: Equipment costs
13.3.17 Purpose
13.3.17A Member this Division does not apply to
13.3.18 Benefit
13.3.19 Additional equipment costs
Annex 13.3.A: Travel costs
Part 1: Brigadier or higher
Part 2: Colonel or lower
Part 4: Special conditions and allowances
Division 1: Member on Defence co-operation program or project
13.4.3 Member this Division applies to
13.4.4 Member this Division does not apply to
13.4.5 Allowance if meals not provided
13.4.6 Allowance for supplementary dietary needs
Division 2: Officially approved activities
13.4.7 Member this Division applies to
13.4.7A Member this Division does not apply to
13.4.8 Help with travel costs
Chapter 14: Relocating to or from a long-term posting overseas
Part 1: General provisions
14.1.1 Member this Chapter does not apply to
14.1.2 Definitions
Part 2: Before leaving Australia
Division 1: Pre-departure certificate of fitness
14.2.3 Person this Division applies to
14.2.4 Pre-departure certificate of fitness
Division 2: Financial advances
14.2.5 Member this Division applies to
14.2.6 Outlay advance — purpose
14.2.7 Outlay advance — payment
14.2.8 Outlay advance — statement
Division 3: Expenses if overseas posting is cancelled
14.2.11 Reimbursement of costs if long-term posting cancelled
Division 4: Delay in departure accommodation
14.2.12 Definitions
14.2.13 People this Division applies
14.2.14 Eligibility for temporary accommodation
14.2.15 Duration of eligibility
Part 3: Removals
14.3.1 Overview
14.3.2 Member this Part applies to
14.3.3 Dual entitlements
Division 1: Removal, storage or sale of items
14.3.5 Removal at beginning of posting
14.3.6 Pet relocation
14.3.7 Storage of items not removed
14.3.7A Items placed in temporary storage
14.3.8 Loss on sale or disposal of items
14.3.9 Storage of excess items
14.3.11 Removal at end of posting
14.3.12 Unacceptable items for removal
14.3.13 Benefits if enlisted overseas
Division 2: Storage and removal of private vehicles
14.3.15 Storage of vehicle
14.3.16 Removal of vehicle on return to Australia
Division 3: Transfer allowance
14.3.17 Purpose
14.3.18 Benefit
Division 4: Loss or damage
14.3.19 Insurance for removal
Division 5: Dependant removals in special cases
14.3.20 Purpose
14.3.21 Separate removal of member and dependant
14.3.22 Moving dependants within Australia
Division 6: Removals if dependant status changes
14.3.23 Purpose
14.3.24 Member marries or has partnership recognised at posting location
14.3.25 Member marries or has partnership recognised away from posting location
14.3.26 Removal on next posting
14.3.27 Ceasing to be a member with dependants overseas
Part 4: Travel to and from the posting location
14.4.1 Overview
14.4.2 Member this Part applies to
Division 1: Travel benefits
14.4.4 International best fare
14.4.5 Travel benefit
14.4.6 Travel costs
14.4.7 Class of air travel for long-term posting
14.4.8 Alternative travel modes and routes
14.4.9 Travel by private vehicle
Division 2: Baggage benefits
14.4.10 Baggage benefits
14.4.11 Excess baggage
14.4.12 Unaccompanied baggage or air freight
Division 3: Rest periods
14.4.13 Purpose
14.4.15 Rest period benefits
Division 4: Dependants not travelling with the member
14.4.17 Dependants not travelling with member
14.4.18 Baggage charges
Part 5: Settling in and out
14.5.1 Purpose
14.5.2 Member this Part applies to
14.5.3 Settling in at the posting location
14.5.4 Settling out of posting location
14.5.5 Settling in/settling out allowance
Part 6: Evacuations and withdrawals from posting
Division 1: Evacuations
14.6.4 Member this Division applies to
14.6.4A Member this Division does not apply to
14.6.5 Period of evacuation
14.6.6 Transport for evacuation
14.6.7 Accommodation and meals during evacuation
14.6.8 Conditions of service during evacuation
14.6.9 Overseas living allowances
14.6.10 Purchase of clothes during evacuation
14.6.11 Storage during evacuation
14.6.12 Health assistance
14.6.13 Education assistance during evacuation
14.6.14 Reunion visits during evacuation
Division 2: Withdrawal from posting
14.6.17 Losses if Commonwealth withdraws from posting
Division 3: Loss or damage to possessions overseas
14.6.18 Purpose
14.6.19 Member this Division applies to
14.6.20 Definition – possessions
14.6.21 General conditions
14.6.22 Loss or damage – private vehicles
14.6.23 CDF decision on loss
Chapter 14A: COVID-19 response
Part 1: COVID 19 evacuations
14A.1.1 Purpose
14A.1.2 Definitions
Division 1: Evacuation flights
14A.1.3 Person this Division applies to
14A.1.4 Evacuation flights
14A.1.5 End of evacuation flights
14A.1.6 Excess baggage
14A.1.6A Transit accommodation and meals
Division 2: Accommodation and meals
14A.1.7 Accommodation on return to Australia
Division 3: Additional ongoing benefits
14A.1.9 Person this Division applies to
14A.1.10 Ongoing accommodation in Australia
14A.1.11 Accommodation limits and contributions
14A.1.11A Furniture and household items
14A.1.12 Larder establishment payment
14A.1.14 Storage in the overseas location
14A.1.15 Pets remaining in an overseas location
14A.1.16 Overseas living allowances – member in Australia
14A.1.17 Location allowance – member in Australia
14A.1.17A Additional recreation leave for hardship locations – member in Australia
14A.1.18 Education assistance
14A.1.19 Additional benefits
14A.1.19A Temporary duty in Australia
Division 5: Member and dependants remaining overseas
14A.1.20 Purpose
14A.1.21 Education assistance
14A.1.22 Reduction in overseas allowances
14A.1.23 Reunion travel
Part 2: Absence from place of duty
14A.2.1 Purpose
14A.2.2 Definitions
14A.2.3 Person this Part applies to
14A.2.4 Isolation benefits – long-term posting overseas
14A.2.5 Isolation benefits – short-term duty overseas
14A.2.6 Meal supplement allowance
Chapter 15: Living and working on long-term posting overseas
Part 1: General provisions
Division 1: Purpose, application and definitions
15.1.1 Purpose
15.1.2 Member this Chapter does not apply to
15.1.3 Definitions
15.1.3A Benchmark school
15.1.4 Close relative
15.1.5 Compulsory tuition fees
15.1.6 Official vehicle
15.1.7 Posting location
15.1.8 Utilities
Division 2: Public holidays and Christmas stand-down
15.1.10 Public holidays overseas
15.1.11 Christmas stand-down
Part 2A: Overseas living allowances
Division 1: Purpose, application and key concepts
15.2A.3 Purpose
15.2A.6 Changes in overseas living allowances
15.2A.8 Effect of non-Commonwealth allowances on the overseas living allowances
15.2A.9 The dual Commonwealth benefit rule
Division 2: Cost of living adjustment
15.2A.10 Purpose
15.2A.11 Eligibility for cost of living adjustment
15.2A.12 Rate of cost of living adjustment
Division 3: Cost of posting allowance
15.2A.13 Purpose
15.2A.14 Period of eligibility
15.2A.15 Rate of allowance
15.2A.16 Supplementary cost of posting allowance for Manhattan, New York, USA
Division 4: Child supplement allowance
15.2A.17 Purpose
15.2A.18 Member this Division applies to
15.2A.19 Period of eligibility
15.2A.20 Amount of allowance
Division 5: Other matters affecting the overseas living allowances
15.2A.21 Purpose
15.2A.22 Member this Division applies to
15.2A.23 Temporary absence from the posting location – accompanied member
15.2A.24 Temporary absence from the posting location – unaccompanied member
15.2A.25 Member permanently leaves posting location before their dependants
Division 6: Meal and clothing allowances
15.2A.26 Purpose
15.2A.27 Meal allowance – additional duty
15.2A.28 Meal costs in temporary accommodation
15.2A.29 Special garment allowance
Part 3: Travel during a long-term posting
15.3.1 Purpose
15.3.2 Member this Part applies to
Division 1: Travel for short-term duty while on long-term posting
15.3.4 Travel for short-term duty while on long-term posting
15.3.4A Member this Division does not apply to
15.3.4B Benefits while on short-term duty
15.3.5 Travel by private vehicle
Division 2: Excess commuting costs
15.3.6 Purpose
15.3.7 Public Transport
15.3.8 Private vehicle
15.3.9 Use of public transport and private vehicle combined
Division 3: Overseas reunion travel
Subdivision 1: Reunion travel for a member with recognised dependants
15.3.10 Purpose
15.3.11 Member this Division applies to
15.3.12 Number of reunion visits to overseas posting location
15.3.13 Time periods for reunions
15.3.14 Amount of reimbursements – travel
15.3.14A Amount of reimbursements – unavoidable stopover
15.3.15 Cost of escort for child – USA or Canada
15.3.15A Costs for escort for child – Marshall Islands
15.3.16 Member or partner visits dependant ('reverse overseas reunion')
15.3.17 Reverse dependant overseas reunion travel to a non-dependant
15.3.17A Reunion visits with guardians in Australia
Subdivision 2: Reunion travel for a member with no recognised dependants
15.3.17B Purpose
15.3.17C Member this Subdivision applies to
15.3.17D Eligibility for reunion travel benefits
15.3.17E Taking a reunion travel benefit
15.3.17F Reunion travel benefit
15.3.17G Unavoidable stopover
Division 4: Vehicle allowances
15.3.18 Purpose
15.3.19 Member this Division applies to
15.3.20 Member this Division does not apply to
15.3.21 Vehicle allowance
15.3.22 Personal property tax on vehicle – USA
Division 5: Vehicle contribution
15.3.23 Purpose
15.3.25 Hire of official vehicle for casual short-term private use
15.3.26 Continuous full-time private use of official vehicle
15.3.27 Miscellaneous vehicle costs
15.3.28 Defence Executive Vehicle Scheme
15.3.29 Waiver of contribution
Division 6: Travel for compassionate reasons
15.3.30 Purpose
15.3.32 Payment of benefits under this Division
15.3.33 Close relative to visit a person overseas with a serious or very serious illness
15.3.34 Close relative travel for matters following a death overseas
15.3.35 Member or partner to visit a close relative
15.3.36 Fares for children
Division 7: Travel on extension of posting or second overseas posting
15.3.37 Purpose
15.3.38 Additional travel when posting extended
15.3.39 Additional travel on back-to-back long-term posting overseas
15.3.39A Additional travel – additional benefits
15.3.40 Dependants' travel costs to join the member on posting extension or posting to a second long-term posting overseas
Part 4: Housing
15.4.1 Purpose
15.4.2 Member this Part applies to
15.4.3 Member this Part does not apply to
Division 1: Housing
15.4.5 Purpose
15.4.6 Housing benefits
15.4.7 Rental bond advance – USA, Canada and UK
15.4.8 Costs incurred under terms of occupancy
15.4.9 Dispute about damage to property
15.4.10 Changing housing during posting
15.4.11 Housing becomes unavailable or unfit
Division 2: Utilities
15.4.12 Purpose
15.4.13 Member this Division does not apply to
15.4.15 Benefit
Division 4: Rent and utilities contribution
15.4.17 Purpose
15.4.18 Rent contribution
15.4.18A Utilities contribution
15.4.19 Dual liability
15.4.20 Rent and utilities contribution – member occupying living-in accommodation overseas
15.4.21 Exemptions from rent and utilities contribution
Division 5: Reductions to rent and utilities contributions
15.4.22 Purpose
15.4.22A Posting to hardship locations
15.4.23 Maintaining a household in Australia
15.4.24 Substandard housing
15.4.25 Reductions of rent and utilities contribution during short-term hardship
Division 6: Household help and support
15.4.26 Purpose
15.4.27 Payment of benefits
15.4.28 Benefits not payable
15.4.30 Snow clearing
15.4.31 Household support for member safety
Annex 15.4.A: Rent group overseas
Annex 15.4.B: Rent and utilities contribution
Part 5: Excess health costs
Division 1: Eligible persons
15.5.4 Eligible person
15.5.5 Period of eligibility
Division 2: Benefits
15.5.6 Purpose
15.5.7 Medical costs
15.5.7A Minimum Thresholds
15.5.8 Hospital costs
15.5.9 Pharmaceutical costs
15.5.10 Pharmaceutical costs – health care card
15.5.11 Ancillary services
15.5.12 Dental costs for young children
15.5.13 Ambulance costs
15.5.14 Routine medical checks
Division 3: Special benefits for health-related travel
15.5.15 Purpose
15.5.16 Travel to another location for health care
15.5.17 Escort to accompany eligible person
15.5.18 Child to accompany eligible person
15.5.19 Commercial air travel for health care
15.5.19A Private vehicle use for health care
15.5.20 Living costs at another location during treatment
Division 4: Claiming health costs
15.5.21 Purpose
15.5.23 Assignment of rights to recover costs
15.5.24 Payment for health service instead of reimbursement
Part 6: Education assistance for children
Division 1: General provisions
15.6.1 Purpose
15.6.2 Member this Part applies to
15.6.3 Dual benefit exclusion
15.6.5 How benefits are paid
15.6.6 Amount repayable if member receives refund
Division 1A: Early childhood education assistance for children at the posting location
15.6.6A Purpose
15.6.6B Member this Division applies to
15.6.6C Member this Division does not apply to
15.6.6D Definitions
15.6.6E Activity hours
15.6.6F Eligibility
15.6.6G Rate of early childhood education assistance
15.6.6H Cessation of eligibility for early childhood education assistance
Division 2: Education assistance for children at the posting location
15.6.7 Member this Division applies to
15.6.8 Initial enrolment fees
15.6.9 Compulsory examination fees
15.6.10 Compulsory tuition fees
15.6.11 Member contribution
15.6.12 Excess school transport costs
15.6.13 Language and communication tuition
15.6.14 Remedial tuition
15.6.17 Child leaves Australia to attend school at posting location overseas
15.6.17A Mandatory COVID-19 testing
Division 2A: Education assistance for children at the posting location – School holiday programs
15.6.17B Definitions
15.6.17C Member this Division applies to
15.6.17D School holiday program costs
15.6.17E Reimbursement
Division 3: Education assistance for children overseas – special circumstances
15.6.18 Education assistance – inadequate education facilities
15.6.19 Travel benefit for child leaving posting location overseas
15.6.20 Accompanying a child to begin boarding school
Division 4: Education assistance for children in Australia
15.6.23 Member this Division applies to
15.6.24 Member this Division does not apply to
15.6.25 Initial enrolment fees
15.6.26 Compulsory tuition fees
15.6.27 Accommodation costs
15.6.28 Remedial tuition
15.6.29 Child leaves the posting location overseas to attend school in Australia
15.6.30 End of education assistance
Annex 15.6.A: Benchmark schools
Part 7: Foreign language training for partner
15.7.1 Purpose
15.7.1A Person this Part applies to
15.7.2 Foreign language training
Part 8: Club membership
15.8.1 Purpose
15.8.2 Member’s location and approved club
15.8.3 Member this Part applies to
15.8.4 Benefits in the member’s location
15.8.5 Additional club membership costs
15.8.6 Payment of benefit
Chapter 16: Overseas hardship locations
Part 1: General conditions and definitions
16.1.1 Purpose
16.1.2 Definitions
16.1.3 Provisional hardship location
16.1.4 Qualifying period
16.1.5 Member this Chapter applies to
16.1.6 Member this Chapter does not apply to
Part 2A: Location allowance
16.2A.1 Purpose
16.2A.2 Member this Part applies to
16.2A.3 Member this Part does not apply to
16.2A.3A Dual Commonwealth benefit rule
16.2A.3B Eligibility for location allowance
16.2A.4 Payment of location allowance
16.2A.5 Rate of allowance
16.2A.6 Location allowance eligibility ends
16.2A.7 Duty in another hardship location
Part 3A: Additional recreation leave
16.3A.1 Purpose
16.3A.2 Member this Part applies to
16.3A.3 Additional recreation leave
Part 4: Assisted leave travel
Division 1: Assisted leave travel benefit
16.4.1 Purpose
16.4.2 Definitions
16.4.3 Eligibility for assisted leave travel
16.4.4 Using assisted leave travel
16.4.5 Assisted leave travel benefit
16.4.6 Travel by private vehicle
16.4.7 Excess baggage
16.4.8 Substituted leave centre
Division 2: Calculating number of trips
16.4.9 Posting for the ordinary posting period
16.4.10 Posting longer than ordinary posting period
16.4.11 Posting shorter than ordinary posting period
Division 3: Offsetting assisted leave travel
16.4.12 Offsetting assisted leave travel
16.4.13 Reimbursement
Division 4: After travel
16.4.15 Recovery of travel costs
16.4.16 Proof of travel
Part 5: Accommodation on unavoidable stopovers
16.5.1 Purpose
16.5.3 Member this Part applies to
16.5.4 Member this Part does not apply to
16.5.5 Accommodation
16.5.6 Accommodation – conditions for payment of costs
16.5.7 Accommodation – Papua New Guinea stopover in Port Moresby
Part 7: Extraordinary costs
16.7.1 Purpose
16.7.2 Member this Part applies to
16.7.3 Extraordinary costs incurred at posting location
Part 8: Special location allowances
16.8.1 Purpose
16.8.2 Member this Part applies to
16.8.3 Allowances for selected Defence Attachés
16.8.5 Attraction allowance for Papua New Guinea
Annex 16.B: Hardship location conditions of service
Chapter 17: Warlike and non-warlike deployments
Part 1: General provisions
17.1.1 Purpose
17.1.3 Member this Chapter applies to
17.1.4 Limited application of this Chapter
Part 2: Eligibility to receive conditions of service
17.2.1 Purpose
17.2.1A Period of eligibility
Part 3: Conditions of service – overview
17.3.1 Introduction
17.3.2 Class of air travel – warlike and non-warlike deployments
Part 7: Allowances and leave
Division 1: Deployment allowance
17.7.3 Purpose
17.7.5 Member this Division applies to
17.7.6 Rate of allowance
17.7.7 Payment of allowance
17.7.8 Breaks in service
17.7.9 Eligibility for multiple rates
17.7.10 Member on transit through a specified area
17.7.11 Review of rates
17.7.12 Allowances that may be payable
Division 2: Civil practice support allowance
17.7.13 Purpose
17.7.14 Member this Division applies to
17.7.15 Rate of allowance
17.7.16 Period of service
Division 3: Non-warlike deployments – additional recreation leave
17.7.17 Purpose
17.7.18 Member this Division applies to
17.7.19 Rate of accrual
Division 4: Relief out-of-country travel fare assistance
17.7.21 Purpose
17.7.22 Destination
17.7.23 Conditions
17.7.24 Offsetting fare assistance
Volume 4